Welcome to
Go Team C/A
A Cordelia/Angel/us Fan Fiction site.
The characters of the Angel verse were created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. No copyright infringement is intended or implied, and no profit is made.
30+ Author Recommendations + their FIC, Collaboration/Challenges (completed/WiPs.)
Please be warned that there is Adult-rated [R/N-17] content in this archive and are CLEARLY marked.
PS: a reminder that ‘Works in Progress’(WiP) stories won’t/can’t be completed due to the long age of them (originally written in early-mid 2000s). The Authors have long moved on, sadly.
Hi All, I see a lot of visitors on GTC/A, and I know leaving comments/FB can be a pain and time-consuming, but I’d be truly grateful if you could at least click the 👍 icon if you enjoy any of GTC/A’s Authors’ works (on their fic posts, not Home Page).
It will be deeply appreciated, and would also make it worth keeping this Archive up & running. Thanks. Califi 😘
GTC/A: originally created 2004.
Hey!! I just recently really got back into Angel/Cordelia. I was wondering if you had a top list of your favorite fanfiction that you could recommend. thanks for all that you do. i have visited this site over the years along with just fiction. There are such great stories/authors so glad that you preserved a lot of that.
Hi, Samantha, here are a few of my favourites:
The 1st 2 are my ultimate faves:
Of Demony Things and Crappy Lifetimes by Frazi
& The Next Best Thing by Frazi.
Storm by Chelle
Another Chelle fic – Shadow of the Beast
Deja Vu by Little Heaven
Also, have a mooch at Lysa‘s fanfic – link to her Site: https://lysawhitmore.com/
Donum Do Angelus by Nickle. Her work bowled me over.
This one by Ficbitch82 had me LMAO, lol. One Tequila, Two Tequila
This Time Its Real by Onlyanne. #ChefsKiss
Honestly, there is so much good stuff in the archive that I can’t list them all, lol. Hope you like my recs.
Califi xx
Hi Califi,
I hope I am not overstepping here.
First let me say, we as a fandom are very lucky and grateful that you host Go Team and have kept it up and running for our reading pleasure for so long.
I’ve seen from the comments you’ve left that the future of Go Team is uncertain because of the host costs. I completely understand as you are under NO obligation to keep the site running, and the very fact that you have this long is a *gift*.
Have you heard of the Open Doors project? They help import fandom archives to Archive of Our Own to preserve fan works for the future.
Link: https://opendoors.transformativeworks.org/en/
Us cangel fans would certainly miss the many amazing fics written by the talented authors of our fandom if this site were to go offline. All that to say, is there any possibility that you would be interested in working with Open Doors and importing the Go Fic archive to AO3 in order to preserve it?
When JustFic recently went offline a couple of us cangel fans rounded up and reached out to AO3 to see if there was any saving its library of works. We also reached out regarding Go Team, knowing that the future of the site was uncertain (though no decisions would ever be made without your approval/contacting you first).
Again, thank you so much for the work you’ve put into this archive and the gift you have given our fandom. <3
Hope to hear from you,
Hi Carmen,
Thanks for your post.
I’m surprised by the interest, tbh, as GTC/A doesn’t get that much traffic/comments/etc, nowadays. The fandom is so old now.
I received an email recently from someone at OpenDoors, and I responded that the majority of my Archive is filled with other back-in-the-day writers’ fanfic, who, at the time, agreed to have their work published on GTC/A.
I don’t feel that comfortable passing them on to another site without their permission, but if GTC/A DOES end up eventually closing, I will consider it at the time. I’m actually a member of A03, btw.🙂
I have renewed the DN this month (1 year)& am currently able to just about manage my web host payments – hopefully for the foreseeable future. 🤞 I have added my PayPal link back on here as a reader earlier suggested it.
Best Regards,
Cali x
EDIT: Paypal link removed. No interest Shown in the time it was up. 🤷♀️
Hey Cali,
Thanks for getting back to me. 🙂
Completely understand not feeling comfortable.
Open Doors does keep the option open for the original artist to remove their work at anytime tho:
“The archivist will also continue to have control over the collection if they want, and can set its rules, etc. Nonetheless, if an individual fan wants to remove their stories from the original archive or from the AO3, we provide easy tools for doing so.”
But, like I said, I understand.
Oh! I didn’t notice the PayPal link. I’ll def try to contribute if I have the financial means. Glad Go Team is sticking around for at least another year.
Warm wishes,
I wish we could keep this fanfics forever. I don’t know how websites work, but there’s so many good fics here. Hope there is a way to save them somewhere.
Thanks for keeping this for so many years! It amazes me how much joy we find in a ship so old haha
Hi Andrea, the Archive will be around for at least another year after I managed to renew my DN and continue to pay my web host without too many sacrifices. I hated the thought of removing it, as it has many good memories for me. I’m glad you’re enjoying GTC/A.
Cali x
Can we contribute?
Hi, Hawkchick,
Thanks for posting. I once added a Paypal widget to GTC/A and left it up for several years. No one accessed it, so I eventually took it down. I did consider advertising, but maaaan, I hate being barraged with them on sites myself, so that was a big fat nope.
As the Site is pretty old, and both Series only have occasional reruns, I doubt if a Paypal (or similar) link would be accessed. I’ve seen so many C/A websites/Archives/Writers disappear in the last 15-20 years. I rescued a lot of FIC along the way (with permission, btw). Glad you’re enjoying reading it all. ps: Update, I’ve thought about it and have added my PayPal deets.
Cali x
Just wanted to say thank you for creating this! I got into BTVS/ATS at the end of last year and fell instantly in love with Cordy and Angel. Since finding this site in early October, I have read all of the fics here! Devastated that it will probably be closed soon, but thank you so much for keeping it up for so long! You’ve given us all a lot of joy!
Hi cordycordycordy4,
Thanks for visiting, and I’m glad you found GTC/A and enjoyed the contents. I’m still debating the fate of the Site, tbh (mostly the Host costs, ugh), and am in two minds – but will make my final decision when the DN is up for renewal.
Cali xx
I hope none of these fanfictions were deleted 😭 it’s so sad that these shippers have moved on 😭 they are prolly busy in their careers now but CANGEL/CANGELUS is forever ;( if anyone has any of these fanfictions saved onto their hard drive or something pls make a google drive link or something where we can have access 😭 I love Lysa’s and califi’s work.
Hi Yaz,
I’m glad to say that no fics on this site have been deleted, so all is as it has always been (about 20 years old now). I’m grateful I had many incredible writers agreeing to have their work published on GTC/A. I’m hoping I can keep the archive online for as long as I can afford to (plus, I’m getting on in age now, eek!). 🤞Thanks for commenting. 😊
Cali xx
I will cry uncontrollably if this archive ever goes offline.
Thank you so much for keeping so many CA fan works alive.
Hi cangelfan,
Thank you for your comment. 🙂 Unfortunately, the vast majority of writers have either moved from C/A fanfic or have stopped altogether. The only other Author I know who IS still writing, is Lysa Whitmore (Link to Site: https://lysawhitmore.com/ ). Interest & visits after so many decades (!!!) has gradually fallen to a point where I did consider closing GTC/A, but after chatting to a few peeps, I decided to keep the Archive going as long as I can afford the Web Host I use.
Cali xx
I love these fan fictions pls don’t delete anything not even the unfinished stuff. Could we like make a discord and talk about Cangelus? I don’t know if anyone is active here anymore 😭
Hi Yas,
Thank you for your comment. 🙂 As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, unfortunately, the vast majority of writers have either moved from C/A fanfic or have stopped altogether. The only other Author I know who IS still writing, is Lysa Whitmore (Link to Site: https://lysawhitmore.com/ ). This Archive was first established in 2003 (at the time it was a hand coded site until I updated to WordPress to make it easier to access via phones/tablets), so a long time has passed – but the odd comment or showing of activity nowadays gives me a good feeling, lol. I no longer write C/A, although occasionally, I do consider finishing some of the WiPs, but it has been a struggle so far. ATM I’m attempting to finish a FIC for another fandom, which won’t be posted here, naturally, but on AO3 – and even THAT is slow-going, gah!😚
Cali xx
Yay, it’s back!
I think it would be a shame to delete these works even if they do remain unfinished. They were still sparked by awesome ideas and a love of the characters and shows. The authors also probably put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (or maybe just a little lust and laughter) into writing what they did. A warning on the fic that it remains an unfinished gem should be enough for the readers. Yes, we whine in frustration that the fics are unfinished, but we do that because we love what was written in the first place.
Very true, Lysa xx It would have broken my heart to actually do so… just a few emails with very sad/frustrated peeps regarding them got me thinking. I may instead put a notice on the Home page (sooo many fic to edit otherwise *groan*), and then peeps can choose to read them or not.
Cali xxxx