The Toy
Title: The Toy Author: DamnSkippy Posted: 12/03 Email Rating: NC-17 Category: Humor, Minor Smuttage and Christmas Content: C/A Summary:…
Title: The Toy Author: DamnSkippy Posted: 12/03 Email Rating: NC-17 Category: Humor, Minor Smuttage and Christmas Content: C/A Summary:…
Title: The Sunday Drive Author: DamnSkippy Posted: Rating: PG Email Category: Fluff Content: C/A Summary: Angel and Cordy take their first…
Title: Silent Hands, Stained Heart Author: DamnSkippy Posted: Feb 07 Email Rating: PG-13/R for language Category: Angst Content: Cordelia POV Summary: Cordelia is…
Part 3 “You’re Welcome” They hit another pothole and Gunn’s swearing gets more colorful. But it distracts them from the thunderous pecking of…
Part 2 “Conviction” The Plymouth breaks down in Shawnee, Oklahoma. It’s just past 2:00 p.m. on October 30th. Jake, the tow guy, recommends…
Title: Per Me Si Va (Through Me One Goes). Author: DamnSkippy Posted: 10/08 Rating: R for language Email Category: Angst, Dark, AU Content:…
~***~ “She said what?” Wesley’s icy blues peeked from beneath his tilted brow not wanting to lift his head from the text he…
~***~ The door to her apartment loomed before her. Screaming for Dennis, she didn’t stop running knowing he’d open it and close it…
Title: DownRush. Author: DamnSkippy Posted: Rating: PG-13 for language Email Category: Content: C/A/W Friendship Summary: Ignited’s Theme: Cordy has a…
Title: In the Gloaming Author: DamnSkippy Posted: Rating: PG-13 Email Category: Angst – OMG there’s so much angst it’s disgusting…