The Next Best Thing. 3

Part 3

Cordelia was caught between the bathroom door and the tub. One of her hands was gripping the doorpost while the other was stuck to the rim of her tub and she literally felt like she was going to snap in two.


“You need to go, you dramatic dame!”

“I can hold it!”

“I don’t think I can hold it woman! Let go of the damned door.”

“I’m not going with you in my head!”

“Oh for! This is stupid! This is ridiculous! Will you please just go to the stupid bathroom and I promise I’ll keep my eyes closed.”

For the first time in her life Cordelia had no idea who to glare at while she stood there stretched to her limit, Angelus pulling and fighting for control even when she knew she couldn’t keep this up longer.

“I don’t believe you.”

She could almost feel the demon start to give in and the grip on the tub loosened. ~Look May Queen. I don’t want to be here as much as you don’t want me to watch you go take a leak.~


~PEE! Whatever! The point is you can’t hold it anymore and I’m going out of my mind will you just PLEASE let go of the fucking door before you embarrass us both!~


Five minutes and teeth brushing fiasco later Cordelia stood in front of her closet a yawn nearly tearing up her eyes as she tried to straighten her back. “Oh god, I can’t believe you kept me up all night.”

“Well if you had listened to me we could have gotten better rest.”

“I’m not that bendy Angelus and I’m NOT touching myself with you in my body.” She reached out and snatched a blue cashmere sweater left over from better days. With the most jaded man in her head, Cordelia wanted to wear something innocent.

It was a natural defense mechanism. The sweater was flung across the floor an she stared as it slid under her bed. “What is your damage!”

“Oh for fucks sake it’s baby blue!”

“SO!” She couldn’t help let out an outraged snort. “ME! This is MY body. I’m the one wearing the clothes and I look damned good in baby blue you blood sucking twit born in the 18th century!!”

“First of all, you do have a delectable body and second of all you do have me in your head so tell me you have something sexier than prissy little school room miss apparel.”

Her mouth dropped open. ~Are you calling me a prude? ME! The boy slayer of Sunnyhell?~

~If the shoe fits my lady. Now where’s that lovely black leather miniskirt.~ She rolled her eyes as her hand shot forward and started rummage though her neat stack of skirts. “AHAH! This will do nicely. Got something in red Queen Bee?”

~I’m not wearing Angelus-y clothes! Now I know why Angel can’t get past wearing basic black, he has your bland fashion sense.~

~I bet you’d look damn good in leather Hazel.~

~I look damn good in anything I wear!~ Stalking over she grabbed the blue sweater, but before she could reach out and grab it her legs were swiped out from under her and she fell smack on her back onto the bed. Panting and slightly shaken from the fall, she sat up glaring. ~That’s it! I’m going to wear a tent instead!~

~Let’s not get bitter Hazel. You’ll wrinkle faster. Fuck Cor, if I had a body like yours I’d wear what accents those delicious curves best and with stems like you’ve got; a leather skirt will just say it all.~

And there with those words whispered in her head Cordelia Chase stood in front of her mirror, her lower lip caught between her teeth. God, it had been such a long time since she’d felt like a woman and a woman who could charge up a room by just walking into it.

The whole let down of not being able to make it as an actress and be independent had been a harder kick in the stomach than anyone knew. From getting everything you want to scrounging and picking the next best thing Cordelia Chase was just Cordy now.

Somewhere along the lines she’d forgotten about the intrinsic sexiness that was a part of who she was. And after the whole demon babies incident, she had no desire to try her hand at dating.

~One step at a time Hazel.~

Taking a deep breath she grabbed a soft red sweater with a rather dipping V-neck and held it up. “I was saving this for a party.”

“Oh like you’re ever going to be invited to one. Newsflash cheerleader. You’re one of the heroes now. You don’t get days off.” Her night shirt was whipped off her head.

Cordelia’s eyes widened as one of her hands slid up her stomach and she growled. “Hands OFF!”

“How do you expect to get dressed then?”

“With my eyes closed and with you acting the gentleman!”

“Darling, I wasn’t a gentleman even when I was a man; will you just fucking strip. It’s not like you’ve got something I’ve never seen.”

~Not mine you haven’t.~ She couldn’t hold a smile as she kicked off her pajamas and stepped into the skirt.

She couldn’t believe she was actually getting fashion advice from the Scourge of Europe. It was a tragic farce Cordelia herself would have laughed at a few years ago. Before she knew that vampires and demons were for real.

~I’m in your head. I even recall the lovely little tirade you had with yourself in front of your full length mirror. What do you think Angel would say when he finds out you’re such a fucking exhibitionist?~

“Oh god!” The defeated whine was torn from her lips as she leaned her head forward against the closed closet. Although, she had more control on her body she didn’t know how she was going to be able to make him shut up.

He’d kept complaining and inciting her all night. And the shittiest part was he knew it was turning her on. He knew she wanted to touch herself and she knew that if she had fallen asleep she’d have woken up in the middle of an orgasm if he had his way.

It was flattering that Angelus was so persistent, but Cordelia chase was no fool. The demon entity might have been sharing her head, but the memories flooding her mind were not just her own. They were his and Angel’s and most of them were not pleasant for her.

~Dear god Hazel Where’s the whip?~


~Uh……..nope? So about this little diary you keep of your sexy dreams…~

Her head thumped against the hard wood of her closet until the ache in her head clouded everything besides the splintering headache.


Angel walked out of his room and fixed the collar of his black shirt as he descended the stairs. Walking into the lobby he blinked when he found Charles Gunn standing at the counter with Wesley on the other side looking down at a magazine.

Walking over silently he stood there listening to their hushed voices.

“I always liked the one with the red leather you know.”

Angel’s left eyebrow hiked up.

Wesley was intent on staring down at the open magazine. “I’m partial to the black silk and fishnet stocking I’m afraid. The woman does have legs to carry them off.”

Crossing his arms he glared at them both. “Bonding over porn?”

Both men jerked away from the magazine and looked turning various shades of red as they noticed Angel standing behind them. Gunn was the first to speak. “Gawd Angel! You always sneak up on people?”


Wesley coughed slightly before gathering the thin magazine close. “Comic books actually. We were discussing the costume changes of Electra.”


“No the gorgeous ninja chick usually hanging around Matt Murdock.”

This time Angel couldn’t hold the frown. “Who?”

“It’s Marvelverse dog; you won’t get it.” Gunn stuck the magazine into the back pocket of his pants. “So Wes here tells me you guys have yourselves a situation.”

Angel sighed before walking into the little make shift coffee table and fridge behind the counter before grabbing himself a mug of blood. “Yeah. Cordelia had a little accident last night. A spell back fired.”

“Magic usually does from what I’m told.” Gunn snickered before throwing a teasing glance towards Wesley.

“I’m not all that bad. In fact I did a pretty good summoning spell when we came into this hotel. It was Cordelia’s fault really.”

“You called the cavalry?” Gunn leaned against the counter, his elbow resting against the top as Angel warmed his blood.

“I called Giles. He wasn’t happy to hear from me, but he agreed to look in on reversing the spell.” Behind him he heard the distinct jingle of the door before Gunn let out a slow whistle.

“Oh I don’t know if reversing it would be a good idea. Wes?”

“Oh dear lord!”

Angel turned, raising the mug to his lips for his first sip of breakfast and met the sight before him.

If he’d been breathing he probably would have stopped.

Framed with the slightly breezy morning and the golden sunlight that pooled in through the open door stood one Cordelia Chase.

Only it wasn’t the Cordelia they met everyday. It was Cordelia chase, dark hair tumbling down her back, wearing a black leather skirt that cut below the curve of her ass, a blood red sweater than hung halfway off one shoulder and calf length boots as black as sin giving her the added inches she didn’t really need and her eyes turned to rest on the stunned vampire.

“Oh good you’re all here!” She let the door slide shut behind her and the golden aura around her disappeared as she walked towards the three men. Angel caught the distinct swagger in her gait as she dumped her bag on the couch before walking towards the counter looking irked and sexy as hell.

He had to mentally remind himself that Angelus was in there. Cordelia was never this brazen! He frowned letting his eyes run over her again as his mind drifted to her rule as Queen C back in Sunnydale.

Was she?

“Please tell me you’ve got this figured out. Please!”

Wesley hadn’t stopped staring. Gunn was trying really hard not to smile and Angel’s eyes were fixed on the soft curve of her shoulder.

When none of them spoke she blinked leaning closer to Angel’s stoic face. “Guys?”

“I told you the fucking skirt was sexy Hazel.”

Wesley blinked startled before he cleared his throat and shifted behind the counter. Gunn let his eyes travel over the woman with appreciation and Angel felt his fingers tighten on his mug.

Those clothes and she had to look at them with that come-hither flutter of her eyes? If this was Cordelia’s idea of a joke he wasn’t amused. “Did Angelus put you up to this?”

The seer blew the air out of her lungs explosively before rolling her eyes. “He wouldn’t shut up; I didn’t have a choice. Besides, they’re just clothes.”

Angel would have to disagree.

The clothes weren’t just clothes. They were a second skin and every inch was more enticing when she moved. He wondered if he dropped his mug on the floor she might reach down to…


Angel shook his head almost furious with this train of thought. Two hundred and some year old vampire reduced to cheap tactics because his coworker suddenly wore something he liked? What the hell was he, an adolescent teenager?

Raising the blood to his mouth he started to drink. Hunger would shut out the spinning images of Cordelia Chase sliding back into his arms as his hand slid up to cup one breast possessively.

Cordelia didn’t hear the soft growl from her vampire boss as she leaned against the counter next to Gunn.

~The black dude is staring at your ass Cor.~

~I can tell you perceptive bastard!~

~Sticks and stones Hazel.~

~Can we shut up about my ass please?~

~Mmmm but what a nice ass it is.~

Wesley let out an undignified squawk and Angel reached out and grabbed Cordelia’s hand that was sliding down the curve of her own ass as he drowned his breakfast in one last swallow.

The woman looked up with startled hazel eyes and he sighed. “Watch the hands.”

Her mouth spread into a blatantly seductive smile as she leaned a little closer to Gunn who now stood beside Angel with wide black eyes nearly falling out of his head. “Oh but you know what they say Angelpuss. When you’ve got it flaunt it.”

The muscle in Angel’s jaw worked as she ran one blood red nail down a frozen Gunn’s jaw and Angel had no choice but to grab her other hand too with half a mind to throw her over his shoulder and this time he couldn’t blame the baser instinct on his demon.

“Cordelia! Get a hold of yourself.” Before I hold you for you woman.

The girl groaned softly her eyes sliding shut. “God! I’m sorry okay! I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and this nocturnal psycho doesn’t need much.” With a deeper sigh that drew every male eye to the plunging neckline she pulled her wrists out of Angel’s grasp.

“A cup of coffee would be greatly appreciated.”

Wesley was the first one who cleared his throat uncomfortably before stepping away. “I’ll get it.”

Walking around the counter Angel followed Cordelia to the couch where she dropped unceremoniously, the skirt hiking further up her thighs.

Angel wondered if this woman had the right to look this damned delicious and, although he knew she exploited every womanly trait she had to get men to do her bidding, he’d never seen his best friend this blatantly inviting.

Laying her head back against the back of the couch she sighed. “Give me some good news Angel.”

He wished he had more than just reassurance. “I called Giles. He said he’ll get back to me soon.”

Lifting her head, she watched the concern chase doubt across his face. “How soon?”

The vampire shrugged not able to meet her eyes.

A frown stretched across her forehead as she sat up straighter. “What?”

“Buffy picked up the phone.”

“I knew the slayer bitch would pop up sooner or later.”

“Angelus, just shut up for a second. Angel you okay?”

The vampire nodded before lifting his gaze to meet hers. “You know I don’t even remember why anymore.”

The hazel softened and Cordelia couldn’t help the flashing of images running through her mind. The emotions of love, frustration and betrayed anger nearly made her gasp at the mention of the slayer in context to Angel.

~Angelus! Stop the stupid kaleidoscope of doom. I get it. You don’t like the slayer. Point taken.~

~He doesn’t either anymore.~

She sighed. ~I’m realizing that. But I don’t think he does. So just shush.~

~Don’t shush me!~


She felt the demon recede huffily before she put a comforting hand on Angel’s shoulder. “Come on Broody. You’ve already realized its not the same with the whole Faith episode. She’s rather wrapped up in her world of slaying you know?”

“And I’m a vampire. I get that.” At the sound of the familiar nickname he looked up at her. In this new leather encased, and draped with red body it was hard to imagine this woman without sexual reference.

The delicious curve of her throat was fully exposed. The creamed firmness in her thighs was accented with the black skirt and boots and just the curling of her dark mahogany hair was a distraction. How was he supposed to reassure her in his state when every instinct the vampire had screamed possession instead of protection?

He shook his head slightly, partly to clear it and partly to her question. “But there’s been little purpose in my life before this Cordy. I sort of forgot why I was doing this.”


His mouth quirked at the corner. “No. It was her in the beginning.”

“But not now?”

He shook his head. Watching the utter understanding shining in those hazel orbs, the hand on his shoulder warming skin that had no right to feel warmth. And she was still here. Fighting his demons for him.

“No. Not now. And while she was asking me how I’m doing and that she was sorry for being presumptuous; I knew that wasn’t what she was feeling. And while I was telling her that I missed her and that I was getting by; I knew what I really wanted to say was that I’m happy, not blissful, but happy with what I have here.”

Chocolate brown eyes lifted to meet hers. “With you and Doyle before and Wesley now and even Gunn. I like that here’s finally a place that I can call my own. Call home.”

“Nice speech soulboy.”

Cordelia slapped a hand over her mouth at the insensitive observation. ~Heartless creep!~

~Sightless bitch.~


~You know this would be a good time to kiss the living daylight out of him.~

Angel blinked, startled as her hazel eyes widened. “What?” Maybe he imagined it, but for a split second he could have sworn she slid closer her eyes dropping to his mouth, but then she was jerking away shaking her head as she jumped to her feet.

When the soft shift in her scent reached his nostrils they flared and he watched her with concern. “Cordy?”

“Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! IDIOT!” Cordelia hissed, fighting for control, trying to shut the nagging and chuckling demon out of her head long enough to control the heat building in her chest and flushing her skin. When the first image of Angel nakedness from his own eyes hit her, she reeled.

The smooth chest lying in the bath tub. Perfectly muscled legs sliding under the bed covers. Powerful arms slamming into the punching bag, And then she gasped, as the first wave of dizzying pleasure shook her entire frame and she squeezed her eyes tighter, the image of Angel’s torso, the stroke of his hand and the familiar name echoing off the walls forcing her to squeeze her eyes tighter.

~Stop it! Stop it right now!~

~Hot virile male vampire with screwed up insecurities that just beg to be comforted Hazel. Where’s that maternal instinct of yours?~

~Lunching! Angel is my boss, the slayers ex-catch and I don’t take hand me downs Angelus!~

~I’m not a fucking hand me down Cor!~

~He’s my best friend you psycho! This is the one relationship I’m not fucking with; you hear me! NOT!~

Angel waited while the myriad of emotions flickered of Cordelia Chase’s face while she battled his demon. Of all the things he’d watched Cordelia do for him Angel hadn’t expected or had at least hoped she’d never had to meet Angelus again.

Somewhere along the lines of helping the helpless and then helping Cordelia, he’d come to letting her help him. When he’d been trying to explain about Buffy, he’d been trying to reassure her that he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her.

That no matter what crap his demon was screaming in her head, she was one of them. She belonged with him. “Cordy?”

She gulped air finally gathering enough strength to meet his eyes. “Coffee?”

And he watched her grab the mug from Wesley as soon as the man walked out with it.

He met Wesley’s concerned eyes before walking to the phone. Giles was getting his English bumpkin butt here even if Angel would have to drag it here himself.

He couldn’t let Cordelia deal with Angelus.

The bastard knew too much.

Part 4


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