Who Said You Only Live Once? 11

Part 11

Methos slumped further in the leather chair his feet propped up on Wesley’s desk, the Baba Yaga’s book of spells in his lap.

“Wesley doesn’t like it when you put your feet on his desk.” Fred squirmed a bit. “Not yours specifically, I mean, but anybody’s. I heard him yell at Charles just the other day.”

“Ah, but Wesley and Gunn have gone to investigate the new case. So, Wesley just won’t ever know now will he? or are you going to tell on me.” Methos lifted his head from the flipping pages.

Fred concentrated brow cleared as she heard Methos’ teasing tone. She gave a small smile in return. “I won’t tell.”

“Thank you.”

“So.” Fred perched on the edge of the facing chair. It had taken a month but Fred’s natural curiosity had overcome her nervousness around the old Immortal. It also helped that Methos had become a lot nicer once he finally accepted that Duncan wouldn’t be leaving Cordelia until the Highlander felt confident in the progress of her training.

Methos even trained with them sometimes. Fred had to admit that was best time to watch. Wow. Duncan and Methos were so good they were pretty, dancing around and swords sparking. It was amazing. Cordy was becoming really good too.

“So.” Methos leaned up bringing his feet to the floor and depositing the book on the desk.

“So, is your friend a witch as well as an Immortal?” Fred pointed a finger at the discarded spell book.

Methos’ gaze followed Fred’s gesture then traveled back to the young woman. “Tell me, did you really come in here to find out the answer to that question or to protect Wesley’s desk OR were you just looking for a place to hide from the blonde all seeing bombshell that hasn’t stopped exploding since she arrived.”

Fred fidgeted a bit under Methos’ knowing eyes and dry tone. Okay. Fred chewed on her bottom lip. So, she wasn’t exactly all downy comfort comfortable with the old Immortal. Her gaze twitched to the closed door of the office.

A small giggle threatened to let loose at the picture of Gabriel blowing up and popping like that poor blue gluttony obnoxious girl in Willy Wonka. Fred had to admit she wouldn’t be opposed at all to seeing the blonde go BLAM or at least POOF. Fred let out an embarrassed chuckle at Methos’ insight and her own not nice thoughts. Fred quickly turned her unease into a shrug. Pfft.

She really didn’t care much for Gabriel, it wasn’t just that the strange interloper blonde hadn’t stopped going on and on about Angel and what a champion he was, how he was her champion- Geez, Gabriel didn’t even know Angel, so how could she say how great he was, he hadn’t even saved her, not once-, or how she would widen those abnormally large green eyes of hers and bat her unnecessarily long eyelashes-how did she see with those entangling bits of stuff- at any male in the vicinity?

– sure Fred knew Gabriel was half demon but still the woman wasn’t normal even for that mixture- Fred would have to do some more research now that she was more comfortable with using a computer again, or that all the men seemed to fall for her ooh you’re so wonderful routine- okay, Fred hadn’t really picked up on that until Cordy explained that it was an old trick- let a man think he was oh so fascinating and they were putty

– again, like many of the words of wisdom Cordy imparted, Fred wasn’t so sure she understood- why would a woman want a man to be a lump of play clay, but Fred trusted Cordelia and she did see how Wesley and Gunn seemed to puff out their chests whenever Gabby spoke or whined for them to do something for her.

No, Fred decided it wasn’t any of those things.

Gabriel represented a change in the dynamics of Angel Investigations and Fred didn’t like it. Sure, Cordy being an Immortal and the presence of Duncan and Methos could be considered a change. But Duncan and Methos were just temporary until Angel got back.

Then Angel would train Cordy and Cordy. Fred sighed at her broken thought.

Until Gabriel showed up, Fred believed that nothing would really change. Fred realized that she hadn’t been a part of Angel Investigations for…well since she was able to stop hiding in her room or under tables and actually started to help a little, which happened to be not that long ago, but still she felt a connection with Cordy, Wesley, Gunn and of course Angel, after all it was because of them she was able to be free from Pylea- but Gabriel, she felt nothing for except dread.


“Oh.” Fred blinked at Methos. Geez, she had to stop wandering in her thoughts broken or otherwise. At least, she was getting better at not just unconsciously babbling out loud about whatever was on her mind.

“Well, I’m hoping she went up to her room. She doesn’t like to be alone, no audience to create drama for,” Fred rolled her eyes. “And she won’t come in here, she doesn’t like you. You and Duncan don’t seem to fall down at her drippy every word.” Fred blinked as she sort of heard what she said.

Okay, so she wasn’t completely cured of the talking too much habit. Thought, mouth open and words emerging without really thinking. Bad.

Methos laughed. “I can’t speak for Duncan, actually I think I can. We’re old. Seen a lot of beautiful woman in both our days. And since neither of us are full fledged members of the ‘awe’ Powers team, she’s nothing special, just well put together.”

“You think she’s beautiful, more beautiful than Cordy? She’s so…so not normal and Cordy is….” Fred nudged at her glasses.

“Actually, demon notwithstanding, Gabriel is very normal, especially for this region and time, could be interchanged with any of the wanna be actresses that hit the TV waves, whereas Cordelia and you,” Methos smiled, “are not only lovely to look at, you’re both are interesting to talk to, well, in Cordelia’s case listen to would probably be the more appropriate. She can talk.” Methos’ brows rose in exaggeration.

Fred double blinked, nudged her glasses and turned bright red. Methos had said she was interesting and….lovely? He included her with Cordy? Sure, everyone knew Cordy was beautiful and interesting and…. well, special…but, her? She wasn’t any of those things, not even close.

Okay, now Fred was fighting an urge to go run up to her room or dive under the desk. Fred refused to budge, running and hiding wasn’t interesting that was just pathetic. She tried to focus on another topic that would dim the heat in her cheeks and keep her feet still. “Um, you were saying about your friend Cassandra.” She gulped.

“I don’t think I was,” Methos gave the blushing girl mercy, “but, Cassandra isn’t a witch, though she could be a vindictive bitch.” He mumbled the last part under his breath.

“Uh.” Fred inquired, glad that the subject was off her even if it was just on her briefly as a tangent to a conversation.

Methos sat up and tried to answer the young woman seriously. “No, Cassandra isn’t a witch, though I imagine that she had been labeled one many times over the centuries. She has the gift of sight. She foresees things. Not a real healthy gift for a woman during certain ages, where such oddities could get a woman burned at the stake.” Methos shoved aside the conflicting emotions that arose within him anytime the female Immortal was mentioned.

Methos wasn’t the guilt filled sort, but what he and his companions did do to her and to her village during their reign of terror as the Four Horsemen did entitle her to be just a little bitchy to him. Though, Methos thought a few thousand years was a pretty long time not to get over it.

He’d of thought that at some time during that period she would’ve gotten therapy or just learn that things change, people change and taking oneself too seriously wasn’t a plus in a personality.

Then again, he had raped her and kept her as a slave, like he said she had the right to be miffed.

“She’s a seer, like Cordy?”

“No. Her talent is natural and not manipulated by your Powers. It’s a gift, not a mission.”

“So, she wants that,” Fred pointed to the book again. “For research?”

Methos nodded, then frowned. “You’d think that if it was so damn important that Duncan and I had to come to California to get it, she’d at least send a thank you or something for the copy we sent. She hasn’t even acknowledged that she’s received it or that she’s even still in Russia.” He waved at the text.

“You don’t know where she is?”

Methos shrugged.

“You don’t seem that worried that you haven’t heard from her,” Fred wrinkled up her nose, “just irritated.”

“She could let us know ‘mission accomplished’, but no. And I’m not worried about her. Cassandra can take of herself.”

“You’re not worried that someone, another Immortal, may have chopped off her head?”

Methos shrugged. “Honestly, I would sleep better at night.”

“Uh?” Sometimes, Fred really didn’t understand the Immortal.

Methos shook his head. “If someone did then at least neither Duncan nor I would have to fight her.”

“You’d fight your friend?”

“The Gathering has no friends. And ‘friend’ is not really an accurate label for my relationship with Cassandra, but she is Duncan’s. He doesn’t take fighting and killing his friends well so it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if someone else did it for him.”

“You would be okay with killing a friend?”

“I don’t have that many friends so it’s not really a issue with me.”

“You’d fight Duncan?”

“If I had to, just as he would fight me.” Methos said straightforwardly.

“What about Cordy?” Fred’s eyes widened automatically turning in the direction towards the courtyard where Duncan and Cordelia were training.

Methos shrugged. “If we all live to the Gathering, then yes. But, you don’t have to worry until that happens- IF that happens,” he emphasized at the young woman’s worried expression. “I don’t look for Immortals to challenge and neither does Mac and, well, Duncan cares for her. She’s safe with him.”

“He does like her, doesn’t he? Of course he does. Everyone does. I’ve only known her for several months, but I can tell. Angel, Wesley and Charles would do anything for her.” Fred paused.

“What?” Methos leaned in closer taking in the faraway look of the young woman.

“Nothing” Fred flinched as Methos’ unwavering stare challenged her. “Well. I used to think of Angel as my prince, you know saving me from Pylea but it wasn’t me that he came to Pylea for, it was Cordy. And she was a Princess. I land in Pylea and become a slave, she lands in Pylea and gets crowned.” Fred blew out a breath, shrugged and shook her head.

“Fred, are you jealous?”

“Jealous?” Fred blinked. “Of Cordy?” Fred shook her head quickly with sincerity once she figured out what Methos was asking. “I couldn’t be jealous of Cordy, she’s my friend and I told you I figured it out. Cordy’s special. It just clicked one day, she’s the heart of…” Fred waved her hands around, only stopping to push at her glasses. “The mission…she’s Angel’s seer.”

“Not anymore.” Methos cocked his head.

“Pfft.” Fred rolled her eyes, no longer nervous talking about a subject she was sure about. “Angel won’t like it. Cordy’s an Immortal, she won’t die from the visions anymore, he’ll figure out a way to fix it, make it back to normal. Get her out of here.” Fred shot a glance to the door.

“You’re jealous of Gabriel?” Methos caught her last low words and look.

“Of her?” Fred looked up in indignation. “No way. She’s a blonde bimbo ‘ho’ that we have to put up with because of the visions. Please.” Fred rolled her eyes.

“Tell me, how much time have you been spending with Cordelia?” Methos asked recognizing Cordy’s expression and repeated not too discreet descriptions of the blonde seer on Fred’s face and in her words.

“What? Cordy likes to take me shopping, it’s fun.”

“Right.” Methos leaned back. “So, you think everything will change to normal when Angel gets back.”

“Of course.” Fred nudged at her glasses. “Cordy being Immortal isn’t really the way things were but it will be close of enough when Angel gets back. And Angel will be happy that Cordy won’t die. He worries about her and likes to make sure she’s safe.” Fred said firmly.

“It’s been over three months.” Methos questioned gently.

Fred scooted up. “He’ll be back. Wesley and Cordy said so. Everything will be fine.” She said emphatically.

“I haven’t heard Cordy say that much anymore.”

“She’s just been busy with Duncan and stuff.”

“Of course.”


Angel paused stilling his urge to burst through the basement door. He would see her soon enough, he would see all of his family. He took a deep unneeded breath.

It smelled like home. Scents of humans floated in the air. Humans that he recognized and needed, Angel concentrated on the one that he needed the most. It was faint. Of course, he was still in the basement; Cordelia wouldn’t have had much reason to spend a lot of time down there. But he could smell hints of her unique fragrance. He paused in his push at the door.

There was also other beings’ smells, unfamiliar ones. Angel calmed himself. Clients, he reasoned when he didn’t sense any danger. Good, the business had been up and operating. He had had moments of guilt that without him the agency would falter.

Angel stood in the lobby, placing his duffle bag down. It was empty. Where was everyone? Where was Cordy? Angel peered at Wesley’s office. He heard voices. He concentrated. Not hers, but Fred’s and someone he didn’t recognize. Maybe the client. Angel walked slowly towards the closed door.

He listened for a moment. Angel was glad to hear that Fred and Cordelia seemed to be getting along but he didn’t really understand all of what Fred was saying and who was with her? And why was Cordy busy with someone named Duncan. Maybe he was another client.

Cordelia -he needed to see her. He opened the door.

“Fred?” Angel stood in the doorway.

Fred jerked and jumped to her feet, blinking all the while. “Angel.” She blinked even faster. “It’s Angel.” She twirled to face Methos. “He’s…” she twirled again. “You’re back.” She twirled again. “Angel’s back. I told you.”

“Yes.” Methos stood.

“You’re back,” she twirled and bounced happily in front of Angel. She blinked again.

“Fred,” Angel reached out his hand to halt the beginning of another twirl. “Where’s Cordy?”

“Cordy?” Fred asked then smiled. “Cordy, right, Cordy’s outside with Duncan. She’s going to be so surprised. Wow. You’re back.” Fred bobbed and smiled wider.

“Ah, I wish Wesley and Gunn were here, but they’re out solving a case – a case that I took the information on. I’ve been helping.” She nodded. “I’ve been receptionist girl.” Fred paused. “And I helped research the Lexias demon, didn’t I.” She managed to twirl her nodding head towards Methos.

“Yes you did. Without you, Wesley wouldn’t have found the way to vanquish the Lexias in time before its boiled drippy self soaked us to death.”

Fred smiled at the Immortal, and then pursed her lips. “Duncan killed it.”

“Yes, but if he hadn’t Wesley would’ve because he had the potion you found- Wesley would’ve coated it with the potion if Duncan hadn’t taken the demon’s squishy head first.”

“It was squishy wasn’t it? I can’t believe it came here. Cordy was so mad at the mess.”

Angel tugged at Fred. “Cordy?”

“Outside with Duncan, didn’t I say that already?” she looked back to Methos questioningly.

“You did.”

Angel stared at the man. “Who are you? Who is Duncan?”

Methos had been thinking quickly since the demon disguised as man showed up in the doorway. Fast or slow? Just say it. Methos’ hand inched towards his sword. The vampire had a soul, but Methos had read about both the vampire with and without a soul.

Not a demon that you met unarmed and…the observer he was…Methos had come to the conclusion while watching the mortal mix of Angel Investigations that the non-mortal part-Angel wouldn’t be quite so accepting of Duncan and Cordelia’s friendship. Actually, Methos admitted, he had seen similar worries in Wesley’s eyes as the days passed and Duncan and Cordelia got closer.

“I’m Methos, an Immortal, Duncan, Duncan MacLeod is too. Why we’re here, which had to be your next question, is because Cordelia is also an Immortal, we’re here helping her adjust.”

Angel took a step back as the words processed through his mind. Well, actually they hadn’t at all processed. He just heard them. Angel blinked towards Fred.

“It’s true.” Fred started her rapid nodding again or had she even stopped. Her resolve to think before speaking completely gone at her excitement at seeing Angel,

“Cordy died. It was horrible. She went with Charles and Wesley to fight the Gorgon babies. One hatched and ripped her stomach and chest wide.” Fred made a dramatic hand motion to demonstrate not noticing Angel’s even paler skin tone or the increased tension in his strong frame.

“Blood was everywhere. I saw it. Well. I didn’t see the actual bloodletting but I saw her at the hospital- dead. Blood was everywhere. Cordy was so mad that her shirt had been ruined. It was a new one. Really pretty, gold with a deep neck and this flimsy sheer type material for sleeves. She got it at Target.” Fred’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Whoops, shoot, that was a secret. She didn’t get it at Target but at that boutique on Fifth Street. I never mentioned Target, don’t even know what that store is neither does Cordy, never been there, don’t know anything. I’m talking too much again, aren’t I? Shoot. ” Fred gave a tentative smile hopeful that no one would question her further on that tidbit she swore to secrecy and death and just let slip.

If it got out Cordy would never take her shopping again. Fred chewed on her thumbnail, worried.

Angel’s mind spun. Fred said that Cordy was killed but she also said that Cordy was outside with this Duncan person, which was it. “Cordy?”

“What?” Fred blinked at the vampire. “I told you she’s outside.”

“YOU also told me that she was killed.” Angel tried very hard not to shake the young woman.

“She was.” Fred looked puzzled.

“Fred,” Methos pulled the young woman away from the vampire. “You’ve been a bit round about in your explanation.”

“I have?” Fred scrunched up her nose. “I told him…”

“That Cordy was dead.” Methos said softly.

Fred’s eyes widened, as she comprehended the Immortal’s words. She shot back to the way too still vampire. “Cordy’s alive, She’s an Immortal. She died, but she lived, she’s alive, just outside, she’s alive and fine, not dead, not at all, I’ll show you.” Fred started to pull at the vampire.

Angel didn’t resist. He let Fred pull him out of Wesley’s office with one last look at the strange man standing comfortably behind it.

“Holy shit.” Gunn loped in, stopping at the sight of the vampire. “Angel.” The black man moved quickly. “Man, you’re back.” He looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Wes, Angel’s back.”

“What?” Wesley hurried in.

Angel stopped as Fred tugged in the opposite direction that she had been heading.

“Angel.” Wesley ran up. “When did you get back? How are you?” Wesley dropped his surprised happy tone to a sad understanding one. Angel had left to grieve. One must always remember that.

“I’m fine. Fred,” Angel jerked the young woman back to his side, “was taking me to Cordy”

“Oh, Cordy. What did you tell him?” Wesley shot to the young woman and then Methos.

“Only that Duncan and I are Immortals and so is Cordy and she and Duncan are outside.” Methos finished quickly.

“Yes, well, um, Angel, maybe we should go in my office first before you see Cordy.” Wesley beckoned towards the room.

“Wes, Fred said that Cordelia was dead, that she went with you to fight a Gorgon; that her chest was ripped open. A Gorgon, Wesley?” Angel asked in soft tone. A tone that left Wesley with no doubt that the vampire’s puzzled expression was cloaking a rising anger.

Wesley gulped and tried to clear his throat.

Gunn gazed intently at the floor, hoping beyond hope that the vampire’s cold eyes didn’t land on him questioning his part in that particular mess.

“You allowed Cordelia to go with you to fight a Gorgon- a Gorgon, those are the very large deadly Demons that have not only three heads with gaping razor sharp teeth, but claws and spiked lethal tails-aren’t they? Please, tell me I misunderstood Fred and that you didn’t let Cordelia fight a Gorgon, that she never received any type of injury that she didn’t die as a result of battle she should’ve never been near.”

“You didn’t misunderstand me…I said..” Fred started.

“Girl.” Gunn furiously shushed.

“What?…But, they were baby Gorgons and Cordy….”

Angel swung fixing his gaze on the young woman. “There is no such thing as a baby Gorgon-they’re either slimy eggs or full-grown beasts,” trying to keep his anger in check for Fred’s benefit.

Fred’s eyes widened and scooted closer to Methos, finally recognizing the anger in the vampire’s posture. “Cordy’s alive, just outside, she’s with Duncan.” Fred squeaked, and moved further behind Methos.

“Now what did I say? I need to remember to keep quiet,” she whispered biting her lip.

“I think it may be the Duncan part?” Methos whispered back. The old Immortal resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Things were going to get messy; he could just feel it in his bones. Methos really should have dragged Duncan away from this place as soon as he realized about the vampire. Jealous vampires weren’t fun.

“Angel, I really think we should talk.” Wesley beckoned again towards his office in a steady voice.

“Don’t worry, Wesley, we WILL talk AFTER I see Cordelia- outside, WHERE?”

“Garden.” Wesley took a deep breath. “Angel, it’s daylight.” He called after the moving vampire.


Angel turned his anger completely supplanted by bafflement as a blonde strange woman dashed down the stairs and flung herself at him.

Angel hesitantly jerked his hands up trying to pry the woman’s hands off of him. “Wesley?” Angel was totally confused.

“Yes. Like, I suggested, my office.” Wesley pointed once again to the room.

“Let him go,” Fred snapped at Gabriel. “Angel wants to see Cordy.”

Angel snatched on to Fred’s words. “Cordy, I need to see her.”

“But why?” Gabriel prettily pouted. “She means nothing to you or our mission now. I’m your seer.”

Angel stared at the unknown blonde, his mind numbing at her words. Angel turned towards the garden. Angel’s homecoming was nothing like he expected. Cordelia would explain it. Angel opened his mouth to call for her and shut it just as quickly as he stared out into the sunlit garden from the shadows.


The group followed each taking turns trying to gauge the vampire’s reaction and looking at the couple outside engaged in a sword battle. Except for Gabriel, she just pouted. Fred shushed her before the blonde could start to speak again.

Angel stood transfixed in the shadows of the doorway. It was Cordy. He knew it was Cordelia. Her body, her scent was as familiar as was the sound of her heartbeat. What he didn’t recognize was the scene. His urge to rush out a stop the man’s sword from striking at Cordelia was curbed only by the fact that he could see that the man wasn’t attacking Cordelia but sparring with her. He watched as Cordelia met each blow, holding her sword confidently and effectively.

“Come on, Cordy.” Duncan beckoned changing his former tactics becoming more aggressive.

Cordelia dodged, swinging her sword trying to press forward against the Immortal.

“What are you doing, Cordelia?”

“Fighting, dumb ass.” Cordelia grunted as the force of Duncan’s blows pushed her back.

“You’re losing.” Duncan corrected, turning and swinging, knocking Cordelia’s sword from her hands. “Now what are you going to do.”

Cordelia stood still her narrowed gaze studying Duncan’s advancement.

“Come on Cordelia react don’t think. Until you live a few more years you will always be the less experienced of your opponent.” Duncan swung.

Cordelia jerked avoiding his blow as she jumped landing on the stone bench behind her.

“Good know your surroundings, but you’re still taking too much time you aren’t going to have. Where’s your sword?”

“On the ground, you idiot.”

“Not going to do you much good there.” Duncan swung.

This time Cordelia jumped high somersaulting over Duncan, rolling as she landed, her hand grasping for her fallen sword.

Duncan turned quickly still on the offensive pressing in on Cordelia. Cordelia jerked her sword up shakily warding off his blow.

“I’m stronger and you are down.”

“Cocky, old guy.” Cordelia grumbled, striking out with her leg as she kept her sword in front of her protecting her neck and chest. She grunted in satisfaction as her kick pushed Duncan back. Swiftly, she rolled again coming to her feet. She charged raising her sword in her left hand.

“Cordy, not smart.” Duncan’s sword rose in challenge.

Cordy dropped suddenly, bracing her body with her right hand as both her legs swung out sideswiping Duncan’s knees. She quickly bounced up as Duncan lost his balance, her sword, held in both hands over the other Immortal’s neck.

“Was too smart. You’re dead.” Cordelia jerked her sword high in the air. “You’re so dead, so very dead.” she sang. “I won. I won. I won. I beat the great warrior Duncan Macleod from the clan Macleod, blah, blah. Ah.” Cordelia lowered her sword to the ground, smiling a great smug grin.

“You’re a brat.” Duncan laughed getting to his feet. “Not bad.”

“Not bad.” Cordelia huffed. “You’re so dead.”

“And you were dead three minutes ago. Cordelia, you need to trust your reactions. An Immortal after your head is not going to give you time to think.” Duncan said seriously. “But, you did do well,” he added with a smile.

“Hmmph.” Cordelia’s pouting halted as her gaze turned to the doorway of lobby sensing Methos’ presence. Quickly, she bypassed Metho’s knowing look, Fred’s expression of awe, Wesley and Gunn’s expression of pride and sadness, completely ignoring the blonde standing in foreground. Cordelia narrowed her eyes on the unfamiliar figure, and then opened them with a surprised gasp, her sword falling to the ground.

“Angel?” she whispered, taking a small step forward. “Angel,” she cried, finally confident at the images of the vampire. “Angel.” she yelled again running towards the still figure cloaked in the shadows.

Angel still didn’t have any idea what was going on, but he did know that the body hurtling towards him was his Cordelia. He caught her easily as she jumped and hugged him tightly. “You’re home.” she mumbled into his neck. She looked up quickly into his dark eyes. “You’re home.” She gave a radiant smile squeezing him tighter.

“I’m home.” he whispered, tightening his own embrace.

Chapter 12

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