24/7. 17

Part 17

Bob loomed over Cordelia’s unconscious form. “You’re so beautiful.” He brushed the hair covering her closed eyes.

“Sir, we have a problem.”

“What is it?”

“This man, he’s dead.”

“What?” Bob walked over and checked Angel’s pulse. “Damn! I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand, Robert?”

“Master. I didn’t hear you enter.”

“Is there a problem?”

“Yes Master. It seems Angel is dead.”

“What? You killed him? I expressly forbade you from killing him. How dare you disobey me!”

“I didn’t disobey you, Master. I would never betray you.”

“Then why is he dead?”

“I don’t know. It was the same drug I used on the others. The same amount my Brothers used on their choices.”

“Tell me exactly what happened.”

“I put the drug in the tea, just as I have in the past. I took the antidote before they arrived. I poured three cups. Angel and Cordy each drank only a sip. Given his size, I wasn’t surprised when she passed out first. He went down seconds later. Then I had them both brought down here. Angel must have had an allergic reaction.”

“This is indeed a shame. It is such a waste. Dispose of the bodies immediately.”

“But Master, Cordelia is still alive. There is no reason to kill her.”

“What would you suggest?”

“I thought that…”

“I would reward your incompetence and allow you to take her as your bride?”

“Sir, I…”

“I know, Robert. There is no way you could have predicted Angel’s reaction. I am angry at myself. I should have. My magic is stretched so thin. I never bother to do a proper read on them. Their bond was so strong that it seemed pointless. This could have been avoided. I have been conserving my powers so we could continue to add to the hive. I am afraid the hive has reached its limit.”


“Cordelia will have to be the last recruit.”

“Does this mean I can have her, Master?”

“Yes Robert. I grant your request. She will make an excellent addition. I will perform the marriage ceremony before the ritual. I suggest you prepare your bride. I will be back shortly.”

“Thank you, Master. You will not regret your generosity.” Bob smiled as he looked down upon his future wife. “Michael, go and find James. I want that body disposed of immediately.”

“Yes, Dr. Altman.”

Bob removed a small vial from his pocket. He poured the contents into a glass and mixed in some water. He lifted Cordelia’s head and carefully poured some into her mouth. He gently massaged her throat, making her swallow the liquid.

Two men walked in and carried Angel away.

“Now we’re alone, my darling.” His thumb opened her eyes.

Cordelia slowly regained consciousness. Her vision started to clear. The first thing she saw was Bob’s smiling face. She tried to yell but no sound came out. She tried to hit him but her arm refused to move. *What the fuck did you do to me?*

“Don’t fret, Cordy. I only gave you enough of the antidote so you would wake up. You won’t be able to speak or move. Just relax.”

*Relax? Relax? Are you insane? Of course you are. Angel is so going to kick your ass. Angel? Oh god, Angel!*

“I have some bad news. Your husband is dead.”

*Angel! What did you do to him, you bastard? How could someone as pathetic as you manage to dust Angel?*

“His body is being disposed of as we speak.”

*Wait! There’s a body? Of course. No pulse. You don’t know he’s a vampire. Oh no. How long have I been out? What if the sun is still shining? Angel, please be okay.*

“I know this is upsetting for you, my darling.”

*Upsetting? You don’t know…Darling?*

“I’ve been alone since I lost my wife to cancer three years ago, but now I’ve found you. I will make you happy, Cordy. I’ve seen the way Angel treats you. I saw the way he abused your body last night. I heard you crying in the bathroom. I will teach you how real love should be. I will show you how wonderful a marriage can be.”

*What the hell are you talking about?*

“In a few minutes, my Master will be here and he will marry us.”


“You deserve to know the whole truth before we are bound.”

*I’m flattered. Really I am but I’m so not interested in you like that. I would make a horrible wife. Look at my mother. Angel!*

“This will be hard for you to believe but I’m telling you the truth. Demons are real.”

*No? Really? You’re pulling my leg, right?*

“I know it sounds ridiculous. I didn’t want to believe it at first. I was away at a seminar. One night I was walking to my car and a…monster attacked me. I managed to get away. I went to the police station but I left without filing a report. I knew they would think I was crazy.”

*Demons aside, I don’t think you’re dealing with a full deck either.*

“So I started my own investigation. I did searches on the internet. That’s how I met my Master. I know it sounds weird. Calling someone Master was awkward at first but he has taught me so much.”

*I’m so happy for you. Angel!*

“The apocalypse is coming.”

*Stop. You’re scaring me. I didn’t realize it was May already. I’d roll my eyes if I could.*

“We are preparing for it. My Brothers and I have gathered couples from all over the world. There are nearly three hundred people here. My Master linked them into the hive. Once we are married, you will be added.”

*Oh great. I’m being forced to marry a nutcase who worships a bee demon.*

“I will join you in a few weeks. The apocalypse is approaching fast. Our day is almost here. When we awake, the world will be changed. Demons will walk freely, causing death and destruction.”

*I’m sure you’ll be doing the happy dance. You can count me out of the celebration.*

“We shall work together and we will take the world back from the demon scum.”


“This time we will not bury our heads in the sand. We will not pretend that demons exist only in our fears. They are real. They are deadly and they must be exterminated.”

*Is this a bad time to tell you I’m a part-demon seer? I can’t believe I didn’t get a vision! What the hell is the point of being a seer when I don’t even get a vision of my shotgun wedding?*

“My..no our Master will teach us the way of magic. We will grow strong then we will declare war on the demons.”

*Can you say delusional?*

“Once we have defeated them, we will repopulate the world.”

*What do you mean we, buster? Stupid body, work! Get up! Kick his sleazy ass!*

“You’re so beautiful.” Bob gently stroked her cheek. “I’ll make you happy.” His hand drifted down her body. “I’ll show you gentleness.” He reached under her blouse and cupped a lace-covered breast.

*Get your god damn hand off me, you sick bastard! ANGEL!*

“I will never abuse you like that beast did.” His thumb brushed a nipple before his hand resumed its descent. He rubbed her belly. “You will bear my children. Together we will reshape the world. I regret that we have to wait for our wedding night until the New Order begins. I can give you a taste of the pleasure that awaits you.” His fingers began to manipulate her denim-clad center.

*Don’t touch me! Angel, where are you?*

He slid her blouse up a bit and placed a kiss on her bare stomach. “You’re so beautiful.” He brushed his lips against hers, his fingers continuing their strokes.

“Am I interrupting something, Robert?”

“Master!” Bob stepped away from Cordelia’s still form.

“A little impatient, are we?”

“I’m sorry, Master. I was explaining the New Order to my bride. I wanted to show her I could please her. I wanted her to know that losing Angel was the best thing for her.”

“The rest of your demonstration can wait until after you are married. I will give you some time alone before I add her to the hive.”

Bob’s eyes widened in surprise. “Thank you”

“A married man deserves a wedding night. It’s a shame she won’t be able to take a more active role, but then you seem to prefer a passive woman, especially in the bedroom.”

“There should be no aggression in the act of love.”

*This from the would-be rapist!*

“To each his own, Robert. Shall we begin?”

Bob nodded.

“Remove Cordelia’s wedding band and replace it with this. Do not worry if it is too big. The ring will mold itself to her finger. Once the ceremony is complete, it cannot be removed. You will be bound for an eternity. Are you ready to take Cordelia as your wedded wife?”

“I am ready, Master.”

*Angel, where the hell are you? I am so gonna kick your ass if you don’t stop this wedding!*

“Have you asked if anyone present objects? ‘Cause I gotta tell you. I object.”

“You’re dead! I checked your pulse. The drug, it killed you.”

Angel shifted into gameface. “I hate to break it to you, BOB, but I’ve been dead a long time.”

“Demon! You’re a demon!”

“As Cordy would say, duh!”

“You are not welcome here, vampire.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I am your death.”

“Stop. You’re scaring me.” Angel lunged only to be thrown back by an energy bolt.

“You are no match for me, demon.”

“I don’t know about that.” Angel picked up a chair and threw it at the Sorcerer. With a flick of the man’s wrist, the chair went crashing into the wall.

“You have no idea who you are dealing with. I control all that is around you. You are nothing to me, demon.”

“I took out that loser at the ballet. I think I can handle you.”

“You killed the Count?”

“No but I destroyed his source of power.”

“The Count was an amateur. Playing with time is for beginners. He was still dependent on a charm. That is truly pathetic.” With another flick of his wrist, the wooden leg of the chair flew at Angel.


Bob removed a dagger from his belt. He stepped closer to Cordelia. He ignored the sounds of Angel being tossed around. “You’re married to a demon?”

*Damn straight! Well, sort of anyway.*

“You let that thing touch you? You must have known what it is.”

“Angel is not an it!*

“You are unclean. You are not worthy of the New Order.” He pulled his ring off her finger and threw it across the room.


Angel picked himself off the floor. He saw Bob standing over Cordelia. He kept trying to get to her but he couldn’t get past the magic. As soon as he was on his feet, he was thrown against the wall.

“Demons must be wiped from this earth. Loving that thing makes you no better than a demon.” He raised his knife. “Perhaps your sins can be forgiven in the hereafter.” He was about to plunge his blade into her chest when she began to glow. It was as if a soft light enveloped her body. “What are you?”

Cordelia wasn’t sure why her body began to tingle but she didn’t care. She could move again. Her foot shot out and connected with Bob’s face.

“What are you?”

“You’re worst nightmare, a woman who will NEVER be passive, in or out of the bedroom.” She lashed out with her fist. “Oww!” She cradled her hand. “That hurt, you asshole!”

Bob tightened his grip on the dagger. “Not as much as this will.” He lunged.

Angel coughed up some blood. He had yet to even touch the Sorcerer. He looked over at Cordelia. She was on her feet and she looked pissed. He noticed Bob’s knife. The Sorcerer needed to get of out of his way so he could kill Bob. He reminded himself that Cordelia was more than capable of staving until he could get to her.

“Let me show you how someone with real power kills a vampire. You won’t find this in any movies.”

The air crackled with energy. A ball of light formed in the Sorcerer’s hands. Angel stood on the balls of his feet, ready to dodge an attack. He wasn’t sure what to expect.


Cordelia side-stepped Bob’s lunge and brought her knee up. “You sick bastard! You’re insane.”

Bob rubbed his stomach. “I’m sick? You’re the one who’s married to a demon.”

“You aren’t even half the man Angel is.”

“What would you know about a real man? You’re nothing but a demon’s whore. You’re unclean.”

She kicked him in the groin. “I’m nobody’s whore, especially not yours.” She kicked him in the face. “You are right about the ‘unclean’ part though. I plan to scrub every where you touched me.”

Bob started to rise. “I can’t believe I wanted to marry you. You’re disgusting.”

“I’m also part demon, BOB.” Cordelia picked up a chair and swung up, colliding with his face.

Bob went flying backwards and crashed into the Sorcerer.

Angel watched as the energy ball that was about to be thrown at him fell at the Sorcerer’s feet.

A blinding light flashed. It enveloped Bob and his Master. Cordelia shielded her eyes. When the light faded, she was in complete darkness. “Angel!”

Part 18

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