LA’s Angels. 8


Her head didn’t feel any clearer in the morning.

Cordelia leaned against her kitchen counter, pouring herself a glass of juice. She’d done the usual – woken up, brushed her teeth, jogged along the beach with Jack running beside her, heard about Riley’s wild night with another large-breasted bimbo over the phone, and brushed off several of his attempts to learn about *her* evening –

Which brought her back to the problem at hand.


Angel and their so-called ‘date’.

Her feelings were still a mess. She wanted him and she didn’t want him. She certainly couldn’t deny the attraction – it had pinned her like a dart and spread through her veins like poison. She felt a strange tingle when she thought of him, and that wonderful feeling of excitement and desire a woman felt when beginning a new relationship with a man.

Only this was a man…pire. Cordy rolled her eyes. Not that *that* was a valid excuse. It didn’t bother her really – her life wasn’t exactly the epitome of normal either. Sure, there were limitations to consider but she could deal with those as they came. Then again, there was that happiness clause…

Cordelia shook her head, pushing the sensory overload that was the idea of ‘sex with Angel’ out of her mind and trying to regain her train of thought.

It bothered her that Angel was a client. Their relationship or whatever the hell it was, was incredibly unprofessional and incredibly unlike her. So what if he made her feel things she hadn’t really felt before? So what if he was tall and dark and gorgeous –

“Not helping, Cordy.” She said out loud, sipping her juice. Something just didn’t feel right to her about the whole thing and it made embarking on whatever *he* had in mind impossible. She was a powerful, professional woman and she wasn’t about to start a dubious love affair with a client for goodness sakes, no matter who he was or how he made her feel.

Cordelia slammed her glass down resolutely, her mind made up. The feeling of discontent didn’t seem to disappear with the decision but Cordy ignored that completely, glancing at her watch. She had to be at the office soon.

Grabbing her towel from the back of the chair, she headed for the shower.


“I changed your conference call to 4.30 and remember you have a meeting with the Nyaskins’ clan at six – ”

Angel barely heard what Harmony was saying. Sure, he’d pretty much started tuning her out ever since he’d hired her but there were more important things on his mind at the moment.

Like why Cordelia hadn’t answered *any* of his calls.

A growl escaped him. He felt like a desperate teenager all over again, new to the rules of dating. Was he supposed to call the morning after? Was there a three-day waiting rule? Was it better to seem aloof, or risk seeming desperate?

He’d called once in the early afternoon, when he’d woken up and against his better judgement. At the sound of her answering machine, he’d hung up the phone, disappointed. He’d lifted the receiver and dialled her number a couple of hours later, only to get her voicemail again. This time, he’d left a message.

When he’d finished, the strange feeling in his stomach hadn’t dissipated. Cordelia wasn’t answering his calls, and he wasn’t fool enough to believe there wasn’t something behind it.

Something he knew he wouldn’t like.


Buffy sighed resignedly, flipping through the notes Wesley had given her and passing the stack of sheets on to Cordy. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Faith talking to Wes, unusually cheerful and probably as a result of her fantastic evening. Buffy swallowed, her heart plummeting into her stomach. She tried not to think too much about it.

Cordelia nudged her. “You okay?”

“Sure.” Buffy nodded half-heartedly, fully aware that Cordy knew her better than almost anyone. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you cancelled on the blonde for starters.” Cordelia frowned. “Then there’s the big black cloud hovering over your head.” She shrugged. “And you don’t usually sit and stare at inanimate objects – ”

Buffy glanced at her. “Cordelia – ”

“Hey.” Faith dropped onto the couch opposite them. “What we talking about?”

“Uh, nothing.” Buffy did her best to smile and act normal. “How was the date?”

“Please Buffy.” Faith winked at her. “I never kiss and tell – ”

“So,” Cordy said quickly, seemingly noticing the crestfallen look on Buffy’s face. “Wes? What’s the plan? Any ideas how to bring down the big bad building?”

“Might I remind you,” Wesley said, taking a seat himself, “This is about helping Angel. NOT demolishing Wolfram and Hart.”

“Speaking of Angel…” Faith grinned at Cordelia and the girl shifted uncomfortably. “How was the big da – oh, I’m sorry, business meeting?”

“I forgot about that.” Buffy turned to Cordy, her curiosity peaked.

“I told you.” Cordelia replied with a glare. “He just wanted to…talk.” She barely seemed to hide a shiver. “About work. Amongst other things.”

Buffy raised an eyebrow. “What kind of other things?”

“Everyday things.” Cordy said shortly. “He can’t do that with anyone else and I was the guinea pig.” She looked up at Faith. “Really, it was just dinner.”

Faith huffed, disappointed. “Damn. I was hoping for hot monkey love details.”

Wesley grimaced. “Or details on anything else perhaps?”

“Well,” Cordy took a deep breath, trying to remember, “He mentioned he’d been to hell. Twice.” She half smiled at the way Buffy’s eyes widened. “One of the times was with a Wolfram and Hart employee, *in* Wolfram and Hart.”

“What?” Faith frowned. “How is that even possible?”

Cordy shrugged. “He said the guy referred to it as their ‘home office’.”

“Hell?” Wesley asked, then seemed to consider it. “Well I suppose that isn’t hard to believe. Did he reveal how he got there?”

“He said it was down some sort of elevator shaft.” Cordy shook her head. “I didn’t push him about it because he looked a little nauseous. I was worried about my interior.”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “Alright, I’ll make a note of it. Anything else?”

“He knows his way around the building. Which by the looks of it, we do too now.” Cordy glanced over at the blueprints. “Other than that, not a lot. He said he’d let us know if anything else came up but for now he should be able to get us anything straightforward if we need it.” She looked down at her sheet. “Anything that doesn’t require, ya know…” Her eyes widened and she looked up. “An eye scan?”

“Pretty cool, huh?” Faith grinned.

Cordy stared at Wes. “How the hell are we gonna get past all this security?”

“I have a few ideas.” Wesley had a twinkle in his eye, the same one he got whenever he knew the answer to a difficult question. “We have the names of the two people who can freely come and go into the building thanks to the personal files. One is in charge of security and other is a liaison to the senior partners.”

Cordy raised an eyebrow. “So?”

“So, we did a little background search on ‘em.” Buffy piped up, handing another sheet to Cordelia. “Where they go, what they like doing…”

“How did you manage that?”

“I hired a P.I.” Wesley said matter-of-factly.

Cordy frowned. “Aren’t we P.I’s?”

“Yes, but some of us are all too busy dating.”

Cordy had the grace to colour slightly. Then, she grinned. “Speaking of dating Wes, what’s going on with you and Kate?”

Wesley shot Buffy a menacing look and she smirked. “I hardly think – ”

“Relax Wes, it’s just harmless curiosity.” Faith punched his arm affectionately. “We were always rooting for you two crazy kids to get together.”

Buffy laughed, winking at the other girl. “They are kindof cute.”


“Alright, that’s enough.” Wesley snapped, though he seemed to be fighting a smile. “Can we get back to the matter at hand, please?”

Buffy sat up straight. “Aye aye, cap.”

“Right, Faith, according to our source this Park fellow goes here every Saturday evening.” Wes handed her a small card with the address and a photograph of an Asian – American man. “He’s recently been through a terrible divorce.” He added at her grimace. “Forgive me if I cause offence but I believe you’d be most confident to go incognito in a place like that.”

“Titty Kats. Classy.” Faith glanced at the strip club flyer, then broke into a grin. “And no offence taken.”

“Good. Buffy,” Wes glanced at Buffy. “Go with her. I want this operation to run smoothly.”

Buffy nodded. “What do you want us to do?”

“He’ll be carrying a security key card with him at all times.” Wesley looked at each girl. “You must obtain it.”

Faith shrugged. “Easy.”

“Alright, now that’s settled, I’ll acquire the eye scan from Eve.”

“Whoa.” Cordy stared at him. “You? In the field?”

Wesley glared at her through his glasses. “I’ll have you know I’m a fantastic dick.”

Faith jerked her head towards him. Buffy choked on the water she was drinking.

Cordy merely raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, a dick, a detective, a gumshoe.” Wesley sputtered.

“I have no doubt.” Cordy said, a hint of a smile on her lips. “But this woman works for Wolfram & Hart. She’s bound to be a, how do I put this…vicious bitch?”

Wesley frowned. “You don’t think I can handle a vicious bitch? I have the British charm.”

“Yeah, but I just think we’d be better off using someone who’s used to *dealing* with vicious bitches.” Cordy’s eyes narrowed. “Which you’re NOT.”

Wesley glanced from her, to Buffy, to Faith. “Ah, yes well…” He cleared his throat. “Are you volunteering?”

Cordy shrugged but Faith shook her head. “I doubt a woman like that would respond well to another.”

“So we need a man, other than Wes.” Buffy said. She looked at their boss. “A Casanova rather than a James Bond.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Wesley appeared quite pleased at being compared to James Bond. “Someone with more confidence and experience with promiscuous women would be better suited for the job.”

“We need a man-whore?” Cordy asked with a knowing grin.

“Possibly.” Wesley raised an eyebrow. “Why? You happen to know one?”

“Riley.” Faith grinned. “Man after my own heart.”

Buffy laughed. “He’ll get the job done, alright.”

“I’ll ask.” Cordy grabbed her phone, grimacing when she glanced at the screen. “Yeesh.”

Faith frowned. “What?”

“Nothing.” Cordelia said quickly, lifting the phone to her ear. “Maybe we should get Xander to go with him? Make sure Riley doesn’t get out of hand?”

“Good idea.” Wesley nodded.

“I’ll call him.”

The words came out of their mouths at the same time and Faith and Buffy stared at each other, shifting uncomfortably. Faith shrugged.

“Sure, you call him. I’ve gotta think about my outfit anyway.”

“Outfit?” Wesley shot her a bewildered look. “You mean disguise?”

Faith flashed a wolfish grin. “I mean outfit.”

“Really, Faith – ”

“Alright.” Cordy said, putting her phone away. “Riley’s in.”

“So is Xander.” Buffy hung up, sliding her phone into her pocket.

“Great! So we’re set.” Wesley scribbled something down onto two sheets of paper. “Here are the addresses for both locations.” He pocketed one of them, handing the other to Faith. “Cordelia, I’ll need your help here planning the, uh, the…”

“Breaking and entering?” Buffy offered.

“That’s such a negative term.” Wes muttered.

Cordy smiled, her hand flying to her chest when her phone rang.

Buffy grinned. “Little miss popularity.”

Cordelia only rolled her eyes, lifting the phone out of her handbag. She sighed when she saw the caller I.D, swiftly throwing it back in.

Faith looked up. “Aren’t you going to answer that?”

“No.” Cordelia answered shortly.

“Oookay.” Faith stood, holding her hand out to Buffy, who took it, standing too. “We’re gonna go strip, uh I mean, go *to* the strip.”

“Speak with the manager first, Faith, I don’t want any added confusion.” Wesley said, handing her the flyer she’d left on the table. “And good luck.”


Angel snapped the phone shut, nearly crushing it in his fist. Cordelia *still* wasn’t answering any of his calls. Well, he thought, as he barged through the door of the small office on the thirteenth floor, smiling sardonically at the way the sole occupant of the room jumped in fright, he’d just have to find other ways of contacting her. Three of the four desks in the room were empty but Angel walked over to the young man seated behind one, raising an eyebrow.

“Do you have the information?”

“Y…yes.” The man stuttered, pushing his glasses up and retrieving a brown envelop from the first drawer in his desk. “The…the address is inside.”

Angel took the envelope, sliding it between his shirt and jacket. “This stays between us.” He said, his tone making it clear there was no room for argument.

The man swallowed. “Of…of course, s…sir.”

“Good.” Without another word, Angel turned on his heel, strolling out of the office.



“Quit being such a baby.” Cordy muttered, fingers fluttering around Riley’s rapidly blinking eye. “You’re the one who can’t do this yourself.”

Riley pouted. “It hurts.”

“Ugh.” Cordy held the scanning device (conveniently disguised as a contact lens) on the tip of her finger, tapping her foot. “Here we are, sending you off to do a man’s job and you’re acting like a little girl.”

“Hey!” Riley grabbed her wrist, glaring at her. “It feels…weird. I’m not used to stuff being…inserted.”

Cordelia heard Xander snigger from the couch. “You just had to take it to the gutter, didn’t you?”

“You bring out the best in me, Cor.” Riley winked, then blinked several times. “Dammit!”

Cordy laughed, rubbing his shoulder. “Come on, I’ll be gentle.”

Riley frowned, then took a step closer to her, closing one eye.

“So what’s my role in this again?” Xander asked from the sofa, taking the tiny contraption Wesley handed him. “And what’s this?”

“Flip it open.” Wesley ordered, taking a seat next to him. Xander did so, revealing a calculator like panel with a small cross-sectioned screen. “It’s a transmission device attached to the scanner. The moment Riley acquires the scan, it’ll show up on the screen. You’ll need to let him know so he can make a hasty exit.”

“I have to be nerd-boy while he gets to hit on the girl?” Xander scrunched up his nose. “It’s like high-school all over again.”

Cordy gave him a sympathetic smile as she sat down, Riley following behind her, the scanning device now firmly in place. Wesley only frowned, seemingly pondering something.

“We’re going to need to get them *into* that party.” He said finally. “Eve may get suspicious if they’re hanging around waiting for her when she gets outside.”

“Didn’t you say it was a private party?” Xander asked.

Riley squinted at him. “You’ve never crashed a private party before?”


Riley smirked. “Are ya scared, Harris?”

“There will be no crashing.” Wesley said, before Xander could retort. “I want this done as quickly and quietly as possible.” He glanced at Cordy. “Any ideas?”

Cordy was quiet for a moment. Then, she shrugged. “How about Nabbit?”

“Of course!” Wesley said, throwing his hands up. “That man has more connections than the human body.”

Riley frowned at the metaphor. Cordy smirked, reaching for her phone. “I’ll give him a call.”

Xander just looked confused. “Who’s Nabbit?” His eyes widened. “David Nabbit? THE David Nabbit?” He was on his feet in front of Cordelia so fast she barely saw him move. “You *know* him?”

“Ssh.” Cordy moved away from him, smiling when she heard Nabbit’s voice. “David? It’s Cordy.” Her smile widened at his squeal of delight. “Fine, fine. And you?” She laughed. “Great. Actually David, I need a favour…”

“Remarkable man, really.” Wesley said to Xander. “Incredibly well off for such a young fellow. And he’s always come through for us when we’ve needed him.”

Riley frowned. “That’s just cos he’s got a huge crush on Cordelia.”

Xander nodded, indicating he sympathised.

Cordy hung up, taking a seat once again. “He’s on it.” She turned to Riley. “I’ll confirm it with you when he calls. You should be able to walk straight in.”


“Excellent then, we’re all set.” Wesley stood, grabbing the picture of Eve from his desk and removing the address from his pocket, handing them both to Xander. “Here’s hoping it all goes smoothly.” His lips pulled into a frown. “It should do, providing Xander doesn’t fall asleep and Riley doesn’t shag her.”

Both boys looked up in outrage. “HEY!”

Part 9

Posted in TBC

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