Vamp SmackDown. 46-50

Chapter 46

“Have the arrangements been made?”

“Yes, Master, all is in place.”

“Very good, I don’t want any interruptions. My instructions were understood? There must be no deviations.”

“I made them clear. Master, if Angelus is encountered, he will not be killed but brought to you.” Mortimor did not see the need to inform Dracula of the extraordinary lengths he had to go to find vampires willing to attempt to capture Angelus.

Finally, he had found some vampire’s new to LA that hadn’t yet had the opportunity to experience the vampire with a soul and too young and stupid to appreciate the reputation of Angelus. They were barely cognizant of Dracula’s stature. In the spirit of his Master’s wishes, Mortimor explained the particular difficulties they would encounter in their attempt to capture Angelus.

But, the young vampires had merely scoffed at Mortimor’s warnings being arrogantly confident in their numbers and abilities. Mortimor had not felt the need to press the issue any further. They wouldn’t listen and he had already done enough in accomplishment of his Master’s request.

“How do I look?”

“The height of elegance, Master.”

“Yes. Mortimor, this will be a very pleasant evening. It won’t be long now.”

Mortimor watched as Dracula settled in the large chair tapping his fingers impatiently against the arm waiting for the young woman to appear. Dracula had no doubt that the spell would be successful. The young woman was effected and traveling quickly towards the vampire.

Mortimor busied himself doing nothing, trying to not think about the young woman who was coming or his own inadequacies to help her. His only slight hope was that Angelus was all that his reputation claimed him to be and that the vampire and the young woman weren’t truly in love.


Wesley glanced around the area. There was nothing in the vicinity of the abandoned warehouse, which indicated Dracula’s presence.

Wesley beat down the flash of insecurity that he had miscalculated the possibilities of Dracula’s whereabouts. He complied a list of six alternatives. Three of those both Angel and Spike disregarded immediately saying that Dracula would never reside in the sewers no matter how secure and hidden the chambers were.

Spike had argued for a four star hotel that let you bring your own coffin. Only stopping with his theory, when Fred informed Spike that the only hotel that would allow such a thing was a motel not a hotel and the proprietor had asked her if she wanted a dead body to go with it or was she going to bring her own and did she want the room for an half hour or an hour. Wesley had to admit he had been impressed at Spike’s refraining from making any comment other than Dracula’s liked his bodies alive.

Wesley looked again at the warehouse and reached for his cell phone, hoping that Gunn had better luck. The warehouse had been a long shot. Both Angel and Spike had doubted that Dracula would stay in a run down abandoned building with no luxuries. But, Angel hadn’t been confident enough to strike it from the list.


“No go.”

“Damn, that leaves the last one. I’ll call Angel.”

“Man, what if that ones a bust?”

“Angel and Spike are following Cordelia, if they’re still heading east, then it’s a viable location. The map did indicate that it had sewer access through the old crematory.”

“But, man?”

“Go, I’ll meet you there.” Wesley hung up the phone. He had to agree with Gunn’s doubts. The funeral home was an operating business. But, Angel and Spike hadn’t felt that would deter Dracula.

Spike pointed out that it had plenty of coffins, as well as being posh.

Chapter 47

Angel slowed, Spike immediately following suit. Both vampires moved further apart, there bodies slightly turned from each other.

“So, which of you is ‘Angelus’? Come on. Speak up. Dracula just wants to chat with you, don’t make it hard on yourselves.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Spike stepped foreword, glancing around at the dozen vampires surrounding them. “I’m offended. This is it?”

“That you then? We can kill the other one.”

“Now, I know you aren’t kidding, you’re just blooming imbeciles. Hey, Granddad they think I’m you. Bugger that, I’m better looking.”

Angel turned. Cordelia was still moving. “I don’t have time for this,” growling and flipping his wrist holsters, two stakes appeared in his hands. Angel let the stakes fly, dusting two vampires as he charged a third.

“Got to get me some of those.” Spike commented he plunged with the stake that appeared in his hand.

Angel tossed the broken body of one vampire, reaching for the other that had jumped on his back. Twisting, Angel pulled the vampire off him slamming into the ground, shattering his skull with the heel of his boot. Angel fought quickly with deadly efficiently, attacking vampires crumbled to dust as he pummeled and kicked.

Spike was having a ball, twice in two days he had been able to really let loose. He growled as he snapped a vampire’s neck and staking another.

Angel looked up to see Spike fighting the last two vampires. “You got it?”

“Damn straight, go.” Spike called happily. “I’ll only be a minute.”

It hadn’t taken much more than Spike’s boast for him to catch up with Angel. Of course it helped that Angel was back to slamming his fist in the wall. Spike stopped and flashed in game face. Damn, he couldn’t sense the chit. Spike growled.

Looking again at his grandsire, obviously, Angel couldn’t either. Spike was tempted to join Angel in beating up the wall. The fight hadn’t taken that long, how did she get out of their range so quickly. Spike glanced at the split in the tunnel. “I’ll go left.”

Angel growled, his gold eyes flashing at the other vampire. Spike knew he no longer had to worry about Angel sporting a goofy grin. “Peaches, save the rage.”

Angel growled and slowly nodded. Then yanking out the cell phone as it suddenly rang. Angel didn’t say a word just started running into the right, the now dead phone stuffed back into his pocket. Spike took off after him. Spike had heard enough.

It figures, Dracula was a walking cliché. Spike could only assume that Angel knew the underground route to the Funeral Home.


“I hate waiting. Why are we waiting?”

“Because we need Angel and Spike.” Wesley said.

“Can’t we at least take out those vamps?” Gunn pointed to the group of men clustered around the back exit of the funeral home.

“We can’t take a chance that Dracula will be alerted and we don’t know where Cordelia is. We wait and get the weapons ready.”

Gunn grumbled but knew Wesley was right. They had counted at least ten vampires scattered around the grounds and they didn’t know if any besides Dracula were inside.

Chapter 48

Cordelia stopped and looked behind her. It wasn’t fair. She was part demon now. Why couldn’t she have any demony super senses?

She’d always thought she would prefer night vision and super sonic hearing, but she would’ve happily settled for being able to smell Angel’s presence in the darkness of the tunnels right now. Cordelia knew he was there. He had to be.

Unless, what if he was attacked by some other demon and hurt, what if….Cordelia slammed down those worrisome thoughts. She was scaring herself. Cordelia hmmphed, with every step closer to the source of the spell, she was discovering the inherent problem with her ability to block out its more disgusting aspects.

It seems that fear of her situation was rapidly taking root where her lustful feelings for Dracula had once been. She needed Angel. Cordelia shook her head. Angel was behind her with Spike. The vampires wouldn’t lose her. Cordelia sighed, extremely grateful in that moment that Angel had those baser instincts that he was so ashamed of but couldn’t completely hide.

She had a feeling that before this was all over she was going need them in all their violent glory. Cordelia forced herself to move ahead. Angel wouldn’t let Dracula touch her. Damn, she wouldn’t let him touch her. Cordelia wasn’t weak. Cordelia scrunched her brow and looked over her shoulder. Still, she was really glad Angel was there.

Good lord, how much further, Cordelia grimaced. How far had she gone? Wesley said the beckoning spells were usually done from close distances. She wanted this over with. Cordelia stopped as a wave of longing washed through her followed by a feeling of anticipation of fulfillment.

The disgust and anger that flared up in response couldn’t completely dilute them. Cordelia must be getting close to Dracula. Cordelia hurried, determined that no matter how strong the spell’s influence became she wouldn’t lose sight of what was real and what was not.

Cordelia skidded to a stop, considering her options. Shit, it didn’t look like she had any as four vampires surrounded her.


Spike sped up to keep pace with Angel. They were on the right track. The chit’s scent was in the air getting stronger.

Angel growled increasing his speed. Now that he knew where Dracula was Angel had to get to Cordelia before she reached the funeral homes access door. His one and only plan was to prevent her from entering the premise. Spike would get her out of the sewers and Angel would go in and kill Dracula.

It was a very simple plan, one that every dead cell and instinct in his body raged to be completed.

Spike knew what Angel expected of him and he would do it. But, Spike felt that ‘the’ plan needed some slight tweaking. He would safely place the cheerleader in Wesley and Gunn’s hands and then he would go back and make sure this time around his grandsire won in the battle against Dracula.

It wasn’t any loyalty to Angel that spurned on his silent addition, Spike reasoned. Spike just really didn’t like Dracula. Spike growled at the same moment as Angel. ‘The’ plan just hit a major snag. “I count three”

Angel stilled. “Four. One has Cordy. He’s taking her inside.”

Spike shrugged. The plan just got simpler. It was just going to be a bloodbath.

Angel grabbed at Spike. “When we go in, get her out, no matter what and keep her out.” Angel’s growl was low and violent, promising pain and death if the blonde vampire failed.

Angel called Wesley, issuing the same order in the same tone. Then, in utter silence Angel was gone. Spike only hesitated for a moment. Well, Spike’s earlier question of whether Angel’s rage would help or hinder him in the upcoming confrontation was answered as the dark vampire blended into the darkness.

The vampire that just left was more dangerous than Angelus ever could be. Spike almost felt sorry for Dracula.

No, not really. Spike ran, jumping over the piles of dust that covered the entrance of the access door.

Chapter 49

Wesley looked at Gunn. “Something’s wrong. Angel should’ve reached the entrance by now- Where’s Spike with Cordelia?”

Gunn shrugged. “I say we start doing some damage.”

“I would have to agree.” Wesley directed Gunn to the back, while he circled to the vampire’s gathered in the front.


Cordelia looked around her. She couldn’t see anything remotely resembling a stake. The room was fairly barren what little furniture it had was metal and covered in dust. She glanced at the doors on the wall lined up like cabinets.

The funeral home. Great, Spike had been right. Cordelia knew that if they lived through this, they would’ve to hear ‘I told you so’ forever.

Cordelia had offered no resistance to the vampire that was pulling her through the room. There was no point of it unless she could kill him. Cordelia bit down her grunt. Talk about a typical damsel in distress.

Good thing, she had put some clothes on otherwise she would have been the stereotypical ‘B’ horror movie bimbo- walking stupidly in danger, topless. The spell effects were diminishing, Cordelia had thought they would even be stronger. She guessed Dracula had stopped the enchantment. Of course, he had. He got what he wanted.

Cordelia was there. Well, at least she didn’t have to worry about pretending to be enthralled with the damn vampire. Still, Cordelia probably shouldn’t knee the old vampire until she was sure Angel was nearby. He better hurry up.

“My lovely child, welcome. I’ve been waiting for this moment to feast again on your beauty.”

Cordelia jumped, jerking around. She hadn’t seen the Count lounging back in the overstuffed chair, looking like he owned the world. Egoistical dead asshole. Cordelia had a sudden desire to see the self-satisfied smirk ripped off his beautiful face and grounded into the floor.

Damn he was quick. Cordelia lurched back trying to avoid the long fingers reaching for her face.

An elegant hand shot out, the fingers digging into the soft flesh of Cordelia’s arm, squeezing, forcing her to the vampire. “You resist still, yet I know you feel the longing, here.” Cool fingers left Cordelia’s neck and dropped possessively on her lower belly, his voice soft and beguiling. His black eyes boring into Cordelia’s hazel ones, bringing shivers to Cordelia’s spine as wings of something fluttered under the flesh still covered by Dracula’s touch.

“Resistance is fleeting, useless, unwanted. I can make you feel things that you never felt before, such desire, such ecstasy. Come to me.”

Cordelia ripped herself away from Dracula’s touch and gaze, kneeing him, watching in glee as his hands fell in bloody pulps to the floor and his body writhed in pain. Or at least that’s what her mind wanted to see happen.

As it was, Cordelia only flinched, her body wouldn’t move any further, held in place by the weave of the soft flow of Dracula’s voice and the intensity of his eyes. Cordelia had enough. The Count was trying the vamp mojo crap. Screw that.

Cordelia jerked and smacked away the Count’s hand. “Yeah, yeah, resistance is futile, but guess what? Picard kicked the walking assimilating ticker toys’ butts,” rolling her eyes and moving away only to be forcibly pulled back to the vampire, his grip even tighter. The hand that had been gently caressing her belly held Cordelia’s neck.

“You’ll be mine.” Dracula growled.

“I’m already taken.” Cordelia choked out.

Cordelia stumbled as Dracula pushed her away. He turned gracefully placing himself back in the chair. “You think Angelus’ mark protects you. It means nothing. It is nothing.”

“I don’t know, I hear that they give him the right to be royally pissed when some idiot tries to play with his most prized toy. And I AM his most prized.”

Dracula was on his feet in an instant, his fingers back on her throat, but this time stroking the small wounds on Cordelia’s neck. “Tell me, child, are his marks, his ‘real’ marks as weak and puny? Has that soul completely driven any true vampire instincts out of him? You will feel my mark and you will know the difference and you will be mine.”

Cordelia gave her best Queen C look, the one that had people scrambling for cover when they dare contradict or doubt her, the one that said ‘you are beneath me and opinion is of no value’. “Never.”

“You are intriguing, willful, very beautiful and a fool. Have I been wrong?” Hands shot out tearing at the clothes. Cordelia tried to push them away but they were useless against Dracula’s intent. The vampire held Cordelia’s body out from him, his hand around her neck choking her motionless.

“You have no other mark. Where is Angelus’ true mark?” Dracula yanked Cordelia to him. “What hold does he have over you? What?”

Cordelia struggled against the vampire’s strength.

“Master,” Mortimor slid up, he had to stop this. “Perhaps, some wine will make the young miss more compliant than choking her.”

“MORTIMOR.” Dracula roared, throwing Cordelia to the ground to turn on his servant.

“Master, forgive me,” Mortimor bowed. “It’s just that obviously, Angelus does have control over the young woman, perhaps the mark is temporary but on going. Perhaps, he is also in possession of a spell or mind influence.”

“That barbarian?”

“It would explain the young lady’s loyalty.”

Dracula stared at his servant. “But, Mortimor there is another explanation isn’t there. One that you once had, one that caused your own initial resistance.” Dracula turned quickly yanking Cordelia up by the hair.

“You refuse my seduction, you deny my power, you cling to Angelus. Why? Could it be love? Do you love Angelus?”

Cordelia staggered to her feet. She opened her mouth to answer, when she noticed Dracula’s servant behind the vampire, slowly shaking his head. She scrunched her forehead up not understanding.

Her eyes widened, a smile involuntarily breaching her face. “Tough one, scared of him, but right now I love him and definitely the whole soul package deal, always, ‘grr’ stuff and all,” She glared over Dracula’s shoulder. “What took you so long?”

Mortimor’s stomach dropped as he heard the word ‘love’, though he didn’t understand the last part. He looked around. Was that last part directed towards him? His eyes widened.

”What?” Dracula said, not understanding any of the young woman’s words.

“I believe that was directed to me,” Angel explained. He strode into the artificial light of the big room, his movements graceful and lazy. “Spike.”

“Hey,” Cordelia yelled as she was grabbed, picked up and moved out of the room.


Angel stopped suddenly. Spike jerked to a halt behind him. Spike mimicked Angel’s actions, his game pointed in the air.

Angel blinked his now brown eyes at the other vampire.

“I got left, it’s the more creative side…and the chit…now,” Spike acknowledged the silent order and moving.

Angel stayed still for a moment, rage fighting with thought, and instinct fighting with love. Think. Spike would do what he was supposed to. But he couldn’t get all the perimeter vampires without raising the alarm; so rushing in was not the best course of action. Angel blinked again a slow smile settled over his face. He didn’t have to fight anything.

Instincts, rage, thought, love, all had the same goal, Cordelia away from Dracula and Dracula dead. Angel slid into the room utilizing every predatory skill in his possession, those instinctual to his demon and those he learned through daily practice as Angelus and those he trained with as a demon with a soul. Angel silently slipped to the right, his senses always focused on the beautiful heartbeat as he ripped the heads off the hidden vampires that were guarding. None ever realizing that death, real death had hit them.

Spike shrugged all was successful on his part. Angel nodded and moved. The trepidation allowed by his soul faded as Angel let the rage and instinct overcome him. He wasn’t Angelus, but he tapped into the demon’s fear of nothing and willingness to commit, his desire to commit all atrocities.

The last remaining tendril of fear left as Angel saw Spike take Cordelia out of the room. Angel was nothing then, but a vampire, instinct ruling supreme.

Mortimor settled into the wall and waited. He watched as Angelus. No. Mortimor decided that the name the LA vampires quoted him with was more fitting. This wasn’t Angelus; it was Angel. Possibly the ‘Angel of Death’for Dracula. Mortimor felt this even more pronouncedly than when the Count met the slayer.

There was something about the way the dark vampire smiled at the older Count. This vampire had no fear and only one objective…to kill.

“Angelus, you think you can challenge me? I think not.”

“The name is Angel and I’m not challenging you, I’m just going to kill you, please.” Angel laughed walking towards the other vampire. “You know, I would’ve let you go on your merry way, I mean, you did escape and all, but then you just had to mess with what is mine and well, I just can’t abide by that.” Angel shrugged moving slowly around Dracula.

“I saw her you have no claim on her.”

Angel laughed. “Of course I do, but no need to mar her warm beautiful flesh, I know it, I knew it as soon as she gave herself to me willingly, when she claimed me, no magic needed, no ancient symbol that nobody cares about except some outdated backwoods, really limited vampires. Get with the times, Count. Cordy would’ve killed me if I ruined her neckline.”

“You aren’t a vampire.”

“Second mistake.” Angel growled and flew.

Chapter 50

“Hello, yoo hoo, back up boys.” Spike yelled.

“Here.” Wesley called.

“Take her and keep her.”

“What about..”

“It’s just Angel and Dracula, now. Make her stay put, I’m going back.”

“I’m going.” Cordelia shrugged at Wesley’s hands trying to help her up.

Spike dropped to his knees, grabbing at her shoulders. “You stay. He doesn’t need the distraction. And put some clothes on. We all know you’re hot as hell, no need to broadcast it all the time.” Spike tugged at his coat.

“Leather.” Preventing the vampire from taking off the coat. “ Hey, that’s Angel’s.”

“You are a strange love.” Spike couldn’t help it. He dropped a kiss on the scrunched up, glaring face, before running back into the Funeral Home.


“I’m going.” Cordelia tugged at the oversized jean coat she was wearing and the blanket that was wrapped around her body. “I’m not leaving him.” She yanked the blanket up so her feet could run freely.

Gunn yanked the young woman back. How in the hell did he get this duty? No aspersions on Wes. Wes was the man, but Gunn knew he was the better fighter. Yet, Wesley, research guru got to go back in the mix of things while Gunn was stuck watching the princess.

As Cordelia turned and kicked him and glared, Gun began to understand. Wesley couldn’t handle her and the ex-watcher knew it. Gunn pushed her back down. “Cordy, you would be in the way.” Oh shit. Gunn knew then that he gave himself too much credit.

“Gunn,” Cordelia said clenched jaw sweetly. “I’m going back in, if you try to manhandle me again, you will regret it, forever.” She glared.

Gunn gulped. Sometimes, lately, it was really easy to forget how much of a vicious bitch Cordelia could be. It was so rare. But, shit, it was real. Gunn felt disgusted about the whine in his voice, but he couldn’t help it. Now, he really wished he had gone back in with the blonde vampire.

“Cordy, you heard Spike, you will just distract Angel, Wesley agreed. Stay, please.”

“Gunn, you want to leave Wesley and Angel unprotected. What if they need you? You would let them be alone. Can we really trust Spike? He’s a vampire. Remember Harmony, she said she was going to help us, but did she….NO. They’re our friends, we have to go.”

Gunn connected with everything she was saying, just as the other part of his brain was trying to remember that taking Cordy’s advice right now wasn’t the best thing to do. But he did what to go in the fight. He didn’t even get his head down in a partial nod, when Cordelia was on her feet dragging him to the funeral home.

As they entered the door, Gunn remembered. Fuck. She did it. She played him. “Cordy.”

“Shh. Not now. Give me a crossbow.”

Gunn was about to scream like a little girl in frustration, but it would do no good. Cordelia was already in the next room. Angel and Wesley were going to kill him. And he couldn’t’ blame them. Damn woman.


Angel grinned, circling the other vampire. Angel never felt more comfortable knowing what he was.

He was what he was, a demon. A demon with the ability to make his dreams come true, the only thing standing in his way was a ‘dead thing’ that he would make sure stayed dead in the strictest terms of the definition. No mercy, no worry, he was what he was. Angel checked again quickly.

Cordelia was gone. He was free and she would be safe and his forever. Angel laughed at Dracula’s growl, meeting the other vampire in the air.

Angel relished the forceful contact. This is what he had been waiting for. He smirked as he clawed through the fancy suit of Dracula. He laughed as Dracula pushed him back smashing against the far wall. Angel wasn’t conscious of pain, possible death, he was free to be death.

He swirled and pushed from the wall taking the other vampire rolling with him. Bites and claws slashed through the stillness that had descended though the room.

Wesley stood. He dropped the crossbow he had been trying to aim. They were too quick. He saw nothing but blurs and cement falling. He heard nothing but primal growls and bones cracking. He stepped back as borrowed blood splattered to the floor, his eyes anxiously shot back up somewhere above.

“Christ.” Gunn skidded to a stop.

Wesley swung around. “Cordelia?”

“Do something.” The young woman banged on Spike’s chest, crying.

Spike turned, not to Cordelia but to Gunn. “Get her out of here.”

Gunn held up his hands. “If it so damn easy you do it.”

Spike growled and looked once more at his grandsire battling Dracula. He shook his head. It hadn’t even started yet. Spike swirled, grabbing Cordelia and throwing her over his shoulder.


“Shut up.” Spike growled as he carried her out.

Wesley nodded in relief as Cordelia was picked up and carried away from the carnage above.

“Dawg, don’t look at me like that…she tricked me.”

Wesley just rolled his eyes and then turned back to the fight before him.

“Man, I didn’t see you even try.” Gunn grumbled.


“You are so dead.”

“No. Chit. This time Angel will be on my side. You can’t go in there.”

“Spike, the danger is gone. You, Wesley and Gunn, you’ll all protect me. I’ll be fine.”

Spike narrowed his eyes. “Don’t even. You got Peaches wrapped around your finger with the rest of the y-chromosomes in there, but not me. I’m immune. You are staying put.”

“Spike, why can’t I go in there?” Cordelia said in a small voice, shaky and unsure.

Spike knelt down. “Love, you will be a distraction. Peaches needs to know you are safe.”

“Oh.” Cordelia bit her lip. “But, I really want to go in.”

“But you can’t, you will stay here even if I have to sit on you.”

“But, what if Angel needs you. What if Dracula’s starts to win? What if Dracula kills him? Spike, you have to go. Wesley and Gunn will do everything they can but you’re a vampire, an equal, you have to go in.”

Spike looked back at the funeral home and heard the scared young woman’s words. That had been his plan. “You stay here.”

“You’ll go. You want to go. You’ll help Angel.” Cordelia begged.

“Yes.” Spike growled.

Cordelia got up and smiled. “Then let’s go. Because you’re not going without me.”

“You little bitch. You aren’t going.”

Cordelia shrugged. “You can stay and baby sit me and wonder when Angel dies whether you could’ve helped him or you can take me with you and make sure Angel doesn’t die. It’s up to you.”

“You have that little faith in your ‘love’”

Cordelia smiled. “Spike, time’s a wasting. Which is it? I do know that if you don’t go in there a make sure that Angel lives, I’ll kill you.”

“You would wouldn’t you?”

“In a dead heart beat.” Cordelia’s smile was still firmly in place.

“Love, he doesn’t want you in there. He’s going deep vamp. Not something he wants you to see. Okay.”

“Spike, I’ve never been stupid or blind, bitchy maybe, I know what Angel is, I know what he’s capable of, but as strong and wonderful as he is, he’s not invincible, I will not stay out here a wait to see if he comes out alive. I promised never to leave him and I meant it.”


“Spike. You will have to fight me to keep me out of there.”

“Damn you. He’s going to kill me.”

“I’ll protect you, now come on.”

Chapter 51


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