
If you wish to have your site recced here, please send a site URL link to my email address (noted at bottom of Homepage)


Ribbons of Fiction: (Blog). Link pending

Angel Fanfiction Resources

Angel’s Archive – C/A Fiction.   New platform.

Archive of Our Own: Angel/Cordelia ChaseC/A fanfic.

“ca_atlast LJ Comm

Chipmunk Robots On Ice: fanlisting

Darkness & Daylight- Lysa’s personal C/A Fanfic/Art site. 




DarkStarFic. B/A site links amongst other links. Why not? we are all fans of the show/s 🙂 

Essay– And When the Sky Was Opened: The Passion of Cordelia Chase.

Fanlore. “Welcome to the Fanlore wiki!”

Just Fic – C/A. C/A Fanfic Archive (Connected with Stranger-Things)

Layout Whore (Live Journal)

Loony Archivist/QueenScribes: Fanfiction

Secrets of Angel  Fanfic Archive.

SKauble’s C/A Fanfiction & other fandom fic

Stranger-Things – Cordy-centric forum with C/A fiction

Tales from a FanGirl  (Live Journal)

The Wolfs Moon (LJ)

xlivvielockex. (Live Journal)

Handy Site Links…

HostDime (the Host I’ve used since the year dot. Highly recommend.)

Amateur to Amateur. (Re: fanfic) Tell Me a Story Forum (various fandoms/pairings)

AVG- a free Edition antivirus


Spybot-Search & Destroy


VirginMedia Download Time Calculator  – a tool designed to estimate the time required to download your files based on their size and internet speed.



Firefox Browser

Open Office

Animal Rescue – click (free) to feed an animal

click (free) to feed the hungry

SKWAWKBOX: (UK News Blog)  Written to try to present information and analysis that will rarely make it into the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit their agenda and the narrative they want to present.

The Canary: (UK)  ‘Fresh, Fearless Independent Journalism

Vox Political ~ politics for the people (UK Blog)