The Necklace. 73-75

Chapter Seventy-three “There,” Cordelia pointed. Angel looked at the rolling meadow. In the middle of the grass sat a very old Indian. Without…

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The Necklace. 68-72

Chapter Sixty-eight Angel paused as they got closer to the opening at the end of the tunnel. He grabbed Cordelia by the forearms…

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The Necklace. 62-67

Chapter Sixty-two Angel was lost in the intense sensations running through his body at the feel of Cordelia’s warmth against him. He thought…

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The Necklace. 57-61

Chapter Fifty-seven “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Wesley looked around. The huge hotel would be next to impossible to defend…

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The Necklace. 53-56

Chapter Fifty-three “There,” Gunn pointed to a solid steel door. “Yes,” Wesley winced as he heard the sounds of gasps and whimpering through…

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The Necklace. 47-52

Chapter Forty-seven “Angel, Angel what is it?” yelled Wesley, running down the basement stairs. “Angel,” he called again. Wesley jerked to a stop…

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The Necklace. 43-46

Chapter Forty-three “Where’s Cordelia,” Angel growled. His temper was being held together by a fragile thread. Every instinct, every desire in his undead…

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The Necklace. 37-42

Chapter Thirty-seven The sudden flash of light and burst of flame shocked John out of his drugged induced trance. His eyes stung, reddened…

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The Necklace. 33-36

Chapter Thirty-three Angel stood outside Dr. Red Bear’s house. The front door lay shattered on the porch from the force of Angel’s kick….

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The Necklace. 27-32

Chapter Twenty-seven John sat in his car, fidgeting with the strings of a small leather pouch. The bag was filled with a strong…

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