The Next Best Thing. 9

Part 9

Angel was talking.

Only he wasn’t using words. He was using his mouth and he was using his tongue and he was using his hands. And while Cordelia was being consumed by Angel’s deep, gut twisting kisses, her brain caught up with what he was telling her.

His fingers threaded through the mahogany curls. You’re gorgeous, they whispered across each strand before mapping the curve of her skull delicately.

His body slid into hers, her back pushed seamlessly against the hardwood of the door. I want you, his hips slurred and breathed, his thighs pressing against softer, more pliant muscle.

His lips slid into the soft contours of hers and pressed, until breath was not an option. I love you, they murmured with each stroke and deliberate bite.

Cordelia’s heart and mind spiraled from the heady taste of the cool vampire cocooned around her, her own hands clenched into the leather of his jacket at his waist and her lips involuntarily molded and shaped to his kisses.

With love, desire and delight building in Cordelia’s chest, came the heart-clasping tug of fear. Inadvertently, her breath hitched and her fingers tightened, her eyes squeezing shut, and she stilled against his heavier, harder frame.

Noticing the sudden tapered muscle under his touch, Angel allowed his mouth to release hers and she drew a sharp, unsteady breath. Between the smell of her shower fresh skin and hair and the distinct tang of her arousal, Angel’s nostrils flared when the first scent of fear hit his taste buds.

The hand tangled in her hair slid down until his fingers grazed the plump dampness of her lower lip. “Open your eyes Cordy.”

Sooty eyelashes lifted, until the hazel flecks of her eyes deepened and stretched. The wide panic was all too apparent as she gazed back at him, her breath softer and muted, her fingers still clutching his jacket.

It was then when Angel realized he’d almost attacked the girl, and she looked like a deer caught in headlights while he held her there against the barrier of her door. A very rumpled and beautiful deer about to make a run for it.

And he couldn’t hold the smile. “Not going to eat you Cordy.”

“You’re kissing me,” she breathed against his mouth which hadn’t moved farther than a few inches.

The left corner of his mouth quirked. “You don’t say.”

She swallowed at the first sign of wicked sarcasm and her brow wrinkled. “Why?”

This time Angel did smile. Teeth and lips stretched until, he couldn’t help but drop his gaze guiltily. “Isn’t it the usual prelude to making love?”

She stared up at his down-swept eyes and then at the twitching lips as his tongue slowly ventured across his lower lip and she realized he was staring down her shirt.

“Pervert!” She shifted against his weight in an attempt to smack him, but instead her body slid further into his and she froze against the blatant evidence of just how much he liked her. “Ohmigod!”

The throaty laugh rumbled up his chest until she heard the muffled snicker, his hands sliding away from her body and rested against the cold wood of her door, his head bowed as she stood trapped under him helplessly staring up into sinfully chocolate eyes.

Gathering her fast ebbing confidence and the last vestiges of control on the situation, Cordelia pressed back against the door, leaving the hairline difference between their bodies to calm her rapid breathing and her raging heart.

~Dammit Chase get a hold of yourself.~

~I second that Hazel. The fucking hulk of soul is impersonating me!~

~Rather good at it isn’t he?~

~DO SOMETHING! He’s leaning dammit!~

Clearing her throat, she attempted speech. “Don’t tell, me Broody. This is your normal reaction to being avenged.”

Watching the tensed woman caught between him and the door, Angel decided he liked what he saw. It was rare he was able to trap his Seer. Usually it was Angel walking around trying to strategically place himself behind a table and pretend they were less than lovers and platonic.

The waves of desire pouring off the brunette now carried no hint of platonic feelings.

The only reason he was allowing her to hyperventilate to her heart’s content was because of the anxiety attack he’d endured finding out she’d skipped off with Angelus in her head.

“What part of bringing this conversation inside did you think did not include kissing you Cordelia?”

She peeked up at him, her lips curling coyly at the honest question. “Honestly?”


“I didn’t think I would be against the door.” Her mouth twitched with humor, her hazel eyes sparkling with wickedness, one eyebrow arched in a silent challenge.

~This isn’t the kind of doing I was fucking talking about Cor!~

~Shut up!~

If Angel hadn’t still smelled the traces of fear in the distinct aroma of her blood, he would have buried his mouth and body inside her right there, but with a shuddering grunt, he stood there, still keeping her trapped and met her eyes with naked candor.

“And now that you are, you’d rather be elsewhere?” He had enough strength in his soul to keep from taking her, but not enough to move out of the scent and warmth of her body.

Not yet. He just got there dammit.

She blinked at the double-edged question, before her face twisted into a frown. “What are we talking about Angel?”

The vampire allowed a soft unneeded breath to leave him before he dropped one hand to slide against her jaw. “Us, Cordy. I’m talking about you and me and a continuation on the conversation in your hallway.”

Then his eyebrow quirked at another reason. “And the scene in my bedroom.”

Instant color blossomed on her cheeks and she fidgeted.

“I like you remember; shouldn’t bother denying it?” He smiled as the young girl couldn’t meet his eyes.

For an instant he realized, it was also rare he got to see this side of his Seer and as much as he liked the tactless brunette who threw straightforward punch lines in his face, he liked having this effect on her.

With a deep breath, Cordelia raised her slightly uncertain gaze to his ardent one. “Right.”

His head tilted to the side as he regarded her with avid interest. “Never took you for the denial type Cordy.”

She glared. “I’m NOT in denial.”

His mouth widened into a smirk. “Then kiss me back and change my mind.” Instantly the scent of fear was back. “You do know I can smell it on you.”

“WHAT!” She squawked in awkward embarrassment.

“Your fear, Cordy,” he chuckled. “Apprehension.” His eyes were back to twinkling with mischief. “Don’t you like my perverted mouth on you?”

And she was smiling shyly again. “I do!”

~He’s doing it again!~

Angel resisted the urge to press into her. Adorable captivating creature, he mentally admitted.

“No, I like it.” She slid one hand slowly away from his jacket and up his chest. The muscle under her palm jumped. “But this is new.” Raising her face she met his eyes.

“And it’s just been a while,” she whispered softly, her own gaze drifting down to rest on his mouth.

He held back a smile. “So if I kiss you now that you have your warning, you won’t bite me?”

A snort of laughter left her as her hands slid up the corded muscle in his shoulder before wrapping around the span of his neck. “I make no promises,” she sighed huskily and then her lips captured his, her body lifting as she pulled herself into the cool heat of his.

This time the muffled groan was his, and she swallowed it, her breasts pressing against the hard planes of his chest, her hips sliding in to adjust against the taught stomach, and her arms hugging him around the shoulders.

Angel caught the weight of the woman, his hands falling away from the door and caught the spicy brunette against his frame, his hands holding her narrow waist, the rough pads of his thumbs sliding under the high-riding hem of her nightshirt.

The first kiss was all vampire possessing human, the second kiss was woman coaxing man and he was drowning in the soft pull of her mouth, the hot slant of her tongue and the drugging bite of her own lips on his.

When oxygen became a stipulation, she relaxed the hold of her arms and her body slowly slid down the hard lines of his until her feet touched ground and her mouth popped free from him with a ragged indrawn breath.

One that was not just hers. And she smiled at his need to fill unneeded air into his body as she looked up into onyx, heavy lidded impassioned eyes.

“I have to hand it to you Broody,” she murmured, “you kiss good.”

See-sawing between lust and love and laughter, Angel leaned into the soft lushness of his woman, not caring if she could handle his weight against the door or not and buried his face into the tantalizing scent of her throat.

“Speak for yourself.” The thumbs that had caught into her shirt skated up her sides with determination until they met the side-swell of her breasts. “There’s more,” he promised as his lips memorized a trail from the tender skin behind her ear to the sharp curve of her jaw before he nipped her chin gently with blunt teeth.

Cordelia’s bottom lip caught between her teeth as she slid her head back against the wall in a blatant invitation she forgot she was making to a vampire. “Show me.”

With a greedy growl, his hips angled into hers, his palms sliding over the hardening nub of her breasts and his fangless mouth caught the fragrant scent of blood against her pulse, in one confident move that left her breathless.

Her own hands snaking inside his coat, she let her fingers memorize the flexing slopes of his back, one leg lifting to fit thigh around hip and her calf under the curve of his ass.

“Please tell me you’re not continuing with this, dammit!”

Angel’s eyes snapped open at the whine in her voice and he pulled away just enough to stare down into her horrified eyes. It took him an aggravating few seconds to realize the trepidation wasn’t coming from Cordelia at the prospect of making love, but rather from his demon.

“Angelus, take a hike.” His head dipped, as he caught her T-shirt in a fist and pulled, his lips tasting her collarbone, his tongue memorizing the dip and curve above the valley of her breasts.


“Watch me.” He was pleased to feel the slide of sharp nails against his spine as Cordelia arched against his body.

“ANGEL! You CANNOT fucking do this while I’m still in here!”

“Shut up and take it like a demon,” Releasing the swell of her breast under her shirt, Angel skimmed over the soft cotton cup of her bra before he pulled it away, palming the heat of her flesh with hungry fingers.

“I’ll be fucking scarred for unlife.”

“Practice meditation and hide in a nice far away corner. I’m doing this.” With his hand still cupping her right breast, he used the other to tug the soft shirt off the sighing woman. “Lift your arms Cordy.”

“Sorry they’re busy.” She chuckled into his shoulder, one hand stealing down his waist and squeezing the firm globe of his right butt cheek.

With a frustrated snarl, Angel grabbed the neck of her flimsy white shirt and pulled, the threads snapping as cloth tore and left the object of his adoration tangled around him a white cotton bra and soft low-hung, gray shorts.

“Oh fuck! Fucking Hell! I’m going to be fucked by the soul! FUCK YOU BOTH!”

With a smirk Angel shrugged out of the jacket, Cordelia’s nimble little hands were forcing off his shoulders. “Still here, Angelus?”

Cordelia’s mouth stretched into a naughty smile as she grabbed the hem of his black knit-shirt and pulled it up and off. “Oh he’s cowering somewhere in mortification. Now I was promised more?”

He grinned as her greedy fingers smoothed down his shoulders and she licked her lips, his hands sliding behind her back to unsnap her bra and it pooled at their feet. “I can’t believe you’re the same woman from five minutes ago.”

“What can I say Angel – you can charm the pants off a nun.”

He muffled a sardonic chuckle as she grabbed him by the belt loops of his black pants and yanked him back against her, his hands catching his weight against the door as he stood, towering over her.

“Like me there, don’t you?”

“Shut up Broody, and hold still,” she commanded with a husky lilt in her voice, her eyes drinking in the sharp planes of his chest.

Silently Cordelia thanked whatever Gods had led this man – vampire, whatever – to her as she took careful and purposeful inventory of each slope and sharp planes of his chest. Gorgeous. Delicious. Purrrfect, she didn’t know she’d said it out loud until his shoulders shook with smug mirth, but she didn’t care.

Her hands were already tracing each hard contour. If Angel’s fetish ended on her neck, then hers began with his chest. The defined firmness of his pectorals, the dusky flat male nipples, the defined slopes of his six-pack, the expanse of his chest narrowing to a waist that wore pants just where the dip of his navel started.

Angel watched the hungry hazel of her eyes dim to a dark toffee. He was about to lift one hand to lift her mouth for a kiss, but her head dipped and then his eyes rolled into the back of his head as her lips caught one flat nipple in her mouth.

Fingers splintered wood as he resisted the urge to drag her against him and burry himself inside her warmth, instead he gave her the time to sate her thirst and make him shudder against the heat of her mouth.

And it was her hands sliding down the taut muscles in his stomach and his body trembling under her fingers and tongue. Angel had women who figured the vampire dwelling under his skin was a dark aphrodisiac. They needed to be possessed and taken in his bed, but for the first time Angel was being touched.

Thoroughly and possessively and the love and desire behind Cordelia Chase’ lips and hands made stars dance behind his eyelids, until the need to be swallowed by this beautifully vibrant human was consuming the vampire. It was always about being touched. No one had felt the need to touch the vampire.

Not even Buffy.

Cordelia was still lost to the taste and need to feel as much of his flesh as she could reach, his skin like stretched silk over marble under her palms and tongue. She only realized Angel had moved, when her legs were swept out from under and her mouth dragged away from his chest as she was lifted.

Large, strong hands curled under her ass as her legs instinctively wrapped around his torso, her arms catching around his shoulders and she met his eyes – and froze.

Delighted shock chased womanly pride across her bronzed features as she saw the unashamed desire and unadorned love etched in the fine lines of her vampire’s face. Palming his cheek, she saw the shaky wonder glittering in molten chocolate.

“What the hell’s so damned shocking that I find you bitable Angel?”

On unsteady legs Angel took the few steps back, until his calves hit the couch and he promptly collapsed into it, Cordelia still wrapped protectively around him. It took him a moment to find his tongue. “Biting is what I do usually.”

“Well then prepare for the favor to be returned Broodboy.” Cordelia grinned widely into his face, her breasts pillowed against his chest as she nestled closer to the hardened bulge in his lap. Before he could lean down and capture her lips, she placed a gentle finger across his mouth.

“Just tell me something first though.”

Noting the steady determination and a hint of doubt in her voice, Angel resolved that biting her delicious finger wasn’t an option and instead he contented himself with letting his hands slide over her thighs and the curve of her ass, keeping her soft breasts pinned against his chest.


“I know we can do this today because Angelus is with me, but I’m not keeping him and he won’t keep you if you get happy.”

Smiling at the matter-of-fact honesty in her question, he couldn’t help steal a quick, but thorough kiss from her. “Cordy, perfect happiness is overrated.”

Her brow furrowed in a glare. “Are you implying I can’t make you blissful! Do you want a repeat performance of my door?”

With a muffled laugh, he tugged on the firm muscle of her ass, until her hips lifted, her breasts sliding up his chest deliciously before he caught one dusky nipple on his mouth. She let out a startled squeal of pleasure, her fingers instantly threading into his hair. Nuzzling there, he smiled up at her from between the valley of her beasts.

“You make me insanely blissful sweetheart. But perfect happiness with you would be when you tell me you love me in front of a few hundred people in a white dress.” He watched the irises of her eyes dilate, her breath falter, as he took another distracting nibble.

“Or when you give me my first son. And daughter and then another son.” He grinned against her soft sweet-scented skin when he felt the automatic clench of her womb and thighs. Lifting his eyes he looked straight into the depth of her soul.

“Or when we grow old together. When I can take you for that sunlit walk on the beach Cordy. Making love to you won’t be perfect happiness, it’ll be happiness. Just a step in the right direction.” He lifted one hand and tucked a stray lock of mahogany hair behind her ear. “Because this time I won’t settle for less than perfection.”

“But Buffy…”

He shook his head, cupping her chin and never breaking the gaze. “Cordy, with Buffy I didn’t want anything besides that. I didn’t know I could. With you I want more.”

He smiled sheepishly. “Sue me, I’m a greedy, selfish man. And I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t want to spook you or make you think I was going too fast. That is why our friendship is important Cordelia. It’s another step in the right direction.”

Misty hazel eyes blinked before her fingers slipped lovingly through his hair. “For the record broody now that you have spooked me; I’d like to tell you it makes me all soft and silly inside when you say that.”

Kissing her right nipple he smirked up at her. “Good, then start counting because I intend to make you come until your voice is hoarse with screaming my name.”

Hazel eyes widened, tinged with shock and anticipation. “Oh my.”

“And we’re going to talk about my car.” He leered. “After this.” He leaned down and this time it was Cordelia’s eyes rolling into the back of her head with pleasure.

The thin material of her shorts was jersey and it was old. When Angel angled his hips just right, he skimmed the juncture of her thighs and the scrape of cloth on cloth caught her hissing in pleasure.

Impatient nails dug into Angel’s shoulder as she shifted in his lap before she leaned down her tongue sliding across the seam of Angel’s mouth. With a gravelly moan, he kissed her, head tilting to kiss her deeply, his fingers sliding back under the waistband of her shorts and panties.

At the first pass of his fingers over the liquid heat building between her thighs, Cordelia moaned into his kiss, the pads of her thumbs circling his nipples slowly, hoping to give some of the pleasure back and was rewarded with a purr settling in his chest.

“Clothes.” She pulled away, her breath hot against his ear as she grabbed the front of his pants and unbuttoned with a twist of her fingers. “Off!” She panted with annoyance.

The purr escalated to a chuckle, but his mouth was still working along her collarbone and his fingers were sifting around the slightly damp curls between her legs. When his thumb touched the slick nub of her clit Cordelia choked on a squeak.

“Angel!” One thumb ventured down between the firm globs of her ass to find the soft hidden rosebud and this time she did squeal, hazel eyes misting with uncontrolled desire as she stared down into his eyes.

For an instant, panic gripped Angel’s heart as she shifted, lifting away from his lap, then he let out a groan of relief when she angled across his legs, both her thighs sliding parallel to the sofa and she kissed him, her hands threading through his hair, her tongue tangling with his.

Reassured that he hadn’t frightened her, he worked her panties and the soft gray shorts off the long stretch of her legs, his hand returning to slide along the toned muscle of her leg up to her hip, to cup one pert breast.

And then she was lifting again, her left leg swinging back across his legs, until she settled, unabashedly naked to his hungry obsidian eyes. Carefully, with tender fingers, her traced the incline of her spine, his eyes trained on hers, never breaking the gaze.

The dreamy shimmer in her eyes sparked into mirth when his hands slid along the curve of her ass again and dragged her against him, her breasts pressing against his pectorals deliciously. “Your hands seem to like it there.”

“Among other places,” he returned her teasing statement. Then his smile morphed into wicked pleasure when she arched, her nails dragging across the flesh of his shoulders, his fingers sliding between the cheeks and slipping between the folds of her labia.

Miniature explosions settled across Cordelia spine as one long experienced finger slid inside her body. With eyes sealed shut, she couldn’t help mewl softly, when another finger skirted over the nub of her clit.

“Oh,” the soft sigh of pleasure fell against the shell of Angel’s ear. And then she jerked, her back arching as his deft fingers slid and caressed her, until she was moaning loudly, her hips rolling along with the alternating strokes of his hands, his mouth suckling one breast.

She thrust against his hand as he entered another finger into her. “Angel. Mmm, uh god,” she murmured breathlessly, and Angel watched the heady pleasure cloud her coppery features, a fine sheen covering her body.

Goaded by her moans of encouragement, he lifted his mouth and his mouth secured against her pulse, sucking hard enough to draw blood the surface in a warm love-bite. And then she was keening softly, whispering his name as she clenched around his fingers. “Oh god Angel…”

His mouth stretched across the mark he’d left, his hands giving the tremblingl seat of her ass a loving squeeze. “That was one.” The whisper was seductive and she felt the icy trails of shivers running down her body. “Count.”

“One” she said softly, her voice shaking from the icy warmth spreading through her body.

Angel’s brown eyes were wicked as he slid one of his fingers into his mouth. Cordelia, still shaking from the knowledge of how well he knew her body, stared at his lips, her own parting with lustful wonder. Dammit, it hadn’t been that long since anyone had looked at her with such naked desire and adoration?

Had it?

For an instant, the girl had problems distinguishing between the afternoon in Angel’s room and the morning from her living room. When the sudden urge to touch him became almost painful she dragged his wrist and dragged his hand away with a soft moan before kissing him hungrily.


Hands plunged into her hair as Angel returned the delicious need in her kiss. Just the way her tongue coaxed his into her mouth, he realized what she wanted and felt a certain amount of male pride go through him at her fervor.

She really wanted him. Not some apparition of who he was in her head. For once he was infinitely glad; his demon’s taunts were silent. There was so much of Cordelia he wanted to taste.

Cordelia felt muscles tense and she groaned with protest as his mouth was dragged away. One of his arms braced around her lower back. “Hold on sweetheart.”

Angel stood fluidly, shifting her weight in his arms like a doll and with a grin that shamed sunshine; she happily wrapped herself around his torso like a shirt. “This the part where I say –‘take me to bed or lose me forever’?”

The vampire’s snicker ground out into a growl as Cordelia’s tongue found his neck, working the skin over his pulse with blunt teeth. “Where’d you think we were going woman?”

When his hip scraped against the doorframe of her bedroom due to certain parts of his body drawing all the blood pleasurably away from his limbs, he forced his eyes to open. “Dammit Cordy! Have you no restraint!”

The brunette let out a girlish giggle as she bestowed one last lick over a particularly sensitive spot. “Some good came out of goading information out of Angelus. Now I know where to brand you.”

His feet, that were carrying them to the bed, nearly screeched with smoke at his heels as he froze, the giggling woman still in his arms, her hazel eyes sparking with wayward glint. “You what?”

Looping her arms around his shoulders, she looked him straight into his wide onyx eyes. “Cordelia Chase has given you her first hickey. Prepare to be branded all over Angel.”

No matter how long he knew this woman, she always managed to delightfully flabbergast him. Never in his life has Angel had the notion of belonging to someone; even his sire had problems dominating him.

This mere slip of a girl on the other hand, tested his patience, challenged his manly-hood, disobeyed orders and had him walking on eggshells with a damned blindfold on. And she wanted to brand him.

And suddenly, all Angel wanted to do was belong to Cordelia Chase.

Hazel eyes roved over his face, as she watched the array of emotions etched across his gorgeous features, and leaned down to press a quick, but thorough kiss on his immobile mouth.

“Yes you big dork. You’re all mine.”

Watching the confident glimmer in her features, Angel swallowed the emotion rising in his throat thickly. “All of me?”

One gentle finger traced his brow before sliding down his nose. “Uh huh.” Then her mouth widened impishly, and he yelped as her hand pinched his left butt cheek. “Especially this!”

Her implication melted into a shriek as Angel pinned her onto the bed, her wrists clamped in his larger hands as he held them beside her head, hovering over her with gold tinged eyes and a smirk that showed fangs.

“Think again Cordy. Still wearing the pants in this relationship.”

And then her eyes were rolling, silently enjoying the thoroughly male weight covering her body. “Pffft! Technically, I’m the necrophiliac about to have sex with a dead man. And since you’re the dead man…”

She smirked, and Angel’s eyebrow shot up, just as her legs clamped down on his hips and her lower body twisted. Caught off guard, he blinked up startled as she slammed him down onto the mattress, straddling his torso.

“You’re the passive partner.” He couldn’t hold the impressed chuckle at her logic. “So the pants have GOT to go Broody.”

The vampire barely had time enough to let out an unintelligent squawk of protest before his Seer’s hot little tongue was mapping each sharp curve and slant of his neck, shoulders, and chest, her fingers teasing muscle and bone until Angel was wondering why the hell he’d bothered trying.

He only came out of the stupor when he felt the pants around his waist shift, his lower body lurching as she tried to pull them off.

“Mmph…oofff! Lift you big lug!” Angel grinned affectionately at the adorable wrinkle of her nose and took pity on the struggling girl and his screaming erection.

Only she pulled harder than he expected when he did lift his hips, the pants went flying off his legs, caught the grunting young woman in the chest and his seer when tumbling off the foot of the bed with a screech of indignant surprise.

Angel winced at the soft ‘thud’ and held the bubbling laugh in his chest. It wouldn’t do well with trying to lure the brunette into bed if she was spitting with anger. And angry Cordelia was a scary prospect.

A smile threatened when one hand came into view, then another before a rumpled mass of mahogany head appeared, hazel eyes flashing with exasperation. The snicker nearly burst out of his mouth, but it had no chance.

Her lips swallowed any and all coherent thought and the vampire nearly lurched off the bed when the head of his cock disappeared into the scorching wet cavern of her mouth. With his eyes rolling back in his head, Angel prayed. Like a dying man he called out to God, until he realized she was blindly leading him to the edge of his control and he still had his share of ravishing to do.

He didn’t plan on being a quick draw on their first time.

Cordelia barely had time to moan with protest before the vampire was looming over her, his eyes gold, his teeth bared and the ridges in his face as prominent as the day he was turned.

All playfulness forgotten – all mischief and foreplay igniting into flames of passion. Angel surrendered all restraint with a low growl as he kissed her with raw, urgent hunger that was both powerful and deliciously paralyzing to Cordelia.

His hands and mouth claimed her body, sliding over breasts and waist, and back and when his mouth returned to her, his fingers threading through her hair, holding her a willing prisoner.

“Look at me Cordy. Trust me.”

Hazel eyes lifted and Cordelia found herself staring at the muscular male chest, a muscle moved spasmodically in his throat and the burning desire in his ochre eyes. She nodded.

Angel slid one hand under her ass, lifting her hips as he eased himself between her legs. “Then, let me in baby,” he moaned against her ear.

Enraptured hazel eyes welled with emotion as her hand lifted to his jaw, trembling fingers soothing over the vampire visage with an acceptance that shook Angel to his marrow. “Please,” she whispered achingly.

Fingers tightened on her flesh before his hips angled and he thrust in to his hilt. It was so much more than he’d imagined, even in his wildest fantasies; Cordelia Chase was especially created just for his body. Thank You, God, he silently sent his prayer.

~ Move you fucking idiot!~

Still fighting to control the orgasm that threatened to erupt, Angel ignored the voice and implication of the voice in his head and moved slowly within her, but he wasn’t on the out for long. Her hot little pants and moans goaded him on as she clutched him to her, moving her hips along his, and soon he was driving faster into her.

Plundering her mouth, he forced her faster and faster to the peak, driving her towards it, until she wrenched her mouth away for breath and cried out his name. “Unh…ANGEL!” Her nails dug into his back and she shuddered convulsively beneath him.

Lifting her hips high and tighter against him Angel plunged harder, driven by the uncontrollable demand of his demon to be as deep inside her as he could possibly manage when he came. Angel exploded within her, a force that tore a deep snarl of contentment, and still he kept moving, as if she could empty him of the bitterness of his past and every sin he’d ever committed before his fangs sank into the swell of her left breast.

The second climax erupted in a jolt of sensation that screamed down his dead nerve ending, shook his entire frame and left him weak. Spent. And whole.

In a state of boneless exhaustion, Angel stretched out beside her, his arm dragging her against his chest as he nuzzled the crown of her head softly. “Cordelia?”

Smiling softly, the young woman raised her face to look up into the now human features of her best friend slash lover slash boss, her leg sliding up against his possessively as she snuggled closer in his arms.


His smile was twisted ironically. “Never trust a man when he says ‘trust me’, especially if one of you is naked.”

Bursting out with laughter Cordelia wrapped her arms around his chest, her nose sliding along his in an Eskimo-kiss. “And if we’re both naked?”

The possessive rumble in his chest made her shiver with happiness as he held her against him, a thumb sliding over the healing bite mark on her breast. “Then it better be with me Hazel.”

Grinning stupidly, she bent down for a kiss when the name caught up to her. Jerking away she stared up into chocolate brown eyes, her own wide. When he looked back with an amused twinkle in his eye she let out a gasp before moving away.

“Ohmigod! You comshucked the demon right out of me!”

Angel watched the escalating panic on his seer’s face and pulled her back against him. “Hey, it’s okay.”

“NO, it’s NOT Angel. What the hell are we going to tell the others!?” She stared down at him.

And Angel could only stare back.


The crick in his neck was numbing the rest of his body, and he shifted – before he screamed.

Willow jumped, her head snapping up from where she was sitting on the floor and watched Spike land rather painfully on his ass at the foot of the couch. She frowned as he lay there staring up at the ceiling.

“What are you doing?”

“Practicing balancing on my ass you brainy lil bint!” With a groan he sat up rubbing the smarting flesh of his ass. Then he frowned at Wesley still snoring happily on the counter – drooling, then blinked at the little red-haired witch sitting in the middle of the lobby, candle’s lit – the scent of peppermint and thyme in the air and a triangle of chalk painted in front of her.

Spike stood, his shoulders rolling to relieve him of the stiffness. “Are you up to mischief again Glenda?”

Willow smiled slightly at the reference to the good witch from Wizard of Oz before she shrugged. “I woke up from my nap to find everyone asleep so I decided to make myself useful.”

“You were pet. Bein’ my pillow.” He squatted down next to the fragile girl ignoring the need to drag her back to her previous duties and sniffed the liquid glimmering in the small wooden bowl. “Wut’s this then?”

“This, I believe, is what we came here for.”

Her green eyes twinkled and instantly Spike’s suspicious little mind went to work. Narrowing his eyes he wagged a finger at her. “You’re up to something. Out with it. You know Ol’ Spike is wise to you luv. I can smell the tomfoolery on you a mile away. Spill!”

A soft blush colored her pale cheeks and she batted his finger away. “It’s Angel’s spell. With an added bonus.”

“Bonus is never good when you cook it up Red. Now lets have it straight out, shall we?”

Willow sighed. “Well as it turns out, with Angelus out of Angel’s head, I found a way of securing his soul.”

Spike stared at her. The implication sank in a moment later when the little witch smiled at him winsomely. Although, Spike was as happy as the next bloke to be rid of Angelus, in fact he was the first person who’d admit to being happy the sadistic bloke was gone; he watched Willow sitting there happily and wondered what her angle was.

Then he remembered, the little redhead usually never had an angle. She was just so bloody helpful and pure. No wonder his demon was always on the riot with her around.

Standing, Spike frowned at the unwelcome tender emotion and fished the last cigarette out of his pocket and lit the burning roll of tobacco. “Where’s Peaches? I’m out of smokes.”

Willow sighed at the closed look on the blonde vampire’s face and stood dusting her hands. “Looking for Cordelia.”

He blinked at the crown of her red hair. “How’d you figure that Red?”

“I’m a brainy little bint.” She yawned softly, before a tiny smile touched her lips. “And I saw him lift your keys.”

“He bloody WUT!!?!”

Part 10


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