Searching for Happily Ever After. 21-25

Chapter 21
Randall studied the young unconscious woman bound to the bed. Power. The woman had power, one that she obviously was unaware of or she would have tossed him around the room sooner. There was more to Cordelia Chase than met the eyes.

It was pity that she was Angel’s true love and had to die. He flicked his finger against the syringe. He couldn’t take the risk of her waking up and doing it again. Randall frowned as he glanced at the now empty syringe.

He didn’t want Cordelia to overdose before the culmination of his plan. Randall would just have to speed things up.


Angel examined the iron gate surrounding the first estate on Fred’s list. He jumped and landed firmly on the other side. His pace slowed, as he got closer to the house. The sound of loud music and the scent of several humans penetrated the air. Angel growled in frustration. Angel doubted seriously that Randall would be throwing a party.

But still, he had to be sure. Angel’s growl became louder as the imagines that accompanied the sounds and smelled unfolded.

Before him, was the best example of debauchery that he had seen since Angelus feasted in the saloons of Europe. Music and bodies surround the torch lit pool. Light from the flames flicked on coupling bodies. Other humans wandered around the patio in various state of dress, swaying from the effects of the music, alcohol and Angel sniffed the air again, drugs. But, not the drugs he was looking for.

“Hey, darling, a little late for the party.”

Angel stiffened as an intoxicated topless woman approached. “But I’m glad you came, or will come.” The woman lurched and winked.

“Who lives here?”

“Bobby? You don’t know Bobby? Everyone knows Bobby. Are you a gate jumper?” The woman sidled up closer to Angel. “Don’t worry, honey. You’ll be welcomed. You’re yummy.” She winked again.

Angel stepped back, the overindulgences that tainted the woman’s scent disgusted him. “How long has Bobby lived here?”

“Well, the party started on Tuesday. Let’s get you wet. I’m all ready wet.” The woman moved closer tugging at Angel’s duster.

Angel winced and knocked away her questing hands. It took all of his self-control not to throw the woman across the yard. Cordelia wasn’t here. Angel growled. He had wasted precious darkness. It would be dawn soon.

“Hey, where are going?” The woman called after the retreating vampire.


Fred circled the plain brown package. Her heart hadn’t stopped pounding since she took the parcel from the delivery boy.

Fred had tried to be forceful and demand that boy tell her something of value. But, either he thought she was ridiculous or he didn’t know anything, because she still didn’t have any information to tell Angel.

Tell Angel? Should she call him? Angel had been anxious to search the addresses in Bel Air. Fred twirled her hair nervously. The package scared her. She couldn’t bring herself to open it.

What if it was a body part? The thought of Cordelia being cut up made her sick to her stomach. Where was Wesley? She had called him ten minutes ago.

“Fred.” Wesley and Gunn hurried in.

Fred said nothing but pointed at the plain box.

“Has Angel called?” Wesley just stared. Fred shook her head. “I didn’t know whether to call him.” Fred started to wring her hands. “I probably should have called him. “

Wesley took off his glasses and started to rub them aggressively. “It will be dawn soon, he should be on his way back. You did fine, Fred.”

“Well, are you going to open it?” Gunn circled the desk, his eyes never leaving the container. “Find out what part of Cordy, Mr. Sicko Revenge has sent this time.”

“Gunn.” Wesley glared as he saw Fred pale.

The young black man shrugged apologetically towards Fred.

Wesley sighed and wiped at his lenses again. Wesley didn’t know what to do. He had no desire to see what Randall had in store for Angel this time. But, then again, they had to know. And maybe if he saw it, he could just tell Angel. That way Angel wouldn’t have to experience the torment.

The vampire was wound up way too tight as it was. Wesley wasn’t sure how much more Angel could take. Sooner rather than later, the vampire was going to explode. Maybe it would be for the best if they opened it before Angel returned. Still, Wesley just sat and stared.

His heart and head began to ache. Please let this just be another taunt. Randall couldn’t have killed Cordelia. Angel wasn’t the only one that was ready to explode. They had to find her.

Angel stood silent, taking in the three tense humans sitting around a brown package. He could smell their fear and anxiety. Angel remembered the time when he would have rejoiced in such terror. He would enjoy such scent again, when it rolled off Randall in waves as Angel ripped him from limb from limb.

“When did it come?”

The three humans jumped, startled.

Wesley was the first to recover. “About twenty minutes ago. Again, the delivery boy knew nothing.” Wesley got out of the vampire’s way as Angel went straight for the package.

Wesley held his breath as Angel pulled out a bloody bundle wrapped in wax paper.

“Motherfu…” Gunn’s curse was interrupted as Fred stumbled into his body. The black man caught the shaking woman.

“Angel.” Wesley started to breathe again as he watched Angel pull out the human heart. Wesley had to believe that it wasn’t Cordelia’s; otherwise Wesley was sure that Angel would be doing more than just studying the organ. But he needed Angel to confirm it.

“It’s not Cordelia’s.”

“How does he do that?” Fred said from the crook of Gunn’s arm.

“If he tastes it, I’m losing it. Aw man, that’s just sick.” Gunn looked away.

“Gunn, shut up.” Wesley glared.

Angel took his bloody finger from his mouth. “There are no chemicals. And it’s fairly fresh. Two days at the most.”


“I said shut up.” Wesley turned back to Angel a hopeful expression on his face. “Angel, if it came from a hospital or morgue, then there would be chemicals. And unless, Randall killed the victim himself, he would have had to gotten it from a demon vendor. And…”

“And there are only two that I know of that deal with fresh human hearts.” Angel opened his fist and stared at the bloody mess. Blood had never looked so unappetizing. He grabbed at a paper towel and wiped furiously. “Let’s go.”

Wesley didn’t even try to suggest that Angel might be going on a fool’s errand. The prospect of a lead was too needed.

Wesley pulled aside Gunn. “Charles, I know that you still have some issues with Angel being a vampire. But, I also know that you care about Cordelia.”

“Of course I do, man.” Gunn jerked away.

Wesley pulled the young black man back. “And as such, you will cease with anymore derogatory comments towards Angel. It is not helping. I am not telling you this as your friend, but as your boss. We can be nothing less than a cohesive team during this ordeal. If you can’t, then you’re fired. Understood.”

Gunn stared at Wesley. “I…it was gross…But, I’m cool.” Gunn said. “I’m with the team and with Angel.”

“Angel is a part of the team.”

“I’m with it.” The black man defended.

“Good.” Wesley went after Angel.

Fred held out her hand stopping Gunn. “Charles, Wesley is serious.”

“I don’t hate Angel. I like him.”

“I know.” Fred patted the black man’s arm. “Now, go and help Angel get Cordy back.”

Chapter 22

Cordelia really wished that she would either stay awake or stay asleep. This trying to reorient herself was getting tiresome. She grimaced as she opened her eyes.

Blackness surrounded her. She had no idea where she was. Cordelia closed her eyes again trying to feel her limbs. Her body was pressed down on something hard. She was no longer on the bed. Cordelia flinched. Her arms and legs were strapped down. She couldn’t move her head.

Something hard and plastic was attached to her mouth. She gasped; air was forced into her lungs. Cordelia tried to expand her body. Tendrils of fear started to grow in the pit of her stomach as her shoulders pushed up against a hard barrier.

Cordelia was locked in a box. Cordelia’s breathing became rapid. If Randall had buried her alive, he was so dead. Cordelia tried to control her panic as well as her breaths. Randall obviously packed her with oxygen, but how much. How long did she have? Cordelia didn’t want to die like this, not in a ready-made coffin, not in the hands of a madman.

Not without doing something, but what? Silent tears wetted her face. Angel. The sound of her plea echoed in her mind.


“That was too easy.” Wesley had hoped that their visit to one of the butcher shops would produce a lead, but he hadn’t expected to be handed Randall’s address. Angel hadn’t even needed to get violent with the demon. He just growled and the shopkeeper handed the information over.

Granted, Angel could be very intimidating without actually breaking any bones, but still the demon’s painless acquiescence was unexpected and somewhat suspicious.


“I’m going.”

“Of course, but it could be a trap. Randall has obviously planned this out. He wants you there. The heart was his last taunt.”

Angel smiled slowly. “Well, then he’s in luck, because I will be there. I want to be there.”

“Angel, hold on a minute.” Wesley pulled out his ringing cell phone.


Fred twittered nervously at the strange man. Why did everything happen when she was alone? First the heart, now this. She was just wasn’t ready to handle all these surprises yet. Fred bit her lip, what she wouldn’t give for an iota of Cordy’s courage and confidence.

Oh, hell, what she wouldn’t give to have Cordelia back. It had been so long since Fred had people to care about. For the five horrid years that she was trapped in Plyea, all Fred could do was keep a semblance of her sanity, and sometimes she wasn’t exactly sure how well she accomplished that. Friends weren’t a luxury she was allowed in that hell dimension. She had forgotten how important they were to a person’s well being.

But, here with Angel, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn, she found friends and her sanity. Sure, she was still nervous, but she knew what was real, now. Fred couldn’t bear to lose any of them. They were too important.

“Um. Are you sure, you don’t want something to drink, coffee, and tea? Anything?”

The strange man shook his head. Dark hair brushed his shoulders.

“Angel and the others should be back soon. I called them.” Fred said unnecessarily. The man had watched her intently as she punched in the numbers and babbled into the phone. He hadn’t said anything, since he entered asking for the Warrior of the Light.

He just sat there with his large dark trench coat wrapped around him, his pale eyes never leaving Fred once his precursory gaze finished with the hotel’s lobby.

Suddenly the man stood and faced the basement door. Fred scrambled to her feet as Angel came through the door.

“Um, Angel…”

“Warrior, where is the defiler of the Grail?” The man interrupted the beginning of Fred’s explanation.

Angel stopped. “Who are you? Better yet, what are you?” Angel had never experienced the man’s scent before. It wasn’t demon or human. The closest Angel ever came was when he was in the present of the oracles.

“I am Joseph, the Guardian of the Holy Grail, the last of the Knights Templar.”

“So, the Holy Grail is a myth,” Gunn raised his brows at Wesley and sat on the corner of the desk. “Tell that to the escapee from the ‘Flying Circus’.

Fred tugged at Gunn’s sleeve.

“Later.” He whispered.

“I don’t have time for this.” Confusing scent and rhetoric aside, Angel had more pressing matters to deal with, starting with the recovery of Cordelia and then the killing of Randall.

“Demon, you’re a Warrior of the Light, a perplexing choice a demon, but you have the soul of warrior and the duty. You must help me return the Grail to its sanctuary.”

“I don’t know what you are and don’t care. And my only ‘duty’ is to save Cordy.”

“A woman? The Holy Grail is what must be saved, not some woman.”

“Oh dear,” Fred bit her fingernail.

Angel’s hands shot out grasping at the man’s throat and just as quickly Angel’s body was thrown back, his hands engulfed in flames.

“Your soul is not yet purified, demon. You cannot touch me.” Joseph’s form glowed, his trench coat disappearing. In its place a long white tunic emblazoned with a large red cross covered his body.

“Shit.” Gunn ran to the burning vampire extinguishing the flames with the material of his sweatshirt.

“That’s enough of that.” Wesley held a crossbow towards the Knight.

“You can not kill me.”

“How about decapitation? Wesley?” Fred held out a long sword.

“You do not work for the Powers.”

“Yeah, we do, but we don’t appreciate you trying to toast one of our team.” Gunn helped Angel to his feet.

“Yeah, and Cordy isn’t just some woman, she’s a hero and has visions.” Fred said.

Joseph turned suddenly to the vampire. “The defiler has your seer? You let him take your link to the Light. He has the Grail and the seer. It‘s good that I came. We will retrieve the Grail and your seer.”

Joseph swirled his arm, the trench coat appeared once again and large broadsword appeared in his hand. “It has been over seven centuries since my sword has tasted blood in the righteous name of Christ.”

“The princess said it once, hell more than once, but I’ll say it again, things just ain’t normal around here.”

“Seven centuries, wow, he’s older than Angel. Angel‘s file says he was turned in 1753 and if you don‘t count the twenty-six years he was mortal…, or do you? Wesley, do you count from the birth or the death and which birthday do you use? I mean becoming a vampire really isn’t a birth, thought it is a start of new type life, unlife, so it’s kind of a birthday. Do you know?” Fred bobbed.

“QUIET” All but Joseph jumped at Angel’s roar. “Quiet.” Angel said again this time lower. He had felt it again. Cordelia. She was calling to him. It was more than just his need to have her near. It was something else, he tried to concentrate to broaden the connection, but it disappeared again just as quickly as it came.

“Let’s go.”

“Wesley,” Fred ran up to the boss of Angel’s Investigation. “Is this it? Do you know where Cordelia’s is?”

“We believe so.”

“I want to go, please.”

Wesley gazed down at the plea and determination of the young woman’s face. “You will do exactly as I say.”

Fred nodded and ran towards the weapon’s cabinet after Gunn and Angel. Suddenly she stopped unsure. “I don’t have a weapon.”

“Here.” Wesley handed her a big wooden club sharpened at the end. “You have a good swing. Gunn.”

Gunn nodded at Wesley’s unspoken order. “Come on girl, you’ll be my sidekick, but when I say move.”

“I’ll move. This is like a fairytale. Well, in fairytales the knight is the hero, but now Angel’s the hero, like Wesley, the man in black, Angel wears black, though in a story he would go alone, “ Fred frowned then smiled.

“The man in black had help, like we’ll help Angel save Cordelia. We’re all going to save the princess. It‘s a modern fairytale.” Fred smiled happy with interpretation of the upcoming events.

“Yeah, with an definite unique AI twist.” Gunn muttered.

Chapter 23

Gunn drove the group to Randall’s.

“Angel, are you sure that your hands are all right.” Fred turned to the back seat. She was squeezed in between Gunn and Wesley.

Angel held up his injured hands. The blisters had already disappeared, leaving a bright redness. He clenched his fingers, showing Fred that his hands would be completely healed soon. Fred smiled and nodded.

“Joseph, assuming what you say is true, how is it that Randall got access to the Grail?” Wesley turned to the other man in the back seat.

“I speak the truth. The defiler entered in the Sanctuary, his cause just.”

“Just?” Gunn looked up at the rear view mirror. “Just? The man has Cordy and what he’s planning ain’t just- its badness in the extreme.”

Angel’s dark eyes met Gunn’s in the mirror. Gunn acknowledged Angel with a small nod and then he smacked the steering wheel. “And he’s up for some major ass kicking.”

“He had the seal. He was able to see the Grail. His faith was true.”

“I have to agree with Gunn, Randall’s revenge and kidnapping of an innocent young woman is not the act of a just man. Which I believe evidences that the Grail is not real, but that object Randall utilized was in fact the Cauldron of Adsagsona.”

“The Holy Grail is real. It was handed to me by Joseph of Arimatha and for seven centuries I have had the blessed duty to stand guard.”

Angel closed his eyes tuning out the Wesley and the stranger’s comments. Angel could care less about any of it. Holy Grail, Cauldron of Adsagsona, what did it matter? The only thing that mattered was finding Cordelia. Angel brought the dark strands that he still possessed to his face. If he concentrated he could still capture the slight scent.

“Well, you did a helluva job, maybe it’s time to retire.”

“Seven centuries. You’ve been alive just watching the Holy Grail? Hasn’t that been boring? I was in a cave for five years and it was boring- when I wasn’t trying to survive or find away to escape that is.”

“Boring it? It was divine work, I read the bible, prayed…and played a lot of solitaire.”

“I didn’t have any cards, but I did make up a rock game.”

“I must return the Grail.”

“So, now you’re admitting that Randall isn’t so just or righteous. Couldn’t you have figured it out earlier?”

For the first time, the Knight appeared less than confident. “His cause just, his heart wounded. He saw the Grail. I allowed for him to drink for his heart to be healed, so that he could find peace in the knowledge of the Divine. Yet, as soon as he drank, the seal and the Grail disappeared along with him. I was wrong it was not the Divine he was searching for, but the means for revenge. He has defiled the purpose of the Holy Grail.”

“That’s because there is no purpose, except that of magic. Joseph of Arimatha didn’t place the Holy Grail in your hands but the Cauldron of Adsagsona.”

“Wesley, why can’t they be one in the same?”

“They can be, I guess, Fred. But it isn’t the blood of Christ that gives the relic its power of immorality but Druid magic. Obviously, it doesn’t have the ability to distinguish between good or evil purposes.”

“You have no faith. How can you be on the side of the Light and not have faith?”

Wesley shook his head. “I have faith. I have faith in good and the Powers. The battle of good vs. evil is universal. Not limited to one particular religion or dogma. I have faith in knowledge. My faith is fine.”

Angel wished they all would shut up. He concentrated harder on blocking their voices. A theology debate is not what he needed. His fist clenched as his eyes closed tighter. He needed silence. In the silence, possibly he would find Cordelia.

Chapter 24

Cordelia was having more and more difficulty keeping calm. Her sense of time was degenerating. She had no idea of how long she had been entombed. Cordelia was going to die.

It was no longer just a fear, but a reality that she would have to accept. Angel wouldn’t find her in time. The supply of air was running out. And she was helpless. Anger and panic overwhelmed her. She didn’t want to die. Cordelia wouldn’t accept it.

Energy and power grew within her as her rage intensified. With a burst the straps that bound her snapped, the box cracked.

Cordelia didn’t know what happened but her arms and legs were free. Her relief was quickly dimmed as she felt the first brush of dirt on her face. The bastard had buried her alive. She started to choke. Whatever had happened, whatever she had done had cracked the mask around her face. Frantically, she struck out at the top of the box, trying to break through. Angel, her mind screamed as her pounding became weaker.


“Faster.” Angel yelled. He had sensed Cordelia again. Her panic and fear overwhelmed him. They had to hurry.


Gunn pulled up along side of a large stonewall. Bricks and iron prevented them from entering the estate. Or at least it prevented the humans. Angel was over the wall in an instant. Joseph exited the car. His overcoat disappearing as he moved to the wall.

Joseph turned to the remaining group of the car. Chain mail and the long white tunic glowed in the darkness. The red of the large cross shimmered. “The Grail is here.” Joseph walked to the wall, his form blending through the stone.

Gunn looked at the gate and wall, then Wesley. “Here we go again. You wanta try. Sometimes, it sucks being human.”

“We’re not staying behind. Joseph.” Wesley called to the Knight. Angel had already disappeared into the darkness.

Joseph stalled and looked back through the iron bars of the gate. His sword swung through the air, sparks filled the air as metal sliced through metal. “Come.”

“That’s better.” Gunn, Wesley and Fred squeezed through the break in the gate.

The trio quickly followed behind the Knight.

Chapter 25

Angel ran leaping over the hedges that surrounding the patio. With a forceful kick the doors shattered. He rushed to the doorway; he was forced back as the invisible barrier prevented his entry. No. With rage he pushed again. Frustration filled his being. Angel had to get in. In there was where he would find Cordelia.

“Angel, we’ll go in and bring him out, if he’s there.” Breathlessly, the former watcher reassured the vampire.

“Or we’ll just beat the shit out of him until he offers an invite.” Gunn said from behind. “We’ll get you in.”

“Where’s your faith, Warrior? If you have faith, if you are righteous, then the demon can’t stop your mission.” Joseph stood back, the paleness of his eyes glowed in the night.

Faith wasn’t something Angel was sure he had. He believed in the good as he believed in the evil of the world. He had seen both, experienced both, been both. But faith, what faith did he have? His belief in the god of his childhood had long been obliterated. Did Angel have faith in his mission, his redemption?

There were times that he had doubted. But, ultimately, Angel did believe in the goodness of his mission, but his own redemption? It may never happen, it wouldn’t happen if he didn’t have hope. And his hope was with Cordelia.

It was her faith in him, cloaked in her acceptance and friendship that enabled him to believe. She had become his faith, his strength. Angel would save her. Without other thought except finding Cordelia, Angel strode through the barrier.


Randall was waiting for them in one of the large rooms on the first floor.

“So much for your needing a proper invitation.”

Angel stopped, glanced once at the man and turned to examine the room, trying to sense any trace of Cordelia.

The blonde man turned to the Knight Templar. “Is that your doing?”

The Knight shook his head. “He is a brethren, a Warrior of the Light, he needs not my help.”

Angel growled as a caught a slight whiff of Cordelia’s scent. He ran to the stairs, not stopping until he reached the room that had once held her.

“Come on, Bub, she better be up there alive and well.” Gunn grabbed at Randall as Wesley grabbed the man’s other arm. Both pushed him after Angel.

“You’re human, how can you follow a vampire?”

Gunn smacked Randall upside the head. “He’s a helluva better man than you, crazy son of a bitch.”

“Angelus and Darla killed my family. My actions are just.”

“Yes, truly regretful, but you obviously know that Angel now has a soul. Which makes your righteous actions, nothing more than hateful revenge.” Wesley said.

“The soul does not wash away his crimes, he needs to pay.”

“He is paying and Cordelia doesn’t need to pay for anything.” Wesley angrily dragged him into the room.

Angel was standing the middle of the room, a pillow firmly gripped between his hands. He turned as the others came in. “Where is she?”

“I will never tell you. You will suffer her loss. As I suffered mine.”

“Not a smart answer.” Gunn’s opportunity to smack Randall again was taken away as Angel charged. Gunn and Wesley quickly moved as the blonde man went crashing into the wall, Angel’s hands clutched around his neck.

“Really, not a smart answer.” Fred whispered.

Gunn nodded and pulled the young woman further away from the angry vampire and Randall. “This could get ugly.”

Angel jerked Randall’s body back only to slam the man’s head against the wood of the wall. “Where is she?” Angel let Randall fall to the floor.

Randall looked up, a small trickle of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth. He laughed. “You can’t kill me and I won’t tell.” He braced himself up with his hands, until he stood. “This is your Warrior of Light, look at him, he is a demon, soul or not.” Randall pointed to Angel’s vampire visage.

“Angelus with a soul, a Warrior of the Light. It’s an abomination to God. He is a devil and he will suffer my wrath. Just as Darla has, her and her brat. Or are you going to tell me her devil spawn was the second coming.” Randal sneered.

“You are the abomination. Taking the gift of the Grail and mutating it for a path of darkness. The demon is not Angel. His soul is who he is.”

“Did he just say he killed Darla…and her brat? He’s talking about a vamp she turned right? Vamps can’t have little vamps, right? I mean they’re dead right?” Gunn said quietly.

“Whose Darla?” Fred whispered.

“Of course, vampires can’t have children.” Wesley said.

“Whew, good, for a minute there I pictured a hellish romper room, with blood instead of finger-paint scattered on the walls.”

Angel’s game face flickered as he heard Randall’s words. Darla pregnant? Impossible. He growled and drew his sword. “There’s always a catch in any immortality clause. WHERE IS CORDELIA?” Angel’s blade rested against Randall’s throat, Angel’s demon fully in evidence.

“The Grail won’t allow you to kill me. And torture, it won’t work. You can’t hurt me anymore than you have already. And when you’re tired, I’ll still be here. And by then, you will be alone. You’ll never find your true love, not in time. It hurts doesn’t the feeling of ultimate suffering.” Randall laughed bitterly.

Angel stilled. Randall was telling the truth, he feared nothing. He wouldn’t tell where Cordelia was hidden. Angel growled. Torture would take too long. Randall thought he couldn’t die. Well, he could and he would.

“Angel.” Metal clanked in the air as Joseph’s broadsword blocked the swing of Angel’s blade. “The defiler is my responsibility. His pain is real, his anger valid. It is his corruption of the Grail that must be dealt with. It is that which will damn him, do not let your need for revenge damn you too. Go find your seer.”

Angel growled and lowered his weapon, resisting his demon’s need to kill. The Knight was right. Angel had to find Cordelia. There would be time to take his vengeance, once he found Cordelia. And if she were dead, his vengeance would take a very long time.

“Wes, don’t let him leave.” Angel took in a deep breath capturing the remnants of Cordelia’s scent and rushed from the room.

Gunn looked questioningly at Wesley. Wesley turned to the Knight Templar.

“Your place is at his side. I will be with Randall.”

“Angel wants him to remain.”

“His demon wants Randall to remain, so he can extract vengeances. Which is more important? His need for revenge or Angel’s need for his friends?”

Wesley took off after Angel. Gunn and Fred followed close behind.

Chapter 26

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