Christmas Kisses
Title: Christmas Kisses Author: Sunscorched Posted: 12/04 Rating: PG Email Category: Fluff Content: C/A Summary: This is Setje’s Christmas fic Spoilers: Disclaimer: The…
Title: Christmas Kisses Author: Sunscorched Posted: 12/04 Rating: PG Email Category: Fluff Content: C/A Summary: This is Setje’s Christmas fic Spoilers: Disclaimer: The…
Title: Boy Needs Some Colour Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG Category: Humour Content: C/Aus Summary: Angelus gets some colour! Spoilers: Disclaimer: The…
Title: Book and Dagger Author: Scorch Email Rating: PG-13 Category: Content: C/A Summary: And Buffy thought she had bad timing. (S3) Disclaimer: I…
Title: All You Need Author: Scorchy Posted: Rating: PG Email Category: Pure pointless fluff Content: C/A Summary: Sometimes it is all you need!…
Title: After Dinner Mint part 2 Author: Scorchy Posted: Email Rating: N-17 Category: More pointless smutty humour Content: C/A Summary: these vignettes are…
Title: After Dinner Mint part 1 Author: Scorchy Posted: Email Rating: N-17 Category: More pointless smutty humour Content: C/A Summary: these vignettes are…
Title: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG-13 Category: POV’s/Tear-Jerker (I hope!) Content: B/A (trust me) C/A Summary:…
Title: Here’s to Hoping Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG-13 Category: Mild Angst (funny for us!) Angel’s POV Content: B/A (trust me) C/A…
Title: The Oscar Goes To… Author: Scorch Posted: Email Rating: PG-13 Category: Tear-Jerker/ POV Content: B/A (trust me) C/A soon. Summary: Cordelia has…
Part 9, First Time For Everything Even though Angel lived on the other side of town, Cordelia’s steadily simmering fury got her there…