The Next Best Thing. 8

Part 8

The first rays of sunlight lit the front steps of the Hyperion as Angel closed the door behind him.

Spike and Angel had nearly turned to dust trying to tow the Plymouth home on a flat tire. He looked up at his tiny crew. Spike was sprawled on the couch, his arms and legs hanging off the side, his head in willow’s lap who was too busy snoring to notice or care.

Wesley had promptly collapsed in the chair behind the counter his head on his arms.

The mobile in his pocket rang once.

Angel headed straight upstairs. He grabbed a blanket and pulled out the keys he’d pick-pocketed from his childe and headed out the door again.

Damn sleep. Cordelia had played on his last nerve. And this time he knew he couldn’t blame it all on his demon.


Cordelia snuggled back against her pillows as she balanced the little tub of rocky-road ice-cream in one hand and tucked herself into the comforter. “So why are we doing this again?”

“I feel the need to bond Hazel”

Scraping out a spoonful, she suckled on her first bite of heaven and rolled her eyes. “Hah…so why ARE we doing this again?

The demon sighed. “Because I like you Cor”

“Oh god, take me now!” She pretended to stab herself with her spoon before reaching for more ice-cream with a snicker.

“You know why I hate being in this damned body?”

She blinked at the wistful tone. “No but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”

“I would so want to take you up on that fucking offer.”

“Pfft! Egoman strikes again.” She went about the task of eating.

Sleep forgotten, she let the soft morning light from her window and the fresh smell of her sheets calm her nerves.

“You fascinate me.”

“That’s a song.”

“You’re like this pound of flesh that costs way more than normality.”

She wrinkled her nose not quite sure if that was a compliment. “Um…disgust much? Thanks. I think.”

“Well you’re food Cor. Do you know what the soul will never have the balls to tell you?”

She raised a curious eyebrow. Already expecting some more Angel secrets. “That I’m fat?” She ventured evasively.

“Besides that.”


He snickered at her hiss of disapproval. “You asked. No Hazel. He’d never have enough balls to tell you that whenever he looks at you, I’m the one screaming to possess you.”

Taken aback by the frank admission that wasn’t tinged with wicked mocking she frowned slightly. “Why?”

“Back in Sunnydale, there wasn’t one person I could remember, not even Buffy who could stand up to Queen C.”

Her hazel eyes fogged with nostalgic haze. “I was pretty cool huh?”

“You were a goddess. And if the faggy-assed soul hadn’t been so fucking taken with the slayer you’d have been my little prezzie.”

Try as she might, her next question came out suspiciously hopeful. “You would have bit me.”

A soft purr built in her chest. “In a heartbeat baby.”

Oddly satisfied, she settled back with another mouthful. “Oh”.

“You had so much potential then. And now the urge to have you is even stronger. The fucking visions are like a beacon to every demon! And you think its hard living around you, parading inside dorkula’s head; it’s fucking crucifying Cor!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Just because of my visions?”

“Not just. With the visions, you’re potential combined with a direct link to everything that is good and for a demon that is the essence of evil itself, there’s the inherent need to decimate.”

“Not really winning points here buddy.”

“No shit. But you understand my need to taint you, tempt and taunt the darkness out of you; only I forgot the very reason that drew me to you – Queen C bows to no man.”

She couldn’t hold back the smug smirk. “Damn skippy.”

“I was hoping you would for this demon, but then these two days spent with your thoughts and dreams Cor, I’m coming to realize that I never want you to. For anyone.”

She blinked with surprise. “So you’re saying I win?”

“Fuck no.” He snorted “But you like me now don’t you.”

She was silent the spoon sliding over her tongue then her eyes widened slightly.

~Oh my.~

“Oh yeah.” He stretched her legs happily. “I am bad.”

Cordelia Chase sat there drinking in all the information Angelus has just decided to send her way. After a pause she asked, “What about after tomorrow?”

“Well, that’s up to you now Hazel.” His tone was cocky as ever. “You already know Angelus wants you.”

She glared. “I’m not going to be your dark princess, you cocky bastard.”

“Awww, you fucking love me that way Hazel. Admit it.” His purr dropped into a soft teasing smile. “Not even a little bit?”

Before she knew it, Cordelia was smiling back unwittingly.

“There you see! I am SO bad.”

With a roll of eyes, the smile still pasted on her face, she cleaned off another spoon.

“Come on Cor. Now and then? Let the little mischief making dark goddess out to play. Don’t let the sullen prick turn you into one of his dismal disciples of dullsville. Who knows maybe one day you’ll teach that ass pansy to dance.”

Cordelia Chase laughed heartily, her hand on her belly, the gentle shaking of her shoulders almost soothing to the demon. “You have been in my head way too long Fangy.”

“What can I say; I pick um well.”

The sudden prying thought into the obvious moment suddenly silenced her retort. And for the first time Cordelia wondered about the outcome of the day to come.



~I’m gonna miss you too.~

A soft shudder ran down her spine before she swallowed the cold ice-cream. The confused ache in her chest was back and this time she knew why. Licking her lips, she knew there was little point in pretending.

He could read it as clearly as she could hear his own thoughts. Angelus was right. She did like him. “Good. Coz I’m hard to forget Fangy.”

“Does that mean one last orgasm before I go?”


“Well there is one other thing I’ve been meaning to do.”

An eyebrow shot up.

~I want to catch up on correspondence before I go back to sully.~

Cordelia’s eyes widened when she realized what scenario Angelus had circling through his wee brain.

“No. No way. I am SO not going to go with this one. Not this girl.”

~Oh, come ON! Don’t tell me there isn’t a tiny part in you that would get off doing this, Hazel; In fact, I KNOW that you want to.~

Cordelia flushed guiltily; Angelus had her there – but it still didn’t make it right. True, there was a tiny part of her that wanted to play the proverbial bitch, but not enough to hurt Angel. Not enough to give in to calling Buffy Summers.

She shook her head before putting away the ice-cream.

~Nope- not going there- no way, nuh-uh.~

She hoped to God her inner tone was as strong as her refusal. She was not going to agree. Nope. She was the rock. Yup.

Angelus gave an exaggerated disappointed sigh.

~Oh well, looks like not only will you have to return the FOUR pairs of shoes you bought today on Angel’s card, but I’m going to have to spill the beans about those lovely brain blending visions.~

Cordelia’s eyes widened at his blatant blackmail. ~You wouldn’t! – You promised! I gave you your one day Angelus!~ She reminded him frantically.

~ Doll, you’re talking to Angelus, soulless demon incarnate here – where’s the phone again?~

Cordelia faltered in panic as she rose and started for the living room.

~She’ll come here and KILL me – you do realize you’ll have my grizzly death on your hands? Besides, I like being alive and kicking! You said you liked me this way.~

~Don’t sweat it, Hazel, Soulboy already told her why he needs Willow – so blame it all on me; big bad demon mind was too strong for sweet innocent Cordy.~

His voice softened to a wheedle. ~Just think of all those things you wanted to say and couldn’t – and YOU come out smelling of roses; or cinnamon and vanilla, which can I just say: Mouth-watering on you baby.~

She rolled her eyes, her lips curling up inadvertently at the crude compliment.

~Oh god I can’t believe I’m considering this. I blame lack of sleep.~

~Blame me baby, I’m easy. Come on Cor. I’ve waited since she fucking sent me to hell to have my say to her. Do you know how damned long I was there?~

A soft frown marred her forehead, as Cordelia contemplated the answer. The demon took the opportunity to get his way. Cordelia’s entire body shook with the impact as memories and flashes flooded her mind, her fists clenching.

Hazel eyes widened and blinked spasmodically trying to shut away the images. With one hand on her temple, Cordelia fell back into the couch, heart thumping like a wild bird in her ribcage as the crescendo in her head died into the familiar darkness and she opened her eyes, reeling for the realization.

Angel had been in hell. Angel had survived hell. And Angel had never said a word about it.

“Oh god, he never said anything.” Betrayed anger built in her belly. ~I’m supposed to be his best friend dammit!~


Trembling from the sick comprehension of just how much of Angel she didn’t know, she felt her own eyes sting with tell tale moisture.

~Awww hell Cor don’t! For one Angel is a better man, vampire – whatever the fuck he’s going by these day because of it. And at least the slayer is out of his hair. It was fucking unnatural, but he never did listen to me.~

So maybe, just maybe there was more to Angel leaving Sunnydale than just to protect the love of his life from the very demon in her head.

All this time she’s been convinced that no matter what happened, Angel still lived the torrid tragic Romeo-Juliet love farce, but while Angelus had been living through her thoughts and dreams, Cordelia had had a chance to see Angel’s.

And although, the slayer was there, she found that Buffy wasn’t Juliet.

~She didn’t know.~

~Well she’s about to find out. Hand me the phone.~

Tired and overwhelmed with the events of the past two days, she took a deep breath.

~Just so we’re on the level, this is for Angel.~

~Fuck Cor, you didn’t have to say it,~ the demon grumbled morosely.

She nearly smiled at the defeated sadness in his tone. She figured she was going to burn in hell for finding Angelus endearing. Endearing of all things. No one was going to believe her. Cordelia rose from the couch and picked up her cordless.

~Keep in mind that I did protest and that you are a big bad demon too strong for sweet innocent Cordy, because if you breathe a word of this to Angel, I swear I will get inside his head and hunt you down with a putty knife!~

~Oh you know just what I like baby,~ Angelus purred.

~Lets get this over with.~

Cordelia hit power on the little phone and let Angelus take the reins as she sat back and let the mayhem unfold. It was fair, she reasoned. The poor demon had been stuck in hell and then with Angel’s angsty, broody thoughts.

Now that he was finally out and about, almost, this much mischief she could allow. She marveled at her acknowledgment. Was she really feeling for the Scourge of Europe?

~But lemme just hide in a far away dark corner for a VERY long time.~

~Sit back and relax baby, time to rekindle old flames into a fucking inferno.~ He chuckled maliciously.

~Oh I am good.~

Sure fingers tapped out the rarely used numbers as she folded ungracefully, flopping back on to the couch with a hard thump.

“Buffy Summers.”

“Hey Buff!”


“Nope, not Cordeeelia; didn’t soulboy tell you about my little vacation from his saintliness? Good, then sit back and forget about the dulcet tones of my bunk buddy, and let’s catch up, hmmm?”



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