A Change of Season. 1

Title: A Change of Season         displaced ficpic
Author: cydnestorm
Posted: 5/24/05
Rating: G to R (possible NC17 though not likely) (will indicate if above PG)
Category: angst, humor and everything in between
Content: C/A, C/A/W friendship
Summary: reworking S2 beginning with S1 finale
Spoilers: S1, S2, S3, possibly more
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Stranger Things, Go Team, Fire Still Burns, anywhere else let me know
Notes: This is the first fic I ever started. I have been researching, outlining and writing scenes for months & months & months. Today I finally put the first chapter together. Reworking S2 beginning with S1 finale. Darla & Pylea arcs significantly changed. Concentrating instead on natural progression of friendships, family dynamics, C/A relationship and the characters moving forward in their lives while battling personal hardships.  Details at bottom of page.
Feedback: Yes Please
Beautiful picfic by Nikkiwawa


In days like these, when the rain won’t fall and the sky’s so dry that even birds can’t call. I can feel your tears disappearing in the air, carried on the breeze in days like these. It’s years like these that make a young man old, bend his back against the promises that life should hold. They can make him wise, they can drive him to his knees. Nothing comes for free in days like these. But you can’t reap what you don’t sew and you can’t plant in fallow ground. So let us fill this empty earth with hope until the rains come down. In lives like these every moment counts. Add up all the things that I can live without. When the one thing left is the blessing of my dreams I can make my peace with days like these.



Stars twinkled, imperfect diamonds set into the night sky. From its cloudless hover, the beam of the full moon illuminated his pensive face. Forcing his body to relax against the railing Angel pushed brooding thoughts into the background, for a little while. In reflection so many changes had occurred in the past year; some not to his liking but most gave him hope to believe. His gaze drifted inside the quiet apartment to the dining room table cluttered with stacks of books, scattered papers and the scroll of Aberjian. A carefully hidden secret until a few days ago, this sacred text proclaimed a future that would offer true humanity and a final death. The prospect of either another change in his life and suddenly, time was an enemy.

His roommates had retired hours ago giving into the need for sleep and rest. The room was dark except for the invasion of the moon’s natural light filtering through the glass doors. Angel could hear the rhythmic breaths and steady heartbeat from the man sleeping on the sofa seemingly content in his makeshift bed except for the occasional winch from an involuntary shift. Wesley Wyndam-Price had quickly become a trusted ally to the vampire, more slowly but just as assuredly, a trusted friend.

Straightening from his slouch Angel set the empty cup on the small table. The silent trek on the balcony was short and through the curtains’ narrow gap he could easily view the sleeping girl from his new perch. Her body, stretched out in a relaxed sprawl, took up most of the bed. Just like her he deemed with an easy smile. His fingers brushed a feathery touch across his up turned lips examining one of the good changes in his life.

Tension took his smile as her body curled into a tight fold. In an instant, she was meek and fragile again. The words of Anatole had broken Vocah’s evil spell but the fear of its return still lingered. With each hitch of breath, each slight look of discomfort fear rose inside him. The evil could still return taking her away from him. He released a slow sigh allowing his clinched muscles to relax as she settled into a new position before stretching out again.

Angel couldn’t choose the moment Cordelia Chase had nestled herself into his life; he only knew she had. The bewitching beauty queen of Sunnydale High, a spoiled brat on the cusp of womanhood had forced her way into his life daring him to believe he could have one. He had once been asked if an animal such as him had a heart. Now he could answer that question with surprising but absolute certainty. Angel pressed his cheek against the cool, glass pane and listened to the beat of his heart resting safely within the small frame of the young woman lost in peaceful slumber. A simple and innocent offer of friendship had invited him back into a world he had abandoned centuries ago.

“It’s…it’s saying…that you get to live until you die. It’s saying… it’s saying you become human.” Disappointments lead by misplaced faith had pushed the stuttered promise deep into the recesses of his thoughts but there it was again, a quiet echo daring him to believe. How long was the path to this redemption, who would share his humanity? Hard learned lessons had earned the right to challenge his eager but silent heart. Time was now his enemy; the painful reminder forced its way to the front, he couldn’t risk forgetting.

Pushing away from the window Angel struggled to squelch the desire to move closer to those too fragile to survive his world. Need would lead to wanting and wanting would lead to disappointment. A search of the night sky determined he had at least three hours before sunrise. Angel leapt from the balcony to the dark, quiet street below hoping time alone would do him good. He worked better with distance and proper distance was the best protection for those important to him. The silent warning continued its vigilant chant and the vampire walked the empty streets alone.

Chapter 1


Backdrop: S1 remains as is except for minor changes/additions (some will be recalled in flashbacks)
Story begins with S1 finale & first ep of S2 combined as one chapter. * The episode IWRY happened but it had a more positive influence with Angel deciding to focus on his new life in LA. * The Faith arc happened but ended with Angel & Buffy admitting their time had passed & the best way to honor their past relationship was with respect & acceptance as they moved on with their lives separately; however they failed to share that bit of information with friends & family.

The main occurrences in the S1 finale & first ep of S2 combined as one chapter. Some details omitted & instead using variances & additions to existing scenes to better promote the camaraderie and growing relationship of the AI team. * The Darla & Pylea arcs, reworked putting a big dent in the wall of denial for Cordelia & Angel. And because the relationship path is never smooth & clear of pesky debris, the news of Buffy’s death will be included. * Cordelia while still maturing & experiencing personal inner growth will not become a compliant companion believing she must stand by Angel and every moment must to be dedicated to Angel & his mission. * Wesley, though fumbling in his predictable & adorable way will accept the challenge of leader & personal protector to his friend(s) when faced with events beyond his control. * Gunn will remain the street-wise young man introduced in S1 as his acquaintance with Wesley & Cordelia develops into a deep friendship. Gunn & Angel will continue to struggle with their differences trying to find a balance in who/what they are, their joint fight against the evils of LA & their common need to have Wesley and Cordelia in their lives. * Any romance will be a slow & long wait. Even walls of denials with big holes manage to remain intact when strengthened by stubborn determination.

Posted in TBC

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