Splintered 11a

*** As still as a lion awaiting an approaching gazelle, Angel stood his ground. He’d heard her cautious steps along the hall just…

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Splintered 11

Chapter 11 “Your little blonde slut is dead.” Pursing her burgundy lips, Lilah paused to let the news sink in. Lindsey sent her…

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Splintered 10

Chapter 10 “Don’t move.” Wes tightened his grip on the crossbow as the last of Darla’s ashes fluttered to the floor. Her killer…

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Splintered 9

Chapter 9 The door handle jiggled. That was all it took for Cordelia’s eyes to snap open. She couldn’t recall when her unblinking…

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Splintered 8

Chapter 8 “Wes will be here any minute,” Cordelia argued against the words that had rung so true. Angel was lying and she…

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Splintered 7

Chapter 7 The new door appeared secure. There was little to indicate that the old one had been ripped from its frame. Angel…

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Splintered 6

Chapter 6 The stench of evil hung in the air, cloying and dark. Only it might have been the traces of perfume clinging…

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Splintered 5

Chapter 5 Merl entered Caritas, double-checking his pockets before grinning and continuing inside. Tonight he was gonna try out every beer in the…

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Splintered 4

Chapter 4 Wes, totally oblivious to his surroundings, opened the top drawer and blinked owlishly at the clutter. Instead of stationary, he was…

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Splintered 3a

*** Perched on the padded arm of a chair, Angel stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankles and then followed suit…

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