Wavelengths. 10b

*** Two days later, Cordelia figured she’d simply read too much into Angel’s statement. He might have wanted to talk about the weather…

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Wavelengths. 10a

*** “Careful with the hugs, Princess,” cautioned Lorne jovially as Cordelia’s arms wound around him, “this jacket wrinkles.” Lorne didn’t bother to hide…

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Wavelengths. 10

Part 10 Unbidden it stirs Unseen it flows from the heart Rising from the soul Now trapped by shadows A flame flickering to…

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Wavelengths. 9a

*** As Gunn pulled the car to a stop in the driveway at 1630 Revello Drive, Cordelia felt anxious. For the first time…

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Wavelengths. 9

Part 9 Opportunity Revelations lost and found Speaking from the heart. Love for the asking Desire burning brightly Awaiting response. Entranced by the…

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Wavelengths. 8

Part 8 A heart reaching out Offering tokens of trust Seeking a return Opportunity Revelations lost and found Speaking from the heart. Love…

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Wavelengths. 7

Part 7 Destiny or chance Bounding to its pinnacle To be acknowledged A heart reaching out Offering tokens of trust Seeking a return…

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Wavelengths. 6

Part 6 Enlightened by pain Out of the gloom of despair Truth clouded no more Destiny or chance Bounding to its pinnacle To…

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Wavelengths. 5

Part 5 Called by many names Soaring to heights unmeasured Bolstered by dreams Enlightened by pain Out of the gloom of despair Truth…

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Wavelengths. 4

Part 4 Still unrecognized Welling from the darkest depths Unspoken but there Called by many names Soaring to heights unmeasured Bolstered by dreams…

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