“Was it Good for You?” 6

Part 6

Angel tried not to look at the sexy woman pressed against the passenger door. Her cheeks tinted in a rosy glow by the brisk wind paled against the vibrant red painted on her pouty lips. He chastised himself for being so weak and willed his mind to concentrate on the case.

The case was real, he had not made that part up; at least he had that much going for him. Angel forced down the lingering prickles of guilt threatening his plan.

Determined to ignore the exasperating vampire Cordelia kept her focus glued to the street signs flashing by. Where was her vampire, she wondered. This was not the vampire she had met up with in LA and he certainly was not the slayer whipped vampire she knew from Sunnydale. He wasn’t Angelus that was for sure because she was still carrying her full six quarts.

Cordelia shook her head at the foolish thought. Of course, he wasn’t Angelus; having sex with her wouldn’t cause him to lose his soul. Only Buffy, the great vampire slayer holds that honor. Some honor. “Pftt.”

“What was that for?” Now Angel was looking at her again and if he looked at her, he would see those tempting jewels standing perked and ready to be captured between his teeth. “Cordy?”

“What?” Cordelia snapped, irritated that Angel was too dense to understand he was being ignored.

“You pffted.”

“Just talking to myself Angel. Guess I said that part out loud.”

“Talk to me instead. We need to discuss the case.”

“We’ve discussed it already Angel. You’re a pimp and I’m a…you know. What else is there to talk about?”

“A lot Cordy. We need to go over the plan. Our moves need to be in sync with one another.”

“Moves? I don’t have any moves. If you have any moves don’t be moving them over here with me.”

Don’t tempt me little girl. Angel twisted the steering wheel under his clinched fists until the object threaten to crack.

His thoughts fixed on the vixen that was driving him to madness, Angel almost missed the sharp turn into the alley. Hitting the brakes and making the turn anyway, the car skidded and swerved stopping inches from the inner brick wall of the alley.

“What is your damage?” Cordelia started to open her door only to find it blocked by the dirty and stained wall just inches from her face. EWWE don’t even want to know what that is. “I can’t even open my door Evil Kinevil.” She huffed as she slapped her hands against the inside panel of the car door.

Cordelia squeaked in surprise when Angel snatched her from her seat and whirled her out of the car before dropping her on the top of the trunk. Her short skirt and lacy thong offering little protection against the cold metal,

Cordelia glared at the insane vampire. “Stupid vampire.” She mumbled as she slid off the car, her bare thighs and butt cheeks making a squeaking noise as they slid against the polished trunk lid.

“Are you done? Tantrums out of your system now?” Angel had been allowed about a minute and a half of thinking time since he had exited the car. That was a least a minute longer than he needed to remember he was the master in this game.

“Tantrum! You fat as…”

“We are professionals and it’s time we started acting like it.” Angel stalked over to the furious woman leaning against his car and towered over her petite, scantily clad form. “I can draw on my soulless days to get into character for my role, but I don’t think you have any experience that’s going to help you; so I’ll have to do it.”

Cordelia was certain her friend had gone insane. She couldn’t believe her luck. Have sex with Buffy and you lose your soul but have sex with Cordelia and you lose your mind. “You’ll have to do what? Angel what…”

“Hush Cordy and pay attention.” Angel wrapped his arms around her pulling her snug against him. He let one hand slide down her hip moving the small leather skirt just enough that his fingers could brush across the flesh of one cheek. Cordelia gasped almost choking on the stale, sour air permeating through the alley.

“Are you ready to get into character?” Shocked to realize she was speechless for the first time in her life, Cordelia only responded with a meek nod. Angel’s commanding tone whispered across her face. “Good, let’s get started then. For tonight, I’m a pimp and you’re my whore. Now tell me; who do you belong to?”


“Good girl.” The hand still pressed against her back slid down to join the other beneath her skirt. Angel filled his hands with a tight squeeze of her round, fleshy bottom making Cordelia jump at the unexpected groping. “You can’t be nervous baby. You can’t jump when I touch you. If you belong to me then you’re used to me touching you whenever and however I want.” Angel continued to pinch and knead her almost bare ass.

He had been denied that pleasure when she ran out on him. He may only have a few minutes but he was determined to get a taste of what she had deprived him. Angel whispered against her neck creating cool, feathery tickles on the exposed flesh.

“I think I’ll call you Cherry.” Using his blunt teeth he nibbled on her throat; her resulting moan echoed into his open mouth. “My Cherry whore that exists only for my pleasure.”

Cordelia thought she might faint. As much as she wanted Angel to stop fondling her butt she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to stand if he let her go. Her body had responded to his dirty words and the ick factor that revelation invoked left her with a lot of questions she didn’t want to answer.

“That’s enough Angel; I’m ready.” God if I get anymore ready I‘m gonna bone him in the backseat of the car. Get a grip Chase, you’re standing in a filthy, smelly alley and a vampire is groping your ass and you’re enjoying it just a little too much.

Angel muffled the growl that threatened to erupt as the musky aroma of her arousal floated over his tongue. Proud of his performance he released the trembling girl, turning quickly to hide his pleased smirk. Grabbing her hand, he led her out of the alley and down the dimly lit street. Cordelia struggled to keep up with his fast pace.

The black, leather boots were they perfect compliment to her trashy attire but the six-inch heels were not intended for running. “Gees Angel slow down. Where’s the fire?” Cordelia stopped, jerking her hand from his.

Angel looked back at Cordelia, regretting for the first time that she was with him. The raw sex appeal framed and displayed by her attire did not hide the innocence and purity of the girl. He didn’t want her exposed to the low life that had mutilated those women.

The brain that was in charge when he came up with this idea did not reside in his head. “I’m sorry Cordy. I guess I just want to get this part over with. I don’t like using you as bait.”

“Not like I’m not used to it. I was bait girl all the time in Sunnydale. And besides you haven’t actually told me who or what we’re trying to bait.”

Angel hadn’t liked the idea of using her as bait even then and had argued that point with Buffy on several occasions. I could have lost her in a botched demon hunt and would have never known… Angel shuddered at the thought of not having Cordelia in his life.

“Maybe it’d be better if I told you about this guy tomorrow.” He reached for her hand again, this time entwining his fingers with hers. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

Cordelia fell into step beside Angel; his slower pace more in tune with the walking skills of her slender, spiked heels. “Tell me now Angel. I want to know what I’m up against.”

“OK you aren’t up against anything that could harm you. I’ll take care of any fighting that’s needed. Got that?” Cordelia consented to Angel’s order giving him a quick salute. “For some reason this guy seems to be targeting the hookers on this side of town.”

“So this guy is raping hookers? I don’t get it; you said their services were cheap. He’s still not willing to pay? Gees Angel that description fits you to a tee.”

“What?” Angel was stunned by her accusing words. “Cordy, you can’t really believe I’d do something like that. I would never hurt…”

“No not that silly. I meant the not wanting to pay. You’re so tight with a buck I bet you’ve never paid.”

Relieved, Angel chuckled at her depiction of his frugal spending habits. “I don’t think anything this guy does is because he doesn’t want to pay Cordy. And yes, I have paid for it on many occasions, thank you. When I was human, there were always prostitutes at the tavern. If I couldn’t flirt my way under a skirt, I would pay their price. But you have to remember back then a couple of bucks would get you a good meal, a night’s worth of ale and a talented wench.”

Cordelia scrunched her nose at the unpleasant information. “Ewe Angel, so much more than I ever wanted to know.”

“That was a long time ago Cordy. When I was turned, before I had a soul, I just took what I wanted.” Angel stopped walking and tugged on Cordelia’s hand pulling her closer to him. “But now I only want it if it’s given freely.” Angel pushed the wind blown hair from her face. “Cordy, I want…”

“Let’s get this over with Angel. All this talk about rapists and prostitutes and the ewe in general is really freaking me out.” Disappointed with her interruption, Angel relented and they continued their journey in silence. He wasn’t actually sure what he wanted to say to her anyway but knew a more romantic location might be more appropriate for that particular conversation. Besides, he didn’t blame Cordy for not wanting to be there. He didn’t want her to be touched by the evils that existed on those streets either.

Cordelia may be nervous about being on the bad side of town but that was nothing compared to how scared she was to hear what Angel was about to tell her. What could he say? Would he actually tell her that he was in love with Buffy but since he couldn’t be with her maybe the two of them could fool around? Cordelia didn’t want to believe Angel would do that and knew she couldn’t bear his confession if it was true.

Spotting a corner with little activity, Angel steered Cordelia to the sidewalk. “Here, this is a good place; not many people around. Stay close to me Cordy, if anyone walks up stay behind me. It’s not likely the men that hang out down here are used to seeing a woman as beautiful as you and they’ll try to get a free grab if they can.”

“Well I must be a lucky girl. Look at me, Cordelia Chase, the prettiest slut in the bunch. Angel thinks I’m beautiful? Don’t think about that right now. He’s just looking at the wrapping anyway. Gees Angel you don’t really think anyone will try to grope me do you? I don’t want to be groped.” Looking up at Angel, Cordelia arched an accusing brow. “No more than I’ve already been tonight, that is.”

“Yea, ah…sorry.”

“Hey man, where’d you get that pretty little thing? How much?”

Angel stepped toward the staggering man, blocking Cordelia from his approach. He reeked of cheap liquor and any smell of soap had evaporated long ago. Angel was sure this man had nothing to do with the murdered women. He doubted this man stayed sober enough to adequately use a prostitute’s service.

“Doesn’t matter, you can’t afford it so keep walking.”

“Hey friend, I’ve got a few bills. How much?”

“I’m not your friend and you can’t afford to even look. I’ll ask nice one more time, move on while your kneecaps are still attached.”

“Well that was disgusting, topped with a big ewe. Angel…”

“Cordy wait.” Angel took hold of Cordelia’s arm to quiet her talking as he raised his head and sniffed the surrounding air.

“Do you hear something?” Cordelia whispered, stepping closer to Angel’s large, protective form.

“More like smell something.” Angel answered slipping his arm protectively around her shoulders.

“Well so do I Angel. You don’t need super vamp smelling to do that down here.”

“Cordy be quiet.” Angel hissed trying to concentrate on the direction of the scent he had picked up. “It’s familiar.” Too familiar, he silently added, keeping that thought to himself. “But I can’t get a lock on it. It’s as if the smell is coming from every direction at once. Come on we’re going back to the car.”

“But Angel…”

“Sshhh, I need to concentrate.” Angel was already identifying the familiar scent from the street corner and cursed himself for being foolish enough to expose Cordelia to that kind of evil. He needed to get her to the car where she would be safe while he confirmed his suspensions.

Entering the passenger side, Angel motioned for Cordelia to get behind the wheel. “Take the keys. I want you to stay in the car no matter what happens; keep the doors locked and the windows up.” Angel raised the convertible’s top locking it securely into place. “Keep the engine running and if anyone approaches the car I want you to leave.”

“But Angel, what about…”

“No buts Cordy. You see anyone in this alley you drive away.”

“Angel, I was going to ask why I couldn’t just stay with you.”

“Because Cordy if I’m right this guy is too dangerous. I don’t want him near you.”

“I don’t want to be left here by myself.” Angel could feel the fear radiating from Cordelia’s trembling form.

“Cordy, listen to me, we need to help Kate catch this guy. I don’t think what the police are looking for is human. If he’s not they won’t be able to stop him. I can’t zero in on the demon standing so close to you. I need to put some distance between us and see if I can sense the direction this demon is coming from.”


Angel ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He needed to give her an honest answer but didn’t have time to answer the inevitable questions that would follow. “Because Cordy, my senses are overloaded with you…and me…us together.”

“Oooh us. Angel…I took a bath. Didn’t you?”

Doesn’t matter, your sweat…and other…body fluids seeped into my skin and when I used my mouth…my tongue on you, it marked you with my scent. That’s not going to go away anytime soon and it overrides anything else I try to scent. Cordy I need to…”

“Angel go, it’s ok. Go and sniff up a demon so we can go home. I’m fine Angel and you’re right we need to stop this guy before he hurts anyone else.”

Resisting the urge to taste her luscious lips, Angel stepped out of the car. Heading to the opening of the alley, he silently made his way down the quiet street.

Cordelia watched Angel move farther and farther away, wishing they had never heard about this case. His explanation for needing to distance himself from her stubbornly echoed in her head. “Well Chase, you not only gave it up to a man that doesn’t love you; you got yourself scent marked. And you don’t even know what that means. But apparently, it has no respect for good soap. Can’t wait to jot down that proud, little moment in the ole diary. Dear Diary, today I was scent marked. I’m such a lucky girl.”

Angel circled, inhaling the air from every direction. Picking up the trail, he crossed the street and headed toward an old, boarded up building. Stepping inside Angel was confident he had tracked his prey and if Darcy Bane was within the confines of the building Cordelia should be safe in the alley for now. Following the painfully familiar scent from his past, Angel made his way down the dark, narrow stairs.

“Angelus, how good to see you old friend. How long has it been? More than a century I fear.”

“A little over a century and a half.” Angel looked at the row of hearts strung on the chain that stretched across the length of the room. Six hearts from six victims. “What brings you to LA Darcy? Trying to hone an old skill?”

“Ah my collection. Quite lovely isn’t it? Just looking for a little entertainment my friend. Perhaps Angelus I shall be fortunate enough to find a prize as beautiful as the one you left hidden in the alley. You always did have excellent taste when it came to pleasures of the flesh.”

Not knowing how long the vampire may have watched him and Cordelia in the alley, Angel thought it best not to deny her importance to him. Even Darcy Bane was not likely to challenge a claim by Angelus.

“If you know that the woman belongs to me then you know it would be unwise to touch her. We traveled together long enough Darcy for you to know I don’t share my toys.”

“So tell me Angelus what does Darla think of your new play thing? And human no less.”

“What can I say Darcy, I got tired of having something cold and dead beneath me. And as for Darla, she doesn’t say much of anything these days.”


“Twenty minutes. That stupid vampire has been gone for twenty minutes. Somebody’s coming. Damn I hope it’s Angel. It better be Angel or I’ll stake his undead ass. Please be Angel. I didn’t know Angel carried a flashlight. Where’d he keep a flashlight? He can barley get his keys into the pocket of those leather pants. God can this night get any worse?”

That would be a yes. Cordelia knew she was breaking the rule but felt she had to roll the window down enough to greet her unexpected visitor. “Good evening officer. What brings you here at this late hour?”

“Please step out of the car miss.”

“Step out of the car? You have got to be kidding me.”

“Please step out of the car miss if you don’t want resisting arrest added to the charges.”

“Resisting arrest? Added to the…officer there has been a terrible mistake. It’s actually quite funny, ha ha, yes well, let me explain. You think I‘m a prostitute. I am certainly not a prostitute. I work for a detective agency. We’re undercover. Actually we’re helping Detective Lockley with a case.”

“I need to see some ID miss.”

“Well that would be in my purse, which would be in my apartment.”

“So you have no ID on you miss?”

“Do you see a place for a pocket, Sherlock?”

The officer did not seem to be enjoying her unique sense of humor so Cordelia decided to follow Angel’s advice, even if she was a little late getting around to it. She punched the gas and headed for the alley opening. The plan would have been perfect had the police car not pulled up and blocked her escape.

The siren shrilled through the dark alley as the flashing lights flickered across her flabbergasted expression.

“I’m gonna kill that stupid vampire.”

Part 7

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