Betrayal. Book Two. 10-12

Part 10

“She hit me, Cordy, a lot.” Angel grumbled following Cordelia into her apartment.

“Get over it, Angel.”

“But, I was saving her. What kind of gratitude is that?” Angel shrugged off his coat.

“Angel, you’re pouting.” She leaned up and kissed him.

“Am not.” He mumbled, pulling her closer.

“You’re my hero, okay.”

“Okay.” He smiled his lips descended again. The couple jerked apart at the repeated slamming of the bedroom door.

“Dennis,” Cordelia turned, puzzled at the opening and closing door.

Angel glanced around the room, his senses taking in the surrounding, cataloging all the usual scents, focusing on the unknown. “Cordy,” he pushed the young woman behind him.


“Someone’s been in here,” the bedroom door stopped its movement, staying in the opened position. “Human.” Angel added.

“Dennis seems to agree,” Cordelia bit her lip, following Angel into the bedroom.

Angel scrutinized the room, his sharp gaze focusing on the object lying on the middle of the bed.
Cordelia followed his stare. “Is that what I think it is?”

Angel nodded, picking up the electrical equipment. “Recording equipment. Dennis.”

The ghost threw a pillow at a broken panel over the door and then the yellow pages flew onto the bed, pages flipping until reaching the page labeled ‘Pest Control.”

Angel growled heading for the door.

“Where are you going?” Cordelia’s eyes still focused on the equipment. It was creepy thinking that someone could’ve been spying on her in her bedroom if Dennis hadn’t been there.


“Of course, Angel, let’s go back to the hotel first. If Wolfram & Hart bugged me then they probably have also tried to bug the others.”

Angel jerked a nod. “Is this it, Dennis?”

The equipment floated the offensive material into the trashcan.

“I think that means yes. Thanks, Dennis.” Cordelia smiled to the breeze in the air.


“Pineapple?” Gunn opened the hotel door, allowing Fred and the pizza box she carried to duck under his arm into the lobby.

“Cordy likes Pineapple. I don’t understand it, either, but she’ll probably be hungry later.”

“Fruit ain’t suppose to be on Pizza, Wes man, you agree right?”

“I would’ve have agree,” Wesley followed the other two into the hotel, stopping when he saw the occupant sitting on the circular couch of the lobby.


The teenager stood up.

“Is this good or bad,” Fred whispered.

“I hope good.” Gunn walked up with Wesley putting his body between Fred and the teenager.

“I was watching.”

“Yeah, we heard. What do you want?” Gunn asked. “Fred call Angel and Cordy, make sure that they’re at her apartment and not in a box somewhere.”

Fred blinked, scrambling to balance the pizza and grab at the cell phone Gunn held out to her.
“I didn’t do anything to him or her. I found this.” Connor stepped aside.

Wesley moved closer finally seeing the two crumpled bodies on the floor and the electronic equipment beside them.

Gunn stepped up quickly. “Exterminators- again, with their own bugs. No imagination.”

Wesley leaned down checking the men’s pulse. “They’re alive.”

“I didn’t kill them, they’re human.”

Wesley looked up. “Connor what happened?”

“Hey, Guys,” Cordelia and Angel ran into the hotel.

“Connor,” Angel stopped.

The teenager said nothing.

Angel moved slowly into the room. Angel stared at his son then went to the bodies on the floor. “What happened?”

“Connor, I hope, was about to explain in detail. But, it is obvious that they were here to bug the hotel and Connor prevented them.”

“Connor.” Angel took a hesitant step. Cordelia came up next to the vampire.

Connor took a deep breath. “I was watching, saw them come in. I’d never seen them before, but I had seen what they were carrying. It was the same as what he destroyed,” pointing to Wesley, “in that room.”

Wesley nodded. “Surveillance equipment. Connor, did you see if they installed anymore.”

Connor shook his head. “I followed them in, they were going upstairs to his bedroom,” he pointed to Angel.

A sick feeling filled Cordelia’s stomach as she heard the boy’s reply. She debated internally for a moment, not wanting to start Wesley’s lectures or speculation, but she had to.

She looked at Angel and threw down the equipment she had retrieved from her trashcan before leaving her apartment. “They tried to bug me too, Dennis disabled it and left it for us to find.”

Wesley rose. “Where?”

Cordelia looked to the ceiling. “Bedroom.”

“Bedroom.” Wesley repeated.

“Yeah, I know what you are thinking Wesley.”

“And you would be right, Cordelia.” Wesley shook his head.

Angel growled. “I’m going to talk to Lilah.”

“There is no need to Angel.” Wesley shook his head.

Angel glared at Wesley. “Scared that I’ll hurt her.”

“Angel. It’s unnecessary. We know why- and now they failed. What we need to do is get rid of them,” pointing to the bodies on the floor.

“We’re not going to question them.” Gunn asked. “And what do we know?”

“Wesley.” Angel growled.

“Angel, it’s obvious Wolfram & Hart have switched their focus to the possibility of Angelus emerging.”

“Angelus,” Connor stepped forward, his gaze hard and questioning.

“It won’t happen.” Angel growled.

“The possibility exists as long as you two,” Wesley pointed to Cordelia and Angel, “continue on the path that you’ve been traveling. Slippery Slope and all that.”

Angel, his expression cold, stepped towards Wesley. “It won’t happen. Stay out of it, Wesley.”

“I cannot if you two refuse to acknowledge the danger.”

“Stop it, Wesley,” Cordelia moved in front of Angel. “We know the risks, okay. We’re not doing anything wrong or dangerous or slippery. Okay.”

“I wish I could believe you, Cordelia.”

“You can. Geez.” She shook her head vehemently.

“Then you won’t disagree that it would be best for you to sleep in your apartment from now on.”

Cordelia stepped back; her hand reaching to hold Angel whose low growl was vibrating in the room. “Wesley, you are overreacting. We’re not some dumb hormonal teenagers; we know what we’re doing. And I really don’t appreciate you implying that we don’t or discussing our sex life.”

“That’s just it Cordelia, there can be no sex life between the two of you.” Wesley retorted.

Cordelia swung around. “No, Angel.” She placed a restraining hand on the vampire. Angel hadn’t moved but Cordy could sense the anger and rage building up in his motionless form. She turned back around.

“Wesley, just stop this- it isn’t the time.” She looked pointedly to Connor. The teenager’s body had tensed and his face had become stone when the name Angelus had been mentioned.

Wesley took a deep breath and finally nodded. “Charles, will you help me dispose of these,” he jerked to the still unconscious men.

“Sure,” Gunn said hesitantly, his searching gaze going back and forth from Cordelia and Angel.
Angel turned as his son grabbed at his arm. “Wesley told me. If Angelus appears, I will kill him, no hesitation, no mercy.” Connor vowed in a cold voice.

Angel stared at his son. “Good. Why did you come here?”

Connor refused to answer.

“Do you need anything?”

Connor slowly shook his head.

“Fine.” Angel strode down to the basement.

“Connor,” Cordelia held out her hand.

The boy stepped back out of her reach. “If you cause Angelus to appear, I will kill you. I should kill you both now.”

Cordelia blinked and stepped back.

Fred moved forward, the pizza box replaced with a tazer.

“Should, but won’t. That’s a good sign. Connor, if I cause it, you won’t have to, I’ll already be dead. Angel will not lose his soul.”

Connor held Cordelia’s stare for a moment then pushed past the women out of the hotel. Cordelia closed her eyes and slumped down on the couch.

Fred swung the tazer to her side and went to sit next to Cordelia. “I trust you both.” She said softly.

Cordelia looked up from her clenched hands into Fred’s compassionate expression.

Cordelia forced herself to maintain eye contact. “Thanks, Fred.”

Fred placed a small hand on her friend’s arm. “I’ll talk to Wesley, maybe we can start researching for a cure. Cordy, why are you crying.”

Cordelia brushed at her eyes. “I’ve never really had a girlfriend before, you are a good friend, Fred, thank you.”

“Me either, well except MaryAnn in the fifth grade, we used to stay up all night telling secrets and blowing up the kitchen.”

“Uh?” Cordelia sniffled.

“She had this really neat chemistry set. It was fun until her hair caught on fire and she had go through the sixth grade wearing a wig. We weren’t really very good friends after that.” Fred shrugged.

Cordelia stared a moment then started laughing, giving Fred a tight hug.

“It wasn’t funny, though the wig did look funny.” Fred speculated. “I brought you some pizza, pineapples, are you hungry?”

“Not now, I think I better go talk to Angel.”

“Yeah, he wasn’t too happy was he, which is good….but bad.” Fred blew out a puff of air, “It’s really not fair.” She shrugged getting up.

“Yeah,” Cordelia whispered going to the basement.

Part 11

The total emptiness of the basement made Cordelia nervous. She should have known that he wouldn’t be there. Cordelia sat cross-legged on the bench her head resting on the wall behind wondering what Angel would find out.

She was tempted to go after him, but he was probably half way to Wolfram & Hart by now. Cordelia couldn’t believe that Wolfram & Hart wanted Angelus to appear. Little evil Polly had agreed that Angelus wasn’t their goal. Cordelia closed her eyes. The firm in all of their schemes and manipulations to hurt Angel had never tried to do anything to bring out Angelus.

Were they just worried about the possibility, bugging them so as to be warned? Cordelia didn’t know. But Anita’s was safe. Cordelia shook her head. She felt guilty about lying to the others, but she couldn’t tell them.

Wesley would never believe that it was safe; he would just accuse her and Angel of lying to the others and themselves. Cordelia hit her head on back of the wall. She looked towards the hidden entrance to sewers. Cordelia wished that Angel would hurry up and get back.

She needed him.


Lilah hung up her cell phone. She wasn’t looking forward to going home to an empty apartment. Damn. Wesley was a bastard but one she had been getting use to. Lilah grumbled out loud. She used him he used her- that’s was all.

So, why did the fact that she felt like she was the only one scathed by their relationship make her mad. Oh right. He used her better, completely fooled her. It wasn’t any other emotion but pride that was hurt.

“Hello, Lilah.”

The woman started at the soft voice. Damn. She should’ve known better to come down to the parking garage without security guards. That last phone call reported that the surveillance technicians from inside the hotel hadn’t checked in yet. Of course, that meant Angel and company had discovered them.

And of course that meant he would be visiting her. Damn.

“Angel.” She acknowledged refusing to show any fear to the vampire.

Angel laughed. “I can smell fear, you know, but nice try.” He glided up causing Lilah to stumble back against her car. He body overwhelmed the space hovering inches from hers. “So, not getting any,” Angel made a crude gesture with his hand, “and now you have to get off watching to see if I get any.”

“I…” she squirmed back trying to open the space between them.

“Was it a sanctioned assignment or was it for your own personal collection. Have a hankering to see me in action.” He growled, breathing close up her neck to her ear.

Angel gave a sharp laugh at Lilah’s involuntary shivering. “Not just fear, I smell anymore, is it. What? Lilah, hoping to picture yourself in Cordelia’s place in my bed, wanting to pretend that it was your body my hands touched.” He whispered into her hair. “What would Wesley think? Oh right, he’s not thinking about you is he.”

Lilah jerked. Angel pulled her back, ” You want to know, here let me show you.” Angel dragged his hand up Lilah’s arm, caressing up her neck, his fingers gently teasing the skin. “Like it.” He smirked, “Ooh, I smell that you do, how about this then,” Angel tightened his grip, squeezing the flesh the teasing touch becoming a vice clamp around her neck, choking her.

Lilah gasped, bringing her hands up immediately to the steel hand clutching her neck. “Lilah, does Wolfram & Hart have any plans to try to bring out Angelus -spells, drugs, what not, because I’ll warn you- Angelus is always happy to be let loose, but he’s not big on gratitude. More of the bite, torture, kills the hand that feeds him type, you know.” Angel pushed releasing the woman to stagger against her car.

He knelt down. “It’s your turn to talk, now.”

Lilah leaned back. “We don’t have any spells or drugs. I was just told to watch. The possibility exists if you and your girlfriend get too chummy. We just want to know.”

“Don’t worry, Lilah, you, Wolfram & Hart will be one of the first to know if ever does happen. It is true, that Angelus has a tendency to be ‘not nice’ to those I care about, but the flip side isn’t at ALL true.”

Angel backed up, “Take that back to your handlers, and remind them that Angelus is not a vampire that they want to deal with. Remember, I’m the nice one.”

Lilah struggled up to her feet, taking large gulps of breath. At that moment, Lilah didn’t know who to hate or be scared of more, the vampire or little evil Oppie Taylor. This was such not a good idea.

Her only consolation was that so far she hadn’t been successful on finding a way to force Angel to lose his soul. That was one failure, she was pretty sure would be in her best interest. Lilah turned to go back to her office. She would have to report this.

Part 12

“Hey Dennis,” Cordelia called from her living room. “Any more visitors.”

She shrugged as a soft breeze reassured her. “Good. When Angel comes don’t let him break the door again, okay.” She stripped trailing her clothes into the bathroom.

Another soft breeze touched her face. “Thanks.” Filling the tub. Cordelia sunk into the hot water. Cordelia settled back letting the water ease the tension that had sprung up in her body since the discovery of the electronic equipment.


“Angel.” Wesley called as the vampire headed up the stairs. “Cordy, went home.”

Angel stalled in his ascent and turned back down the stairs. “Wesley, stay out of it.” He warned.


“Wesley, you got what you wanted okay, Cordy’s at home, I’m here. Leave it alone.” Angel proceeded to the stairs.

“I think we should talk about this.”

“I don’t.” Angel shot over his shoulder disappearing up the staircase.

“Wesley,” Fred pulled at his arm.

“Fred, this is something we need to be concerned with.”

“Oh, lord, what drama did I miss now,” Lorne wandered in studying the stern faces of Gunn, Wesley and Fred.

“The return of Angelus.” Gunn said.

Lorne stepped back ready to run. “Here?” he squeaked.

“Charles,” Fred chastised. “Angel didn’t lose his soul.”

“Not yet.”

“He won’t. Trust them.”

“He doesn’t,” Gunn pointed to Wesley. “And Wolfram & Hart, obviously think it could happen, the only ones that don’t seem to be concerned are Angel and Cordy…. and you. Why’s that?”

“Because I trust them.”

“Fred, it’s not a matter of trust. I do believe that Angel and Cordelia would never intentionally do anything to risk Angelus. It’s just that they both have in the past shown the distinct ability for self-denial and at the same time blindness to everything else but each other and it makes me very concerned that Wolfram & Hart seemed to be focusing on those weakness that they both share.”

“Wesley, they can’t make them have ‘happy’ sex.”

“No, but if Angel’s drugged, the effects could result in Angelus.”

“But, Wesley that’s a danger that exists no matter what Cordy and Angel feel about each other.”

Gunn shrugged. “My girl’s got a point, and Wolfgang and Co. Haven’t tried anything like that before. Well, except for the blood spiking, but that was aimed just at Connor.”

“Hold the fears and the horses,” Lorne held his hands up. “What’s the nasties with the law degrees have to do with this.”

“They tried to bug Angel and Cordelia’s bedrooms.” Fred explained. “We’re not sure why.”

“What, can’t they have their fantasies like the rest of us?”

“Angel and Cordelia aren’t having sex.” Fred said sternly.

“Always room for some hanky panky though.”

“Slippery Slope.” Gunn nodded.

“You guys,” Fred held up her hands. “This is stupid. Wesley, you agree that Angel and Cordelia wouldn’t do anything intentional, Wolfram & Hart haven’t used any type of drug before and no evidence that they are now. You’re seeing danger without any proof of it.”

“Proof of Angelus is dead bodies.” Wesley responded.

“God, would you focus on something other than Angel turning evil and killing people, first Connor, now everybody. Why are you so determined that Angel will become dangerous. You WERE wrong before.”

Wesley rubbed at his forehead. “And if I’m right.”

“Right, about what?” Fred argued. “Nothing has happened except Angel and Cordy finally admitted that they love each other. That’s a good thing.”

“Not if it…”

“Wesley, shut up.” Fred yelled.

Wesley blinked at the angry young woman. “Fred…”

“No, Wesley. Angel and Cordy love each other. Nothing’s happened. If you are so damn concerned that something will, then I suggest researching a cure for the curse rather than just lecturing them to stay away from each other or god forbid, telling them that they can’t love each other. STOP focusing on the negative, it’s hurting everyone.”

Wesley stared at the floor trying to think. Why was he so determined to believe that Angelus was just around the corner? He took a deep breath. Was it just that he needed to be right? He didn’t know. Wesley couldn’t trust his instincts anymore. But Fred was correct in that his attitude was hurting Cordelia and Angel. And truthfully, if he was right, there was nothing he could do to ensure Angelus would never return except stake Angel or….

”I do have a copy of the original disc and…” Wesley trailed off thinking about the paper he stole out of Wolfram & Hart.

It had contained the depiction of events that led up to Angelus being cursed with a soul. But that hadn’t been what drew his attention to it, he had known about that- but it also had information about the gypsies that he hadn’t known from the watcher files or from the copy of Jenny Calendar’s disc.

“Fred, I will need your help on the computer.” Wesley nodded, his mind puzzling over the information that he had found, trying to think how it could be useful.

“Thank god,” Fred sighed with relief, following Wesley into his office.

“I either need to stay away or stay in, this walking into the middle of the drama is taxing to my normal cheerful personality.” Lorne shook his head. “Where you going?”

Gunn shrugged. “They’re researching, I’m going to count the tranq darts. Gotta be prepared.”


Angel paced in his room glancing from the door to his balcony. He jumped from the window making his decision.


Angel stood at the foot of Cordelia’s bed, watching the young woman huddled in the sheet.

Cordelia stirred, blinking up at the vampire. She didn’t say anything just patted the space behind her.

Angel took a deep breath. He hadn’t been sure when he found her gone from the hotel. He had been afraid that she was listening to Wesley’s warnings.

He slid into the bed pulling her close.

Cordelia grabbed his hand tightening it around her waist. “I didn’t want to deal with Wesley in the morning.”

Angel rubbed his face into her neck, soaking up the scent of lilac and sweet skin. “You changed bath oils.” He said softly.

“It was on sale, do you like it.” She squirmed in the mattress as Angel’s cool lips embraced the back of her neck.

“I told you everything but demon goo and honestly, I could deal even with that.”

“Well, I couldn’t,” she chuckled in her pillow. “So, what did Lilah have to say?”

Angel lifted his head and stared at the hazel eyes that peered up at him from the pillow. He shook his head. “Am I that predictable?”

“Yes.” She smiled.

“Not much said they had no spell or drug to bring Angelus out, just wanted to watch and be aware if it happened.”

“Evil Pervies” Cordelia lifted her head to get a better look at Angel. “Do you believe her?”

“I don’t know. She was telling the truth about not having any spell or drug, but the reasons behind the surveillance I’m not sure about.”

Cordelia shifted her body, placing her hands on his chest. “Maybe we shouldn’t go to Anita’s again until we’re sure.”

Angel stilled, forcing the anger down that seemed to magically appear whenever the slightest obstacle to his holding Cordelia sprung up. Cordelia hadn’t said no, she was asking. He clutched her hands tighter to his chest. “We won’t ever know for sure, not unless something happens.” Angel reasoned. “Anita’s is safe.”

Cordelia sighed. “I don’t want to give it up either.”

“We won’t. It’s safe.” Angel pulled Cordelia over him, holding her arms, forcing her to look at him. “It’s safe. I won’t give it up.” Angel said forcibly.

Cordelia held the vampire’s stare. “Okay, we won’t.”

Angel nodded, allowing her to settle against him. Cordelia rubbed her face into his chest, hoping that they weren’t being as stupid as Wesley accused them.

Angel held on tightly, keeping her pressed to his body. Anita’s was safe, he repeated silently. They weren’t risking anything. Angel closed his eyes refusing to acknowledge that his need for Cordelia maybe clouding his reason, reaching a point beyond love and bordering on obsession.

He increased the pressure of his grip only loosening when he felt Cordy’s slight gasp on his chest. “Sorry,” he whispered into her hair.

“Still got to breathe. Just a little,” she moved adjusting her head so it was no longer pressed against his chest but tucked under Angel’s chin, giving her pathway to air. “Okay, Mr. Wimple, squeeze away.”

“You’re too young to know that.”

“TV land. That’s my excuse, what’s yours Mr. My knowledge of pop culture ended at the turn of the last century.”

“Actually, I’m pretty good up until the disco age then I completely lost interest.”

“Who wouldn’t, sequins, big hair, shiny leisure suits and cheese galore?”

Angel pulled her back up to face him. “Cordy, the Enchanted Room is safe. I’m not just saying that.” Angel had to be sure she wasn’t just agreeing for him. He didn’t know exactly what he’d do if she did have doubts, pictures of chains and ropes popped up in his mind as violently as he tried to shove them away.

“Oh, here I thought you were saying it just to get me naked.” Cordelia rested her chin on her palm, her elbow resting on his chest.

Angel groaned. “I do want to, want to see and feel you naked, but…”

“Angel, Anita’s did check out, it is safe and it did work- twice- soul still resting comfortably. Whatever Wolfram & Hart is planning now, it can’t be bringing back Angelus. Evil Polly didn’t want me to take your soul. They don’t want Angelus around either. That’s never been their master plan why would it change now.

They’re just more paranoid than Wesley, that’s all.” Cordelia chose to believe it. Wesley had just got her freaked. But, she and Angel weren’t playing Russian roulette, they were having safe sex. Safe sex was allowed, pamphlets and posters said so and they were taking precautions.

Angel nodded, relief causing him to smile. “Okay.”

“Can we go to sleep now?”

“Yeah.” Angel pulled her close, shifting, spooning his body around hers. “Can you breathe?”

“Yes,” Cordelia rolled her eyes into the pillow, her smile hidden by the cushion.


Cordelia was dreaming again. Angel was all around her, she moved to bring his body closer to her, she reached out, gratified to touch hard muscle. She moaned as she wiggled her hips forcing the contact between the bodies.

She yelped as cool lips, teased along her neck and engulfed her. Cordelia woke up staring into Angel’s eyes, his hands under her t-shirt and hers on the bulge in his pants.

“Time to get up,” Cordelia scooted away.

Angel shook his head, grabbing her again, kissing her again, sucking the breath right out of her body. He released her. “Now, it’s time for me to go and you to go back to bed.” He moved off the mattress.


“I should get back. It will be dawn in a few hours.”

“Oh, want to make sure your home before the parents know you stayed out all night.”

“Something like that.” He adjusted his pants and leaned over to kiss Cordelia again. “Go back to sleep. I’ll see you at the hotel later.”

“Okay,” Cordelia reached out to grab his arm. “Angel, tonight can we go to Anita’s, I know we just went but…I just….”

Angel knelt on the bed, bringing her back into his embrace, his mouth covering her question in an instant, his tongue interrupting her words, tasting everything hidden. The kiss gentled to small pecks as he got up. “Yes.”

Cordelia smiled as she sighed and curled back up in her bed alone.

Angel groaned with a look and left for his own lonely bed.


Cordelia gasped as she shot up in bed, silent tears running down her face. She grabbed at the tissues that magically appeared. Goddamn Wesley, she crumbled a soaked tissue to the floor.

Wasn’t it bad enough when she was dreaming of making love to Angel only to have him disappear in the deep depths of the sea? Now, she had to dream of Angelus.

Cordelia cringed, trying to shake away the memories of the dream. It was so damn clear. They were making love in the enchanted room. Making a mess of the sheets again, she felt every touch and pleasure that Angel could give her. It was beautiful and then….

Cordelia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to drive out the imagines of her chained to the bedrails and Angel’s beautiful loving brown eyes turning into dark soulless things.

The smirk on his face made ugly in its danger interchanging constantly with the loving expression of Angel, making her not knowing when one began and the other ended. It was crazy and it was just a dream, she forced herself to remember, lying back down on the bed.

She smacked the pillow repeatedly as she tossed and turned, the imagines refusing to go away. She shot back up, looking at the clock. It had only been two hours since Angel left. She didn’t care. She jumped out of bed, hurrying towards the door with a quick good bye to Dennis.


Angel looked to his doorway as Cordelia entered.

He shot up immediately when he saw her tear-stained face. “Cordy?”

“I couldn’t sleep after you left.”


“Oh god, I’m sorry,” she waved her hands around in a windmill fashion still standing in the doorway.

Angel pulled the young woman into his arms. “What happened?”

“Dream, of course.” She shook her head. “It’s so stupid. I just couldn’t….”

“I’m here. I’m not disappearing.”

Cordelia pushed up. “It wasn’t that dream. New one, great uh?” Cordelia took a deep breath. “I blame Wesley.”


“Angelus. We were making love – then poof, you did disappear.” She buried her hands in her face. “It was so damn real.”

Angel buried her head into his chest. “I…Cordy,” he pulled her back, cradling her face. “I have my soul and I’ll keep it, but if it’s the idea of going back to the Enchanted room that’s making you so upset…”

Cordy shook her head. “It’s Wesley’s fault all those lectures. The room is safe. I know that, rationally. I just guess all this worry about Angelus made me have nightmares. I should go, parents and all.”

“No.” Angel pulled her with him to the bed. “Stay, I’ll.” He looked down to his naked state. “Put some clothes on.”

Cordelia gave a sad laugh. “Maybe we should hang a sheet up in between us.”

“Too much work.” Angel stuffed his legs in the pants he had discarded earlier. “Come on, you need to sleep.”

Cordelia settled in close. “I’m sorry, Angel, I just was scared. …And needed you.”

“Shh, baby, I know what that feels like.” He tucked her in his arms, wrapping a leg over her. “I’ll keep you safe from those nightmares.”

“Okay,” Cordy yawned settling closer.

Part 13

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