Without You 7

Part 7

“Hmmm I can’t believe how much I missed this” Cordelia said, squinting into the dazzling orb of the sun. Even this late in the day the sun was bright and warm on her face. Almost too bright, despite the pair of sunshades too big for her face that she’d managed to wheedle out of Spike.

Angel continued to methodically leaf through the book propped on his thighs and stayed silent. Since she said that every time she came out here, the vampire sprawled watchfully in the shadows didn’t feel a reply was necessary.

She was comfortably lounging on her back on top of an old mattress covered in big pale blue towels. Her lithe body stretched out in his silk boxer shorts and a seriously snipped t-shirt to catch every ray of sun she could, while one slim finger slowly fingered through a magazine propped on her lightly golden tummy.

“These magazines are like a year old” She complained with a pout and a sigh but carried on negligently flicking; only stopping every now and then to critically scrutinise something or other that caught her attention.

“You wanted the vampire gazette?” Angel muttered under his breath but didn’t look up from the book. He was sitting on one kitchen chair with his booted feet up on another with all of him carefully positioned in the shade of the mansion.

Cordelia didn’t hear him. “You okay over there? Your awful quiet” she called out, forcing him to look up to catch her wide smile. He’d been trying not to. Look at her that is. It was a last ditch attempt to limit and control the increasing temptation she posed. Now simple good manners made it impossible.

The golden wash of the late afternoon soon caressed the bare skin of her shapely legs, slim arms and taut belly, dazzling him with an expanse of golden flesh that begged to nibbled on. The heavy weight of her glossy hair was burnished chestnut where the sun struck it, even tied up as it was in a high ponytail that exposed her neck and highlighted the exotic beauty of her face. Angel tensed as a too familiar feeling tightened every muscle in his body.

“Angel, Hello, is anybody in there? The lights on but nobody’s home” she lightly mocked in a singsong voice, bringing him thankfully back down to earth.

“I’m fine”. It came out hoarse and he cleared his throat and bent down to pick up a glass of blood to take a hungry gulp. Trying to distract himself, he scanned the upper walls of the courtyard, half of which was bathed in sunlight.

Cordelia grinned and turned onto her belly so she could comfortably watch him try to ignore her. She didn’t mind so much now, especially since he had to put so much effort into it. She was getting to him and she damn well knew it. His dark eyes carefully tracked the edges of the courtyard. Seeing it, Cordelia’s grin got wider.

Does he seriously think I don’t know he doesn’t need to do that, Cordelia wondered amused, and rolled her eyes in mild disgust at his obtuseness. She knew damn well he’d sense an approaching demon before it even got that close, and would have her safely back in the house where he could protect her in a flash. Her belly did a little flip flop at the thought and his eyes flickered under her watching gaze.

“What are you looking at”? Angel asked, finally made so uncomfortable under that continuous stare that he’d had no choice but to point it out.

After that, most people would blush, lower their eyes, and then rush to apologise saying they were thinking about something and didn’t realise yada yada yada. Simple, effective and that would be that. But not Cordelia Chase.

“You” she replied breezily and before his ego could get too inflated waggled the magazine. “You’re better looking than Justin Timberlake- just”.

Gee thanks, who the hell’s Justin Timberlake? The vampire wondered with a perplexed frown that brought little creases between his eyes and turned up his eyebrows up a teeny bit. Cordelia felt a warm burst of satisfaction bloom inside. She was finally getting him pegged, and loved that expression of his; kinda made him look vulnerable and… approachable.

“Of course, he has better hair than you”. What- she told her scolding inner voice. I couldn’t resist. Besides he’d been turning back to that musty old medievally crap he calls a novel.

He gave her a severe look. “What’s wrong with my hair”? This wasn’t the first time she’d taken a dig at his hairstyle and his lips twitched on spotting the knowing gleam in her sparkling hazel eyes. In fact, she teased him about it so often they practically had a routine for it.

“Oh nothing that a few less spikes and a gallon or two of gel-be gone couldn’t cure” she deadpanned. “I keep telling you I can do great things with your hair”. Cordelia made her standard offer with a sunny smile and a flutter of dark lashes; while imagining running her fingers through those thick dark brown locks, all wet and free flowing.

“And I told you, you’re not getting anywhere near my hair. So drop it”.

Angel got distracted midway through their bantering by the lazy kick of her legs as she swung them lightly over her silk covered ass. That and the thought of her hands running over any part of his body had his cock stirring. Embarrassed, Angel swore under his breath and dragged his eyes off the tempting flash of long legs before he did something dumb, like drool.

The light teasing stopped and they fell silent, as with heads cocked they listened to the sounds of raised voices followed by the tingling crash of broken pottery coming from inside the mansion. “Oops, sounds like Willow had an accident with Spike’s favourite mug. Or more accurately ex mug” said Cordelia with a wince.

“Hmm” was the absent reply. Angel turned his head, hearing the rapid patter of footsteps coming to the glass doors leading to the courtyard they were occupying. Soon enough, Willow burst outside with a flash of sizzling red hair and bunched fists.

“I hate him” she raged and then spotted Angel in the shade. “Oh Hi, Angel” she offered lamely, humiliated and forced the temper to simmer down. Angel was about to ask what all the commotion was about when Spike himself appeared at the doors.

“Get your arse back in here. I’m not finished with you”. Forced to halt his headlong pursuit, Spike glowered at her, not even noticing they had witnesses. He was shirtless and coffee dripped down his chain to dribble down the centre of his chest. Angrily he swiped it away.

Willow spun on her heel to face him, planted her hands on her hips and just backed away further into the sunlight with a rebellious expression on her face. “Well I am with you. So you can just…. go… and…” Angel gave a deliberate cough, and made aware of their audience, she sputtered to an embarrassed stop then flopped beside an unabashedly interested Cordelia. “You deserved it” Willow defended with her chin raised in haughty conviction.

“I sodding well didn’t. You’re bloody lucky I ducked, I’ll tell you that”. Spike paced back and forth in the tiny space the shadows gave him, accidentally knocking over Angel’s glass of blood.

Angel rubbed two fingers over his lips to hide the smile that threatened to curve them, trying desperately not to add more fuel to the fire. They’d been like this for weeks, ever since the bacchanal in fact, and so far Spike wasn’t doing any better with Willow than he’d been doing with an indignant Cordelia. The fact that the boot was now on the other foot had him sympathising with the blonde vampire, and trying not to laugh his ass off.

“Okay, reality check. Like anyone ever needs an excuse to throw something at your head”. Cordelia flicked her eyes over him and gave an exaggerated eye roll to top it off. Then smiled evilly when he hissed in a breath.

“Stay out of this- this is between me and ‘er” Spike snarled back viciously and jutted his chin out aggressively. Cordelia’s eyed narrowed into slits at the tone.

“Hey” interjected Angel sharply, causing the agitated blonde to round on him.

“Don’t you sit there all fucking happy as Larry and stick your nose in where it don’t belong. Keep out of it. Or I’m gonna smash my bleedin’ fist in your face” Spike thrust out an arm and pointed at the girls. “This is your all your stupid effing fault anyway, you Wanker. Bringing them ‘ere. I’m not a fucking Saint am I? Soulboy”! Rage exploded in Spike, as with each gritted out word the level of his temper rose until it couldn’t be contained for a second longer.

Weeks of frustration and mounting tension boiled over and he lashed out. Kicking the chair out from under Angel’s feet he sent it crashing into the far wall. It was an arrested group that watched as it sailed through the air, hit the wall and splinter into kindling.

Willow covered her mouth with a hand and wished she could cover her eyes too, dammit, she’d caused this, she realised feeling miserably guilty. Cordelia simply stiffened and watched the events unfold from her comfortable- not to mention, sunny mattress.

Angel’s boots fell to the floor, stopping an inch before hitting the deck. He tossed the book aside and stared at the other vampire with an inscrutable look on his face. “Calm down” Angel enunciated carefully, his body as still as only a predator could be. “What the hell’s gotten into you anyway”?

Spike reared back and his face shimmered with the change, then whirling on his heel he stormed back into the house, tossing over his shoulder. “Forget it- just fucking forget it”.

In silence Cordy and Willow watched a blurred Angel go after Spike. “Wow, that was fast” allowed Cordy with raised thoughtful brows. She gracefully sat up and crossing her long legs aimed a pointed look at Willow. “Care to share?” she asked not unkindly; but with an edge of determination.

“Shusssh” desperate not to overheard Willow shot a flickering glance at the doors through which they could both see Angel and Spike carrying on their ‘conversation’.

“Oh, they’re too busy to be bothered to listen in” Cordelia waved a hand dismissively then refusing to be put off, gave the flustered redhead a look filled with resolve. “Willow, you know I’ll prise it out of you eventually so save us both some time, Okay. Just spill already”.

Angel caught Spike before he’d gone two steps and pushed him against the wall with one stretched out arm, the hand pressing into the other vampires shoulder. After quickly checking he could still see the two girls he pinned Spike with a hard look.

“Tell me what’s going on, dammit. Something’s set this off and it wasn’t coffee,” then Angel raised a ‘cut the crap’ brow just in case.

Spike glared but simmered down at the understanding light in the dark eyes of his grandsire. Sighing gustily he threw off the lightly restraining hand to pace back and forth like a caged animal. Angel let him go without resistance. He didn’t need to be psychic to see that Spike was running on empty when it came to patience, and that this situation was much closer to blowing up in their faces than he’d guessed.

“She’s a prick teaser,” snarled Spike, his shoulders hunched and face sullen.

Angel’s jaw dropped in shock. “That’s not …what? Are we even talking about the same girl here cos… that doesn’t sound like Willow”. Angel shoved his hands in his pants pockets and frowned in bemusement.

“Yeah, well; you don’t see ‘er when we’re alone do you” shot back Spike with a venomous look for the obvious disbelief.

He couldn’t argue with that one, agreed Angel silently, then still trying to understand, looked quizzically at the still pacing blonde. He didn’t even need to ask. Spike was happy- no, dying to unload.

“She prances round half dressed then acts all shocked when I come in” he pantomimed shock with an exaggerated gusto only he could manage. “Leaves her bleedin’ unmentionables all over the place like I’m blind or stupid and don’t know what they are”. Angel’s eyes almost crossed hearing the word ‘unmentionables’ coming out of Spike’s usually earthy mouth.

“That could all be nothing more than co-incidence, Spike” Angel said quietly darting a look at the redhead currently trying to be distracted by a supportive Cordy. He looked back to see Spike glowering at him with a sideways look from his bright head.

“And is it co-incidence that she brushes against me all the time, gets close and then when I try and give er’ …a hug or… or something, she acts like I was trying to rip her godamn throat out or something”. Spike shut his eyes and wanted to smack his palm on his forehead. Shit I didn’t just say that.

Angel couldn’t answer for a second. Too busy being struck dumb by the image of William the Bloody- otherwise known as Spike, giving a human girl a …cuddle. He shook his head to clear it and then sat down with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know what to say” he admitted and spread his hands helplessly.

“There’s nothing you can say” agreed Spike with a wry twist of lips, slumping down into a second chair to inspect his own outstretched boots morosely. “Sorry ’bout the chair and all that- lost me temper”. Spike offered grudgingly.

“Forget it” Tiredly Angel got back to his feet to go outside on guard duty again. He stopped at the door and looked back towards the brooding vampire. “Try and stay away from her”? He asked, without much hope of being listened too.

Angel had barely stepped through the door before he overheard the hushed tones of both Cordelia and Willow. “He kissed you. Was it… horrible”? Morbid curiosity filled every syllable and Angel froze in his tracks.

“NO! I mean yes, of course it was…oh I don’t know” Willow sounded as confused and unhappy as Spike to him – great; more complications!

“But did you like it?” asked Cordy bluntly and with a great deal of persistence. She was leaning forward so far she was in danger of falling off the mattress. All for the sake of not missing a single nuance crossing Willow’s gamine face.

“I don’t know” wailed Willow… …then there were a few murmurs Angel couldn’t quite make out. “I want him to notice me and…then I don’t. He touched my breasts” a red faced Willow blurted out making Angel wish he didn’t have such super sensitive hearing. Cordelia gaped at her friend. Still neither girl noticed him yet.

“It felt nice and weird at the same time and then …well I just pushed him away and he got mad and then… Well you know the rest” finished Willow with her cheeks still fiery red.

Angel cleared his throat making both girls gasp and look up with identically guilty looks chasing across their expressive faces.



Willow hated being confused or uncertain, which was unfortunate for a girl who’d spent half her life in an either or state. Then there was the fact that every time she simmered down after a fight with Spike he’d say or do something that would trigger her suddenly unruly temper all over again!

“Why can’t I have Angel and Cordy have Spike? She can handle Spike … me I’m just…. me- Willow Rosenburg, everybody’s favourite doormat”. She grumbled with a pout. Tears shimmered in her green eyes and she slumped on the edge of the bed; to stare forlornly at the long sleeves that flopped over her hands.

Everything was pissing her off lately, even her clothes. She waved her hands and the excess material flapped limply back and forth. “God I even dress like a dweeb”. She sighed and sulkily flopped back on the mattress to roll on her front.

Cordelia managed to make even the skimpiest of wardrobes look like a fashion parade and envy was beginning to colour Willows view of her all over again. It was unfair and she hated herself for it. Willow picked at a thread on the blankets and heaved another heavy sigh. “Spike and Willow. No that doesn’t work how about.. Cordy and Spike…” She frowned as a pain hit her in the chest and then sank like lead into her belly.

“OK. How about Angel and Willow”? No pain and a little spurt of warmth, she felt a smile curve her lips. At least Angel was quieter than Spike. More Heathcliffe than Byron, she thought dreamily. “Both handsome as sin though”.

As soon as the words left her lips, Willow slapped a hand to her mouth and shocked green eyes peaked over the soft pink fingers. “Where did that come from”? She gasped and hurriedly did a guilty survey of the bedroom she shared with Spike.

Thankfully it was still empty of a bright blonde jester of a vampire. Abruptly deciding sleep was the only answer she undressed and crawled between the sheets and fell into a dream filled slumber.


“What the fuck is going on here” thundered Angel slamming the door behind him. Spike paid him no attention whatsoever but Willow, tossed over Spike’s shoulder, twisted her head to latch onto him with frantic eyes. “Help me. He wants to eat me and it’s yucky”.

Then a furious and possessive Spike spun to face the intruding figure standing in front of the closed door. “Get out, I’ve told you before; this is my effing business…”

“And its mine when she’s screaming the house down, Spike” interrupted Angel with a snarl.

Disconcertingly his head swam when he took in a breath intending to try and talk them out of this mess, and he staggered back at the strong smell of blood. “Why is she bleeding”? His voice cracked with piercing hunger.

“Why do you think you big Puff. She’s a real honest to goodness feast right now and I’m gonna get me a taste”. Spike chuckled evilly and Willow started hollering as loud as she could again.

Looking like he’d enjoy nothing more than to ram Spike’s teeth down his throat, Angel thrust a hand into his hair and tugged trying to get his swimming, dizzy senses back in order. “This isn’t their first monthly bleed, Spike. What’s so different this time”?

“I’ve had enough. Is what’s different, and if you can’t handle the results you shouldn’t have fucking brought them here” yelled Spike and finally deposited his wriggling burden on top of the bed. “I want ‘er and that’s that”.

Angel stiffened and his fists clenched. Dammit, the vampire thought, how could he let this happen? He took another breath, this time to demand Spike leave her alone when another scent trailed inside him. Arousal. He stopped confused and his sinfully dark eyes shot back to the flushed face of the panicked girl.

But before Angel could move in to intervene, Spike vamped out and Willow seeing it screamed in terror; then started to wriggle with manic desperation to be free of the hard muscular body that was half covering her skimpily dressed one, pressing her into the mattress, and firmly lodged between her pale thighs.

“Fuck it. You’re killing me here” Angel snarled in a low, dangerous tone. Fury at being put in this position wanted to consume him but he reined it in and made his decision, ruthlessly pushing aside his conscience and taking a gamble on that scent.

“Spike- human NOW!” he commanded in a harsh tone and walked over to the bed and its struggling occupants. Spike snarled savagely and his head swivelled to level a stare. Yellow/gold clashed with glittering dark brown and a silent message passed between the two vampires. Something in Angel’s hard face must have reassured the other vampire because Spike relaxed and his face melted back into its human visage.

“Ruthless bastard aren’t you” murmured Spike with a gleam in his cold blue eyes. Angel just gave him a hard look back with eyes equally cool.

Silently and carefully Angel lowered his large frame to sit on the bed and forced his eyes to meet Willows unflinchingly. Willow was still panting but quieted when Spike slid away down her body. Too innocent and trusting to understand what was happening she didn’t resist when Angel gently captured both of her hands.

“Don’t be afraid” Angel told her gently, his face sombre. She went to look at Spike but he caught her chin and forced her gaze up. “Make sure she likes it, Spike” said Angel, confusing her with the hard tone before the words registered and her eyes widened as understanding dawned on her frazzled mind.

Angel held her hands over her head with one of his and when she opened her mouth to let out another yell he leaned over and silenced her by covering her lips with his. Grinning Spike opened her thighs and ripped away the panties that hid her secrets. Stopping to enjoy the view he took in a deep blood soaked breath of her fragrance. Then buried his face between her widely spread thighs.

Willow arched her back in shock at the intimate intrusion of those hard cool tongues; both of them at once. She moaned into Angel’s mouth and felt him slide deeper into hers, while Spike stabbed inside her blood soaked channel to coax out more of her rich, living fluid.

Terror mingled with desire and pooled in her belly, heating her from the inside out. She whimpered and felt the plunging slide of Angel kissing her, mirrored down below when Spike lathed the folds of labia, searching for the tiny nub only she’d touched before.

She pressed upwards with her hands and hips and felt them tighten their grasp, holding her down and making her submit. Nerves and fear withered and died under the current of desire that burned hotter and twisted upwards to confuse her mind with its dark tempting greed.

Instinctively Willow’s hips started to undulate under that tormenting caress and Spike growled at the onrush of warm sticky blood as it flowed freely into his hungry, waiting mouth.

Willow felt as if she was drowning in sensation as one vampire devoured her mouth, and the other her sex. Helplessly inexperienced she quivered with delight and squirmed for more even as hot lights flared behind her closed eyelids as the spiral of arousal tightened its merciless grip.

Without even needing to think about it, Angel skilfully traced the inside of her mouth. His eyes open and senses on full alert as he watched the heat of carnal desire work it’s dark magic on her oh so willing, yet innocent body.

Willow was writhing on the bed now as pleasure lashed at her. Arousal lay think on the air, and drunk on it Spike latched onto her tiny hard little clit to suckle it into his mouth. Angel carried on filling her mouth.

Cool fingers slipped under the plain cotton top to cup a small, plump breast, brushing over the taut mutely begging tip with clever, sensitive fingers. Angel played with the tight bud and felt the racing beat of her heart; simply glad to feel the evidence of heightened, almost ready to snap arousal.

Satisfied at her obvious willingness after they’d seduced her so thoroughly, Angel brought his dark head up, releasing Willow who whimpered and mewled loudly as the orgasm continued to ripple its way through her body.

He looked down to find Spike grinning at him, satisfaction and arousal tightening his already taut face. “Will you just get on and finish this” Angel growled.

“No need to get testy just cos I’m getting some and you ain’t. Go on bugger off now. I think I can handle it from here” replied Spike easily and then grunted with pleasure as he smoothly entered Willow with one hard thrust. Willow arched and keened wildly and her hands gripped Spike in needy desperation. Moans flowed from her open lips, pulled from low in her throat at the hard invasion of Spike’s cock as it filled and stretched her tight virginal passage.

“Thank God for small favours” snapped Angel testily, bounding off the bed and not hesitating, left the room and the heaving oblivious pair now kissing with passionate abandon on the bed.

Willow woke up to an empty bed with sheets twisted from her mindless writhing. Then before she even had time to feel the hot blush of shame creep up her neck she saw the flare from the lit cigarette and her eyes widened with immeasurable horror.

“So” said Spike in that annoying way he had. “You gonna tell Spike all about that dream you just had, Luv”? He crushed out the cigarette and sauntered over to the frozen, panicked girl. “I want to know what made you all…hmm hot and bothered”.

“I don’t know what you mean” denied Willow breathlessly, trying to ignore the empty ache of unsatisfied arousal in her loins. She watched him come closer until he loomed over her with his hands braced on either side of her sweat-dewed body.

“Oh I think you do”, refuted the intent blonde. “Shall I guess”? Spike didn’t give her a chance to reply but simply picked her up like she weighed next to nothing.


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