

04/06/2024:  Just noticed that one of my plugins messed up my Site. Must have auto-updated and failed. Translate plugin has now been deactivated. Apologies for both not noticing it earlier, and the lack of Translate. Califi xx

07/04/2024:  Mercenary Hearts  by Califi – it has been revised and new chapters written. Hopefully, I can finish this one. 15/?

07/04/2024: Breathe Again by Califi has been reworked and re-added. Complete.


29/05/2023: Please be aware (sadly) that there is no chance that unfinished fanfic will not be completed. The Site is pretty old (approx 20 years), and many Authors whose work has been published on this archive have either lost touch or have moved to other fandoms. Thanks to all those old & new readers that still pop in.   You guys rock. 😎 Cali xxx





