Mercenary Hearts 5

Crawford Street Mansion Spike woke with a hoarse yell. Sweat dampened his pale brow and harsh breaths pushed out between clenched teeth. Throwing…

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Mercenary Hearts 4

Rising lithely to his feet, the stranger reached out to help her up. Amusement danced in his dark eyes. Cordelia’s blush of mortification…

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Mercenary Hearts 2-3

Part 2 University Library Tara sat herself in a nice, quiet corner of the University library and did what she did best –…

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Mercenary Hearts 1

Sunnydale University. 1999 “So… Could you tell me if we need to help you file for assistance?” The woman smiled in what Cordelia…

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Mercenary Hearts Prologue

Title: Mercenary Hearts                                 Author: Califi Posted: 25/06/05 Email Rating: R Category: No Angel or Spike involvement pre-S4 Content: C/A, possibly B/X.  S/T Summary: Challenge by Impress: Mercenaries for hire, Angel and…

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Breathe Again 15-16

Part 15 As Cordelia waited for Wesley’s answer, the bathroom door abruptly opened. She felt a whoosh of relief, stunned by it, as…

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Breathe Again 13-14

Part 13 As I sit staring blankly at the TV screen, the words go through my mind on a seemingly eternal loop. “I…

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Breathe Again 11-12

Part 11 “Fuck, fuck-a-duck…fuck, fuck-a-duck…”  Cordy had once come across the word ‘Lalochezia,’ in a magazine, of all places. The definition of it…

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Breathe Again 9-10

Part 9 The night passed all too slowly for both of them. Cordy remained hidden in her bedroom under the pretext of sleeping,…

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