Without You 4

Part 4


Cordelia woke up to an empty bed, the handcuff removed from her wrist and her arm now carefully tucked under the covers. Still sleep fogged the brunette blinked a few times and then turned on her back to check the rest of the room. All was clear and judging by the light, dusk had fallen.

Cordelia slowly sat up with her head cocked just so, listening intently for any betraying sounds like a footfall or .. something that would give her a bead on where her captor was. She frowned- nothing not a sound the house was silent. Suddenly feeling alone she shivered. The room was cold after the warmth of the bedcovers and realising this she shivered even harder and rubbed her arms over the silk covering her arms.

Do I even want to know where he is?. “Well you’d better find out, Cor before his drags his hulking fat ass back in here and ties you up again”. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips thinking about what his reaction would be to that. Hmm talk about your boost-a-upa.

Your only saying that cos he called you skinny- there’s no way that bod is carrying fat- its all muscle and you damn well know it after last night.

“Eww Yuck and double yuck. That is so wrong“. Not that she could actually deny that she had. Scrumpling the covers in her hands she flopped back down, and when then wasn’t enough pulled them over her head. “I did not cuddle up to a vampire- I did NOT”. She called out in frustrated denial. There was no one other than herself to answer her.

Oh yeah- you did.

“Shut UP! Geeze, it was an accident, Okay”. The covers puffed up with each expelled breath and forceful word. Irked, Cordelia slammed then back down and sat up again fighting the urge to bury herself under the covers for the next- oh I don’t know century maybe?

Trying to distract herself she ran her hands through the dark clean tresses that no longer hung in thick ropes around her head, minutely examining the dark strands and noting with a distracted frown the head full of split ends she now had. Not that he had to worry about that- she was too skinny remember. Crap it wasn’t working.

She pressed her palms into her temples as if trying to work her will on a suddenly feverish mind. “Look” she told herself fiercely. “Forget it. It’s done and you can’t undo it so get over it“. Prep talk over and determined to take her own advice she resolutely threw back the covers and swung her legs over the side.

“Oh GOD- what’s he thinking” she groaned before her feet even hit the floor. Then realising what she’d said she vaulted over to the bathroom with an aggravated “argghh” and headed for the shower.


Finished and covered in wet towels again, Cordelia walked back into the bedroom, only to stop in her tracks on spying the tall dark figure looking at the rumpled covers with a thunderous scowl. Did he even have another expression?.

“Don’t blame me for the bed- you slept there too and anyhow it’s your bed” she burst out before she could stop herself. Then flushed beet red the moment his dark eyes lit on her.

Angel stared at her and wondered did she ever look anything other than mutinous, if not she’d better learn because it really rubbed him up the wrong way. He didn’t bother to wipe the scowl off his face before venting.

“You are just a walking tornado aren’t you? Could you make any more mess? I hate mess” he warned in a dark threatening tone.

“Figures- cos its not like you vamps are all anal retentive anyway” snarked Cordelia stung by the insult to her less than tidy habits.

Angel just stared at her flummoxed for a moment and not believing that she’d actually said that. Cordy was having a bit of bother believing it too but kept that to herself. Recovering his wits if not his temper Angel didn’t bother to dignify that insult with a denial- – just pointed at her and then the bed. “Make it”.

Cordelia stiffened at the commanding tone and don’t even mention the finger pointing cos boy! did that ever piss her off. So crossing her arms over her towel covered chest she stuck her chin out. “You make it- you’re bed remember? I seem to recall needing to be chained to it” she sniped at him with a raised brow for emphasis. Get out of that one, Asshole.

He straightened even more. As if someone had stuck a poker up his ass, she thought caustically; and stuck his hands in his pockets to give her an all over look that hiked up her temperature to an uncomfortable degree. “I seem to remember you being quite comfortable” he replied silkily.

Uh oh, time to step carefully. “Well yeah, cos handcuffs are just sooo comfortable”. Cordelia tossed the ball back in his court and then took a wary step back when he started to walk towards her; or sauntered might be a better description, all loose hipped and fluid, an unnerving sight considering he was so damn big.

Angel didn’t stop until he was standing directly in front of her, so close he could feel the tension all along her body at his proximity. “Make it, Cordelia”.

Cordelia kept her mouth closed and struggled to not look as intimidated as she felt. Angel leaned in closer as if imparting a secret not to be overheard. “Willow’s having dinner right now- are you hungry too”?

Cordelia’s belly rumbled and gurgled just at the thought and she closed her eyes at the betraying sound that pulled a chuckle out of him. She just knew what was coming- sadistic bastard!

“You wanna eat. You do what your told” he said flatly with a look she was beginning to recognise. Narrowed eyes the colour of obsidian and just as cold, a quirked brow to add a challenge you couldn’t hope to meet and full lips twisted into a cruel, almost sneer

She wanted to slap him so much her palms itched. He held all the cards though. At least here he did. “Did I miss something or did I never ask you to give me food. I don’t want your charity or whatever the hell it is. I want to go home” she gritted out and clenched her fists.

“Not gonna happen so get used to it. If you had any sense you wouldn’t even want to. Here you won’t get eaten and you’ll get food, warmth and shelter. Do you want to die or more to the point- do you want Willow to die”?

He was pushing her deliberately with that question; of course she didn’t want her or Willow to die, she wasn’t insane. Waiting for her response he mimicked her stance and crossed his arms and this close she could feel the fabric of his shirt brush the tiny hairs on her arms- she dropped her own as goose-bumps rose up making the fine hairs stand on end.

Cordelia didn’t miss his easy use of her friend’s name either and it rankled for some reason that he seemed to have got onto first names terms with her. “Of course I don’t want to die. I’m not the psycho around here. I just don’t get you. Why do you want to keep us around? What- you fancy having a slave or something”? Frustration made her voice edgy.

“Exactly” he said simply. It was as good an explanation as any other he could come up with.

“Go to hell” she told him fiercely. Then gasped when a wide spaced palm came up to cover her mouth. Wide-eyed she stared into the freezing cold depths of his eyes, while her own hands came up to try and prise his off.

Angel took an unnoticed breath and the smell of her sudden fear trickled inside him. Unwillingly his conscience pricked but he pushed it away and tightened his hand. She’d pushed him further than anyone in living memory or un-living memory in his case. She was the most reckless damn fool he’d ever come across and it was time she was taught a lesson on how not to speak to a demon.

He let her struggle until she realised it was useless then deliberately closed his finger and thumb, blocking off the air to her nose before saying. “Never forget that your life hangs by a thread. You will obey me… or I’ll feed you to Spike myself”. His voice was quiet and velvety soft almost lover-like- a horrible contrast to both the words and actions.

Frightened despite herself Cordelia remembered the gleeful, hungry anticipation in the blonde vampire’s eyes when they’d first been found. He released her nose again so that she could breath and her nostrils flared as her body took in desperately needed air.

“You’ll work to eat and that goes for your own food. The bread was a one off, from now on you’ll have to make do with home grown stuff”. Angel took his hand away and waited to see if the message was finally getting through that he meant business.

Cordelia stayed silent- just starting past him while her chest rose and fell to replace the oxygen he’d denied her. She refused to meet his eyes but kept her own locked on a spot just behind him. The fire in them muted but not extinguished. He sighed silently, but wasn’t willing to push any further.

It was true about the food. He’d taken a risk in getting the bread but it was simple fare- not too rich for almost starved bellies and not as hard to get hold of as other processed food. In Sunnydale the humans were still forced to grow the wheat to make the food to feed themselves. All designed to keep them alive to feed the vampires. As a system it was efficient if cruel. But the Master and his lackeys, overseen by Darla kept a close watch on it- hardly surprising when their own survival depended on keeping it running smoothly.

“We’re done here. Make the bed, get dressed and come out” he walked to the door and only looked back at her as he opened it wide. “Don’t take too long” he warned her taking note of her stiff form. He didn’t need to add a threat he’d made his point- for now.



“That’s disgusting, gross and yucky beyond belief. I am NOT touching that thing” said Cordelia, meaning every word as with hand over her gagging mouth, she stared in utter disgust at the bloodied remains.

Willow grinned at her with a tinge of sympathy in her green eyes. Cordelia had always been this way and to save her throwing up she and the others had always let her off skinning duty. She’d hated it at first too but a few weeks of hunger could make you change your mind- unless your name was Cordelia Chase.

Refusing to even stick around the brunette whirled away but was brought up short by a hard hand gripping her elbow. “You wanna eat it- you help prepare it”.

Instant annoyance surged up. “That threat is getting monotonous” she hissed at Angel and twisted her arm ignoring the pain- just wanting free of him.

“And so is your whining. You need to eat better- the both of you do. If Willow can do it so can you”.

He pulled her resisting the whole way back to the kitchen table and pulling out a chair, pushed her down into it. With a brief smile for Willow he held his hand out for the knife and grabbing the metal platter pulled it in front of the angry girl he was standing over.

Blushing from the rare smile Willow uncomfortably spared another glance at her friend then back at the hard face of the vampire that sheltered them. “I don’t mind doing it…. Cordy has trouble with the..”.

“Cordelia has trouble with a lot of things she’s got to get over” he snapped silencing the red-head with a dark look. He slammed the knife down on the wooden tabletop and stayed looming over her. “Get on with it” he snarled.

Willow and Angel both stared at the bent dark head of Cordelia. Willow closed her eyes and crossed her fingers, hoping that for once the brunette would give in gracefully. She didn’t understand what was going in inside her friends head. When Sunnydale had gone to hell it had been Cordy who had straightened her out and made her accept things as they were. An attitude needed just to survive.

This was the same only better. Willow hadn’t felt so safe in a long time; accept when Cordelia clashed with Angel, which was constantly. It was as if something about him just drove away her reason and made her act without thinking, thought the red-head despairingly and darted a look up at the angry vampire. She did that a lot when she knew he wasn’t looking.

“You can’t make me” said Cordelia tossing her hair out of her eyes so that she could more effectively glare at him, and not batting so much as an eyelash when he growled.

“Yes I can” he replied each word pushed through gritted teeth.

The vampire stood staring down at a rebellious Cordy with his arms on either side, caging her in the chair. Unhappily Willow couldn’t help but notice the tension arcing between them. Uncomfortable, she jerked her eyes away and started to back away from the table, unnoticed by the two combatants.

“I’ll just go and see if Spike’s up and erm….”. Desperate to escape the crackling atmosphere, she started to run as soon as she was clear of the doorway.

Only to bump into Spike just as he turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs. Willow jumped a mile high and yelped, not having heard any footsteps to alert her of his approach.

“What’s up Pet. They going at it again are they”? He asked her then almost cracked his jaw with a huge yawn while scratching a hand over his bare chest.

Willow gulped and tried not to stare at the lean muscular chest so casually displayed, then fought another blush as she helplessly wondered with a kind of idle despair if she had some kind of vamp fetish she’d never known about before.

“Bloody hell and I’m starved too” he growled and pouted. Willow realising what he meant to do grabbed his arm before he could walk to the kitchen. “Oh no- no going in there you just make it worse”. She stammered to a halt and dropped her hand when he looked at her with cold expressionless blue eyes.

“That’s the whole point. Red- I deserve some bleedin’ fun don’t I”? Then taking a firm hold of her, he dragged the reluctant girl back to the kitchen she’d exited less than 20 seconds earlier.

“So what’s this I hear about my Red being all survivor queen while yours can’t handle anything that doesn’t come in a can” he taunted his Grandsire the instant they were inside the room. Then dropped a sneering look at the girl still hunched in a mutinous huddle underneath his towering frame.

Cordelia’s head whipped up, nearly smacking Angel’s chin and hazel eyes narrowed to slits of hazel fire. Willow gaped and stammered out a denial which was promptly ignored by all. “Hah I can look after myself and I don’t need any instructions from walking corpses either”.

“Doesn’t look that way to me- what do you say, Angel me old’ mate” Spike scoffed and turned his ice blue eyes back up to the other vampire now standing straight and looking at him with a quizzical look on his face. Cordelia didn’t wait to hear what he had to say but simply snatched up the knife and waved it in front of her face.

“Hey- I’m not the one walking around without a pulse so don’t start with the lack of hah- my survival skills, Dumbass”.

Ignoring her roiling tummy and hiding her relief at the excuse the blonde vampire had given her which, contrary to her angry words- turned out to be a big help in salvaging her some pride; Cordelia resolutely dug the knife into the tiny brown furred carcass. She lasted about two tugs before the heaving got too much and throwing down the knife she bolted out of the chair and over to the sink.

“That’s disgusting and …. Shite, there’s no way I’m ‘aving breakfast now. Leave you to it” shuddering Spike left the room without any further ado. Leaving Angel, looking equally freaked to deal with the mess.

Willow dashed over to the heaving brunette and wrapping a supporting arm around her waist, turned on the tap. While Angel, feeling uncomfortably like an ogre stood by helplessly for a minute before abruptly deciding to leave them to it; and gratefully turned to finish skinning the rabbit with deft, skilled hands.

The rabbit was roasting on the fire before Cordelia was recovered enough to leave the sink and turn hard eyes on the vampire who leaned against the kitchen table, watching her with an unreadable look in his brown eyes.

“You are a sick sadistic bully and I hate you” she spat at him.

“I get that” he replied quietly and couldn’t help remembering one of his Fathers favourite sayings, ‘You have to be cruel to be kind’. He shook the recollection off and dismissed it. This was different- it was life and death.

Sniffling back the humiliated tears that stung at the back of her throat the angry brunette went to walk out but stopped when he spoke up. “If you can’t help with the skinning.. then you have to help with the catching- can you handle that”?

Still furious she opened her mouth to argue, felt Willow squeeze her hand and shut it again; throwing a look at an anxious Willow she sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. It was a compromise. God she was so tired of the constant fighting and bickering- did she really want to start another ….. and what good would it do her anyway?

She didn’t understand herself these days. She was continually seesawing between rage at being confined and ordered about, and relief at being safe for the first time in too long. God- she was only seventeen years old, self pity pulled at her. Shoulders slumping a little, she looked at him out of dull eyes. “Sure” she whispered and was surprised when she immediately felt as if a load was being lifted off her back.

“Fine we’ll go out later. Go and lie down for now until the foods cooked”. Angel frowned and couldn’t help wondering if he’d done the right thing in giving in to her. Now he was going to have to spend even more time with her .. and that wasn’t exactly a good thing given he couldn’t seem to spend two minutes in her company without wanting to wring her neck.

Part 4b

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