LA’s Angels. 18


Reunions were overwhelming to say the least, if Xander’s bone-crushing hug when her and Buffy had walked into his apartment the night before was anything to go by. But even that paled in comparison to *this* most recent feeling of overwhelming. At least that was how Willow Rosenberg felt the moment she stepped into Wesley Wyndam-Price’s office flanked by Buffy and Xander, not just one but a swarm of familiar faces greeting her.

“Looking hot, Red.” Faith rose from her seat first, looking fantastic as always, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail, the leather pants and simple wife-beater she wore hugging her figure in all the right places. Wesley stepped forward next, pecking her on the cheek, charming and fetching as ever in his pressed grey suit, his blue eyes sparkling brilliantly behind the slim frame of his glasses.

He pulled back, revealing the one of the two remaining people in the room whom Willow recognised. Cordelia was as gorgeous as she remembered her – sexy, elegant and truly beautiful in a way that would have been intimidating had it not been for the way her lips melted into a genuine smile, her arms warm as they embraced. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too.” Willow said, her breath catching in her throat when the man suited up in Armani came to stand beside Cordelia, extending his hand.

“I’m Angel.” He offered, and Willow shook his hand, blushing deeply. Golly, he was handsome… “Thank you for coming.”

“Of course.” Willow ducked her pink cheeks beneath her scarlet hair, following Buffy when she led her to a couch. “I’m happy to help.”

“Well then, we’d best get started. Do you have the lock of hair?” Wesley asked Angel, taking the small plastic wallet from the vampire when he handed it to him. “Excellent. Willow, we were rather hoping you’d lend us your expertise, first and foremost in a location spell. I trust Buffy filled you in?”

Willow nodded, taking the packet Wesley handed her. She slid her bag off her shoulder and rifled though it. She pulled out a medium-sized pouch, unzipping it and emptying a few of its contents onto the table.

Buffy grasped one of the strange looking objects that fell out, staring quizzically at it. “Would you look at this stuff?”

Xander made a face. “Will, we need to get you a hobby.”

Willow rolled her eyes, twirling her fingers around a chain that was attached to the object she was looking for. She held it up slowly, waiting until she had everyone’s attention. The object was a thick, lilac stone, shaped like a cylinder with a sharp point at the end, its texture rough and bumpy. Wrapped around it was a slim, silver sphere, holding the stone in place.

“That’s pretty.” Cordelia said, taking a seat beside her. “Is it some sort of locator?”

“You could call it that.” Willow said, her lips curling in a smile. She glanced up at Wesley. “I’m gonna need a map.” She turned slightly in her seat to face Faith. “As well as that key you picked up last night.”

The room was silent, every eye captivated and mesmerized by the glowing, shimmering stone that dangled loosely from Willow’s hands as she chanted in Latin, the large key Faith had acquired the night before in her free hand, the lock of hair wrapped around her fingers. The lilac stone moved hypnotically over the map, making Faith a little dizzy as she watched it, though she couldn’t bring herself to look away.

Willow’s eyes fluttered shut and Faith could almost *feel* the energy surging through her as the stone glowed erratically, moving across the surface of the map. Willow’s hold tightened on the lock of hair intertwined between her fingers and the key in her hands suddenly slipped from her hand, rattling noisily onto the table.

Faith flinched at the sound, her eyes widening when the lilac stone dimmed, dropping unceremoniously from its hovering position and onto a spot atop the map, its sharp tip pointing at a particular location.

“Is that it?” Cordy asked, leaning forward, her hands on her knees.

Willow’s eyes flashed open and she followed the stone with her finger, her eyes squinting as she attempted to read the possible street name or area.

“Couldn’t get a bigger map, huh Wes?” Faith asked.

Wesley ignored her. “What do you see, Willow?”

“I need paper and a pen.” Willow replied, never taking her eyes off the map. Wesley handed them to her and she scribbled down something, presumably an address, ripping the sheet out of the notepad and handing it to Wes. “That’s where it is. That’s where they’re hiding the coin.”

“I don’t recognise it.” Wesley adjusted his glasses, frowning. “Buffy, look it up. See if you can find out what sort of building it is exactly. I don’t want to send you in without knowing exactly what we’re dealing with here.” He handed the sheet to Buffy as she moved towards the computer, turning back to Willow. “Thank you.”

The computer screen went blank momentarily and Buffy waited, her hand resting on her chin as the results from her search slowly began to load. She scrolled down the screen with the mouse, frowning when she couldn’t find anything.

“Try typing it differently.” Xander offered from where he was perched on the desk, handing over the sheet of paper. “Maybe zip code before street?”

Buffy nodded, immediately typing the information into the search engine. She clicked enter and waited.

“Have I told you how hot you are when you’re in research mode?” Xander muttered next to her ear and Buffy looked up, shooting him a wicked grin.

“Why don’t you come over when I have nothing on but my reading glasses?” She winked, glancing back to the screen. Before Xander could respond, her eyes widened and she waved her hand at the other occupants of the room as her search got a hit. “Whoa – hey, hello! I found it.”

Wesley stood immediately, walking over to her. “What is it?”

“It’s a warehouse.” Buffy said after a moment, making a face. “WAY secluded, near the docks.”

“Alright.” Wes returned to the table, picking up the map and strolling towards the back room. “I’ll make copies. You’ll need to go there tonight with Angel. Take as many weapons as you can carry and be prepared for any security or defence they throw your way.” His voice was calm but firm. “If there is any sign of unmanageable danger, leave at once. With or without the coin.”

“I’m sure we can handle it.” Angel said casually.

Wes peered disdainfully at him through his glasses. “That may very well be Angel, but I’m not thrilled about risking the lives of my girls without a little forewarning if that’s quite alright with you.”

Angel looked a little taken aback, his eyebrows shooting up in slight amusement, his hands raised in mock-surrender as his attempt to be reassuring backfired in the face of Wesley’s black mood. Cordelia grabbed his arm, pulling it down as her hand slid into his, squeezing.


Wesley paused momentarily, taking in their collectively startled expressions. “I’m sorry.” He said finally, releasing a breath. “I’m not entirely happy with this operation, as you can probably tell.”

Buffy stood, coming over to rest a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll be fine Wes.”

Faith nodded. “First sign of any major badness and we’ll be out of there like…well, Xander.”

The indignant reply came barely a second later. “Hey!”

Wesley sighed again, removing his glasses and nodding. “Yes, alright.” He shot Buffy a smile, turning his back on them and walking into the back room.

Cordelia leaned her head back against the sofa, her eyes fluttering shut. “Anyone else got a bad feeling about this?”

“And this isn’t even supposed to be the hard part.” Buffy rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to Willow. “It’s the next bit.”

“I’m sorry,” Came Angel’s soft voice from where he was seated on the arm of the couch, and Buffy immediately felt bad. “This is such a burden on you all and I – ”

Cordy shook her finger at him, cutting him short. “Nuh-uh, none of that mister.”

“Yeah, we told you – this is our job and we’re gonna see it through.” Faith added, resting the back of her head against her palms. “Plus, there’s only so much boy-drama in one day I can take.”

“I heard that.” Wesley retorted, back to his usual composure as he walked towards them, handing them each a photocopy of the map. “While you’re gone, I’ll discuss the finer details of the case with Willow, fill her in on what’s to come and get her input on the spells. We’re going to have to formulate a definitive plan for our trip to the home office and the restoration of Angel’s soul to its rightful owner.”

He continued as the other occupants of the room began to stand, picking up their coats and jackets and making a move towards the door. “And remember – once you acquire the coin, you’ll need to head right home.” Wesley said. “We can’t risk the possibility of anyone following you here or exposing your identity.”

“Be careful, Buffy.” Xander told her as they exited the office, Cordelia, Angel and Faith heading towards their respective vehicles. “Wesley made it sound a little ominous.”

“Wes is a drama queen.” Buffy said with a shrug. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tonight?”

Xander smiled. “Yeah.”

She returned the grin, leaning up on her toes and pecking him on the lips. Then, with a quick spin of her heel, she was gone.

The breeze was light, soothing as it ruffled through Angel’s hair, the Plymouth cruising gracefully over the streets of Los Angeles. Cordelia sat beside him, her hands drumming rhythmically against the dashboard. Buffy and Faith were in the car just ahead of them, the trunks of both cars stocked full and heavy with weaponry.

Guilt burned in the back of his throat as he thought about what they might face tonight, about what these people, good, innocent people were doing for him. His eyes closed briefly as he thought of Wesley’s earlier snap. Granted, he’d been concerned for all of their safeties but it still sucked to be reminded of what Angel himself felt most guilty for – the involvement of others in this, his self-earned battle.

The demon inside had reacted to his steely tone with an odd mixture of mild amusement and pent-up rage but Angel had counted to three and let it go – all because he’d felt guilty. Well, that and –

He glanced over at Cordelia. As if sensing him, she shot him a smile, lifting the weight from his heart slightly. His chest constricted with a rare, almost foreign emotion and he stared at her for a moment longer before returning his eyes to the road.

“I don’t think I’ll ever look at this car the same way.” Her voice commanded his attention and he shot her a look. “Not that it wasn’t a great ride…”

Angel waggled his eyebrows. “Are we talking about me or the car?”

Cordelia laughed, running a hand through her hair. “You’re not gonna make me choose are you?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Angel muttered, his tone suddenly becoming sombre. When he looked at her this time, he held her gaze. “Promise me you’ll be careful tonight, Cordy.”

She must have seen something in his eyes then because she nodded without argument. “I promise.”

The warehouse was, as Buffy had said, incredibly secluded, enclosed by a maze of alleyways and other block-shaped buildings similar to it. Dark and menacing in appearance, it towered over them, a flat slate of brick without windows. The stench of dead fish riddled the air and Angel scrunched up his nose, cursing his heightened senses.

“Ya know, you’d think a law firm could afford better property than this.” Faith muttered, grimacing at their surroundings. Her voice came out funny, hollowed, and Cordy glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. “What? I’m holding my breath.”

After a moment she gasped, sucking in a breath again. “Some of us are not of the supernatural.”

Angel grinned, searching the flat surface of the warehouse for an entrance. He rounded the corner, holding a hand up. The girls paused, staring after his retreating form as he checked down one side, shaking his head when he couldn’t find an opening.

“Over here!” Buffy said, drawing their attention and the three of them followed her voice around the second corner of the warehouse, finding her before a large, shackled wooden door.

Cordelia frowned. “Not exactly user friendly.” She shrugged. “Ah well…”

Angel watched in amazement as the three girls lined up in front of the door, moving in sync. With two swift kicks, the heavy door broke apart beneath the weight of their combined boots. Regally, Cordelia flipped her hair over her shoulder, leading Faith and Buffy inside without breaking a sweat.

Angel blinked, closed his jaw and followed.

The interior of the warehouse was a dark, black open space, though there was a dim light coming from somewhere. He was glad for it, though it wouldn’t have mattered for him anyway – everything was as clear to him as day.

The space they stood inside was medium to large, the emptiness of it interrupted by big, circular tub-like constructions. There appeared to be liquid inside them, a strange cylinder of light rocketing and hovering from their centres and casting a dim glow across the floor and ceiling.

Faith made a face. “I don’t get this”

Buffy tore her eyes away from the light. “What?”

“How exactly is it that this coin is conveniently located here in Los Angeles?”

“I don’t think it is.” Angel answered, stepping towards the tub closest to him. “I mean, from the readings, I get the impression that it’s somehow accessible from over a hundred points all over the world.”

Faith didn’t look convinced. “Riiight. Well if this is the place, where’s the coin?” She looked around, raising her hands. “Okay, great. It’s gone.”

Angel narrowed his eyes in contemplation. “Maybe…”

Cordy walked up to him. “What maybe? I don’t see it, do you?”

“No.” He reached his hand out slowly, his fingers skimming the glow. “But the light must be coming from somewhere.” His hand reached the centre, the slim line of light suddenly concentrating across his fingers, rippling into a solid, blinding sphere.

Cordelia’s eyes were wide. “Angel…”

“It’s some kind of dimensional hub.” Angel murmured, concentrating on the task at hand. His hand had disappeared entirely from view now, his fingers reaching around inside the sphere. “That’s why the coin can be in a hundred places,” They brushed something and Angel grabbed a hold of it, pulling it out, “at once. Ah. Ah!”

He removed his hand, the coin tightly enclosed in his palm, smirking at the girls. “I’d say things are starting to look up.”

Cordy grinned at Faith’s gobsmacked expression. “He’s handy, isn’t he?”

Buffy released a breath, sharing a relieved smile with Angel as he pocketed the coin. Honestly, she’d expected more of a challenge. Not to say this place didn’t give her the creeps. There was something about it, something eerie – as though there were evils lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting to crawl out and pounce.

Buffy swallowed. “Well, now that we have it, what do you say we get the hell out of – ”

The ground shook suddenly beneath her, cutting her off as her heart leapt into her chest. She reached for Faith’s hand as Cordy reached for Angel’s, balancing her feet on unsteady ground.

“What the hell’s going on?” Faith shouted, her free hand flying helplessly through the air.

“Oh my god…” Cordelia’s frightened whisper made them all spin around to face her. Buffy’s eyes widened.

The sphere beside Angel glowed red, shaking violently and abruptly sinking down into the circular tub beneath it. It disappeared and the ground began to shake further, uncontrollably, causing Buffy to nearly lose her footing.

“Can we get out of here now?” Cordelia shouted and together, they edged slowly backwards towards the exit, Buffy breathing heavily as she balanced on wobbly knees. The warehouse shuddered all around her, the noise deafening to her ears as she concentrated on moving in the right direction.

She spun around, nearly slamming into Faith who’d stopped in her tracks. One look at her shocked face had Buffy following her gaze, staring pointedly at the now blocked exit.

Her heart stopped.

A figure stood before the door, nearly as tall as it and levitating half a foot off the ground, its deep claret-coloured coat swirling around its form. The hands that poked out from beneath its flared sleeves were anything but human, grey and skeletal, the tips of its fingers sharp and threatening.

Buffy couldn’t see its face, couldn’t identify who or what it was because of the hood covering its head nearly entirely from view, though the dark crevice between the fabric didn’t leave much to the imagination. It appeared hollow, void of any emotion or compassion – or soul.

“What the hell is that thing?” Faith asked softly, her hand tightening in Buffy’s.

“That’s a senior partner.” Angel whispered, pushing Cordelia behind him. “And we’re as good as dead.”

She’d read about them in books, heard about what they did, what they looked like – but nothing could have braced Buffy for the horror of actually seeing a senior partner in the flesh. The odour it gave off was repugnant, like the stench of death, so strong it nearly made her eyes water.

Buffy didn’t dare to move, didn’t dare to breath – no one did, all of them uncertain as to what to do next. She glanced over at Angel, almost waiting for *him* to do something, especially since he was the only one of them who’d actually faced a senior partner before.

“Do we have a plan?” She asked finally, looking at each one of her friends in turn.

Cordelia swallowed, her voice coming out lighter than what she must have been feeling. “I’m open to suggestions…”

“We have to get out of here.” Angel said resolutely, as though it was the easiest thing in the world.

“Ya think?!” Faith took a step backwards, stopping abruptly when the senior partner moved its head, as though looking at her. She released a breath, never taking her eyes off it when she addressed Angel. “The ‘HOW’ would be nice.”

What happened next nearly sent Buffy’s frazzled nerves into overdrive. Angel opened his mouth to respond, snapping it shut a split second later as the senior partner reared its arm back, flinging it forward like a sling-shot. A powerful flash of light shot from its fingers, heading right for them.

“Look out!” Faith yelped as four of them dove out of its way, crashing haphazardly to the ground on either side. Cordelia groaned from across the warehouse, Angel’s weight atop her.

“We’re gonna have to fight it!” Angel shouted. “It’s our only way out!”

Buffy was breathing heavily. “I thought you said it was impossible to kill?”

“I said it was hard to kill.” Angel replied, getting to his feet and pulling Cordelia with him. “You up for trying?”

Cordelia smoothed out her hair, her expression hard. “That thing just broke my nail. Hell yeah.”

Between them, they had four weapons, Faith’s knives, Buffy’s axe, and Cordy and Angel’s swords. Cordelia and Angel were the first to move, each sprinting forward from around the tub that had given them shelter. The senior partner threw a bolt of light at Angel which he ducked swiftly, his face contorting into the features of a vampire, his arm reared back.

Cordelia made it there first however, her sword making contact with the senior partner’s lower arm. It growled, lurching backwards before regaining balance. When she moved her sword a second time it was prepared, its skeletal talons clasping tightly around the blade and jerking it from her grasp. Without a moment’s hesitancy, the senior partner twisted the sword, shoving the hilt into Cordelia’s abdomen and sending her flying backwards into the side of a tub.

“Cordy!” Faith threw herself into the fray, expertly winding her knives through the air though in vain. Buffy noticed that she was only cutting and slicing through the space in front of her, never quite catching the senior partner who evaded and manoeuvred its shapeless form with ease. Within seconds, it lashed out, sending Faith flying in the other direction to Cordelia.

Angel had stopped in his charge towards the senior partner, his head turned towards Cordelia who was slowly getting onto her hands and knees from the ground. Buffy paused, axe raised in mid air as the senior partner ceased all movement, turning towards Angel.

For a moment, it merely stared. Then suddenly, it released a low, agitated growl, its body contorting in anger and recognition. It opened its palm and Buffy watched in alarm as a ball of light, bluer and more blinding than the last formed between its fingers.

Buffy’s stomach lurched. “Crap…”
“Angel, look out!” Cordelia’s terrified voice could be heard from across the room where she’d been flung. A sudden burst of strength must have propelled her because she got to her feet and raced over.

Angel spun around, eyes widening when he saw the senior partner rear its arm back, the ball of light swirling, deadly inside its palm.

“Cordelia, NO!” Buffy screamed out, watching in horror as her friend launched herself in front of Angel, just as the senior partner released the ball. It seemed to happen in slow motion. The ball soared through the air, slicing deep into Cordelia’s chest and exploding in a burst of light. Her and Angel were thrown back several feet from the force of it.

“Oh my god…” Faith had gotten to her feet and rushed to Cordelia’s side. Buffy followed swiftly, her heart pounding in fright against her ribcage. Both of them knelt down beside the fallen girl as Angel recovered quickly, wrapping her up in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. He lifted a trembling hand, pushing her hair away from her face.

“Cor?” His voice was shaking and the look on his face broke Buffy’s heart. “Cordelia, look at me. You’re gonna…you’re gonna be alright.”

“Angel?” Cordelia’s voice was barely above a whisper, as though it hurt her to speak. Her eyes were unfocussed as she reached for his face. “I – ”

“Ssh, don’t talk.” Angel demanded, his arms tightening around her, his fingers intertwining with hers. “You’re going to be fine. You’re – ”

“I can’t – ” Cordelia sucked in half a breath, her eyes fluttering when Buffy squeezed her shoulder, as though trying to see all three of them at once. A tear spilled from beneath her eyelid, chest tensing in pain as her throat struggled. “I’m so…sorry. I lo – ” Her hand dropped in Angel’s and her body went still in his arms.

“No.” Buffy whispered, anguish crashing over her like a wave and coiling grossly in her stomach, making her nauseous. She covered her mouth with her palm, tears spilling over her cheeks. “No, no, no, is she -?”

“No.” Angel’s voice was gruff with emotion as he shook Cordelia slightly. “She’s fine. Cordelia, wake up.” He shook her harder this time, his palm curling around the nape of her neck, pressing her closer to him. “Wake up, baby – ”

Faith’s eyes were moist as she placed a hand on his arm. “Angel,” She whispered brokenly, “Angel, let her go, she’s – ”

“NO!” Angel barked at her, madness in his eyes, and Buffy bit her lip when she saw a tear slide down his face. “She’s fine! She *has* to be fine. She can’t – ” His voice broke as he leaned his forehead against Cordy’s, the tears coursing freely over his cheeks now, as though he couldn’t control them.

There, beneath the cold, dark ceiling, in what seemed like the very heart of hell, their best friend released her final breath.

Part 19

Posted in TBC

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