Humanity Strikes
Title: Shan-Shu Series; Humanity Strikes! Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG Category: Humour Content: C/A Summary: Angel experiences humanity. Spoilers: Disclaimer: The characters…
Title: Shan-Shu Series; Humanity Strikes! Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG Category: Humour Content: C/A Summary: Angel experiences humanity. Spoilers: Disclaimer: The characters…
Title: Hand-To-Hand… Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG-13 Category: Major Fluff Content: C/A Summary: Sequel to Eye-To-Eye (2). Tentative beginnings. Spoilers: Disclaimer: The…
Title: Flurry Author: Scorch Posted: Jan (?) 2007 Email Rating: NC-18 Category: PWP Content: C/A all the way Summary: A continuation of sorts…
*** Against her slender back, the mattress was warm and soft in a complete contradiction to the hard kitchen table and she welcomed…
Title: Food Of Love Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: Take a wild guess… (N-17!) Category: Again, take a wild guess… Content: Do I…
Title: Five O’clock Shadow Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: N-17 Category: Smut Content: C/A Summary: 16 + pages of pointless smut. Spoilers: Disclaimer:…
Title: Falling Author: Scorch Posted: Jan 2007 Email Rating: NC-18 Category: PWP Content: C/A all the way Summary: What’s a little bed sharing…
Title: Eye-To-Eye…(2) Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG Category: Major Fluff Content: C/A Summary: Across a crowded library, their eyes met…! Angel’s POV….
Title: Eye-To-Eye… Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG-13 Category: Major Fluff Content: B/A… Only Joking! *smiles evilly* C/A Summary: Across a crowded library,…
Title: Cordy’s Secrets Author: Scorchy Posted: Email Rating: N-17 Category: More pointless smutty humour Content: C/A Summary: these vignettes are part of a…