My Senior Year. 22

Part 22

Pleasure, intense pleasure flowed through her veins spreading white hot heat from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Ecstasy, unrelenting ecstasy surrounded her, consuming her. Cordelia never wanted to wake up.

Her dream was too amazing. Her back arched off the bed, her eyes flew open as she exploded, gasping for air, sweaty limbs writhing, hands clawing the sheets, Angel’s mouth buried in the apex of her thighs.

His hands stroked her thighs and hips soothing the tremors.

“Angel?” She looked down at him. A sheepish grin adorned his face. “OK. That was so much better than an alarm clock.”

He chuckled against her skin as he trailed kisses up her body. “You said later. It’s later.” He paused once the meaning behind her words sunk in. “Does this mean you’re going to school today?”

“Well actually I was thinking about staying home but if you’d rather have the house to yourself… I could always go to school.”

“Do you mean it?”

His little boy on Christmas morning smile made her laugh. “Yup.” She pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist. “Does this mean you want me to stay?” She traced the contours of his chest with her index finger. “There are lots of things we could do.”

“Such as?”

Her thumbs circled his nipples, teasing them. “The laundry has really piled up without Anita around. I think I remember where the laundry room is.” Her hands slid down his torso, fingers spread wide. “The house hasn’t been cleaned in days. The dust is really piling up.” She leaned forward resting her elbows on his chest, hand propping her chin up.

She could feel how hard he was but her expression remained innocent. “What did you want to do?”

“I’ll think of something.” Angel tangled his fingers in her hair and dragged her to his mouth.


Willow walked into the library just as a bleary-eyed Wesley unlocked the cage. She smiled adoringly at Oz. “Good morning. Night three is officially over.”

“Yeah. I’m in the clear until next month.”

“You should be commended. Many of the afflicted choose to remain in denial as long as they possibly can. They run rampant during the phase of the full moon, killing at will. You’re handling your condition in a mature fashion. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get some sleep.”

“Thanks for staying here last night, Wesley.”

“Think nothing of it. Mr. Giles needs to be here during the school day. It makes more sense for me to remain during the night since Mr…Angel wasn’t available. I will see you all tonight.”

Willow nodded at Wesley’s statement. “Bye.”

“How are you holding up? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to help you with Buffy and Xander. I’m sure they weren’t exactly in the best of spirits.”

“Actually Buffy was… feeling pretty positive.”


“Exactly.” She sighed as she collapsed in a chair. She hadn’t been able to sleep all night.

“What’s the matter, Willow? You look tired.”

“I am. I couldn’t stop worrying about Buffy last night. Xander is hurting too. He’s upset, but he wasn’t in love like Buffy. A part of him is willing to admit that he and Cordelia would never have worked out anyway.”

“A part?”

“Yeah the rest was really crazy about her.”

Oz sat in the chair next to hers and held her hand. “And Buffy?”

“Giles wants Angel and Cordelia to still be a part of the Scooby gang. Apparently Angel has recovered.”

“How did Buffy and Xander take that.”

“She agreed pretty quick. Xander is willing to go along with it because Buffy asked him to.”

“That’s a little surprising.”

“I thought so but then Buffy explained why she was so calm. I’ve been nervous ever since.”

“What is it?”

“Do you remember the plan you tricked me into telling you about?”

“I remember asking if you wanted something to drink.” He squeezed her hand. “Maybe it was the tone of my voice. What about her plan?”

“Now that Angel can fight again, she thinks her plan can still work.”

“What about Cordelia?”

“That’s what I wanted to know. Apparently she’s irrelevant.”

Oz studied his girlfriend’s sad expression. “I know you wanted to be optimistic about her plan before. What do you think of it now?”

“I… I don’t know what to think.” A wistful expression softened her features. “Before Angel lost his soul, I used to watch Buffy and Angel together and just melt. They were so in love.”


“Are, I meant are.” She sighed banging her forehead against the table. “I don’t know what I mean.”

Oz soothingly rubbed his troubled girlfriend’s back. “You were saying something about melting?”

“Yeah.” She took a deep cleansing breath. “It was like a fairy tale. It definitely leaned towards the Grimm fairy tales but it was so romantic to watch. I thought they would have the big happily ever after and then he lost his soul. I wanted to be optimistic for her sake but Angelus was so evil. After Miss Calendar’s death, I… I thought we just had to accept that Angel was gone for good and Buffy would have no choice but to stake him. Then we found Miss Calendar’s translation of the curse and suddenly there was hope again.”

She smiled at Oz’s understanding look. “But you know all this already.”

“S’okay. Sometimes you just have to work things out in your head. Keep going.”

“When I realized there were two versions of the spell on the disk, I was so happy for both of them. I could give them a future together. I was going to make the fairy tale have a happy ending and now…” She ran her fingers through her hair.

“Will, I know you want them to be happy. You’ve done what you could. The rest is up to them.”

“I’m not… I don’t want to make their decisions for them. OK. Maybe I’ve been tempted in the past but that’s not what this is about. Buffy needs me to be supportive girl right now and I don’t know what to say anymore. Normally Buffy would say she’s afraid that she’s losing Angel and I would say that she and Angel are meant to be together and that it will all work out in the end. I’m having a little trouble saying my line.”

“You don’t think they’re meant to be together anymore.”

“I’m not sure anymore. When I first meant Angel, he was this gorgeous dark mysterious cryptic guy. Then I found out he was this gorgeous dark mysterious tortured vampire with a soul.”

“I’m sensing you think Angel is gorgeous.”

“Well he is kind of attractive but totally not my type.”

“That’s good to know.”

She smiled knowing he was only teasing. “The vampire with a soul in love with the vampire slayer, what could be more romantic than that?”

“A werewolf in love with a witch?” Oz lifted her palm to his lips.

“You’re the best.”

“I try.”

“Then tell me what I should do. I’m Buffy’s best friend. She is convinced her plan is going to work and she wants me to tell her she’s right. I don’t know if I can do that anymore. It’s not like I know it won’t work. I don’t. They were so in love. They lived the fairy tale.”

“And now?”

“He’s not just some gorgeous dark mysterious tortured vampire with a soul anymore. He has likes and dislikes.”

“And this is a new thing?”

“Yes. I mean no. Well he used to stick to the shadows. He’d appear whenever Buffy was in trouble. She was the center of his world. He was Buffy’s Angel.”

“And now he’s Cordelia’s Angel.”

“He’s not just that. I saw a glimpse of the real Angel. At least I think I did. It was so subtle at first. The way he acted here in the library seemed out of character. It was easy to dismiss. Then I watched him at Cordelia’s house. It made me reevaluate everything. I saw a guy with his own personality and as shocking as that was, I was more shocked that it was Cordelia, not Buffy that made me see it. I can’t see him just as a character in a story anymore. He’s a person, who happens to be in love with Cordelia Chase, Queen C, head cheerleader, my tormenter over the years. I may not understand what’s happening, but I can’t pretend it’s not happening.”

“I know what you mean. I wasn’t entirely surprised when I noticed his scent all over her.”

“Do you think they were sleeping together? He told Buffy..”

“I don’t like to dwell on it but,” he tapped the tip of his nose, “I would have known if they were having sex.”

“This is insane.” Willow pushed away from the table and began pacing. “Buffy is my best friend. I should be trying to help her. I should be cursing Cordy and wishing all sorts of horrible things on her.”

“What about Angel? He’s the one who was dating Buffy.”

“I know. This is insane.”

“You mentioned that.”

“I know but this is really insane. I’m betraying my best friend.”


“No I am. When Cordy fed Angel that hot fudge sundae, his face lit up. She saw him. She drew him out of the shadows and I can’t seem to condemn her for it.” She collapsed in the chair she’d just vacated. “I’m gonna go to hell. Ira Rosenberg’s only daughter is going to hell.”


Cordelia rested her head on Angel’s shoulder. She absently drew invisible patterns on his chest. “You changed again.”


“How come you didn’t bite me?” She wrapped her arms around his chest when he tried to move away. “I wasn’t trying to upset you.”

Angel pulled her on top of him. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her head in place as he stared into her eyes. “I will never bite you. Never.” His expression softened at the tears in her eyes. “I won’t allow myself to bite you. It’s wrong. I won’t hurt you like that. I won’t be that with you. I won’t taint what we have together. With you, I can be a man.”

“You are a man.” She caressed his cheek. “But I’m pretty fond of the vampire too. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking to be bit. That’s usually a big no-no.”

“Then why did you bare your neck to me?”

“I read this..”

“I am not like any other vampire. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. The book said it was an important connection between..”

“Two vampires. Those quacks don’t know what they’re talking about. It doesn’t have some deeper meaning unless you turn whomever you’re biting and even then there’s nothing romantic about it. It’s my soul that enables me to love. It also reminds me that hurting you is unacceptable.”

Cordelia nibbled on her lower lip, wrestling with her wording.

A little wary, “What?”

“The book said it only hurt for a second.”

“Uh huh. Is that what it said?”

“Well actually it said that after the brief moment of pain it felt really good. I figured if it’s important to you and it doesn’t hurt then what the hell. Like I said before, I want you to be you.”

“That means a lot to me. It really does but I drink pig’s blood for a reason. Not allowing myself to have any human blood helps with the cravings.”

Her brow scrunched in confusion. “You mean like an alcoholic?”

“Sort of. I’ll always crave human blood but the scent of blood doesn’t call to me like it once did. I can control it.”

“So no biting?”

“Yeah.” He nibbled on her earlobe. “Maybe a little biting.”

She responded biting his neck eliciting a deep growl. “Good. I love making you growl. It’s so cute.”

Angel pinned both hands above her head. “Is that right?”

“Yup. You’re so cuddly sweet.” She wrapped her legs around his waist. “What else can I do to make you growl?”

“I have a much better idea. Let’s figure out what makes you purr.”


“Hey Buff.”

The petite blond tried to smile but didn’t quite manage it. “Hey Willow.”

“How are you?”

“OK. I guess.”

“Did something happen? You were a lot more cheerful last night.”

“Cordy didn’t come to school today.”

“Maybe she isn’t feeling well.”

“If you believe that, I have some choice real estate you might be interested in.”

“Sorry. I was just trying to be supportive girl.”

“I know. You’re the best, Will, you know that.” Her expression brightened. “You also happen to be totally right.”

“I am?”

“Yes. I need to stay positive. She may be shacked up with Angel right now but her time is running out. Angel and I are patrolling together tonight. Thanks Will. I really needed the pep talk. I’ll see you later. Snyder has been on my case lately. Bye.”

“No problem. That’s me, pep talk girl.” Willow watched her best friend rush off. “Oh boy.”


~ Ring! ~

“I thought I unplugged that.”

“You did, but I plugged it back in.” Cordelia rolled onto her side but Angel caught her wrist

“Whoever it is can call back later. We’re kinda in the middle of something.”

~ Ring! ~

“I don’t know what you mean. I’m finished.”

“You’re really not.”

“Pfft. What do I look like?”

~ Ring! ~

“You look like the kind of girl who returns the favor. You’re not just a taker.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. “Geez. I didn’t realize I needed to pack for a guilt trip. Fine. One backrub coming up but first I need to answer the phone.”

“They’ll call back.”

~ Ring! ~

“Quit whining. I said I’d give you a backrub. You know you never mentioned wanting one in return for giving one.” She managed to grab the phone successfully. “Hello.”

“Hello Cordelia. How are you feeling?”

Cordelia sat on the edge of the bed, back straight. “You’re using that tone again, Giles.”

“You’re supposed to be in school today.”

“C’mon. I was mature yesterday.”

“So today you’re behaving like a child?”

“You know better than asking me a question you don’t really want to hear the answer to because I’ll answer it.” She glanced over her shoulder at the very naked vampire in her bed.

“Point taken. I really don’t need the mental images.”

“So if you’re not calling to discuss my current state of undress then why are you calling?” She could almost hear him blushing.

“I err..I assume you haven’t checked your messages.”

“Sorry. We were a little distracted. We went on our first date last night.”

“I spoke to the others as I said I would.”

“I’m sorry I missed that conversation.”

“It went better than I expected actually. We agreed that Angel will go patrolling with Buffy tonight to test his battle readiness. As for you, Wesley and I have a few passages we want to run by you. We hope something will sound familiar.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I have no sense of humor as you love to point out. You should be prepared for some hostility from Xander. He wasn’t as supportive of my suggestion as Buffy was.”

“What’s up with that anyway?”

“She recognizes the fact that Angel could prove very useful against the Mayor and Faith. I knew she would act rationally. She’s the slayer. She cannot allow her actions to be ruled by her emotions.”

“You’re starting to sound like Wesley. I’ll tell you what I told him. Buffy may be the slayer but she also happens to be a teenage girl.”

“Cordelia, Buffy..”

“I know. She’ll do what she has to do to save the world but that doesn’t mean she won’t… It doesn’t matter. We’ll be there as soon as the sun sets.”


“I’ll see you tonight, Giles.”

“Did you have a nice time?”


“On your date, did you have a nice time?”

She smiled. “I had a wonderful time.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you, Giles.”

“Your happiness is important to me. You are important to me.”

“Now you’re gonna make me get weepy. You know I hate that.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to make you emotional. I am British after all.”

“I’m glad you remember. All this talk about our feelings had me wondering.”

“I will see you tonight.”

“I’ll be there. Goodbye.” She hung up the receiver before crawling towards Angel. “On your tummy, it’s time for your massage.”

Angel tucked his hands behind his head and remained on his back. “I think I prefer this position.”

“I think that side has already had plenty of massaging so roll over.” She slapped him on the butt when he finally turned. “Aren’t you going to ask what Giles wanted?”

“I don’t have to. I was listening.” He grunted as Cordelia straddled him using his butt as her seat. His grunt turned to a yelp of pain. “What the hell was that for?”

“You grunted when I sat down, you big jerk.”

“Baby, you are NOT fat.”

“Then why did you grunt?”

“Think about what’s on the opposite side of where you’re sitting and then think about that being pressed into the mattress.”

“Huh? Oh… OH! Should I move?”

“No. I like you where you are.” He could feel her deliciously feminine moisture searing his cool flesh. “You can start anytime now.”

Her hands began kneading his shoulders. “You mean you heard my half of the conversation, right? Don’t you want to know what Giles said?”

“Mmmm I heard Giles too. That feels good. Right there. If I concentrate, I can hear whoever is on the other end of the phone.”

“So you were eavesdropping?”

“A little lower. Mmmm. What did you expect me to do? You were on the phone with another man while sharing a bed with me… naked. Of course I listened.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that Giles and I are just friends? There has never been anything even bordering on romantic between us.”

“Why did you call him Ripper?”

“What?” She went over her phone conversation in her head. “I didn’t.”

“Not today. In the library, he was warning you about me being dangerous.”

Her hand connected with naked flesh with a loud slap. “You shouldn’t listen to other peoples’ conversations.”

“Ow! I’m a vampire. We have really good hearing and you’re avoiding the question.”

“No I’m not. It just happens to be none of your business.” She nearly fell off her perch as Angel managed to roll onto his back beneath her. Despite her annoyance, a soft moan escaped when she made contact with hard flesh.

“It IS my business.”

“That was the first night you came into the library. How was my private conversation with Giles even remotely your business?”

Angel’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. “Well that was then. This is now and now it is very much my business.”

She rolled her eyes. “I told you that Giles and I are friends. He told me a lot about his… wayward youth. Ripper was his nickname back then. I occasionally use it.”

He folded his arms like a petulant child. “You used that flirty tone when you said it.”

“That’s ridiculous. I was being playful. There’s a difference.”

“Such as?”

“Intent, it wasn’t intended to get him riled up. It was intended to make him smile which it did. So there.” She stuck out her tongue.

Angel considered her words, trying to gauge what his reaction should be.

She could almost see the wheels turning. “You’re being stupid. I think we should be focusing on the fact that Buffy is willing to patrol with you. Am I the only one who finds that suspicious?”

“She’ll do what’s right. The ascension is coming.”

“I have no doubt little Miss Likes-to-fight will save the world. That’s what she does but,” she remembered Buffy’s angry words in the girls’ bathroom, “that’s kinda my point. She doesn’t accept defeat graciously.”

“What are you afraid of?”


“I’m sorry. Was that supposed to answer my question?”

Her arousal gone, she rose to stand on the bed. “I don’t want to lose you.” She stepped over him. “I don’t just mean to Buffy either. I don’t want to lose you at all. Faith is a slayer too. I don’t know what the Mayor is.” She sunk to the bed and hugged her knees. “What if you get killed?”

Angel moved in an instant, enveloping her in his embrace. “You’re not going to lose me, not to Buffy, not to Faith and not to the Mayor.”


“I promise.” He nuzzled her neck. “This whole conversation was to avoid reciprocating the backrub, wasn’t it?” Her giggle brought a smile to his face.

She pushed him onto his back. “I thought this was side in need of stroking?”


Cordelia’s gaze darted back and forth between Wesley and Giles as they read from their separate texts. She longed to be back in Angel’s arms.

Their day had been amazing but their nights totally sucked. Between the “Wesley and Giles does this sound familiar show”, the hostile glares and snippy comments from Xander, and the overall nervousness emanating from Willow, Cordelia had a horrible headache. Oz was the only one acting normal.

She wanted to go home and crawl back into bed with Angel. Getting him away from Buffy would be good too. The blond was a little too chipper about patrolling with him. The shoe was on the other foot now. She was the girlfriend being left behind.

Watching Angel leave with his first love wasn’t much fun. She couldn’t even respond to Buffy’s rude comments without coming off like a total bitch. She was the boyfriend stealer. Sitting there and taking it went against her nature. She said what she thought when she thought it and to hell with the consequences. The only problem with that was hurting Buffy hurt Angel but accepting that hurt her.

“Are you listening to us at all, Cordelia?”

“Yes.” Her eyes dropped to the table. “No. I’m tired and you’ve been talking for hours. I already told you everything I know.”

Giles glanced down at his watch. “Oh dear. I had no idea so much time had passed.”

She rolled her eyes. “Does this mean we can take a break?”

“Actually I have only one more occurrence to run by you. Wesley?”

“That was my last reference but if she wasn’t listening perhaps I should run through it again.”

“Please don’t. I was listening enough.” The tired brunette turned to Giles. “Hit me.”

“I wasn’t sure about this one.” He began reading the text until Cordelia stopped him.

“That’s it. Lohesh, low tech, I was close.”

Wesley glanced over his shoulder. “A four-winged soul killer. Hmm interesting.”

“Yes but not helpful I’m afraid. The rituals are all wrong. This must be the previous ascension the Mayor had been alluding to but this isn’t the demon he’ll become.”

“You mean Cordy’s been wasting our time? Now there’s a surprise.” Xander slammed his book shut.

“Xander, that is enough!”

“It’s alright, Giles. Maybe I should go home. I am a little tired.”

“Don’t run away on my account. You never cared about my feelings before. Why start now?”

“That’s not true.”

“Yeah I’m sure you were thinking about me all day while you were screwing your new vampire boy-toy or did you play the same teasing game as you did with me? Somehow I doubt your stringing him along? Did you wear the green underwear for him? I know it’s his favorite.”

Giles grabbed the sneering boy by his arm and dragged him into his office. “I know you are hurting and angry right now. You have every right to be so but I will not stand by and listen to you attack her in such a manner. Cordelia is here because I asked her to come.”

“I told you I wouldn’t be friendly.”

“Then be silent. I am truly sorry for your pain and your discomfort but there is a bigger picture right now. I need you to behave like a grown up. Can you handle that?”

Xander hated to see Giles angry at him. “Yeah.”

“Thank you.”


“How did it go?”

“Fun was had. Well by me anyway. Mr. Worth didn’t look like he was having much fun.”


“Did you get your hands on the poison yet?”

“It will be on my desk first thing in the morning. I’ll leave its use in your capable hands.”

“I plan to have lots of fun. I heard it’s wicked painful.”

“That’s my girl.”

Faith smiled. “I just hope they’re together when I do it. I want to see the look on B’s face.”


Cordelia didn’t know what bothered her more, the deafening silence that descended the moment Xander walked out of the office or the large smile on Buffy’s face when she returned from patrolling with Angel in tow.

No it was definitely Angel’s matching smile that bothered her the most.

“Are you ready to go?” Angel noticed the oppressive silence as well as the anger radiating off Xander.

“You have no idea.” She grabbed her purse. She managed a small wave as she headed for the door.

“Will you be in school tomorrow?”

Cordelia froze at Xander’s icy tone.

“Not if I can help it.” Angel laced his fingers with hers and pulled her out the door.

Once outside, she spoke. “I can’t believe you said that.” Her shock only increased when his arms wrapped around her waist and he spun her around. She giggled at the gleeful action. “What are you so happy about?” Her smile disappeared as she remembered the smile on Buffy’s face. “What happened tonight?”

“I staked three vamps and killed two demons.” He spun her around again. “I didn’t realize how much I hated being weak until I took out the first vamp. It was amazing.”

“I’m happy for you seems strangely appropriate.”

His happiness deflated a bit. “I guess it’s a vampire thing.”

“Pfft. It’s a male thing. My Uncle Henry has a room full of animals he shot and had stuffed. His whole face lights up when he talks about hunting or going on safari. At least you save lives by killing the things that go bump in the night. I don’t think the six-point buck that hangs on his wall was going to drain any innocent people. What should we do to celebrate your return to full ass-kicking status?”

“Hmm. That’s a tough one.” He slung her over his shoulder. “I’ll have to give it some thought on the drive home.”

Part 23

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