Underneath the Drowning Water. 6
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Posted: 01/02/2014 Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Posted: 01/02/2014 Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back to sanity…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back to sanity…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back to sanity…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water (Book 2) Author: Samsom Rating: R, for now, going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back to sanity…
Title: Underneath the Drowning Water. (Book 2) Author: Samsom Rating: R going into NC-17 eventually Summary: Fighting her way back to sanity after…
Part 3 Angel forces himself to his feet, following Cordelia where she has told him not to, worry and desire making a mad…
Title: Pandora Author: samsom Posted: Dec 06-Jan 07 Email Rating: Not for kids, but nothing explicit. Yet. (overall R/N-17)…
Title: Flintstrike Author: samsom Posted: Email Rating: N-17 Category: PWP Content: C/A Summary: Slayers aren’t the only ones affected by a good fight….
Title: Bait A Pure Darkness Serial fic Author: samsom Posted: Jan 07 Email Rating: R/N-17 Category: Dark Content: Aus/Cordelia, mild…