Vamp SmackDown. 56-Epi

Chapter 56 Buffy hated buses. They stank, weird people, weirder than any demons, dwelled in their claustrophobic bellies. She cringed as the bleary…

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Vamp SmackDown. 51-55

Chapter 51 Gunn couldn’t help but give the blonde vampire a smug ‘I told you so’ look. “Why aren’t you’ll doing something. Gimme…

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Vamp SmackDown. 46-50

Chapter 46 “Have the arrangements been made?” “Yes, Master, all is in place.” “Very good, I don’t want any interruptions. My instructions were…

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Vamp SmackDown. 41-45

Chapter 41 Spike slid next to Gunn, jumping up on the counter. “So, how long you and the babbling brook over there been…

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