Vamp SmackDown. 56-Epi
Chapter 56 Buffy hated buses. They stank, weird people, weirder than any demons, dwelled in their claustrophobic bellies. She cringed as the bleary…
Chapter 56 Buffy hated buses. They stank, weird people, weirder than any demons, dwelled in their claustrophobic bellies. She cringed as the bleary…
Chapter 51 Gunn couldn’t help but give the blonde vampire a smug ‘I told you so’ look. “Why aren’t you’ll doing something. Gimme…
Chapter 46 “Have the arrangements been made?” “Yes, Master, all is in place.” “Very good, I don’t want any interruptions. My instructions were…
Chapter 41 Spike slid next to Gunn, jumping up on the counter. “So, how long you and the babbling brook over there been…