Hand in Hand. 2

Chapter 2 It was often said that it took a special person to really appreciate working the graveyard shift. Typically it meant a…

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Hand in Hand. 1

Title: Hand in Hand Author: Nickle Posted: 07-02-2008 Rating: Overall, R Email Category: Angsty, humorous, adventuresome froth. Content: C/A Summary: Giles discovers a…

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In the Dark. 14

Chapter 14 All time stopped. The air was thick and silent, and Angel felt his chest constrict as the silken shirt slipped from…

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In the Dark. 13

Chapter 13 Cordelia stood in front of her dresser, staring at her reflection. Her hair was a tangle from her bat out of…

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In the Dark. 12

Chapter 12 The phone rang. And rang. And rang. It rang 27 times before it stopped. Cordy knew, because she counted. She sat…

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In the Dark. 11

Chapter 11 Angel strolled downstairs Friday afternoon, his eyes looking about for Cordy before his foot even hit the bottom stair. The lobby…

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In the Dark. 10

Chapter 10 Lorne grinned down at Cordelia. “S’matter, sweets? Tequila not on the menu tonight?” Cordelia shuddered, ignoring Wesley’s chuckle. “No, no, no….

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In the Dark. 9

Chapter 9 Cordelia breezed into the Hyperion, heels clicking across the lobby as she walked into the office. She set the drink carrier…

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In the Dark. 8

Chapter 8 She slowly stalked across the lobby towards him, feline grace and leggy charm. Her hazel eyes locked onto his, sending tremors…

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In the Dark. 7

Chapter 7 Wesley gritted his teeth and yelped, the fiery pain lancing through his body with all the fury of… “Oh, for God’s…

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