Fallen Angels. 7

Part 7. FAITH

The slippery weasel found a way out! We’d been sparring for nearly a full twenty minutes now and I was confused why he didn’t seem to tire.

When the staff flew out of my hand I ducked behind the punching bag and landed a roundhouse kick to the bag, making it fly towards him.

Wesley dropped his own staff and caught the bag in his hands with a startled blink. He raised an eyebrow. “Change of weapon?”

My legs were aching for mercy after my previous work out and the rapid spar with my ex-watcher. He had me at a disadvantage, so I took another tactic.

“Change of heart. But then you know a lot about that don’t you Wesley?” I dropped my stance and smirked when the blue of his eyes flashed with anger. “Whoa!” I ducked as he swung the bag towards me with enough strength to knock me out. Straightening I glared at him.

“What the fuck are you…” But it didn’t last long. The bag swung back and hit me smack in the back. The heavy bag nearly lifted me up in the air a little before toppling me forward into him. “Oof!” The wind was knocked out of me as I collided with his firm body, his arms binding around me before I could move.

“You have to watch your back. First rule of Slaying. Did I not teach you anything Faith?”

Fucking bastard!

I looked up angrily at the sound of his voice and lost my own for a second. His blue eyes were swept low and he smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth lifting almost mockingly. My arms were trapped between us as his stayed around my upper body.

Jesus Christ. For a second I remembered a previous time when the smell of sweat and blood had drugged me. The weight in my legs gave way and I sank a little lower, but he didn’t let me fall.

Get a hold of yourself Faith!!!

He smiled slightly and leaned down closing his eyes. I guess it was more reflex than it was intentional. Fucking hell, he’s going to kiss me!

Without wondering about consequences of the rabid acceleration of my heartbeat, my leg hooked his and pulled it out from under him. I’d like to think I’ve saved myself the embarrassment of trembling at the proximity of his mouth, but I was full of shit.

I was just scared.

He cried out in surprise as I pinned him on the mat, both panting harshly. Staring down into his eyes I noticed the look I’d seen a few seconds ago had disappeared and he only glared back at me with the familiar loathing that I was more used to.

Damn straight; this was acceptable at least. Safe. Unable to help it, I grinned down at him cockily.

“Never let your guard down watcherboy. Did experience not teach you anything?”

Without warning, he growled and shifted his weight under me. My eyes widened at the uncharacteristic sound before he wrapped an arm around my waist and in one firm twist, my back was slammed onto the mat hard enough to knock the wind out of me.

His knees landed beside my waist as he straddled my body and I gasped at the weight of his torso while he braced the rest of his weight on his hands next to my head.

“You taught me to never count on small favors Faith.”

My eyes flashed with fury before I retracted my knee between us and flipped him over my head. Who the hell did this English bumpkin think he was! I quickly rolled and rose to my feet to see him land firmly on his. I was slightly thrown at his confidence and technique.

This was a side of my ex-watcher I hadn’t seen very often.

His mouth twisted into a leer that could only be termed wicked and unlike the Wesley I knew, but then I didn’t know him that well, except what made him bleed and cry out in pain.

“Quick, but not quick enough.” He charged me and I turned my body to the side, my lungs dragging in air in gulps as I shifted stance. He had missed me completely, but that hadn’t troubled him.

“Tired Slayer?” He observed the rapid rise and fall of my shoulders.

“No!” I growled and he raised an eyebrow. “I’m exhausted,” I admitted with a deep intake of breath and dropped my fists by my side.

For an instant he watched me before straightening out and pushing up his glasses firmly on the bridge of his nose. “That’s understandable. Listen Faith, I’ve been thinking…”

My face spread into a smirk. “But not that exhausted Wesley.”

Without warning I slammed into him and he fell on his back with me on his stomach, my knees catching his hip firmly as I held him down with my elbows locking his arms beside his head.

“Awo! Bloody Hell Faith!”

“What’s the matter watcher? You can dish out the heat, but you can’t take it?” I nearly snarled down into his face. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been thinking.”

He grit his teeth. “Remind me then, since you know me so much better.” His eyes were resolute and almost daring me to take the next step.

Slightly out of my element I frowned still leaning over him, not letting him move. “You tried to kill me, then you almost kissed me. What the fuck is your game this time?”

“I’m not surprised both bothered you Faith. I’ve played a similar game not too long ago.”

Ouch. Strike me where it bleeds most.

The stab in my chest was potent enough to make me wince. “Well fuck Wes. Angel’s not the only one who goes beige on people.” I slowly pushed myself off him and offered him my hand. It was, in my own way, a silent offering.

One I considered him refusing but hoped he’d take.

Watching me with dark eyes hooded with confusion and hesitation, he extended his hand and took mine. My mouth curled up slightly when his grip tightened. There was a flicker of mischief over his face before he yanked hard on my hand trying to pull me back down, but I dug my heals into the mat and used his own force, pulling him up to his feet instead.

Duh! I was winded, not dead.

Standing slightly on unsteady feet he watched me with a bemused expression.

“Still the slayer Wes.” Walking over I grabbed my shirt and looked over my shoulder before taking the stairs out of the basement. “And I didn’t forget everything you taught me.”

And I left him standing there.



Yes, I’ve seen my vampire furious on many occasions. But I don’t exactly ever remember him directing the full beam of his yellow-demon eyed glare on me before.

Could be the amnesia, but it just feels…well…WRONG!

How dare he glower at me and GROWL! What the hell does he think he is! This caveman routine was not going to work on Cordelia Chase!

There was another rumble from the seething man standing on the foot of my bed.

At least I don’t think so.

“You’ve got three words Cordelia. Explain yourself.”

PFFT! The gall! Demon or no demon! Scrambling to my feet I stood on the bed, now a good two feet above his head and at my sudden change of stance one eyebrow arched up.

Planting my hands on my hips I proceeded to give him my patented death glare. “How dare you!”

The muscle in his jaw worked. “You know for someone wearing thin on a vampire’s patience, I’d have picked different words.”


He frowned for a second. “You’re right, these are better.”

“Shut up!” Walking across to the edge of the bed I leaned over his face. “First of all. I don’t need to explain anything to you! The only thing you’ve done in the past few weeks is tie me up in bigger knots with not telling me a thing about how things were with you and me. What with your forlorn looks and your son’s wandering hands, I’ve not known WHAT to think!

And furthermore, I had had just about enough of you stammering and stuttering for a reaction. And NOW suddenly you decide to spring up the growly face and flashy eyes because I’m finally getting some straight answers! Well not today bucko, I am Cordelia CHASE!”


I blinked down into his amused brown eyes. “What??!”

He took an unneeded breath as the gold in his eyes seeped away. “Look Cordy, what would you expect from me considering I found Spike…”

“He’s got a soul!”

“Which is NOT the point!”

“YOU have a soul!”

“This is Spike!”

“HAH! Funny how YOU’RE the one throwing me around rather than him then huh? At least he’s taken the time to explain some things to me.”

“Oh really?” His arms crossed across his chest and the slant of his eyes was not only humoring me, but slowly making me want to lean over for a closer look. “Well then, what pray tell did he tell you?”

“Are you mocking me?”

“Duh. I bet he explained a lot while you were sitting on him.”

I stared at him. Did he just? The fury bubbled in my stomach and slowly started to rise up my throat.

He did NOT just throw back my own words in my face!

“You arrogant butthole! No, you arrogant opinionated butthole! You spent two weeks tippy-toeing around the whole issue of you and me and NOW suddenly you have the audacity to act JEALOUS!”


“Well you know what Angel? You can just kiss my tushi!” With a stamp of my foot I jumped off the bed and yanked my bedroom door open. “Spark!”

“Bloody hell, she’s doing it on purpose!” The blond man let out a pained groan and dropped his head on the witch’s shoulder, who looked catatonic with one vampire so close to her neck.

“You’re taking me shopping!” I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

“It’s two in the bleedin’ morning Vix!” He stumbled after me careful not to bring my coffee table with him.

I snatched up my wallet and the car keys I’d found in his pocket. “This is LA Sparky. When Cordelia says shopping. She gets shopping. Don’t mosey; Walk it!”

Angel had just stepped on my last nerve, and memory or no memory; he couldn’t play spilt personalities with me.

Part 8


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