LA’s Angels. 6

The clock ticked the seconds away as morning turned into noon.

Xander glanced at it, heaving the basket of laundry in his arms into a free machine. The laundromat was mostly empty, except for the large woman on his far right and the Vanilla Ice wannabe opposite him.

Xander reached into his pocket, pulling out his change and inserting the coins into the slot. He’d spent enough Fridays with nothing better to do than a week’s worth of dirty clothes to know he had time to kill. Wash 30 minutes, dry another 40, assuming he picked a dryer that actually worked.

If no brawls broke out among the clientele over who was entitled to which machine and he didn’t bother to fold, Xander could be back at his apartment in time for the “I Love Lucy” marathon.

Yes siree, his life had reached a new level of loserdom

He groaned, sliding into a plastic seat. He could go get a coffee, maybe a magazine while he waited –

“Harris, you wash? Who knew?”

Xander closed his eyes at the familiar voice, a smile inadvertently sliding onto his face. He looked up at the new arrival.

Faith grinned at him, her laundry bag swung casually over her shoulder. She placed it down on the machine next to his, leaning against it.

Xander shook his head. “Quit flirting with me, Faith.”

Faith snorted. “Yeah right. Like I would stoop that low.”

Xander only smiled. “I wouldn’t put it past you.” He glanced at her laundry bag. “And it’s good to know *you* wash. God only knows where you’ve been…”

Faith chuckled, punching him playfully in the arm as he walked over. “I haven’t seen you in forever, Xan-man. How you been?”

“Good.” Xander said earnestly, smiling. “And you -?”

“Good huh?” Faith interrupted, her eyes twinkling. “You seeing anyone? Oh no, wait – women *still* haven’t taken to dating boring losers.” Her grin took the bite out of her words. “That’s gotta suck, right?”

“Yeah, well,” Xander grabbed her arm, taking a step forward so that his face was inches from hers. “Good for you that’s where men differ.” He looked her once over. “They’ll do anything.”

“Ooh, the tension.” Faith laughed when Xander released her, stepping back. “I always knew you had a thing for me.” At his snort, she frowned. “Or was it Cordelia?”

“I’m ignoring you,” Xander said, grinning and turning away as he leaned against the machine. A comfortable silence settled between them. He could feel her eyes boring into him, contemplating him, but he didn’t look up.

“You still have a thing for Buffy?”

The question came out of nowhere, throwing him completely. His eyes shot to hers. “What? No.”

Faith raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t!” Xander yelped indignantly, hoping he wasn’t blushing. “I never – Buffy’s my best friend, that’s all.”

Faith looked suspicious for a second, before she released a breath, reaching for her laundry bag. She began to unload the clothes into the machine. Xander watched her, looking away when his eyes landed on a lacy bra.

“So you wanna go out?”

That question threw him even more than the Buffy one. Xander swivelled around to face her. “You – what?”

Faith shrugged, not looking at him. He didn’t know whether he was grateful for that or not. “We haven’t seen each other in a while. It’d be fun, ya know, to catch up. Maybe go see a movie, grab something to eat…” She glanced at him.

Xander opened his mouth, uncertain whether to say yes or no. Was she asking him out on a date? Wasn’t that supposed to be his job? Or was he misinterpreting it completely? Maybe it was just a friendly invitation –

“Besides,” Faith said, standing and shutting the machine door. “It’s not like you have anything better to do. You’re not seeing anyone else. Unless of course a TV heroine from the 50’s qualifies.” She grimaced. “Which, by the way? Scary.”

Xander snapped his mouth shut, glaring at her, despite the fact that she was right. Faith only smirked, raising her eyebrows challengingly.

“Fine.” Xander said, crossing his arms. “Dinner it is.”

“Great.” Faith grinned winningly and Xander found himself smiling back. “It’s a date.”


Angel sank into the leather sofa, laying his head back. He released a long, low groan, closing his eyes for a few moments. He twirled the calling card between his fingers, his other hand cradling the phone.

He glanced at the card for the umpteenth time, taking a deep breath. A sudden burst of courage filled him and he punched the numbers into the phone, holding the receiver up to his ear.

He heard the dial tone, then a single ring before he panicked, swiftly hanging up. He swore under his breath, exasperated and a little amused. This was supposed to be so simple. He’d done it a number of times and yet he’d never felt so much like a shy little boy before. *This* time seemed more important somehow.

Taking another deep breath, he picked up the phone, bracing himself for another try.


“I have a date.” Buffy blurted out.

Cordy’s head jerked up and she looked at Buffy in surprise. “What?”

“I thought about what you said.” Buffy said, nervously playing with the material of the sofa. Cordelia covered her hand, stopping her fidgeting.


“And you’re right.” Buffy shrugged. “I don’t *need* a man, I just want one. And I shouldn’t let it distract me because it’s not like I’m gonna end up alone, right?” She stared at Cordy. “Right?”

“Of course not.” Cordelia laughed softly.

“Right.” Buffy nodded, a smile sliding onto her face. “But it also doesn’t hurt to date in the meantime.”

“Sure.” Cordy grinned at her, waggling her eyebrows. “So who’s the lucky guy?”

Buffy blushed. “You remember that really cute blonde from my building?” Cordy’s brow creased. “Ya know? Tall? Gorgeous? Southern charm?”

“Oh yeah!” Cordy smirked, slapping Buffy’s knee. “Damn!”

They both laughed. It was good to see Buffy’s spirits high. Cordelia had been worried about her the previous night. But looking at her now, giggling cheerfully, she appeared a little better.


Faith unlocked the main door and stepped into the large room, grinning at the three familiar faces. She blew Wesley a kiss as he appeared from the back room and headed towards the sofa, taking a seat. She caught the tail end of the girls’ conversation – Buffy had a date. Which reminded her… Faith opened her mouth to tell Buffy about Xander and the morning’s events but Wes cut her off swiftly, his tone cranky.

“Before we start,” Wesley said, crossing his arms indignantly. “Now that you’re all here, I’d just like to voice my displeasure at not being informed of Angel’s agreement to work with us right away.”

Faith rolled her eyes, mock-snoring loudly in her seat. Across from her, Buffy snickered.

Wesley narrowed his eyes. He took a deep breath. “Good GOD, sometimes I just…” He paused, shaking his head in apparent despair.

Faith sat up quickly, feeling guilty. “We’re sorry, okay?”

“VERY sorry.” Cordy added, nodding.

“From now on, you will be the fourth person to know.” Buffy said enthusiastically. “Uh, fifth actually, I mean there’s Angel…or possibly sixth cos the Powers are all seeing – ”

Cordy raised an eyebrow at her. “Shovel?”

“Thank you.” Buffy grinned.

Wesley appeared to be fighting a smile but slowly, it slipped over his face, lighting it. “Alright, I’ll settle for sixth.” He straightened, rubbing his hands together. “Right then. Now that that’s sorted – how are we going to go about this? Any ideas?”

“Well, we have Angel,” Faith said.

“Maybe.” Buffy sounded doubtful. “But other than that we don’t have a lot.”

“Then we’ll start with what we have.” Wesley said. “Buffy, you and I will look over our Wolfram & Hart files – see if anything’s relevant to this case. Faith, use our books, the internet – any resources from which you can garner research. ”

He turned to Cordelia then, pausing briefly before he spoke, as though trying to find the right words. “Cordy, I hear you have a special relationship with Angel.”

“What?” Cordy yelped, her eyes widening. They flew to Faith and Buffy, who were suddenly looking everywhere but directly at her. “What are you talking about? I do not.”

Wesley looked a little embarrassed. “Well – ”

“Oh please!” Buffy interrupted him, highly amused. “He was *totally* into you!”

“He was – no, just NO.” Cordy raised a hand, closing her eyes. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.”

“You don’t have to.” Faith shrugged. “Your body language said it all. You like him too.”

“I do NOT!” Cordelia stood, an outraged expression on her pretty face. She turned to Wesley. “I do not.”

Wesley cleared his throat. “Well, regardless of whether or not you do, he sounds as though he was quite taken with you. If that is the case,” He cut her off when she opened her mouth to argue, “He may be willing to trust you. And he may be able to provide invaluable information for you, not just about his deal but about Wolfram & Hart itself.”

“He followed her home last night,” Buffy piped up.

“He did?” Faith swivelled to face the blonde.

“So what?” Cordy frowned, annoyed. “It doesn’t mean anything.” She turned back to Wes. “And I’m not just going to use him like that.”

“Well, it’s hardly – it’s to save his own bloody soul, isn’t it?” Wesley asked, his nostrils flaring.

“Ya see? She’s already worried about hurting his feelings.” Buffy said. “She lurves him…”

“Cordy and Angel sittin’ in a tree.” Faith sang out gleefully. “K-I-S-S-I – ”

“I will break your arm off and beat you with it.” Cordelia growled, pointing individually at each grinning girl. “This is ridiculous. I *don’t* have a thing for the guy, he *doesn’t* have a thing for me, and if anyone thinks otherwise, they’re crazy.”

The shrill ring of the telephone had them all jerking their heads towards it.

“If it’s that bloody prank caller again,” Wesley muttered, walking over to it and swiftly picking it up. “Wesley Windham Price. Yes. Oh, yes, pleasure to finally speak with you. Yes, I am their boss.” He shot Faith a dirty look when she snorted. “Yes. I see…” He looked at Cordelia, his eyebrows shooting up. “Certainly, one moment please – ” He held the receiver away from his ear, covering the speaker. “Cordelia? It’s for you.” He grinned cheekily. “It’s Angel.”

Cordy stared at him, her jaw dropping slightly. She turned to Faith and Buffy, looking a little nervous.

Faith raised an amused eyebrow. “Crazy’s starting to sound a little closer to home, huh?”

Cordy narrowed her eyes, turning back to Wes. “Why does he want to speak to me?”

“Would you like me to ask him that?” Wesley asked patiently.

Buffy laughed. “Oh, you *know* why, Cordy…”

“I still can’t believe he followed you home,” Faith said, amazed.

Cordy shook her head like a petulant child, striding stubbornly over to the phone. “You’re all reading way too much into this. It’s probably just something to do with work.” She snatched the phone from Wes and turned her back to the rest of the room, speaking as quietly as she could.

“Aah, the drama,” Buffy said with a smirk.

“Hmm…” Faith was vainly struggling to make out what she was saying, until Wesley interrupted the process.

“No time for eavesdropping, Faith, we have work to do.”

Faith rolled her eyes, standing reluctantly. “Alright, dad. Where do you want me?”

Wesley stared at her. “Please tell me you never said *that* to your father.”

Faith grinned and Buffy laughed.

Wesley chuckled, handing her a large book from the bookshelf. “Research.”

“Right.” Faith looked down at the book. “Fun.”

“This is like guesswork, Wes.” Buffy frowned, flipping through one of the large tombs. “I hate to moan, but- ”

“I know.” Wesley sighed, glancing up. “We’re going to need access to Wolfram & Hart’s files and records in order to gain specific information. I’d prefer to perform as legally as we can here – ”

“Not a bad idea considering we’re dealing with lawyers.” Buffy said.

“Exactly. We, or dare I say Cordy, may be able to get Angel to access those files for us.”

“And if he can’t?” Faith asked. “Wolfram & Hart practically have him on a leash.”

“True, but it’s worth a try. Meanwhile I’ll call detective Lockley and see if she can lend a hand in the matter.” Wes looked back down at the page he held open. “There are more general things we could be looking into though, as dull as you may find it.”

The sound of the receiver being placed back into its cradle caught Faith’s attention and provided a much-wanted distraction. She spun around, smiling when she saw Buffy do the same. Cordelia stepped away from the phone, looking slightly nauseous. When she caught Faith’s eye however, her stubborn expression quickly rebuilt itself.

“So?” Buffy asked, throwing an arm across the back of the sofa. “What did lover-boy want?”

“I told you.” Cordy crossed her arms defiantly. “It was just business.”

Buffy looked disbelieving. “Aha. What did he say?”

Cordy winced, releasing a breath before she spoke, reluctantly. “He wants to take me to dinner.”

There was a brief silence. Then Faith wolf whistled, loudly, and Buffy squealed, clapping her hands, both delighted at their being right.

“‘I told you so’ just doesn’t do it justice!” Faith grinned broadly, slapping her hand against Buffy’s in a high-five.

“It’s only dinner!” Cordy protested lamely. “He probably just wants to talk about the case and get an update. Remember, he said he wanted to be involved?”

“Oh, he wants to be involved alright!” Faith leered, tongue between her teeth.

“It does seem odd, Cordy.” Wesley said. “Why would he invite only *you* if it were simply about the case?”

“Maybe he’s just more comfortable around me.” Cordy said.

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Lady, I love you and you are one of the smartest people I know – BUT, you’re dense as an ox when it comes to stuff like this.” She punched Cordy’s shoulder playfully. “Tonight is a DATE, and the boy’s got it BAD.”

“No. Ya know what?” Cordy shook her head, annoyed. “I’m gonna go, if only to prove you wrong.”

Faith shrugged. “Hey, you win either way. If you’re right, you get the pleasure of being right and if you’re wrong – well,” She grinned wickedly, “you get the pleasure of something else entirely…”

“Faith…” Wesley grimaced.

“But,” Faith ignored him. “You won’t be right.”

Wesley rolled his eyes, muttering something about “calling the detective” and disappearing into the back room.

Buffy laughed as Cordelia sank resignedly into the seat next to her, banging her head against the back of the sofa.

“Well, well…” Faith grinned. “Look at us. We all have dates.”

“It’s not a date.” Cordelia growled, rubbing her forehead. She glanced at Faith. “And I thought you didn’t *do* dates.”

Buffy frowned. “Yeah, who’s your date?”

Faith gave her a long look, bewildered as to why she suddenly felt uneasy. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Actually, it’s Xander.”


A silence followed the revelation.

Buffy stared at Faith, her stomach lurching and sinking beneath her. A mixture of emotions raced through her, her good mood promptly evaporating. She felt shock, anger, outrage, deceit, fear, dread… And what troubled her most was that she didn’t know WHY. She didn’t understand the strange tinglings of discontent and resentment. Feelings this bitter had never enveloped her before, at least not where someone so close to her was concerned.

And yet, they were there.

“You’re going on a date with Xander?” Buffy asked lowly, her eyes narrowing. She could feel Cordelia’s surprised gaze boring into her but she didn’t spare her a glance. She knew Cordy’d assumed she was okay and she was certainly getting there, but it wasn’t that simple and this new revelation wasn’t exactly helping.

Faith raised her chin, her own surprise at Buffy’s reaction evident in her features. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

Buffy crossed her arms. “Well, I’m just surprised you didn’t ask me first.”

Faith raised an eyebrow, a bark of genuine laughter escaping her. “Ask you? Buffy, we’re both adults. We can make decisions without running them by you first.”

“He’s my best friend, Faith,” Buffy said. “You’re my co-worker. This decision concerns me.”

“No it doesn’t.” Faith shook her head, her voice firm but still gentle. “What we do in our personal lives has nothing to do with you.”

“I AM Xander’s personal life,” Buffy snapped, rising to her feet. “He’s one of the most important people in the world to me, just as I am to him.”

“You’re his friend.” Faith sounded aggravated now. “Not his girlfriend. You have no claim over him, Buffy.”

“It’s not about claim, it’s about respect. He’s *my* friend. And I don’t question what you do on your own time but I do NOT want Xander to become a part of that.”

Faith’s eyes narrowed to lethal slits. “A part of what, exactly?”

“Guys…” Cordelia warned, sensing the lows the conversation had the potential to sink to.

“You know exactly what, Faith.” Buffy glared at the other girl. “Xander’s a good guy. He’s not one of the *many* scumbags you sleep with.”

Faith took a step forward, pointing an accusing finger. “Don’t you start judging me. I may not be the chaste all American girl next door but that doesn’t make me a bad person.”

“I didn’t say you were a bad person,” Buffy said coldly. “I implied that you were a slut.”

Beside her, Cordelia gasped but Faith only smirked, cocking her head.

“Better than a frigid nobody.”

“Oh my God, ladies stop.” Cordelia pleaded, coming between them. It made no difference whatsoever.

“I may not have as much sex as you, Faith, but at least men don’t do it with me and then go off and laugh,” Buffy seethed, her head still reeling from Faith’s insult.

“Why wouldn’t they? Considering it’s probably like fucking a fifteen year old,” Faith shot back.

“You are easy and promiscuous -”

“And you’re just a sad little goody-two-shoes with nothing or no-one better to do than involve herself in her best friend’s love life.”

“Love life?” Buffy scoffed. “Ha! With *you*? You don’t have a love life, you have a sex life and that’s all there is to it.”

“Well maybe I WANT a love life, Buffy,” Faith spat angrily. “Maybe I’m ready for one.”

“And Xander’s what? Your guinea-pig?”

“I really like Xander!”

“Oh please!” Buffy laughed mirthlessly. “Like I’m gonna believe that…”

“I’d never hurt Xander like that Buffy,” Faith said, shock colouring her features. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with ME?!” Buffy finally exploded, her voice breaking into a harsh scream. “Jesus Faith, is it not enough that you’ve already spread your legs for *every* man in LA, now you have to do it for my best friend as well?”

“Buffy!” Cordy exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.

Faith reared back as though she’d been slapped. The onslaught of Buffy’s screaming, vicious words had clearly hit her hard, but her expression remained cold as ice. The two glared daggers at each other from the centre of the room, anger blazing and blistering in them, making their bodies rigid and their faces hard.

Buffy knew she was out of line, they both were. Despite the seemingly irrational anger, she could tell they’d both crossed the line a while back and left it far behind. She’d initiated it but the terrifying thing was, she didn’t know how to, nor did she *want* to stop. The momentary regret that had shown on her face disappeared instantly and she straightened her back, glowering defiantly at Faith.

Suddenly, Faith moved, grabbing her jacket and the book Wesley had given her as she swivelled on her heel. “I knew you were a lot of things Buffy.” Buffy noticed she was blinking furiously as stomped towards the door. “Selfish bitch wasn’t on the list until right now.”

She slammed the door shut, making Cordy and Buffy wince.

The silence was deafening to Buffy’s ears. She stared at the closed door and then, just like that, the weight of everything, every harsh word, every shout she’d thrown at Faith came down on her. She grabbed the edge of the sofa for balance, daring a look at Cordelia.

The brunette was staring at her, shock and confusion evident on her face. Buffy braced herself for the reprimanding that she thought would follow but Cordy only said five simple words.

“I thought you were okay.”

“I am.” The question took her by surprise and she responded almost immediately, as if unconsciously.

“No, you’re not.” Cordelia said softly. “You’re a bitch.”

Buffy winced at that, confused. The words were sharp, however Cordelia’s tone was gentle, her eyes were kind, and she was looking at Buffy with a certain sympathy and concern that made her feel incredibly tired. She collapsed onto the couch, her head in her hands. She *was* a bitch, and she wasn’t okay, and Cordy understood that.

But even she didn’t understand *why*.


Angel stared at the phone still clutched in his lifeless hand, wanting to smack himself over the head. Put it down, put it down…


The phone dropped from his fingers and clattered noisily to the table. What the hell was with him??? He’d been described as suave, smooth – a Casanova of sorts. What was so special about this girl that it made him feel like an incompetent adolescent?

Angel’s eyes widened as realization dawned. He’d done it. He’d called and asked her on a date. Only it wasn’t really a date, or at least she didn’t think so. He didn’t blame her considering he’d panicked and blabbered something about discussing work.

Work was the last thing on his mind.

Right now, he needed to decide what to wear.


“12 o’clock. Guy who looks like the 80’s threw up on him,” Xander said, staring at said man. He glanced at Buffy, seated next to him on the park bench.

Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Hmm…”

“You’re awful quiet.”

Buffy breathed in deeply, then turned to face him, her expression stern. “You never told me you had a date with Faith.”

Xander’s eyes widened and he was surprised at the way his stomach suddenly dropped. He rolled his eyes inwardly. He was being ridiculous. “It only happened this morning. I didn’t exactly get the chance.”

Buffy raised an eyebrow. “We’ve been sitting here for a half hour.”

“I didn’t think it’d be a big deal, Buffy. I was going to tell you. ” He sighed. “It’s not like it matters now anyway. She cancelled it.”

Buffy’s jaw dropped. “What?”

Xander looked up at her. “What, what?”

“She cancelled the date?”

“Yeah. Didn’t really give a reason.” Xander shrugged. “I’m thinking I’ve set a new record. You think there’s one for guys who drive girls away even *before* there’s been a first date?”

Buffy had a strangely guilty look on her face. “No, it’s not like that. Xander, I…” She paused, blinking furiously. “It’s my fault. She told me and I got really angry about it. We both had words and I ended really upsetting her.” She bit her lip. “That’s probably why she cancelled.”

Xander stared at his friend, confused as hell. “Why were you so angry?”

Buffy swallowed. “I don’t really know. I guess I felt protective of you…” Though she looked uncertain when she said it.

The tiny swell of hope that had bloomed in Xander’s chest vanished. “Oh.” It was replaced by an equally small surge of annoyance. “I’m not a kid, Buffy.”

“I know that.” She said, avoiding his gaze. “I just… I would never want you to get hurt.”

Xander shrugged. “I’ve known Faith for nearly as long as you have. And I know her…ways.” He waited until Buffy looked at him. “I know what I’m doing, Buffy. I know you care about me but it really wasn’t your place to interfere.”

Buffy’s face fell, and for a moment, Xander felt awful. But then she nodded. “You’re right, I know, I just, I don’t know what got into me.” She covered his hand with hers and pulled it into her lap. “I’m sorry.”

Xander leaned back against the bench, sighing resignedly. “Like I said, doesn’t matter. There’s not gonna be a date.”

“Yes, there will be.” Buffy said firmly, catching his eye. “I’ll talk to Faith. I’m the one who started this whole thing. I’ll sort it out, I promise.”

Xander stared at her. “I think I’ve reached a new low. My best friend is gonna *force* a girl to go out with me.”

Buffy cracked a smile. “She wants to go out with you. She cancelled because I put myself in the way.” Xander noticed her lip quivered slightly, but she continued. “I’ll bow out.”

Xander frowned at her as she stood, releasing his hand. “Buffy, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She smiled a little too widely, leaning down and kissing him on the cheek before grabbing her jacket from the bench. “I have to go see a girl about a date.”


“I cannot BELIEVE you’re making me do this.” Riley groaned, smiling briefly at a pretty salesgirl who walked past him, only to resume his previously hard-done-by stance a second later.

“Suck it up, Finn,” Cordy said, examining a deep brown wrap-around shirt with a frown.

“Now *that* I wouldn’t mind do – ”

“Do NOT even finish that sentence!” Cordelia whirled on him, raising a finger. Riley grinned, making a grab for it. He caught it between his palm and his fingers and she yelped.

“Let go!”

“Hmm…” Riley considered it. “Nope.”

Cordy’s shoulder’s sagged and she released a tired breath. “You know, there are times when I *really* regret not having a girl as a best friend.”

“Girls bug you,” Riley said, the grin still firmly in place. As was her finger, to Cordy’s dismay. She tugged once again and he pulled her hard, spinning her in a tango-like move so her back was pressed against his chest. Another salesgirl walked past, stopping to stare at them.

Riley grinned winningly. “We’re newlyweds.”

Cordelia snorted.

The salesgirl blushed and giggled, clearly a romantic. She muttered a quick “congratulations!” before scurrying along.

Riley released Cordy’s finger, sighing. “Aah, kids these days.” He looked down at Cordelia. “What’s next, Miss Millionaire?”

Cordy rolled her eyes. “You’re a dork.” She removed a simple white halter-neck from the rail, holding it against her. “How does this look?”

“Like a top. What?” He snapped at her irritated look. “I’m not programmed to express myself in this area.”

“A simple ‘nice’ or ‘not nice’ is usually sufficient.”

“Alright. It’s nice.”

Cordy rolled her eyes. “Not too slutty?”

“Well, I love slutty,” Riley answered, so honestly that Cordy had to laugh. “But no. Why are you dressing up for this guy, anyway?”

“I’m not!” Cordy yelped indignantly, turning on him. “I want to find something simple and… not date – like.”

“Why not? It’s a date.”

“It’s not a date.”

“That’s not what he’s thinking.”

“Riley! I don’t care what he’s thinking,” Cordy said, reaching for a slim white belt with a silver buckle. “It’s just business.”

Riley ignored her completely. “So, if he’s like a potential boyfriend, I get to meet him right? Cos that’s the rule, Chase. Although,” He wondered aloud, “he’s a vampire, so how gross would that be? He’d probably stare at me like I was a juicy steak or something – ”

“I think you’re flattering yourself,” Cordy muttered. “More like a veggie burger…”

Riley spared her a brief glare, crossing his arms. “So? When do I get to meat him?” At her lack of response, he raised an eyebrow. “Cordy?”

“I’m ignoring you,” She sang out, reaching for a dark pair of jeans.

“Come on, when?”

Cordy turned around, mock-contemplating the idea. “Uh, let’s see, today’s Friday, so…” She paused. “Never.”

“What?” Riley’s eyes widened in outrage. “But I always – ”

“Riley!” Cordelia cut him off, waving her arms exasperatedly. “He is NOT a boyfriend. This is NOT a date. He’s just a client and I am just doing my job.”

A smirk slid across his lips. “That sounds like a different job altogether.”

She smacked him. Hard. “Ass.”

Riley laughed. “Love you too.” He grabbed his arm, though Cordy noticed his expression remained the same. Regardless, she smirked at the movement, knowing male pride would never let him admit that it actually hurt.

“Good.” She said, pulling the same top against her chest and holding it there. “Now really, how does it look?”


Buffy took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, tapping her foot against the doormat. It was a whole twenty-three taps before Faith jerked open the door, looking up inquiringly. Her expression immediately hardened.


“Faith,” Buffy said, swallowing her pride and allowing the guilt to emerge from its little hiding place inside her chest. “I just…came to apologize.”

Faith raised an eyebrow. “You what now?”

Buffy sighed. “You were right, it’s none of my business. And you’re my friend and I should have known better than to assume that you would hurt Xander.”

Faith crossed her arms. “What changed your mind?”

Buffy shrugged. “Xander’s old enough to make his own choices, whether they end up being good or bad. And in the event that they’re bad, he can handle it.” She stared at Faith. “And I’ll be there for him.”

Faith looked at her for a long moment before she sighed, letting her arms drop to her sides. “Buffy, I would never deliberately hurt Xander. I like him, a lot.” She shrugged. “It’s just a date. No-one’s saying it’s going to result in a wedding or an illegitimate child. We’ll just see how it goes.”

Buffy ignored the sudden wave of nausea Faith’s words provoked. “Right. Sure. I just don’t want Xander to suffer for my bad reaction.” At Faith’s confused look, she continued. “I heard you cancelled the date.”

“Oh.” Faith said, leaning against the doorway. “That was because – ”

“I’m okay, Faith.” Buffy said, trying to control the small tremble in her voice. She concentrated on sounded as sincere as she thought she should have felt. “And I hope you have a great time.”

Faith looked unconvinced. “Are you sure?”

Buffy nodded. “Absolutely.”

Faith sighed, shrugging. “Okay. Thanks, I guess. For coming over and making me feel a little less guilty.”

Buffy glanced up. “You felt guilty?”

“Yeah, a little. You were right. I should have made sure it was okay with you first,” Faith said. “I think it was the shock that got you, more than anything.”

“Yeah,” Buffy agreed half-heartedly. “Look, about what I said earlier. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean – ”

“Yeah, you did. But it’s okay,” Faith said quickly, when Buffy opened her mouth to protest. “We are who we are. And we’re friends despite that, right?”

“Of course.”

“Good.” Faith stepped forward suddenly and embraced Buffy in a hug, squeezing her tight. “I’m sorry too. I don’t like fighting with you.”

“Me neither,” Buffy said, when Faith pulled back.

“Do you want to come in?”

“No, I should get going,” Buffy replied. “I have to drop by the office and you have to get ready anyway.”

“Oh, that reminds me.” Faith disappeared behind the door and re-appeared seconds later with a small file. “Could you get this to Wes? I did some research. It’s not a lot, but it’s something.”

“Okay.” Buffy nodded, tucking the file under her arm. “Well, I’m gonna take off.” She looked up at Faith, forcing a smile onto her face. “You have fun.”

“Thanks.” Faith grinned. “You too.” She waved and slowly shut the door, humming lightly to herself.

Buffy stared at the closed door, unnerved by the sinking feeling of dread in her stomach that wouldn’t subside.

Part 7

Posted in TBC

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