
(GTC/A Disclaimer: Normally, GTC/A makes every effort to contact and ask permission to post all fic published here. Contact to Dazzle was made for permission to publish some of her C/A Fiction, to no avail (Emails returned undelivered) Eventually,GTC/A went by the Distribution Notes on her fic. (“Archive: Wherever you want”). If Dazzle comes across this site and has any concerns regarding the archiving of any of her fic found here, please do not hesitate to Contact the Site owner, and it will be removed if requested. If anyone has an email that is active, GTC/A would appreciate recieving the link.


Thaw. (R/N-17)


Prism 1: Yellow. (PG13- R)

Prism 2: Gray. (PG13)

Prism 3: Green.  (PG13)

Prism 4: Red. (PG13)

Prism 5: Purple. (PG13)

Prism 6: Orange. (R)

Prism 7: Black. (PG13)

Prism 8: Blue. (PG13)

Prism 9: White. (R)