
Hi all *waves*

I’m Califi and am/was (Muse on extended leave) a fanfic writer… began in about 2002, and had my original site from about 2003 – thunk. (soo long ago, lol.)  My original site was (and still is) a Cordelia & Angel/us pairing fan-fiction archive of many authors I’ve had the pleasure of knowing (and sometimes working with).

The last few years I have seriously neglected the site re: updates, plus, mine is not the only Muse to have taken off 🙁   Also as the old site was hand-coded by moi, real life got in the way of being able to keep on top of it, time-wise.


I am in the process of moving my entire Go Team C/A Fiction archive (Note: original files currently removed, to enable use of original DN) over to WordPress, as mine is seriously outdated (what with mobile devices and newer code). It may take time as I familiarize myself with using WordPress for anything other than a blog, so keep your fingers crossed I can achieve it, lol.

Maybe then, one day, I will get around to all the updating I have been putting off for far too long.  I have considered simply closing it down, but surprisingly it is still pretty visitor-active. The few times it has been offline for my webhost maintenance schedules, I have been amazed by the emails I get asking if I’d taken it down/”could you please put it back/when is the maintenance over?” So, for the time being, I’m doing my best to keep the Archive open – and more reader-friendly, until visitors become non-existent.

Aaaand… after looking at my semi-chaotic scribblings here, you are probably wondering how I ever became a writer, lol – but I assure you, I am extremely lucky to have fantastic, talented Authors in my Archive and, if you are a past/current/newly interested Cordelia/Angel fan, then I hope you enjoy your visits.

Loves, Califi xx

Serials: Fic that has chapters written over time.

Standalones: Fic that is written in one go. These can be chaptered as well as one page.

Drabbles: very short one-page standalones.

WiPs: Work in Progress fics. Sadly, many won’t be finished due to Authors moving to other fandoms/no longer writing. Sad days. 🙁
