Lost and Found 6



Cordy was pacing the room, her every step a statement of agitation. Cathy hated seeing her friend like this, it made her mad.

“So you wanna do the time honoured ‘men are total bastards’ girl talk”

“No I want to go find him and drive a stake through his heart” said Cordy viciously, not stopping the pacing.

“OK, but are you going to let him have a say first”? asked Cathy, wincing when Cordy stopped with a jerk and started at her in disbelief.

“What can he possibly say? The poor girl was practically shaking with fear and all because the asshole can’t get over the fact that Buffy doesn’t want him”. She didn’t care that she was sounding like she was taking this personally, it was frickin personal.

“Oh, I’m not arguing with you on that one, if it’s true”

“If it’s true”? repeated Cordy, “Why would some strange woman come to see me and say stuff only someone in that position could know about”?

“Because she’s evil and works for Wolfram & Hart”? said Cathy, desperately planting a seed.

Cordy started to blow her off, but then she stopped a thoughtful look on her beautiful face “I’ve got to admit, I thought it was weird her coming to see me”.

The thoughtful look stayed as she turned to face Cathy sitting watching her. “I guess I just got distracted after I heard what she was saying, to want to dig any deeper”.

Cathy could understand that, if something hurt, the last thing you wanted to do was go prodding and poking around.

“Look we don’t know for sure if she is lying but we can always find out”, suggested Cathy in her most reasonable tone. “All I’m saying is that you should make sure first before going with the stakeage”.

Cordy flopped next to her on the coach, “You’re right, we should find out more about Eve, so what do you suggest, you gonna do your ‘thing'”?

“It’ll be quicker and less painful than trying to beat it out of her”, joked Cathy

Cordy just grinned “When do you want to start”?

“Oh I think that there’s no time like the present” for some reason she was getting an itchy feeling, like they didn’t have much time. But she didn’t mention that part; the feeling was too nebulous, yet.

“Where to then?” said Cordy hauling herself back up to go grab a jacket.

“Wolfram and Hart” said Cathy with certainty

Cordy went to grab some weapons too.


“I’m drunk,” said Angel to nobody, only just managing not to chuckle as he was thoroughly enjoying a rare feeling of general well being. Wesley had followed up their talk in the gym with a bottle of scotch and challenge to help him empty it. Angel could never resist a challenge and sneaky Wes knew that.

The elevator rise was soothing and he was looking forward to going to bed, to sleep and he had a sneaky feeling that similar to yesterday he would sleep well and dreamlessly.

The doors opened with a soft ping, rolling back to a tableau that he would never have guessed in his wildest imaginings. The girl curled up on the chair, soft lamp light, who, what, was that Buffy?

His stomach lurched and he groaned; he was not up to dealing with this now.

She looked up then and smiled gently, coaxingly at him, holding out her hand in welcome. His vision cleared then and everything seemed to settle for a moment.

He walked slowly over to stand in front of the chair, careful not to spook her, his expression clear and non-threatening. When he reached her he braced an arm on each side of the chair and leaned over, a soft smile playing around his sculpted and full lips.

“Get your ass out of my chair Eve, then take it and the rest of your skinny body out of here NOW”.

He had started to talk in a gentle tone and it had taken her a moment to catch the words, too lost in the glow of success. The last word was loud, angry and meant business.

Eve was stunned, why wasn’t the spell working, it was foolproof and she’d even tested it out on another vampire yesterday, just to make sure. It had worked on him brilliantly, well if you don’t count the fact that the girl had ended up having her throat ripped out afterwards.

Then she smelled the whiskey on his breath; he was still looming over her, hostility and disgust on every line of his face and taut body. That was it, the alcohol was delaying the effects, all she had to do was slow him down and then she still had a chance.

“Just so we’re clear here Eve, I wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire. Now get the hell out of my place”.

Angel was done with patience, grabbed her wrist and started to haul her bodily out of the chair, willing to drag her across the polished hardwood floor to the elevator and away. But he’d forgotten that he wasn’t exactly sober and managed to turn too fast. Suddenly he went dizzy and fell to his knees.

He took some deep breaths to try and centre himself with the feeling of air in expanded lungs. But for some reason that just made the dizziness even worse and the room seemed to fade and narrow around him until all he could sense was the few feet surrounding his body.

Quickly Eve dragged a rug from nearby and placed it next to him, pushing him until he toppled back on it, mumbling incoherently. Great now it was working too well, it looked like she was going to have to do all the work, bastard.

She looked around her, this was going to have to do, there was no way she could move him over to the bed or even the couch without help and she wasn’t prepared to let anyone else in on what she was doing.

She undid his shirt and peeled back the sides, his eyes were closed and he groaned. She ran her hands over his muscular chest, enjoying the sensation of rock hard muscle and smooth skin, she dug her nails into his side and scraped a little. That woke him up a bit, then she leaned over and kissed him, carefully placing her lips in such a way that her tongue could dart into his mouth.

Helplessly he responded, his hands came up to grip her hips as she straddled his chest. Eve sat back after a few minutes, he protested and pulled her down again, until her breasts where pressed to chest. Still grinning she flicked a tongue over his nipple and then rubbed her silk clad lower body, slowly down his belly and over to the telltale bulge in his pants, stopping there to press down and gyrate her hips, teasing him.

“Well, well not so fussy now are you” she said in teasing murmur. But then the spell would make you pant after anyone with breasts and a vagina she thought to herself, but didn’t say aloud in case he remembered tomorrow.

She was damned glad he’d been drinking, she should have thought of that herself. Once you got over the initial delay it actually made it even more potent which would make it look even better on camera, not to mention add to the effect of convincing him he had actually changed his mind and wanted her.

She was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t notice the door leading to the stairs, which was kept permanently locked, open behind her.

Cordy slipped the lock picking tools she’d picked up back in her back pocket, Cathy was behind her. They both stood still and silent, staring in shock.

Then Cordy saw red, bright flashing red right before her eyes, she could feel her blood pressure rising and another pressure in her chest expanding.

The first Eve knew of their presence was when hard hands grabbed her hair and arms in a vice like grip and flung her to the side and off Angel. She turned around expecting to see Wesley or Fred and could only gape when she saw it was Cordy, boiling mad and full of accusing fury.

“I’m sorry, we couldn’t help it, we just…” she let her voice trail away and a guilty blush stain her cheeks, “I let him persuade me it was the right thing”.

Another person stepped into view and bent down to check out Angel, who was struggling to get up off the floor. Eve narrowed her eyes, who the hell was this.

“Cordy, you better check this out. I’m not sure but he doesn’t look right to me” Cathy got up from her crouch and backed away from the vampire who was starting to get a bit of coordination back. Uh Oh better make it fast.

“What did you do to him” gritted out Cordy, her face only inches away.

“Nothing, it just sort of happened” said Eve with studied calm, but her eyes flickered as she watched Cathy sniff the air delicately like she was tasting it and then start rooting around the candles and supplies she’d left on the sideboard.

“She’s a lying bitch” said Cathy with deliberate matter of factness from over the other side of the room, holding up something that looked vaguely like a thick vegetable root.

That was enough for Cordy, who promptly pulled the blonde woman up by her hair and said into her face “I guess no one ever told you trespassing’s illegal”

Then she drew back a fist and let it fly straight towards that pink stained mouth. Both women watched as Eve fall back on the floor in an unconscious heap, Cordys chest still heaving with anger at having been tricked into feeling sorry for this woman. Then she turned to Angel and found he was standing right behind her.

“Cordy back away from him” shouted Cathy, almost too late.

“Why” asked Cordy doing it anyway, but not understanding what was the problem, he looked OK; in fact thinking about he looked damn good, whoa back up what happened to being pissed off?

“He’s erm been put under a spell, kinda”. Cathy sounded so embarrassed, Cordy turned to her and almost got herself cornered into a chair.

“What kind of spell”? She was circling a couch and table now. Watching him watch her with that intent, I’m getting ready to pounce look that he could practically get a patent on.

She darted a look at Cathy to see what she was doing. Was that a blush on her friend’s face? she started to get worried and gave him another once over. OK a little on the dishevelled side and she could smell whiskey on him, which wasn’t actually that unpleasant and still hot, hmmmm.

“Angel, c’mon it’s Cordy, please stop with the stalking OK?  What kind of spell Cathy”? Cordy was yelling by this point.

Angel just shook his head but didn’t speak or stop and she scooted round the chair again. This is getting seriously ridiculous, she thought with an inner giggle. Do I want him to catch me or not? GET A GRIP!

“It’s a lust spell I think”

“A what”?! Cordy couldn’t believe her ears and stopped in her tracks. OOPS wrong things to do, strong arms caught her round the middle.

Not again.

He didn’t cart her off anywhere, which to her mind would have been the sensible thing to do, oh no that wasn’t quick enough to suit him. He dropped them both simply by falling back and taking her with him, when he hit the floor still holding her tight, he rolled, until she was trapped underneath him.

“Cathy” she wailed but that was the last thing she could get out before she was being devoured again.

Cathy meantime was frantically rummaging through the various drawers in the place, shit, there’s got to be something here somewhere. She didn’t want to have to hit him or anything, one because she probably would only make him mad and two she didn’t like hitting things.

She heard muffled sounds and turned to take a quick peak, and shut her eyes “Oh my innocent eyes”, OK a bit overly dramatic she thought, but seriously running out of time here.

Then she heard Cordy giggling, giggling?? Another look and she was getting really panicked, she felt a bubble of hysterical laughter nearly burst free.

“Cordy try and not get affected OK, where the hell has she put the antidote”. Frantically she ran to the windows to see if there was a way of opening them, to get some fresh air in and reduce the effects, nothing.

Cordy was enjoying what he was doing way too much to give a damn about anything else right now. Wow, what had she been running from? His hands held hers down just slightly above her shoulders while his lips nuzzled and nipped at her neck, causing her to helplessly arch into him, lifting her hips so that the hard bulge of him settled even more strongly into her sensitive core. So intense was the sensation of pleasure he reared back so that he could thrust harder, get closer.

She watched him, loving the look of almost savage arousal on his face before he captured her lips again, releasing her hands to grip the edges of the blouse she was wearing, then he tore it open regardless of the buttons that had once held it closed. She didn’t even notice the destruction of the blouse, as the fingers of one hand cupped an aching breast, tormenting the sensitive nipple with quick and clever caresses.

His other hand was at her waistband, pulling down the elasticised waist to get access to her soft inner flesh, she quivered in anticipation. Her own hands started to wander, pulling at his clothing wanting, no needing, to get them off him.

Then he suddenly lifted himself off her and she could have screamed in frustration. He was shaking his head as if trying to fight something off and then he gave a growl of annoyance, before he flopped to the side of her unconscious.

She peaked over his prone body and saw Cathy holding a tranq gun, looking flustered as hell and more than a little frazzled.

“Why did you do that?” She wailed

“Why, WHY?” Yelled Cathy, pushed beyond her limit, “Cos neither of you are exactly compos mentis at the moment and you’d have been miserable as hell tomorrow if I hadn’t that’s WHY”

“Oh”, Cordy looked puzzled for a minute as if she was trying to capture a thought or a memory. “OK” she was starting to feel a bit more herself now that Angel was out of the picture, like coming out of a fog, she climbed gingerly to her feet and looked down at him.

“Magic spells with a bit of alcohol thrown in I reckon. He should be back to normal in the morning; he just needs to sleep it off. Mind you he’s going to wake up with a KILLER headache,” said Cathy standing beside her, still holding the gun.

“What are we going to do with her?” She asked Cordy, nodding her head at the still prone figure of Eve.

“I don’t care, but we need to get Angel onto his bed or something, he can’t be comfortable there”

Cathy looked at the large man on the floor and gave Cordy an incredulous look, then shrugged.

After a while and with a lot of huffing and puffing they finally managed to get Angel on top of his bed, the dark blue coverlet was rumpled from dragging his big body into place, but he was still unconscious and so not complaining.

“Are you sure you’re OK alone with him”? asked Cathy a little anxiously, “He’s not likely to stay out for long, it wasn’t a full shot”.

“Yes mother” said Cordy softening it with a smile, “Go on I’ll be fine and listen I appreciate the offer to deal with the evil bitcha in there. If it was me I’d kick her out on the street”.

“It’s all right. Better to get her out of here before he wakes up and goes after blood”

Cathy was halfway to the door when she turned back, hesitating “Are you sure you’re OK now?” Her blue gaze was strangely penetrating. Cordy shooed her out and closed the door.

“OK big guy, time to wash that vanilla scent of you, cos its making me feel sick”. Cordy didn’t know why exactly she couldn’t bear to leave him with ‘her’ scent all over him, she just knew she couldn’t.

So she found a bowl and filled it with warm soapy water and came back to the bed armed with a washcloth. She struggled a bit to get his outer clothes off but finally he was naked except for tight black boxer shorts, for her own sanity she left them on him.

Before she started she tucked towels around his torso to stop the bedclothes getting wet then she started with his chest, gently and efficiently wiping him down and then using another towel to dry him, then his neck, shoulders and arms.

She managed just about to keep it impersonal, he’d had his privacy invaded enough for one night, she told herself. She took the towels and bowl away when she had finished and came back to sit beside his still body.

She just looked at him for a while, her hazel travelling his length admiring every strong, muscular line. God he’s big, all over! Was all she could think as her eyes strayed to his groin, but turned away with a blush; even out cold the effects of the spell kept him hard, and she suddenly felt a desperate need to swallow.

Helplessly she lay down beside him, I’ll just watch him sleep she told herself, it’s not like I haven’t done that before. But she knew she was kidding herself, it was different then, even just turning or moving on the bed could wake him up, but now he was totally unaware. She wanted to touch him so much; she fought the urge for a long time before giving in and running her fingers over the rock hard thigh nearest to her from the knee up to were his boxers rested at the top of his thigh.

She continued to run the fingers over the cloth, avoiding the bulge of his arousal and up to his belly button. She smiled a soft and dreamy smile, she had always loved his tum; not that she would ever have admitted it but she had a bit of thing for his belly. She’d get sneak peaks when he would stretch up and his shirt or whatever would ride up and she could see it and when he would take off his shirt so she would patch him up, god it used to be so difficult to keep from trailing her fingers over him.

It was taut and smooth but for some reason the skin around his belly button always looked silkier and more vulnerable than any other part of his body. She touched it now, sweeping her soft palm over him, laughing softy in delight at the silky feel of it, she’d been right. Helplessly she leaned over and pressed soft lips to it, running her tongue around it and then down a little to were his navel met his boxer shorts.

Slightly shocked at herself she shot a look at his face, imagining he had woken up and was watching her, but his eyes were still closed, she sighed in relief and almost as if to say thank you, leaned back and pressed a kiss to those wonderful sculpted and full lips.

Then his eyes, gently so as not to hurt or disturb him, next just under his ears and then she rubbed her nose against the kiss curls there. She laughed again; who would have thought such a big brooding hero would have such wonderful little curls just behind his ears.

She felt bad, but she was enjoying this so much, she knew she was still being affected by the spell, but she also knew exactly what she was doing. All the spell did was make her ignore all the reasons for why she couldn’t be with him, not give her the desire which was purely her own.

She kissed his stubborn chin and trailed her tongue down the strong column of this throat down to his chest. Her hair loose and silky followed her lips in gently caressing him, down to his nipples, which she gave a lot of attention to, rubbing with her cheek and lathing it with her tongue.

She picked up one of his hands so that the flat of his palm covered her own, so much smaller one, Such beautiful hands, wide palms with long sensitive fingers. She turned it round to press another kiss there before tracing his index finger and then sucking it into her mouth.

She froze when he groaned deep in his chest, the sound deafening after the silence she had enjoyed before, she shot up mortified to think he might wake up and find her still there but he didn’t let her get far.

In what felt to only be a microsecond she found herself looking up at him, pinned by his weight and the fire in his sinfully dark eyes. She was mesmerised by the change desire brought to his already handsome face, it was taut and those magnificent cheekbones were thrown into relief by the fact that his teeth and jaw were clenched but his lips were full and rosy.

He stared down at her and his arms trembled for a moment as if under strain, but he stilled them.

She wondered if he was still under the influence of the spell and thought he must be, she knew just by his expression that this time there would be no escape and she was fiercely glad. As cowardly as it might seem, this was the excuse she had been looking for to have him to herself even if it would only be for one night.

He took a deep breath and his chest expanded so much she felt a little crushed, then he was speaking his voice deeper than she had ever heard, almost a growl.

“You left me once before, I won’t let you do it again”.

He didn’t let her respond but lowered his head and took her mouth in kiss so deep she felt as if she were drowning. He would barely stop to let her breath and then only to find her neck and bite and suck at that sensitive spot, it was almost unbearable the feel of him there. Made even more so by the knowledge of what he was and the deep conviction in her soul that he would not hurt her.

His mouth found her nipple through the lace of bra, but that was too much of barrier for him, so he ripped the middle open to get at her naked flesh. She squirmed, desperate to be able to caress him too, but he would not release her hands.

She arched her back and raised her hips in protest and a silent demand but he simply pressed her down again with his bigger body. Maddened she thrust and gyrated her hips and thighs and their lips met and clashed again in a battle of wills, his tongue thrusting past hers until she would do the same and so the kiss became an intimate duel.

Suddenly he sat up and for one horrified moment she thought he would leave her, but instead he pulled her pants and underwear off with one tug and pull and in less than a second she found she was naked except for the remains of the blouse and bra. He left them on and pulled her beneath him again.

She felt him naked along and around her, she had no idea when he had taken off his last piece of clothing but only cared that he had.

His legs, heavy with muscle and slightly hair roughened, grazed her inner thighs, forcing them to part and allow him access to her. Her thighs rose up to ride his hips, her hot inner core wet and aching to feel him there, inside her, deep enough to touch her womb.

He was suckling hard on each nipple, one at a time, the sharp pleasure almost painful as hot licks of fire shot straight to her womb, making her writhe underneath him. But still he wouldn’t give her what she wanted, she felt as if she would go insane if he didn’t hurry, she pushed at is shoulders to try and push him onto his back but instead he gripped her hips in his large strong hands and scooted down her body so fast she felt his lips, nipping and sucking at her clitoris before she knew what he was going to do.

She screamed at the intensity of a pleasure so engulfing it felt like a brand, she bucked in his hands but he simply gathered her closer, lifting her closer to him and those tormenting lips and clever tongue. Her head fell back as she arched again, before tossing side to side on the bed as she came. He didn’t stop sucking until he had taken all she could give.

Finally as she lay limp and still recovering from her orgasm he crawled up her body and mounted her. It had been so long for her, only the fact that she was so wet made his penetration bearable, helpless to stop it she screamed again as he stretched her, pushing himself remorselessly into her. The delicate tissues already sensitised by her orgasm made the sensation of his entry a journey of pure feeling. She clutched his shoulders and waited for her body to adjust to his size but he didn’t give her the chance, his lips trailed down her throat and over her shoulder at the same time as he was finally into her to the hilt.

As he pulled back for his next thrust he found the cord on her neck and gripped it with his teeth, her second orgasm came immediately and he started to thrust heavily into her, ruthlessly taking her higher and making her keen deep in her throat. His own release following as her inner muscles worked ceaselessly on his sex.

Afterwards when she could feel her limbs again she found her legs were trembling with fatigue and the release of tension. He was still inside her with his face buried next to hers on the bed, he was trembling too.

Part 7

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