After Dinner Mint 1

Title: After Dinner Mint part 1
Author: Scorchy
Rating: N-17
Category: More pointless smutty humour
Content: C/A
Summary: these vignettes are part of a smut quest where AOers give me their scenario challenges! Cali’s challenge number 1 and Allie’s challenge are made into a small serial. Hope you both enjoy it! I loved writing this.Thank you both. Much love and many kisses!!
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: AO, Cal, Lil, Lio n Sara’s place
Notes: This was written in under three hours so if it isn’t super, super brilliant forgive me but I’m bored!!! 3rd in my Smutathon… Keep on Truckin’ Series Notes 2: You didn’t need to read this bit, it’s not important!
Feedback:always devoured with gusto

The rich, masculine sound of the vampire’s voice accompanied the light clicking of heels and soft pearls of dulcet tones of a female giggle.

Approaching her apartment on the second floor of the building, Angel kept his hand firmly on the base of her slender spine and gently guided her along the dimly lit hallway. Measuring his pace, he rhythmically kept in time to her smaller gait so he didn’t lose contact.

It was the little things like that that made Cordelia sigh with a happiness she was sure she would never have. He held doors open for her, pulled chairs out and all those other Old World charming things that endlessly ceased to make her feel loved.

“I still don’t see why you won’t move in with me” Angel glanced at the brunette out the corner of his eye, smiling a little when she did.

“Because” Cordelia shrugged, her cheeks dimpling with the growing smile that was directed his way. “It took me a long time to gain my independence and I’m not ready to give it up quite yet”

The vampire sighed, rolled his eyes and slipped his arm further around her back to tug her closer to his side. “We spend nearly every night together, so there wouldn’t be much difference. You could still keep your independence, you know that”

“And it’s still too soon Angel. We’ve only been dating for a few months and it’s still new to me. Just give it a bit more time before we talk about moving in together.” What she said made sense and though she wanted to move in with him, she couldn’t dislodge the feeling that if they moved to quickly, it’d blow up in their faces.

“You could have your own space at the hotel, you could have an entire floor to yourself if that’s what would make you happy” Angel argued lightly. He wanted her to be there with him and not just during works hours and nights out. He wanted to wake up with her everyday, wanted to go too sleep with her every night and wanted the hours in between.

He hated leaving her apartment before sunrise, before he had a chance to see her with bed head and morning breath. He hated watching her leave the hotel to go home.

The apartment wasn’t her home anymore; that was obvious to everyone but Cordelia Chase who refused to see past common sense. Didn’t she realise how amazingly wonderful it would be if they lived together?

He could take her breakfast in bed, she could bring him blood in bed. He could do the laundry, she could do the ironing. He could fluff her pillows, she could fluff his…

Angel grinned widely at the double entendre in his thoughts on pillow fluffing. At it happens, he had two nice pillows she could fluff right now if she wanted.

“I don’t a place in your hotel” Cordelia stated evenly and clearly to make sure he understood what she was trying to say. “It’s not because I’m not happy there or anything, it’s yours and I didn’t do anything to help you get it. Apart from swipe away Son of Dust but that’s beside the point. It’s your hotel just like my apartment is mine”

“No” he frowned in frustration and shook his head from side-to-side. “It’s not just mine. It’s your home too. Just think about it. Dennis could have his own part of it to haunt, you could have your own space and I wouldn’t have to leave every morning”

He was wearing her down, he could feel it.

Coming to a slow stop just outside of her apartment, the brunette extracted her arm from around the vampire’s waist and sighed. Warm hazel orbs twinkled up at him as a half smile lilted the corners of her mouth up. “Alright” she held up her hands in submission, “I’ll think about it”

A strange laugh escaped his throat as Angel easily picked her up, swung her round and deposited her back on her feet before she had a chance to squeal in surprise. “I promise you won’t regret it”

“I’m only thinking about it, I haven’t said yes yet” Cordelia held up a telling finger as she tried not to let those puppy dog eyes get to her. The dark brown irises were lighting up with flecks of gold and burnished bronze as he stared down at her with a goofy expression on his handsome face.

That boyish grin never left his mouth. Not even the warning she gave could diminish the fact he was wearing her down. He knew a few more pleading glances, begging kisses and puppy dog looks would get her to agree to move in with him. “You know you’ll say yes” Angel countered easily, “You love me so there’s no reason for you not to move in”

Hazel eyes rolled in amusement, “That’s one way to look at it I guess.”

She came to a halt, pausing just outside her apartment and a very heavy, very dramatic sigh left her mouth. Shyness always occurred when he walked her back, she always felt like a teenager coming home from her first date with her first love.

Cordelia looked up at the vampire and smiled indulgently at the hopeful expression that covered the whole of his sculptured face. “As usual, I’ve had a good time. Even if you did complain about how tight breeches were back in the day…” Her brow scrunched up in deep thought as she imagined Angel in breeches.

She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or ask if he had pictures.

Angel gave the brunette a pained look, knowing exactly what was going through that head of hers. “Do not wanna talk about it, thank you.” End of story.

In fact, there was no story to end.

“Wasn’t gonna ask!” Came the quick retort which was accompanied by a quirky grin. “Ok, I’d better…” she nudged her head towards her door.

The vampire frowned, “Don’t you mean we’d better?”

“No, I mean I’d better”

Angel’s mouth curved up into a sensual smile as he eased both arms around her waist. “No, you mean we.” Cool lips descended, brushing over the plump warm ones that tasted like cherries. “As in you and me”

His tongue darted out, flicked over the cherry tasting lip gloss and he purred. “In your bed” he tugged her tight body further into his, circling his hips into the hot cradle of her thighs, letting her know just why there’d be two of them in her place tonight.

“Where we can do bad, bad things” strong hands cupped her ass and squeezed before a playful swat stung. “All. Night. Long.”

Cordelia’s smart-ass retort was cut off by a bruising kiss from a hard male mouth. Her cry of surprise was lost into the delectable cavern of his mouth as Angel tilted her head so he could have complete control. Slicing past her pliant lips, his tongue dipped in and out of her hot, wet mouth to taste the rainbow.

On her tongue, he could taste the champagne she’d drank, the lingering mint of the desert he’d fed her and could feel the sweetness as she responded with fervour.

Under his fingers, the silky softness of her dress felt like heaven against the roughness of his skin. Against his hardened, muscular body the delightful warmth emanating from hers seeped under his clothes to burn him through and through. Generous cleavage was cushioned upon his chest, the perky buds scraped deliciously off his velvet shirt.

All sensations sent all the blood in his body direct to the right place, making him hot and hard between her long legs.

Just as feminine arousal began to taint the air, Cordelia gradually decreased the pressure on her lips and slowly pulled back to gulp in oxygen. On opening, Angel was more than a little pleased to see the hazel irises melted and hazy with lust. Her mouth was sufficiently red, swollen and bruised while her breasts heaved with deep breathing.

Taking in a deep breath of his own, the vampire savoured the aroma of pure Cordy and rolled his tongue around his mouth, tasting it all the more. The scent filled his lungs as his nostrils flared and hypnotic orbs to flash.

“Open the door before I kick it in” Angel growled and used his hands to pull her harshly against his hardening cock, eliciting a squeak from the brunette.

A light giggle escaped from her throat as she saw the passion heating up those blackened orbs. “Angel, if I’m gonna think about moving in then you gotta give me a little time to myself”

“Take time tomorrow, I wanna play”

“Maybe I wanna move in tomorrow” she placed a small hand on his chest, her slim fingers smoothed over the dark red velvet and shivered at the sensation that graced her fingertips. “Just tonight. That’s all I’m asking for”


Absolutely not.

No way. No how. Not ever. Not when.

Hell could open up and kiss his ass before he’d let her go tonight.

Besides, Angel thought with a calculating smirk, her refusal could be fun.

Cordelia grew wary at the sight of his smirk. He was thinking and it never went well for her when Angel thought. Bad things happened when he thought. Then again, bad things happened he didn’t think.

Just look what happened when Gunn clicked on to what went on in his truck.

The vampire’s demeanour changed entirely, he went from being openly aroused and up for anything to appearing calm, rational and completely peaceful.

Dazzling black orbs were now a stunning shade of russet, his hard mouth turned sexually up at one corner and his cheeks dimpled innocently.

Now, she was beyond worry.

Angel cleverly backed the brunette against the stone wall next to her door, using his hands to pin her in place. “You know what I’m thinkin’ baby?”

Cordelia dumbly shook her head. Did she want to know?

“Since I bought you dinner, champagne and desert, I’m thinkin’ you owe me a little somethin.” The more he thought about it, the more he knew he was right.

He’d been teased by lip licks, winks, smiles, breasts and the one flash of her blood red panties. He’d paid over a hundred dollars for the Dom Perignon, paid for her dinner, paid for the theatre tickets and paid extra for the private alcove in the stupid restaurant.

Oh yeah, she owed a lot more than ‘a little somethin’.

“You’ve been asking for it all night baby, time to pay up” Angel gave her a very manly expression and ignored the raising of her eyebrow. He was determined to make her see things his way.

Removing one hand from the wall, he traced her pouting lower lip with a calloused fingertip, relishing in the soft swell that kissed his caress. “You’re gonna give me what I want.”

A pool of liquid sex heated up between her thighs, causing a flush to stain her cheeks as he went from dork to stud in 2.5 seconds.

Normally an arrogant, over-confident male attempting to get his own way with her would have ended up with his balls as earrings, but because it was Angel she let him get away with it. Besides, he was a lot bigger than her and could probably pull out her tongue before she had a chance to utter a single retort.

He chuckled wickedly as her arousal increased; this is what made her refusing him fun. He could get what exactly he wanted without touching her.

“Yeah, I don’t think so honey” the gleaming in Cordelia’s hazel orbs took the sting out of her words as she feebly pushed at his chest. “Just ‘cus you paid does not mean I owe you anything”

The look in his eyes went dark and her knees went weak.

“Oh I think ya do” Angel whispered back, leaning down so his breath breezed erotically across her hot mouth. His tongue dipped out and licked her lips slowly, a groaned bubbled up in his throat as he imagined that mouth wrapped around his growing erection. “I know you want it, I can smell it all over you Cordelia”

The way her name rolled from his lips, the low husky tone of his voice, the way his body was solid against hers was just yum. Cordelia peered up through long, dark eyelashes, her own orbs melting under the heat pouring from the vampire and her legs involuntarily parted, allowing him to slide between them.

His large hand went from her mouth, trailed down the slender column of her neck down through the valley of her cleavage until he came to rest on her toned stomach. The silk of her dress felt so good under his touch, the female warmth got under his skin and he held off going further until he heard the excited hitching of her breath.

Going lower, Angel skirted past the feminine muscle of her thigh, his fingers toyed with the short hem of her dress and he eased it up. Bare flesh, golden and smooth, graced his caress and he moved higher, a full grin replaced the conniving smirk.

“The only thing you can smell all over me is…” Cordelia went to speak but he interrupted.

“Me” Angel breathed deeply. His face fell to the crook of her neck, nuzzling the delicate flesh protecting her jugular. His bite held his scent, making her smell of him. He was all over her.

On her lips, on her body, under her skin.

In her blood.

“God, you smell so good. So wet. So ready for me baby.” Blunt teeth bit down hard on the sensitive spot where his bite lay; his teeth fit perfectly over the puncture wounds that signalled ‘Angel’.

Muscular fingers moved high enough for him to feel the creamy arousal. The panties clung to the softness of her sex he was tracing. A strong, confident touch stroked her folds through the silk, loving the way she grew hotter under his attention. The heel of his palm flirted with the hidden pearl, brushing lightly and moving away when her hips pushed harder.

In his hand, she felt the little shocks make her body throb with pleasure as the vampire circled his fingertips all over her sex. Cordelia bit her lip when the pressure intensified, expelling another burst of hot liquid from her body as Angel moved.

Her hips rocked, pushing more of herself against him as the waves of pleasure increased. Her smaller, feminine hands dropped from his chest to his stomach where a leather belt secured leather pants around his taut waist.

The contrast of leather and velvet was startling, one felt cool while the other felt warm. Much like him. His entire body was cool to touch but his touch always burned, making her skin sizzle.

Just below his belt, the brunette brushed the back of her hand over his erect cock, earning a response of her own. Angel bucked up in a demand for more than a teasing little caress. He wanted her hand to curl around his shaft, to make him come like that before he came hard and fast inside.

Answering his silent demand, Cordelia wrapped her slim fingers around his shaft, enjoying the way the leather seemed to melt under her human heat. Her wrist moved as she rubbed up and down in a such a way that had the vampire moaning quietly against her neck.

He loved a tease.

Angel snatched his hand away from her over-heated core reluctantly and fumbled with first his belt then the buttons to his pants. “You’re not getting away with teasin’ me. I’m gonna fuck you, right here, right now”

“No, we’d better…” Cordelia mumbled through numb lips. They couldn’t do anything like that outside of her apartment. Love may be blind but neighbours certainly weren’t.

“Shut up” Angel hissed impatiently as he opened his pants and took his erection in a firm grip. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the sigh of her lover pleasuring himself.

Pale, smooth marble covered steel. Her body immediately responded and she felt herself get just that little bit wetter and hotter. Her walls clutched emptiness as the ghostly feel of his cock pushed up into her, his shaft taunted the G-spot while he slammed off the edge of her.

Cordelia glanced all around the landing to make sure no-one was spying as she hitched up her dress and spread her legs apart invitingly. Her eyes roamed everywhere at once, the apartments next door, the stairs leading to the floor above and the one leading downstairs.

No-one was watching.


Angel searched for the ties at either side of her panties and tugged each bow loose in turn. Watching in fascination as the red silk dropped to her feet, he bent down and picked them up. Gripping them in his free hand, he shot her a filthy grin as he placed them carefully in his pocket.

She knew he was a pervert so what was the point in denying it? Not like she was any better, she was the woman who used his boxers as pyjamas and kept certain pictures of him in her journal.

If anyone, Cordelia Chase was the pervert. He was a vampire and therefore had the excuse he was tending to his baser needs.

Curling a heavily muscles arm around the base of her spine, the vampire easily lifted her up so she could securely wrap her legs around him. A slight shift in movement and Angel groaned when the sensitised tip of his sex collided with her clit.

She hissed in pleasure when he slid down her slick folds, gathering creamy arousal that made it oh so easy for him to slip into her body.

Warm, wet tightness slowly enveloped his aching cock as he pushed in deep. Smooth satin walls stretched perfectly around his size as he pressed her back against the wall.

Giving her no time to adjust, Angel moved fast and hard, groaning loudly every time she gloved his intrusion.

His furious pace left Cordelia breathless and able to ignore the cold stone as her back repeatedly connected with it. “Oh God Angel!” She moaned out when his shaft slammed heavily against her cervix.

Remembering they were outside, the brunette’s face blushed deeply red and she cried out “Stop!” The giggle that followed completely contradicted the demand and the vampire merely grinned wickedly.

“Nuh-uh” Angel shook his head, unable to keep the grin off his face or the groaned laugh from bubbling over. His hips slowly rotated forward, entering her to the hilt. The base of his shaft rasped over the pearly clit while the tip of his erection intensely hit off the place inside that left her weak.

At the mewling coming from her, he whispered “Now I know you don’t want me to stop.” His mouth trailed moist kisses down her throat to pause at the juncture where the scent of her was strongest. Against his lips, he felt the blood racing around her body, making her pulse throb.

Blunt teeth disappeared into sharp, deadly fangs that scored the surface of the golden flesh, leaving little pink welts marring the flawless expanse. Small teardrops of blood was sucked to stain her neck with a deep purple as his lips, tongue and fangs worked to add to the sensations filling her.

Tilting her head, Cordelia’s eyes squeezed shut as the he unchained his vampire. His body changed along with his face. He was harder, taut, his muscles stretched tight and rippled under the marble landscape. Inside, he was confident, dominant and deliciously male as he laid into her, giving her all he had.

One feminine hand grasped the nape of his neck, the other clawed his back through the leather jacket, nails creating shapes in the smooth black material. Her long legs were crushing his waist as she used her own strength to lift her body up off his cock before sliding down, encasing him in liquid silk.

Angel groaned dangerously as his balls pulled close to his body as pressure built up, forcing him to fist the globes of her ass in order to keep her still while he fucked her. Powerful fingers left light bruises on her flesh, the leather of his pants made her thighs red with friction and she ached with the effort it took to let him have control.

Leaning his head down, the vampire snared one pert nipple between his lips and sucked on the sensitive spot with force enough to send spears of pleasure to her core. He bit down none too gently, eliciting a loud mewl from the brunette falling apart in his arms and did it again when her response was satisfactory.

Her walls throbbed viciously around his shaft, fisting him over and over as waves of climax hit. A hot shower of sweet rain poured over him as she came hard. Lacing her fingers through his gelled spikes, Cordelia gripped a fistful of hair as she rode out her orgasm, moaning loudly.

Angel resisted the urge to slam his mouth on hers as he felt the pressure build. The soft, slick friction on his length made him swell inside and he went deeper, a male groan spilled out of his lips as ejacluate left his body in short, sharp bursts. His fangs nipped at her throat as he panted against her skin, teasing himself until he bit down in a desperate need to quench his thirst.

Thick, luscious blood enriched with potent femininity coated his tongue and trickled down his throat as he swallowed. His eyes rolled back in his head as he spilled his very soul into her welcoming depths. Deep growls replaced his pants as the intensity gradually decreased, leaving him in a state of bliss and relaxation.

Carefully retracting his fangs from her flesh, the vampire soothed the fresh bite with licks and kisses until they closed and every stray teardrop of blood was devoured. Nuzzling the juncture of her shoulder and neck, Angel relished in the way his scent completely covered Cordelia from the inside out. His mouth formed into a large, self-satisfied grin as he pulled back and looked her in the eye.

“That little somethin is one of the reasons you should move in with me”

Don’t give up, do you?” Cordelia beamed back at him, blowing damp hair out of her face as he eased out of her. Unlocking her legs, she found her footing and began to straighten herself up. “I’ll think about it!” She’d already decided what she’d do, but part of the reason why he loved was she kept him guessing and so she wouldn’t tell him until he tortured it out of her.

If the expression on his face was anything to go by, he was ready to do.

“Cordy” Angel groaned as he fastened his pants, “I love you. You love me… Uh, you do, right?”

Ahh, her dork was back.

“Of course I don’t love you” the brunette replied indifferently with accompanying shrug. “I only sleep with you cus it’s cheaper than buying batteries every day”

“I can live with that!” The vampire grinned down at her and cupped both her cheeks in his palms. “Cus I don’t love you neither”

“Oh however will I cope?” Cordelia beamed. She always felt warm when they had this argument. Naturally, she always won because she didn’t love him as much as he didn’t love her. “Ass!”


“911, what’s the emergency?”

“My next door neighbour’s being attacked” the woman hissed quietly and trained her narrowed gaze on her front door. “I heard screaming. The man is still there but I don’t hear anything now… What if he’s killed her?”

“What’s your address?”

“Silverlake. 1328”

“Thank you madam and please try to stay calm. We have an officer on the way”

End of this one…



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