A Soul for Angelus. 22-28

Chapter Twenty-Two

Cordelia sat at the table with Gunn and Wesley. Wesley had gently wiped up the dried blood on her neck and bandaged the wound.

“Cordelia, you still need to eat,” he said with concern.

“And just lose it, again. No thank you.” Cordelia could still feel her stomach churning at the thought of Angelus and Darla together. She sighed at her worried friends. She just hoped that Wesley and Gunn didn’t realize that the primary reason for her sickness was the result of her jealousy and lust for the psychotic vampire, not simply because he had turned Darla.


“Wesley, I do feel better, stronger. I will be okay,” she smiled softly at Wesley’s concern. Cordelia had to get her desires and jealousy under control. In this state, she was worthless to Angel, Wesley or herself. She was tempted to try to sever the bond between her and the evil vampire. If Angel and Angelus could do it, why couldn’t she? But, Cordelia knew she wouldn’t try, even if she had the ability, she remembered the anguish that she had experienced when the bond had been cut before. She couldn’t do it. No, Angelus was right; she didn’t want to die, not yet, not while there was still a chance to save Angel.

“Cordelia, are you sure?”

“I am. Now we need a plan of action. We can’t just let Angelus and Darla go on some evil feeding frenzy,” she said with determination. Cordelia forced Angelus’ presence and her unwilling response to it, to the back of her mind.

Wesley responded with a sigh, “I’d be almost willing to let them go on their killing spree, if I thought that it wouldn’t be here or involve you. But Angelus won’t leave not until…”

“Until, he kills me,” said Cordelia with a sigh. After he breaks through her defenses and hatred and makes her really his, she added to herself. She took a deep breath, pushing back her thoughts. “And you and everybody else that Angel cared for. Wesley what about Willow’s spell, she brought Angel back once before,” she said getting hopeful. “I mean, we can use it, now right?”

“Yes and no.”

“Don’t get all researchy and vague, speak plainly,” she demanded.

“Cordelia, I have talked to Willow. They kept the spell on it’s original disc, in the library, but then…”

“Then…we re-enacted the bombing of Hiroshima on the library, along with the rest of the school.” Cordelia didn’t know whether to cry or scream in rage. “They didn’t make a copy.”

“Angel was back, it wasn’t a priority anymore.”

“So, you talked to the loser patrol. They know?”

“No, I told them that we were just concerned about an recent appearance of Angelus. I told them that everything was okay, but that the recent experience made me think that having the spell handy would be a good idea. Willow faxed me what she remembered. I hadn’t planned on telling them, unless you agreed to go to Sunnydale and it became necessary. There was no reason to get them all worried, not if they can’t do anything about it.”

“But, we do have some of the spell?” she stated, refusing to give up hope on the idea.

“Yes, but it will take hours, if not days, if forever for us to find the proper wording, even with what Willow faxed,” Wesley said discouragingly.

“Oh. But, we need to try anyway. I suggest since research is your forte then you, research-guy, should start. Gunn and I will try to find out where the Wolfram & Hart are keeping Darla. Then maybe we can plan on how to capture Angelus and do the spell.”

“Capture him,” Gunn interrupted. “He is the bad ass evil vamp now, I say stake him.”

“NO,” Cordelia yelled.

Both Wesley and Gunn stared at her. Cordelia took a deep breath. “We have to try. If we do figure out the spell, Angelus has to be with us. Angel can not return to whatever evil hell Angelus is doing. Angel would brood forever, if he returned to that nightmare. No, we need to get Angelus, chain him and figure all of this out. Angelus cannot die.” A small voice in the back of her mind added, who are you kidding, you just don’t want the vampire dead. Angel is gone and all you have left is Angelus. Cordelia violently shut down the voice, she would not give up on Angel’s soul. No matter how screwed up her emotions were.

Oblivious to Cordelia’s train of thought, Wesley interrupted in protest to her plan. Wesley had long forgotten his original goal of trying to capture Angelus. That was before he had seen the harm that the vampire had caused to his close friend.

“No, Wesley. As long as Angelus is alive, we have a chance to get Angel back. He will not be staked or flamed.” She gestured at the large weapon lying by Gunn. “I think,” she said, hoping she was right, “that we definitely research Willow’s spell, try to find Darla, if we can’t find her, then we set up a trap for Angelus here. Because he will be back,” she said assuredly.

Wesley slowly nodded in agreement. Cordelia was right about the last bit. Everything he knew about Angel’s evil counterpart confirmed it. “Cordelia, you will…”

“Be bait? When has that changed? No, this is the best way. But,” she thought remembering or rather feeling her bond with the vampire. “You probably should do the rest of planning without me. I can’t guarantee that my emotions won’t warn him,” she said looking disgusted with herself and her feelings. “In fact,” she said sensing that Angelus had left Darla. “You better hurry with the trap and forget about everything else for now. Angelus is on his way.”

Cordelia could sense the vampire’s arrogance, lust and need growing closer. She dropped her head in her hands as her own need for the vampire increased as the vampire grew closer. “Wesley, I can’t not warn him. Do something…”

She was interrupted by a sudden noise in the lobby. Gunn jumped up grabbing the flame-thrower as Wesley jumped in front of the girl holding his crossbow. “It’s not…” Cordelia started, then stopped stunned at the sight of several black-clad armed humans burst into the kitchen.

The shock of being confronted by humans rather than Angelus caused Wesley and Gunn to hesitate momentarily. By the time, they thought to respond, the men had knocked them out and took Cordelia.

The frightened brunette struggled against the men, only to have one of them strike her harshly along side of her face. Cordelia lost conscious at the force of the blow.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Angelus wandered back to the hotel through the sewers. It was pitch black outside, he hadn’t needed to resort to the sewers, but he knew how much his little pet hated any aspect of the dark tunnels.

He wanted to force her to pleasure him while he smelled of the rank tunnels. Angelus wanted her to be forced to accept him and everything she hated.

He wanted her; he wanted her body out of control as her mind recoiled in protest. Angelus could already feel her body’s response and then her mind reluctance, filled with hatred of what her body would do for the vampire. Angelus couldn’t wait; his lust was all encompassing. His Cordy would run her heated small hands all over his body, he swore. Angelus actually started whistling as he imagined his lustful reunion with Cordelia.

Angelus thought again about how much time Angel wasted and what fun the souled vampire could have with the girl. But then, in a rare moment of self-awareness, Angelus thought, if Angel had been closer in touch with his demon side, then maybe there never would have been a threat of Angelus. The unsouled vampire shook that that thought as irrelevant and concentrated on the seer, his property.

Angelus gasped and stumbled against the wall of the sewer. There was no hesitation afterwards as Angelus ran full vamp face and sped to the hotel. What he was experiencing was not the familiar fear that he had associated with Cordelia, this was different. The pain and terror she was being subjected to was a result from an external source, not from him.

Somehow, someone was encroaching on his property. Angelus heard her cry out for Angel. He growled crushing a dent in wall with his fist. The vampire took off in a frenzied speed as he heard her weakly add Angelus to her plea.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Darla barged into Harlan’s office. “I want the girl,” she demanded.

“Excuse me,” the senior partner looked up, not fazed by her demon face.

“Angelus is back. The girl is not needed anymore. She is just a distraction,” she said contemptuously.

“I take it that Angelus hasn’t responded as expected to your newly acquired charms?”.

Darla moved menacingly towards the lawyer.

“Don’t be stupid,” Harlan commented as his demon bodyguards materialized at his side. “Now, calm down. The seer remains alive for now.”

“Why,” she growled. She glared at the menacing demons that blocked her path to the lawyer.

“There seems to be a question of whether Angelus is controllable. The girl is just an insurance policy,” Harlan answered calmly.

“I can control him,” she growled.

“I don’t think so. For now the girl will remain alive and with us.”

“You have her? I want her.”

“She is of no value dead. But,” the senior partner looked thoughtful,” I don’t see why you can’t help facilitate her cooperation.”

Darla shot Harlan a twisted smile. “I can do that,” she said exposing her fangs.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Cordelia woke up slowly rubbing her aching jaw. She was truly getting sick of loosing consciousness and waking up in a weird, unnatural, and worse position than that she had been before.

She wandered the room looking around. She was obviously in a well-to-do set up. The room was opulently furnished and screamed money. Humans, money, she thought, that equals Wolfram & Hart, she concluded, in confusion and alarm. Cordelia tested the doors.

She pulled at the exit door with all of her strength, but it wouldn’t budge. Her mind reached automatically for Angel, but then she remembered Angel couldn’t save her. Without even thinking her next thought was for Angelus.

Cordelia tried to think. Why would the evil law firm want her? The legal defenders of all that was diabolical had accomplished what they had wanted, Angel was gone. All that was left was Angelus. She slumped down in a plush chair.

Now what? She was thought, as she heard the door open.

“Miss Chase, welcome.” Harlan greeted her, entering the room.

“Save the attempt to act with normal-like civility. What do you want with me?”

“Come now, Miss Chase, there is no reason to be hostile. You are comfortable here aren’t you?” He gestured at the luxurious surroundings.

Cordelia shot him a look of contempt. “Prison, is prison no matter the trappings.”

“Please, Miss Chase, calm down. Your stay will be a pleasurable as you desire.”


Harlan smiled. “If you cooperate.”

“With what?” she asked in exasperation. “There is nothing I can do for you.”

“We are not so sure about that.”

Cordelia blinked at him. “You evil esquires, along with the she bitch, have managed to bring back Angelus. There is nothing…” She stopped in sudden realization and stared at the lawyer. “You are so out of touch with the reality of Angelus. I can’t help you control him. If anything this stupid bond thing enables him to control me.

This is great, you had this big, whole dastardly plan, but none of you actually knew what that would mean. What? Is Angelus a little more than you can handle. Oh, I get it. You listened to the blonde now-undead bimbo. What? She said she could control him, but, jees, anybody can see, she can’t control him, none of you can,” she said in an unconscious, but prideful tone. “It serves you evil idiot’s right. I say go Angelus.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Now, little girl, is that what you want, really?” a whiny small voice asked mockingly. “My boy, means your death.”

Cordelia stilled her ranting as the blonde vampire walked into the room. Darla glided over to the brunette and reached out and played with her long dark hair. “We, my boy and I, will use you, play with you, then kill you. It will be fun,” Darla purred.

Cordelia felt a burst of fear run through her body. But, she calmed down and studied the vampire. Cordelia brushed away Darla’s hand; Cordelia tried to relax. Granted Darla was now one of the undead sects, but she was just a jealous female.

Dealing with females like her, granted without the blood-sucking capabilities, was Cordelia forte. This was how Cordelia made her famous or infamous reputation as the Bitch of Sunnydale High. She glared at the vampire.

“Oh, Darling Darla,” she said in a sugar sweet tone. “You are so whacked. Angelus probably will kill me, but not with you in attendance. No, Angelus doesn’t share. And I am his, not yours, not the both of yours, just his. Face it bitch, right now I am the one. And, to your ever ending chagrin, I will always be the one.

Buffy, You, please…Angel loved me and Angelus needs me and wants me more than he could ever want you.” Cordelia wasn’t sure about the last part of her tirade, but the she-vamp didn’t know it. That was the secret of a good bitch’s success, never let the other chick see you doubt.

Darla growled in rage at Cordelia’s taunts. She swung out, hitting the brunette across the face throwing her across the room.

Cordelia struggled pulling herself up against the wall. “Did I touch on something?” she laughed weakly.

Darla moved towards Cordelia. With a nod of his head, Harlan beckoned at his ever-present bodyguards. The demons materialized in front of Darla.

“No, Darla,” Harlan ordered.

“Poor, little bitch, no one will actually let you kill me. Are you starting to feel unimportant?” Cordelia choked out, holding her side in pain.

“Harlan,” Darla threatened.

“You can watch, torment, but no real damage to the girl, not yet,” he answered trying to calm the raging vampire.

“Fine. I will stay and keep the little girl company,” she smiled evilly. “Don’t worry, Harlan, we will be just ducky. We will just exchange some girl talk, that’s all, I promise.”

Cordelia glared at the smiling vampire.

Harlan nodded and left the room.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Angelus pushed up the barrier that closed off the sewer from the hotel. He leaped up onto the floor, gamefaced. He already knew that Cordelia was gone, but he also knew that the answers he needed were to be found in the hotel.

His angry gaze fell on Wesley and Gunn laid out unconscious. Angelus shook in rage and disgust.

These pitiful mortals had aspired to be his property’s protectors. They were useless. They allowed Cordelia to be taken. Angelus glanced again at the fallen two humans. He debated on whether to just kill them. But, even the seconds it would take to rip their throats out, would take too long.

Angelus needed to get to Cordelia. No one encroached on his property without paying the price. Angelus rushed out of the hotel, only stopping to grab the keys hanging on the hook at the front desk.

Angelus ran to Angel’s car and raced to the Wolfram & Hart building.

Wesley stirred fighting the massive headache that was threatening to overcome his whole being. He struggled up against the wall looking around. Wesley groaned as he saw the limp body of Gunn sprawled out under the kitchen table.

He went to Gunn, praying that the young man was still alive. Wesley sighed in relief as he felt the street kid’s weak, but steady pulse.

Wesley gently but firmly shook the young kid. “Gunn, please, wake up. Gunn,” he repeated as he continued to shake Gunn.

Finally, Gunn began to cough and gasp for air. Gunn struggled to regain consciousness. The young street kid slowly opened his eyes. “What the hell,” he choked.

“I don’t know, but whoever they were, they took Cordelia,” Wesley answered.

“Who?” Gunn asked as he got up.

“I would guess, Wolfram & Hart. Are you alright now?”

“Yeah,” Gunn responded shaking his aching head. “Well, I guess, it’s to the evil law firm we go, uh?”

“Yes, gather the weapons.”

“They have guns.”

“Yes. Well, we may not have lead flying guns, but we do have these.” Wesley put the tranquilizer gun in his belt.

“Okay, good enough, let’s go.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Harlan sat in the adjacent room connected to the penthouse on top of the Wolfram & Hart building. He stared through the two-way mirror watching Cordelia and Darla. He didn’t turn as the door opened to allow entry to the old gypsy woman.

“You wanted to see me,” she asked.

“Yes,” he said swinging around to the old witch. “Your services may still be required. Can you bring back Angel’s soul, if needed?”

“I thought you wanted Angelus?”

“Well, he may be a bit more difficult to manage than we first thought. And, while Angel is difficult he is not acutely psychotic.”

“Careful for what you wish for, you just may get it,” she chuckled softly.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing. I know of no spell that can return the soul to the vampire,” she answered evasively but truthfully.

Harlan sighed. “Well, maybe the girl will be enough,” he said hopefully looking back through the two-way glass.

The old woman silently echoed his hope.

Darla paced back in forth in front of Cordelia. The brunette tried to ignore the vampire. Darla stopped in front her and stared at the young girl sitting in the plush chair.

“You really think that you can control Angelus? That he wants you? Don’t fool yourself, little girl”

“I’m not. You forget I have a bond with Angelus. I know what he wants and what he wants is me. Not you. Live or unlive with it,” Cordelia snapped back. Cordelia was trying very hard to maintain her courage, but she was very tired. All, she really wanted was for this nightmare to end.

The blonde vampire grabbed the brunette’s hair and pulled her head back exposing her throat. Darla stared at the scarring wound on Cordelia’s neck. “My boy made this, well, I think maybe it needs to be deeper.” Darla leaned into Cordelia’s throat.

Cordelia felt real fear, but she managed to maintain her calm as she sensed Angelus’ presence. “I think maybe you should rethink your actions. Maybe you ought to wait until Angelus says it is okay.”

“Cordy is right, Darla. Maybe you should ask whether I want you to damage my property.” Angelus stood in the doorway. “Cordy, come here,” he growled.

Cordelia looked at both of the angry vampires. She hestitated, she didn’t want to be near either vampire.

“Cordy,” Angelus called again.

She took a deep breath and got up. Darla growled in rage and grabbed Cordelia’s arm and held her back. “You can’t mean for this,” she motioned to the brunette, “to live. Let’s just kill her and get out of here. Let’s start on a new glorious adventure.”

Darla threw Cordelia against the wall behind her and walked over to the gameface vampire standing in the doorway. “Come on, My boy,” she said seductively. “Remember how wonderful we are together?” She grabbed the vampire and pulled him into a fierce kiss.

What the hell, he thought, as he violently returned Darla’s kiss. He adored the feeling of Cordelia’s anger and lust whenever he touched the blonde vampire.

Cordelia watched in disgust as Angelus responded to the blonde vampire. She could feel her stomach start to churn as the nausea and rage afflicted her body. Cordelia just knew that she would lose whatever little food was still in her stomach if the two vampires started to have sex.

“Look, you over hormonal fanged couple, get a crypt, why don’t you? This is just obscene.” Her tone weaker than her words.

The vampires ignored her ranting and continued to violently grope at each other. Cordelia looked around frantically for anywhere to hide to avoid the sight of the vampires ripping at each other clothes. But, what was the point, she realized as she felt Angelus’ lust in her mind. Cordelia curled up against the wall, screwing her eyes shut.

Small tears squeezed out from the corner of her eyes. Cordelia couldn’t take it anymore. She was exhausted, her mind and body hurt in continual pain. She wanted it all to be over. Cordelia gathered her strength and concentrated on severing the bond between her and Angelus.

In relief, she welcomed the emptiness and embraced the excruciating pain at the loss of the vampire’s presence in her mind. Cordelia smiled and waited to die.

Angelus felt a cold blast through his mind as the bond was extinguished and Cordelia’s presence disappeared. He growled, not in lust but rage. Angelus jerked Darla away from his body and before the blonde vampire had time to react, he threw her against the wall. Angelus ran to Cordelia’s weakening body. He pulled her against his body forcing his presence on the girl.

“No, no,” she cried as she felt Angelus reconnect the bond. “No,” she whimpered into the vampire’s chest.

Angelus yanked the girl up until her large tear filled eyes were facing his demon yellow ones. “I told you that you couldn’t run,” he growled. Cordelia fell exhausted against his body, defeated.

Angelus cradled the girl in his arms and looked over to where Darla was getting to her feet. “Darla, I will let you live, just because I do remember the fun we had, but if you go near my property again, I will kill you,” the vampire said coldly.

“You are not My boy,” she said contemptuously as she braced herself against the wall.

“No, I am not, not anymore,” he growled in agreement, heading for the door.

Chapter 29

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