LA’s Angels. 17


“What about this one?” Cordelia asked, modelling a blonde wig fashioned with a boy cut. “Too holiday hair?”

Riley’s head fell back, an annoyed breath escaping him. “Remind me why I’m doing this again?”

“Cos you always do this.” Cordy looked sheepish. “That, and Angel has to work. Plus, sunshine, hello?”

“So I’m your daytime boyfriend?” Riley rolled his eyes. “I’d really rather just have sex.”

Cordy threw the wig at him. “No, you’re my best friend. And if I have to come pre-fornication boxer shopping, you can grin and bear this for me.”

“Fine.” Riley huffed, pulling a strawberry blonde wig off one of the manikins and handing it to her. “Here. Hey, this reminds me of that redhead I had sex with last week.”

“Okay, so this one goes in the ‘not even if my life depended on it’ pile.” Cordy said snarkily, holding it by the very tips of her fingers and tossing it aside. “And can we NOT reminisce about your sex life while we’re doing this? Otherwise I have a feeling I’ll be throwing every damn wig in this place onto that pile.”

“What can I say?” Riley chuckled. “I get around. Unlike you, I don’t see the point in tying myself down with monogamy.”

“How profound.” Cordy deadpanned, making a face and reaching for another wig. “What do you think of – ?”

“I like the guy.” Riley said suddenly, making her spin around and look at him. “Angel. I mean, the whole fanged creature of the night issue takes some getting used to. And then there’s the fact that I wanna be a godfather some day.” He shrugged, avoiding her eyes. “But he likes you a lot. I…I think he’ll take care of you.” He glanced at her, amusement in his eyes. “And if not, there are always complimentary bottles of wine delivered to his doorstep doused with holy water.”

Cordy laughed. At least he didn’t offer to stake him again…but that was the most she was going to get, she supposed. Riley didn’t like talking about his feelings at the best of times but he was reaching out here, giving her *something* because he knew it would make her happy. And seeing him and Angel bond last night had been good enough for her anyway.

She wrapped a hand around his arm, leaning forward and pecking him on the lips. “I love you, Riley.”

“I love you too.” He grinned, looking pleasantly surprised. Then just as quickly, a frown slid onto his face. “What I don’t love? That wig.”

Cordelia looked up at him from where she’d been adjusting her hair beneath the latest wig. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Well,” Riley pulled it off her head, offering her another one, “Let’s just say if the casting crew for Anthony and Cleopatra are looking for an understudy, I’d *personally* recommend you for the job.”

The bell of ‘The Magic Shop’ tinkled, announcing Buffy’s arrival. She rubbed at the muscles in her neck, still slightly sore from the uncomfortable seat she’d been given on the long bus ride from Los Angeles to Sunnydale. She stepped into the small room, her eyes travelling over the shelves of a million different potions, concoctions and ingredients.

There was a floral fragrance in the shop and it tickled her nose. It certainly wasn’t unpleasant though, almost soothing after hours cooped up on a bus.

“Buffy?” A familiar voice asked from behind her. “Oh my God, Buffy!”

Buffy spun around, a big grin spreading across her face. “Willow!”

She took two steps towards the other woman, embracing her old friend tightly. When she pulled back, their hands intertwined, and Buffy gazed at Willow, thrilled at seeing her after so long. She’d had her dazzling red hair cut short, in a cool, shaggy do that flicked out at the ends. She looked slim and the crazy oriental outfit she was wearing suited her figure, not to mention personality, well.

Willow seemed to be examining her carefully. “You look skinny. Are you eating enough?”

Buffy laughed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, mom.”

Willow grinned, squeezing Buffy’s hands. “You look great, Buff. It’s good to see you.” She turned, keeping one hand in Buffy’s as she pulled her deeper into the shop.

“The place looks great.” Buffy said, her eyes once again roving over the contents and décor of the small room. The walls were a nice shade of green, decorated with fabrics and little ornaments. There was a round table at one end of the shop and Buffy followed Willow there, taking a seat.

“Thank you.” Willow said. “How’s Xander?”

“He’s fine. He sends his love.” Buffy felt herself blush. “We’re kindof a thing now.”

“What?” Willow’s jaw dropped before she broke into a huge smile. “Well, damn! I gotta say, it’s about time!”

Buffy chuckled, shaking her head. “It’s a little surreal.”

“Sure it is.” Willow said, leaning back in her seat. “It’s Xander. But that’s what makes it kinda wonderful.” Her eyes lit up suddenly. “I better be maid-of-honour at the wedding!”

“Willow!” Buffy’s cheeks burned and her heart was suddenly pounding. “We only just got together – ”

“But you’ve known each other forever!”

“Whatever. There are no wedding bells yet.” Buffy said firmly, though it was difficult to keep the smile off her face.

“Sure, sure…” Willow rolled her eyes. “So, what are you doing in town? I’d love to think you came just to visit,” she smirked, crossing her arms. “But this time of year? It’s gotta be business.”

“Yeah, actually.” The smile slid off her face as Buffy looked her friend straight in the eye. “I’m here to bring you back with me to LA. We need your help.”

Tucking away the last few strands of hair that slipped out from beneath her wig, Cordelia took a look at herself in the mirror. She’d chosen – or rather, Riley had chosen – a wig that looked startlingly similar to the long, dark locks of her high-school days, its layered tips flowing down past her shoulders. The fringe of the wig cut across her forehead, covering her eyebrows from view.

Cordy grinned, impressed. Maybe she’d grow out a fringe again, cos DAMN.

The doorbell rang and Jack barked loudly downstairs. Cordelia adjusted the slim straps on her bronze-green gown, hiking up the skirt as she made her way to the front door, even though the slit of the dress was thigh high.

The doorbell rang again and Cordelia rolled her eyes, jerking the door open and coming face to back with Angel. “Impatient much?”

“We’re already late.” The vampire swivelled around, glaring at her. He must have noticed the wig and the jaw dropping (if Cordy said so herself) outfit soon after, because his eyes immediately darkened, stunned and hungry. When he didn’t say anything right away, she bent her knees in a little curtsey.


Angel stepped into the house, making a move to close the door behind him. Her eyes widened when he slid an arm around her, pulling her flush, his lips lowering towards hers. “You know, we don’t really have to go to this thing…”

“Angel!” Cordelia laughed, wrestling out of his arms and grabbing her shawl from the closet. “Perv. Come on, we have a job to do.”

Angel made a face. “There’s another kind of job you can do if we stay here – ”

“Out!” Cordy yanked the door open and shoved him through it. She blew a kiss to Jack, following after her horny boyfriend and locking the door behind her.

Faith narrowed her eyes as she turned down the street named on the sheet of paper Wes had given her two days ago, the ground bumpy, rough against her heels. The street was narrow, almost like an alleyway, littered with hookers, seedy looking men in leather jackets and way too much neon lighting for the naked eye.

She winced, sliding her hands into her pockets and striding forward confidently. She got a few looks, mostly leering rather than suspicious and she mentally patted herself on the back for wearing leather pants and the matching jacket.

The shop approached a few feet away on her left and Faith shot a quick glance behind her, pushing through the glass door. There was a tinkle, probably from a bell above, announcing her arrival, and she followed the signs inside down a short, narrow corridor. It opened into a space at the very end, and Faith was momentarily struck by the contrasting character of the room to everything else she’d seen in the last twenty minutes.

One corner of the room was covered in tiny drawers and lockers, a large board hanging adjacent to them in another corner, littered with keys in every shape and size. A third wall was blank, reserved only for a small, closed window, the glass of which was frosted, though Faith could make out an alleyway through it.

What really caught her eye was the fourth wall, home to artefacts which looked like they belonged in a gallery or museum. This guy must have been a collector or something. A selection of fine metallic weaponry hung from the wall, several antique swords of various lengths that looked like they’d been crafted in 19th century Japan and adorned with gems and jewels were braced horizontally upon its surface.

Wes would’ve loved this.

In the centre of the room, a keymaker sat behind a desk cluttered with papers, cutting a key into shape, his fingers dirty, sweat dripping down his forehead.

“Hello?” Faith asked cautiously, a hand flying to her chest when the guy jerked his head, gasping. “Geez, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Who are you?” The keymaker asked rudely, glaring at her. “What do you want?”

Faith raised an eyebrow at his tone, removing another sheet from her back pocket. Taking a slow step forward, she dropped the image of the key onto his desk. “I’m looking for this.”

He didn’t touch the sheet but simply stared at it for a moment, not saying a word. Then his head shot up and he stood abruptly. “Go. NOW.”

Faith frowned. “But – ”

He cut her off. “You’re not welcome here. I said leave.”

“Like hell I will buddy.” Faith crossed her arms stubbornly, suddenly ticked off. “I’m not leaving until I get that key.”

“Very well.” He reached under the table with his fingers and Faith tensed, bracing herself for a weapon. There was a loud rattling and the ceiling above her split open, hidden wooden doors parting with a deafening bang and showering her with fine dust and debris.

A demon fell out of them, landing gracefully on the ground behind her, crouched, ready to attack. Its head reminded Faith of a pterodactyl from the Jurassic Park movies, its claws long and sharp.

Thank heavens the damn thing didn’t have wings.

Its jaw snapped dangerously, and she had little time to ponder the length and jaggedness of its teeth before it released a harsh, primal cry, lunging at her.

“I don’t see why you couldn’t just meet me here anyway.’ Angel groused, horny and irritable as he parked his car in a free spot and pocketed the keys. “I mean, I had to come all the way there and back again – ”

Cordelia swivelled in her seat to face him. “Weren’t you alive back when chivalry was actually a custom?” That shut him up and her eyes softened. “I know this is work related but I figured we could, ya know, treat it like a date.”

Angel’s brow creased. “A date?”

“Yeah, a date.” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “It’s a twentieth century term, involves two people meeting and often going out to a nearby location to drink, be merry and spend a little time with each other. Sometimes there’s even a little kissing.”

Angel pinched her lightly. “I know what a date is, Cordelia. I just didn’t think Wolfram and Hart would be the ideal place.”

“It isn’t.” Cordelia looked down, staring at the lapel of his jacket. She wrapped a hand around it, glancing up at him shyly through her lashes. “But it’s with you.”

She smiled then and maybe his heart lurched a little in his chest. Angel tipped her chin up, kissing her lightly on the mouth, the gentlest pull of his lips against hers. When she leaned in for more, he pulled back, getting out of the car. “Don’t we have a party you didn’t want to miss?”

Cordy glared at him. “Don’t think that’s not coming back to bite you in the ass.”

She made a move to get out herself but Angel darted around the car, opening the passenger side door for her in one smooth motion and holding out his hand. He was rewarded with a surprised, yet no less in high wattage grin as she slid her fingers through his, allowing him to guide her through the main front doors of Wolfram and Hart.

The creature lunged at her and Faith sidestepped it, managing to shove her elbow into its ribs as it flew past her. It smashed into the keymaker’s desk, sending papers flying in every direction. The keymaker himself moved to a corner of the room, fear in his eyes as he pressed his back to the wall.

The demon recovered quickly, lashing out violently with its claws as Faith ducked one blow after another, dropping to her heels and kicking out deftly with her foot. She caught the demon in its shin and it lost its balance, falling gracelessly to the ground. Faith pounced but the demon rolled, grasping the edge of the desk and hauling itself to its feet.

Faith kicked its abdomen, cursing when it caught her foot between its claw-like hands. It spun her and she felt her other foot leave the floor, her body levitating momentarily before she crashed back to the ground, moaning in pain as her muscles pounded and her lip split open.

“Son of a bitch!” She slammed her fist down, a growl escaping her. “This ends now!”

The demon grabbed her leg and Faith flipped onto her back, slamming her free heel into its skull. It howled, staggering backwards and she jumped up immediately, rounding her foot in an arch and kicking it viciously across the face again. It flew backwards into the blank wall, its body hitting it with a sickening crack until it slid down to the ground, groaning.

Faith rounded on the keymaker, storming towards the wall housing the sword collection. She reached for one, glancing at him. “Can I borrow this?” She yanked the longest sword off the wall, not waiting for a response from the trembling man. “Thanks.”

One fluid motion and she sliced the sword across the demon’s throat, severing its head. Keeping a tight hold on the weapon, she spun around, glaring at the keymaker. She held her free hand out, palm flat, her voice threatening and holding no room for argument. “Give me the key. NOW.”

Thank you Riley, Cordelia thought, as she stepped into the lift, watching the numbers as it began to move and the light flashed behind them in an ascending order. Her heart was beating fast, probably because she’d just seen one of the security guards from *that* night – the one she’d kicked in the face for calling her a bitch. He’d glanced at her, and for one terrible moment Cordelia had thought her cover had been blown.

But then just as quickly he’d turned away, his eyes focussed on the couple behind them and the couple after that. She wasn’t entirely sure he’d question Angel even if he did recognise her, though the look on his face suggested that he’d simply been curious as to the appearance of his boss’ date. Still, she was grateful for the authentic look of the wig.

The elevator stopped, the doors slid open with a chime, and for the third time in just over a week, Cordelia stepped into the lobby of the offices of Wolfram and Hart, following Angel’s lead as he pulled her onto the floor, manoeuvring his way through the dozens and dozens of people. He didn’t have to try too hard – most of them tripped over their own feet to make way for him, instantly switching into grovelling mode.

She got a few looks – some jealous, some appreciative – though the latter were diverted almost immediately by Angel’s low growl and the flash of yellow in his eyes.

Cordy pouted. “You’re no fun.”

He merely glared at her, coming to a halt in front of the drinks and canapés table, a long counter that stretched several feet and was covered in a deep magenta fabric. It matched the décor of the lobby, which had been embellished with streamers, lanterns and exquisite drapery, all a deep, dark shade of maroon.

“Well this is fancy.” Cordy said, impressed. She’d been to a hell of a lot of parties in her life, thrown by ridiculously wealthy patrons too, but this certainly qualified. Hell’s law firm had access to all kinds of ingredients to throw one heck of a bash, she supposed.

“It’s a thing.” Angel said, scanning the crowd, probably for Eve. “Throwing an over-the-top shindig every now and then is one amongst the many casual past times of Wolfram and Hart.”

“That along with stealing souls and committing general cardinal acts of evil.” Cordy muttered, waving slyly at a group of men standing at the other end of the room that were checking her out.

“Exactly.” Angel grabbed her hand, trapping it beneath his own against his chest. “Hey! Stop that.”

She gave him her best innocent face. “I’m just trying to fit in.”

“By waving to the pimply faced nerds?” Angel asked incredulously.

Cordelia bit her lip to keep from laughing at his far from subtle jealousy. “Isn’t this how one of your chippies would behave?”

Angel tugged swiftly at her trapped hand, jerking her forward and flush with his chest, his voice a hoarse timber. “Don’t make me show you.”

Cordy couldn’t help but grin, barely suppressing the shiver that shot down her spine and curled her toes. Her hand smoothed across the silk of his shirt, desire sparking to life when his eyes flashed, darkening with want. She nearly gave in right there but instead, kissed him at the corner of his mouth and pulled out of his arms, delighting at the look of outrage on his face. “The little girls’ room beckons, big guy. I think my hair’s coming loose.”

Angel couldn’t help but glower as Cordelia sauntered away, amusement sparkling in her eyes at the way his body hardened due to her simplest touch, pounding as though alive. He wanted to devour that smirk off her face, sweep the drinks off the table, bend her over and –

“Angel.” Came a voice from behind him and he spun around, snapping out of his little fantasy. His eyes narrowed in irritation before he remembered he had a job to do. He forced his features to soften and his sneer melted into a genuine, enticing smile.


Eve paused, appearing almost taken aback by the gesture. Finally she smiled back, walking casually over to him with her martini. “I see you made it.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Angel picked the toothpick out of her drink, sliding off the olive it pierced through with his teeth, never taking his eyes off her. He stepped closer, letting his eyes drop as they swept sensually over her, though he had to battle down the urge to gag at the very action. Eve sucked in a breath and the sudden scent of arousal flooded his nostrils.

Angel blinked. That was easy. Damn woman, at least give me a challenge…

“So,” Eve started, buying his flirting as an invitation. ”You here alone?”

Angel brushed a finger over her collarbone, the curve of her neck, resting it on her chin. “Why do you ask?”

Eve was all but humming now as she let her intentions be known in her eyes. Fighting the temptation to run in the other direction, Angel dropped his voice low, his fingers travelling across her cheekbone seductively. “Tell me what you want…”

“You know what I want…” Eve licked her lips, trying to follow his finger with her tongue.

Angel grinned wolfishly, wrapping a finger around a lock of her hair. Eve leaned into the touched, seemingly mesmerised by his eyes and Angel ceased the opportunity, twisting his wrist in a quick, deft movement, tugging out a few strands of her hair.

“Ow.” She muttered, rubbing her scalp lightly. Angel surreptitiously slid the strands into his jacket pocket, struggling not to recoil when Eve took a step closer, pressing a hand against his chest. She smiled suggestively, stroking the soft material of his shirt. “I always knew you liked it rough.”

Cordelia exited the ladies’ room, having straightened her wig. That was the last thing she needed – an embarrassing scenario of undercover hair loss. Well, this baby definitely wasn’t coming off unless she wanted it to. She scanned the room for Angel, finding him exactly where she’d left him.

Only he wasn’t alone.

The reaction was sudden, but unsurprising. Hot rage exploded in her chest as she recognised the woman standing opposite him, her dress even more whore-y than the last time, her heels *so* very last year.

Cordy made a face. “There isn’t enough ‘ew’ in the world.”

Eve ran a hand smarmily down Angel’s shirt, that horrid smirk pasted onto her face.

Jealousy coursed through her, hot and deadly. It made her furious – to see, to even *think* of that conceited little skank all over HER man. It helped that Angel appeared repulsed by her but – were her hands touching? – Her hands were TOUCHING! Powerful, angry strides carried Cordy across the room and she only stopped when she was between them, facing Angel.

Her arms flew around his neck, her lips slamming into his as she pressed her body against him. Angel made a startled, choking noise, shortly followed by a whimper as he pulled her closer, palming her lower back. A triumphant roar sounded in her head and Cordy continued to kiss him, moving her lips fervently against his, erasing all thoughts of anyone or anything but her touch and taste from his mind.

Slowly, she pulled away, grinning at the dazed look in Angel’s eyes as he stared down at her. Cordy spun around swiftly, as though just noticing the company.

“Oh, sorry.” She said half-heartedly, a brittle smile on her face as she looked Eve in the eye. “I didn’t even see you there.”

Eve’s smile mirrored her own and Cordy intertwined both her hands with Angel’s, wrapping his arms around her. He must have guessed what she was up to then because a gentle “behave” was whispered into her ear before he nipped it with his teeth.

“Who’s your friend, Angel?” Eve asked and Cordy narrowed her eyes at the skank’s lame attempt at saving face by not acknowledging her. To Angel’s credit, he allowed Cordy to answer.

“I’m Cordelia Chase.”

“Oh.” Eve said. “My name’s – ”

“I didn’t ask.” The indignant look on the girl’s face was fun but Cordy allowed herself only a brief glance and a cocky grin before she spun around again in a dance-like move, Angel’s hands still intertwined with hers. She took a step closer and threw her arms around his neck again, nipping at his bottom lip.

Angel’s hands settled on her hips as he glanced behind her at Eve, then back at Cordy, his voice barely a whisper. “So badly behaved…”

Cordy grinned wickedly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Angel rolled his eyes, though they sparkled with amusement, circling her nose with his. “I can’t take you anywhere.” He glanced over her shoulder again and Cordy sighed, feeling the ever-irritating presence of the skank behind her. She turned once again, trying to keep her anger in check, resuming her previous position, Angel’s arms wrapping around her.

“Can we help you?”

Eve’s eyes narrowed. “*You* weren’t exactly the kindof help I had in mind.”

“Yeah well.” Cordy looked her up and down. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

Eve took a step towards her and Cordy felt Angels arms tighten around her. She only smiled and Eve stopped in her tracks. “Cordelia Chase.” She said finally. “The name rings a bell.”

“Oh, look at that.” Cordy said bitchily. “Here you are reminiscing about my name and I don’t even care to know yours.”

“I don’t blame you, you know.” Eve said, glaring at the way Angel’s cheek was rubbing against Cordy’s temple. “I’d be jealous of me and Angel too.”

Cordy heard Angel snort behind her. “You and me? There is no you and me, Eve.”

“When I had my hands on that body,” Eve ignored him completely, her eyes glazing over, seemingly remembering the event. She smiled, licking her lips. Cordy’s blood boiled. “I didn’t want to stop touching it either.”

“Well,” Cordy gave Eve her best fake-sympathetic look, “Too bad the mind belonging to that body didn’t give you a second thought.”

The smile slid off Eve’s face and she glared at Angel, who only shrugged.

“She makes a good point.”

“I’m full of them, really.”

“Mmm, hmm.” Angel agreed, kissing Cordy’s cheek and smiling shamelessly at the seething brunette opposite him.

“Oh, bite me, Angel.” Eve spat out, spinning on her heel and striding off into the crowd.

Angel looked after her for a moment. Then, “Nah.”

Cordy grinned, the anger inside only just ebbing away. She leaned back into Angel’s chest. “You got what we came for?” When he nodded, she cocked her head at him. “Maybe I should rip out a chunk of her hair just in case.”

“Cordelia…” Angel admonished

“Spoilsport.” Cordy laughed, tugging him towards the elevator. “Come on Broody, let’s get out of here.”

They drove more or less in silence, the ocean wind whipping through Cordelia’s now natural hair as it breezed over the windshield of Angel’s convertible, her wig tossed into the backseat. Her mind was full of the evening’s events, her body still throbbing with hot jealousy, anger simmering just beneath the surface, and something else…

It *had* pissed her off, outraged her beyond belief the moment Eve had laid her filthy little hands on Angel. It helped that Angel was less than interested but he was hers, HERS dammit, and the very thought that that skank had EVER been anywhere near him –

Well she’d damn well shown her.

Cordy clenched her fists, glancing across the seat at Angel. He was so beautiful in the moonlight, dark-eyed and strong jawed, muscles taut, flexed under his shirt as both hands rested on the wheel. Amongst the jealousy and the rage, the foreign emotion made itself known – desire, pure and raw, as it coursed through her veins, her hands itching to touch, her body humming, craving him like a drug.

Cordy licked her lips.

She slid across the seat, pressing an innocent kiss to his cheek. A smile curled Angel’s lips and he turned his head, kissing her briefly on the forehead, never taking his eyes off the road. Cordy smirked, an evil glint in her eye that was lost on him.

She leaned up, her teeth nipping at Angel’s earlobe. The vampire glanced down at her quizzically but Cordy only allowed a soft, feminine tilt of her lips before she returned to his ear, her tongue painting a question mark around it. She bathed the spot beneath his ear with the tip of her tongue, making him jolt in his seat.

“Cor – ” He warned.

She ignored him, nibbling at his throat, her hand smoothing over his chest and creeping through the parted material between the buttons. Her fingers flicked over a nipple and he jerked again, the car swerving slightly along the road.

“We’re gonna have an accident.” He growled.

“Hmm,” Cordy pressed her breasts against him, loving the way another growl vibrated through his body. “I think *you’re* the only the one who’s gonna have an accident…”

Her hand fluttered over his knee, then slid sensually up his inner thigh, closer and closer to his –

Cordy grabbed onto his leg as the car swerved dangerously in an arc. Angel gripped the wheel, trying to regain control as it jerked roughly, veering off the road and onto the sand. He shoved the break, stopping inches from the ocean, its waves just lapping at the Plymouth’s wheels.

Cordy sucked in a breath and glanced at him, expecting to receive the tongue lashing of the century. But Angel only wrapped a hand around the slim circumference of her thigh, pulling it over his lap so she was straddling him.

“Come here.” He growled, seconds before her lips were plundered. An inferno ignited almost immediately in her womb and she whimpered, sliding her hands through his hair and holding him to her. Her mouth tilted, burying into his, wet and hot and bruising. She gasped against his cheek when she pulled away to breathe, throwing her head back as his lips trailed down her throat.

Angel nipped at her collarbone, jerking the strap of her dress down her shoulder. His hand slid down her chest and settled over her heart as he roughly pushed the bra out of the way, rubbing a nipple beneath his palm.

“Harder.” Cordy rasped, shuddering and pushing herself into his hands as he suckled at her other breast, arousal flushing through her body.

Her arms curled around his shoulders, her open mouth trailing messy kisses over his temple, cheek and ear. She bit down roughly onto his jaw and Angel growled, delicious vibrations humming across the surface of her skin. She did it again and this time the reaction sent a shockwave of desire though her, as his hips jerked into hers. His tongue swirled around her nipple and she groaned, grinding down onto his lap.

Angel’s hand fisted in her hair and he dragged her lips back to his, slamming their mouths together, rough and desperate and mind-blowing. Cordy made quick work of his belt buckle, jerking the belt out of its loops and throwing it to the side. Angel’s hands dragged the dress up her thighs, his hands palming her ass as she bucked against him.

She pulled the zipper down, freeing him in her palm. Her fingers stroked him, always the tease as she licked the exposed patch of skin beneath his collar. Angel circled her wrists with his hands, jerking them away as he grabbed her rocking hips, lifting her and pushing her panties to the side, impaling her on his erection.

Cordy cried out, her forehead resting against Angel’s as the sensation of once again being filled by him consumed her. For a moment, she did nothing but stare into his eyes, her breathing heavy as her chest rose and fell against his still one. Angel cupped her cheek and warmth accompanied the lust in his eyes then, as he gently kissed her.

They began to move as one, his hips rocking against hers, creating a rhythm. The waves crashed against the shore as Angel sipped kisses from Cordy’s mouth, his palms sliding over her shoulders, her waist, lightly tickling her stomach and coming to rest on her hips as he guided her movements.

Cordelia wound her arms around him, nails scratching lightly at the hair at the nape of his neck, loving the way he purred, low in his throat. He thrust up, his body bouncing against her clit and she flinched in pleasure, flinging her head back. Angel pressed a kiss to her chin, sucked at her throat leaving a light mark. She clung to him, riding him wild and hard as the wind swirled around them.

He smoothed his palms over her cheeks, pushing strands of hair behind her ear and kissing her there, suckling the lobe into his mouth. She moaned loudly so he did it again, this time sliding his fingers between them to that slick, hot place inside her. Cordy screamed, wave after wave of pleasure radiating through her as the orgasm racked her body, her hands fisted tightly in Angel’s shirt.

She leaned forward, her forehead making contact with his, hips still rocking against his as he neared the edge, gritting his teeth. Cordy flicked her tongue against his lips, pressed a kiss to his cheekbone and slammed her hips into his. Angel groaned, holding her tight against him, pounding erratically now as he reached the brink. With a wicked smile Cordelia bit down at the curve of his throat. Hard.

He came with a shout, burying his face in her neck and riding it out, his hands alternately clenching and unclenching against her waist. He peppered her neck with kisses, mouth fluttering over the curve of her shoulder and collarbone. Cordy held him close, sighing when he nuzzled her cheek, pulling away just barely to look her in the eye.

When she waggled her eyebrows at him, Angel laughed, kissing her mouth. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Chase.”

“You’re already dead,” Cordy smirked, nipping his lower lip, “dumbass.”

Part 18

Posted in TBC

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