Fallen Angels. 6


If I’d been Rachel, I’d be screaming OH. MY. GOD.

But this wasn’t a television series and I wasn’t a very good actress so while I tried to scramble off the vampire under me, I tried my utmost to look as innocent as possible, considering I WAS innocent, but tell that to the insistent growling above me while I tried to gracefully rise to my feet.

No such luck.

Spike let out a whoosh of knocked out air as I nearly stepped into his chest before stumbling off his body and falling into my side table, but I grabbed the lamp before it fell.

Too bad, with my foot caught in Spark’s knee and the other wedged under the said table and my hands full with falling lamp, I couldn’t do much besides stare in horror as Angel deduced the obvious.

It’s amazing how the mind computes the scene of ‘Man on Woman = Sex’.

And Spark didn’t help. “Knocking is a custom mate.”

Before I could open my mouth, or Spike could rise to his feet, Angel had grabbed the English vampire and slapped him against the wall with a sickening crack and proceeded to snarl in his face like psycho vamp.

What the hell happened to all the mumbling and the dorkiness?

Suffice to say it was Willow who dived at Angel, grabbed his big arm and proceeded to bean him with her tiny fists while Angel held Spike off his feet and plastered against the wall. And then the screaming began.

In a long line of bad situations. I’d say this was a twelve.


“Put him down! Put him down! Put him down!”

“If you haven’t noticed, AngelPUSS, SHE was on top of ME!”

“Put him down! Put him down! Put him down!”

“How DARE you MAKE her get on top of YOU!”

“Put him down! Put him down! Put him down!”

And did I mention funny? Because if I hadn’t been paralyzed with shock, I’d be cracking up. These people were crazy! How ever did I keep sane around them?

You have amnesia Chase. Go figure.

Oh right. Of course I should stop the snarling vampire and the screaming witch and of course the victim in this is me!

Even if it’s Spike being pinned to my wall.


The clamor suddenly died as I steadied the lamp and rose to my full height. Angel turned his head to look at me with gold rimmed eyes and I tried to give him my best, ‘I’m in charge here’ pose.

Although, I don’t think it worked.


I nearly jumped at the tone of his voice. Okay, this tone I hadn’t heard before. The usual, sorry, and helpful Angel was a far cry from the vampire glaring at me now.

I had lost my memory, or I’d have the decency to look scared, but it seemed my body knew not to look scared, even if the rest of me didn’t. That was my first mistake of the evening.

“Put him down this instant you self-flagellating, self-appointed savior of me!”

The snarl disappeared from his face to be replaced with another very pissed off but rather possessive rumble that seemed to build in his chest and surround every standing nerve ending on my body. I saw the irises of his golden eyes dilate; the shoulders hitch a little higher inside the leather coat as he tilted his head distinctly sideways as if marveling at my stupidity.

Oh my. Angel has large hands, and I don’t mean big burly, but expansive and I mean the kind that could hold your entire waist in one grip or your skull. Depending on the occasion. Currently, those large hands curled tighter into Spike’s collar and for an insane second I didn’t know whether to feel cowed or turned on.

The silence was palpable until Willow fell back to her feet with a resounding ‘thump’ from her previous position of hanging from Angel’s bicep. “Uh oh,” she whispered and even Spike winced as Angel moved.

Cowed most definitely.

The rumble only got more prominent as Angel’s grip on Spike’s collar dropped and the rest of his body twisted towards me before I realized my mistake.

Oh dear. Mental note. Never pick a bout with an already enraged vampire without proper protection.

I stumbled back and I didn’t know at the time I was only heading towards my bedroom and helping him in his cause, but you try staying still while there’s a very rumble-y vampire stalking you! Besides, how the hell was I supposed to remember!

I don’t even remember my first sex! If I had any …

“ANGEL! PUT ME DOWN!” Of course I would have sounded more threatening had I not been hanging upside down over his shoulder staring at his ass. Which, by the way is just fiiiine!!!

Before my bedroom door was kicked shut I saw Spike wrap one arm around the witch’s shoulder. “Want a drink Red?”

I met the sympathy in her eye as she sighed. “No but she’s gonna need some.”

And the door slammed closed.

I only become conscious of the fact after I’d been tossed onto the bed. Looking up into the glow of Angel’s golden eyes, the taut jaw and rippling forehead, I swallowed.

I’m in trouble.

Part 7


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