

Best Laid Plans      (PG-13)

Changing the Past 12/?     (PG-16) Unfinished

Deal with a Demon.     (PG-13)

Divine Intervention. 3/? (PG-13+) Unfinished

Dreaming of You     (R/N-17)

Second Chances. 1/?     (PG+) Unfinished

Starting Over 6/?     (R/N-17) Unfinished

That Dating Thing. 4/?     (R) Unfinished

Tired Promises. 3/?     (R/N-17) Unfinished

Unexpected Surprises.   Repost (PG-13)

Walk on Gilded Splinters.  ST Halloween Fic (N-17)

What We Don’t Know Can’t Hurt Us. 6/? (R) Unfinished

Wild Thing. 6/?     (R/N-17) Unfinished



A Sorta Fairytale.     (PG-13)

Blast From the Past. (PG-13)

Bloody Charades. (PG)


Downward Spiral.     (PG-13)

Girlfriend in a Coma. (PG-13)

If Your Heart’s Not In It. (PG-13)

Merry Christmas     (PG)

One Tequila, Two Tequila…     (R)

Sentimental Value     (PG-13)

Share My Pain. (PG-13)

Sky Blue and Black     (R)

Still a No-Boner. (PG-13)

The Consequences of Magic.

Worth Fighting For.      (R)

You’ve Already Won Me Over (PG-13)

Yet Another Surprise (PG-13) Sequel to Unexpected Surprises