Cordy the TV Star. 32-33

Part 32

Cordelia stirred, suddenly missing the suffocating hard body that held her so tightly during the night.

Cordelia scrunched up her brow looking around the bedroom. Angel wasn’t there. She looked on the floor, neither were his pants, her gaze searched some more, the only clothes scattered about were hers. Maybe, Angel was cooking her breakfast. She grumbled. Why’d he take his shirt? She always got to wear his shirt in the mornings.

Cordelia blinked. ‘Always…?’ She thought that like ‘always’ was a normal occurrence. It had only been two times, but it felt normal – like it should be ‘always’, she whined, reassuring herself.

Cordelia jumped from the bed, running to her now abandoned bedroom to get a robe, wondering what wonderful food the vampire was preparing for her. The ‘Wow’ of a vampire cooking for her was slightly eclipsing the ‘why’ cry that she had when then so-called gourmet vampire wasn’t visible or took away his shirt. Cordelia scrunched her face. Was she happy or mad? Cordelia flipped back a heavy strand of hair, she’d know once she was downstairs.

Cordelia hesitated on the bottom step. She didn’t smell any aroma to cause her to be happy. Actually, every thing seemed way too quiet and empty. Maybe Angel was still preparing her breakfast, really silently. Vampires could be quiet like that.

She glanced at the sunlight streaming in through the broken windows. How’d he get to the kitchen? A dread of something unpleasant and biting trickled into Cordelia’s spine. She ran to the front door, swinging it wide. Seeing nothing, she ran through the kitchen, going into the attached garage. Angel’s car wasn’t around.

He was gone. Angel left her. When did he do that? Why would he do that?

She moved slowly back into the living room, her mind full of fleeting thoughts, questions and made up explanations. The easy acceptable explanations wanting to have the strongest voice- Angel had a vision, didn’t want to wake her and left. Then that evil voice, the contrary one, the realistic one spoke up, -except, from what everyone, even Angel, indicated he wouldn’t have been able to have a vision without waking her, much less quietly getting dressed and leaving.

Maybe, he was mad at her, after all, he did know she let the Groo-guy kiss her. That annoying other voice spoke again- but he didn’t seem mad when he made love to her throughout the night and even so- there had been no exclusive icky talk that made kissing someone else a bad thing. Cordelia tried one last time; maybe, there was no more blood and Angel was starving.

Cordelia ran back into the kitchen, not letting that contrary voice speak. She stared into the refrigerator, the voice didn’t have to speak, it was there in plain view- one icky blood filled plastic cup. Angel didn’t leave because he was hungry.

Why did Angel leave? She went to the sofa and slumped. Everything had been wonderful, they had been making love- all good and then she…Cordelia’s thoughts froze. She didn’t….she couldn’t have…there was no way she said that out loud. No way. Cordelia’s panicky look around the empty room screamed back ‘yes, you stupid little girl, you did’. Oh god, she did. Cordelia said out loud that she loved the vampire.

Cordelia buried her head in her hands. No wonder he left. Probably ran out. He was probably thinking that she wanted or expected some sort of similar declaration in return or something.

Cordelia smacked her forehead. This was stupid, how could she have said that she loved a vampire. She didn’t love Angel. She barely knew him. Sure, it felt like Cordelia knew Angel forever and she did know him in Sunnydale, but she didn’t ‘really’ know him. And…and Angel was a VAMPIRE, bloodsucking, dead, an undead person…and…and…people were always saying crazy stuff like ‘I love you’ during the heat of passion.

Doesn’t mean anything. Of course, Cordelia hadn’t actually ever moaned that particular admission before. But, she hadn’t been in such a ‘heat of passion’ before, so it could’ve just been the time for her to make a fool out of herself and well, Angel was really cute for a dead guy, in the oh my god, panting and hyperventilating sorta of way.

Geez, sure, Angel was an amazing lover, made her feel things that she never knew were possible and granted, her experience was limited, but it had been ‘oh wow’. That’s it. She had been so overwhelmed by the immense pleasure of it all, she blurted out some nonsense statement.

Cordelia narrowed her eyes, getting more than a little irritated now that she figured it all out. Stupid vampire, after two hundred and some years he should’ve known that people say the damnest things under the influence of sex. There was no reason for him to go running. It’s not like she said it and waited or nagged him to respond, hell, she fell asleep.

That should’ve clued Angel in on how non-important the statement was. Cordelia knew he didn’t love her. Duh, no Angelus. Hmmph. That vampire couldn’t have run far and when she caught up with him- she was going to give a big piece of her mind.

The phone’s constant ringing interrupted her thoughts. Angel. Cordelia ran to catch the phone before the voice mail picked up. Angel realized what a dork he was and was calling to apologize. Well, she didn’t know if she would accept it right away. He was a jerk and he left her with a big gaping hole in her living room.

A wild creature normal or abnormal could’ve wandered in a devoured her in her sleep. That vampire left her to die. Oooh, he was SO SUCH dead vampire meat.

“You jerk,” she yelled into the receiver.

A tense silence welcomed her greeting, and then a small weak voice spoke. “What’d I do,” Nevin cringed, thinking back, his mind working quickly flipping like a Rolodex. He was pretty positive he had done everything required over the last couple of days and did it quite well.

“Nev,” Cordelia croaked, trying to catch the phone as her hands dropped the instrument.

“Cordy, …”

“Sorry, thought you were someone else. What do you want?” She slammed her body on the sofa.

Nevin took a deep breath at his boss’ snappy tone. “Have you looked at a clock lately?”

“Why?” her eyes straying to the expensive retro version of a grandfather clock settled against the living room wall. “Shit.” She yelled as she remembered that she was due on the set before dawn. The director wanted to keep the darkness for some outside shots that had turned out unusable from a couple of nights ago.

“Yes. Don’t worry; I calmed Paddy, telling him you were still reeling from the ‘stalker’ episode yesterday. He with his usual cursing and gruffness accepted it. But, he wants you here now to do the follow up party scene.”

“Right.” She hung her head, clutching the phone to her face. She forgot about her work. Damn that vampire. She was getting really mad now.

“Cordy, is everything all right. What happened with the note? Did Angel Investigations find anything more out?”

Cordelia blew out a breath, falling back on the sofa. “Yeah, solved it. Stalker-guy gone- not a problem anymore.”

“Really, that’s wonderful. Was he arrested? Is that why you over slept? Look, Cordy, I’m sure I can ward off Paddy today if you need to rest. Thank god its over. Don’t worry about anything else, when Angel Investigations puts in their bill, I’ll make sure they get a bonus, that’s okay right? For fixing everything so quickly.”

Cordelia rubbed the palm of her hand roughly into her forehead, trying to think how to respond. “Bad guy, not such a bad guy, sent him on his way, definitely not dangerous, just enthusiastic. Send a car, I’ll be there. As for Angel Investigations- they’re idiots, major idiots, Angel being the worse- what I want you to do- is find out what the highest paid PI in Hollywood gets per hour and times it by three and pay from the moment you made the first phone call until…” Cordelia paused. “How long will it take for you to get a repairman to my house and replace every pane of glass window in my living room.”

Nevin paused. This was not at all the conversation he expected. But he was an assistant to a major star and he got there because he could adapt quickly. “Is that hypothetical or do you really need a repairman?”


“What happened? Nevermind.” Nevin said remembering the ‘Assistant to the Major Star Credo’ don’t ask just do, unless your charge could possibly end up embarrassingly dead. Nevin cleared his throat. “ I can get someone immediately but have no idea how long it will take.”

“Okay, well, stop the fee calculation for Angel Investigations when the repairman say the windows are fixed.”

“Cordy…that could be a lot.”

“I hope so. Also, that guy, you know the obnoxious one, the one that wanted me to invest in rentals.”

“Cordy, how many times can I apologize, I didn’t realize, he was a friend of my cousin.” Nevin couldn’t believe she was bringing that up again. He had been new. He didn’t know, but he never made that mistake again and he’d stop giving premier tickets to his cousin. Nevin paid for that mess and made sure his cousin did too.

“Nev, shut up. Find out if he has any office space- enough for three offices, reception area and couple of storage rooms. If he does and you like it, buy it.”


“Do it.”

Nev nodded frantically in the phone as he scribbled into his palm pilot. He squeaked an okay, when he realized that Cordelia was still waiting for a verbal acknowledgment.

“Send the car, I’ll be ready. Oh, Nev, one more thing.”

“Yes.” Wow. Cordelia Chase had been occasionally demanding in the last couple of years that he had been employed but this was getting close to bizarrely eccentric.

“That 4-wheel monstrosity that I’ve never even used….get the paperwork together to transfer title to Charles Gunn.”

“Cordy…” Nev shook his head. His was not to question why- his was to do or be unemployed. “Okay, done.”

Cordelia nodded as she hung up the phone. Stupid vampire aside, she wasn’t about to forget what she owed Angel Investigations. Anyway, they were her friends. Angel just needed to be reminded of that, harshly, with a slap to his head.

Geez, it wasn’t that Cordelia wouldn’t accept her part of the blame in this, but hers was minimal. She just blurted out a whimsical passion induced sentiment that meant nothing except- what you’re doing to me is wow-wonderful. Angel should’ve known that, he was like really old and surely like really experienced- with those hand moves, he had to be-Pfft and Hmmph.

It’s his fault for first making her so not thinking and saying stupid stuff- and second for just making her mad that she had to worry about it.

Part 33

Wesley scratched his bare chest and wandered through the dark room into the kitchen. Yawning, he filled the coffee pot. He leaned on the counter imagining that if he stared at it hard enough the energy giving caffeine would flow freer.

Wesley rested his chin on his palm and rubbed his eyes. He really needed that coffee shot in the arm, he had gotten very little sleep the night before.

He had been quite pleased with the successful conclusion of Cordy’s stalker situation; yet, an unnamed anxiousness kept him tossing and turning all night. Somewhere around 3 a.m., he finally determined what was causing his restlessness.

It was worry and unease. Wolfram & Hart’s aid to the Groosalugg indicated a more serious threat to Cordelia than the situation seemed to indicate at first glance.

Periodically, over the last few years, Angel’s visions had brought the true evil nature of Wolfram & Hart to light. The past brief glimpses of the law firm’s machinations forced Wesley to conclude that if the firm wanted to harm Cordelia then Groosalugg’s failure wouldn’t stop them from trying something else to get at her- but why?

Wesley was concerned about Cordelia’s safety, spurn on by feelings of friendship inspired during their brief re-acquaintance. Which was surprising in that their previous relationship had consisted of inane flirting and a humiliating kiss rather than any type of genuine friendship. Yet, the more mature and beautiful young woman was approachable and generous, which was somewhat astonishing. Wesley would’ve expected the TV star Cordelia to be even more self-absorbed than her teenage years hinted at.

But, no, the current Cordelia was endearing.

Wesley grunted, casting a bleary eye at the coffee maker. Too damn slow. Wesley stretched, grunted again and settled back to his persistent watching and thinking. Actually, as much as the possibility of danger to Cordelia concerned him, Wesley was more concerned about Angel right now. The vampire hadn’t had a vision since the one that sent Wesley and Gunn to Reseda to fight a three-mouthed razor toothed demon.

It wasn’t that Wesley wanted Angel to have another vision, but Wesley was beginning to feel that the lack of one since Cordelia came into their lives had affected Angel’s remembrance of how debilitating they could be. It could very well be unsafe for Angel to spend that much time alone with the young woman. On the other hand, Wesley didn’t have the heart to argue with the vampire, make him see the reasoning behind staying in the apartment near the tranquilizing guns, shackles, barred windows and locked doors.

Protecting Cordy gave Angel a sense of purpose. Wesley couldn’t take that a way from him. He could hope only for the best.

Wesley rolled his eyes at the caffeine-producing appliance. One day they would be able to afford one that actually worked efficiently. Obviously, the old coffee maker could care less that Wesley was in dire need of caffeine and ignorant to the forceful brain waves directed at it to aid and quicken it’s supposed purpose. Wesley grunted and pushed himself off the counter.

He might as well read the newspaper now that his eyes could fully open, who knew, maybe paying no heed to the incompetent piece of machinery would compel into in action.


Wesley jumped. His destination to retrieve the morning newspaper was halted by the sound of the low acknowledgement. He swirled around searching for the words’ owner, settling once his gaze fell on the vampire. Wesley was a bit surprised that he even saw Angel. The vampire had almost completely blended into the dark leather chair. However, Wesley was more surprised that the vampire was there at all.

“Angel? Why aren’t you at Cordelia’s?” Wesley’s mind quickly shifted through the possibilities. A vision? Wesley considered the motionless vampire, unless the visions were turning Angel into stone that would be a no. Cordelia couldn’t be in danger again; otherwise the vampire would definitely not just be sitting in their apartment. Did she kick him out? That had possibilities. But why?

“Did you and Cordelia have an argument?” Wesley had to peer closely to see the minute shake of Angel’s head.

“Then…I thought you wanted to make sure she was safe…because of the windows being broken?”

Angel jerked his head. Damn. He had been in such a panic to leave that he had forgotten that the shattered windows left Cordelia vulnerable. What if something happened?

“Call her make sure she’s okay.” Angel shoved himself up from the chair.

“Call her? Angel, why did you leave?”

“Just call her, Wesley. Please.” Angel added going into the kitchen.

Something was definitely not right. Maybe Cordelia would inform him, as Angel didn’t seem to be in a very talkative mood. Shocker, that. Wesley shook his head and dialed Cordelia’s number.

Wesley hung up when he got Cordelia’s voice mail. He dialed again, hoping that Cordelia wouldn’t be angry for waking her up. He hung up again. Okay, maybe she wasn’t home. It was early, but possibly she was already at the studio. Wesley searched his memory for Nevin’s cell phone number. He wanted to cover all bases before he started to worry.

Wesley placed the phone in its cradle, pondering his brief conversation with Cordelia’s assistant or more accurately Cordelia’s loud comments directed towards Angel, which drowned out most of Nevin’s answers. Well, Wesley still didn’t know why Angel left Cordelia alone, but Cordelia was fine and for some reason very angry with the vampire.

Wesley went into the kitchen determined to get some answers. “Cordelia is on the way to an early shoot. She wouldn’t actually talk to me, but she did yell that you were I quote ‘a stupid dork’ and I believe she also said ‘for a really old guy you were a big baby’ and that ‘if you thought you could get away with what you pulled, then you were not only a stupid dork, but an idiot dumbass.’ Oh, and she’s starving, though why she’s blaming you for that I’m not sure. But then again, I don’t know what stunt you pulled. Care to enlighten me? You said you two didn’t argue.”

“We didn’t.” Angel turned away from Wesley’s questioning stare, putting his empty mug in the sink.

“Well, you will be I imagine when you see her again.”

“I’m not seeing her again.” Angel looked at his feet, shoving his fist in his pockets.

“Oh? I don’t think Cordelia is aware of that, in fact, I believe she’s planning to see you again, to give you a much deserved ‘ass-chewing’ she said.”

“I can’t.” Angel shook his head, still studying his shoes.

“Angel, what did you do?”

“I left.”

“And that made Cordelia go ballistic? Angel, that doesn’t’ make any sense.”

“I didn’t tell her. She was asleep.”

“So you didn’t wake her. You’re not helping in the explanation department.”

Angel took a deep breath and looked Wesley straight in the eyes. Angel had been wrong when he thought that he didn’t have a friendship with the former watcher. Angel realized that while he didn’t share the same relationship with Wesley as he had with Doyle- a friendship did exist. One that must have been cultivated and maintained by Wesley because Angel knew he hadn’t had the ability to do anything to support it.

“Why are you here?” Angel suddenly needed to know.

“I live here.” Good lord, Cordelia maybe right, Angel was showing signs of being a dumbass.

“No,” Angel shook his head. “Why do you take care of me? Why do you make sure that my visions get taken care of? Why do you make sure Angel Investigations exists?”

Wesley stepped back surprised by the questions. “I…Angel, you are my friend and you can’t handle the visions and fighting the evil in them. You need help and the evil needs to defeated.”

“Your friend?”

Wesley studied the vampire. “Yes,”


Wesley looked, determining the vampire was serious. Wesley tried to answer. “You are good and I’m a sort of a rogue demon hunter or was, you’re visions direct me to a lot of demons.” Wesley hoped that his poor attempt of humor would change the dire expression on Angel’s face.

He blinked as Angel cringed, crying out and grabbing his head. Oh god. The signs of what Wesley was seeing overtook his wonder at Angel’s questions. Angel was having a vision.

Wesley went to the moaning and flailing vampire, only to be knocked across the room by Angel’s blindly thrown fist.

Wesley stumbled up, going again to the vampire. He tried to pull Angel away from the wall that Angel was banging his head against. “Angel, the vision? Tell me, I’ll go and it will be better.” He yelled over the vampire’s loud cries and jumbled words.

Angel huddled closer to the wall banging his head more forcibly against the wall, low tumbled words escaped from his gasping breaths.

Wesley caught and understood ‘Glendale’ and ‘demon’ but the rest he was unsure of. He had to calm the vampire down, if he was to understand any of the rambling.

Wesley dropped to the floor, practically in the same position that Angel originally knocked him too. His hands searched quickly under the end table. Wesley leaned up once he grasped what he was looking for. He aimed and shot.

Wesley ignored the sour burble that swirled in his stomach as he watched the vampire struggle against the effects of the drug. Wesley took a deep breath and waited as Angel fell powerless against the wall.

“Angel, the vision.” Wesley asked, standing finally.

Slow tortured words struggled from the vampire’s throat. “ Young man…park…Glendale…pond…demon…four…five horns…red…deadly…pain…AHHH.” Angel choked slamming his head against the wall.

Wesley felt his stomach knot in the too familiar way as he shot the vampire again. This time Angel whimpered once then stopped as the additional drug took effect. Wesley threw the weapon far against the wall, hating what he was forced to do, while knowing it was right.

Wesley dragged the limp form of the vampire into his room, pulling Angel’s arms up, securing his wrist in the shackles. With one last look, Wesley locked the door and went to call Gunn.

Part 34

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