Reality Bites 15-16


The Restfield cemetery was as silent as a grave; the only sound marring the peace was the rhythmic beat of sneakers on stone, as they drummed against the marker erected to the eternal memory of Betty Hubblemeyer. Perched atop Betty’s final resting place, Buffy heaved a sigh. Patrol may cut into her social life, but at least it gave her some alone time, although alone time meant thinking time, and she had done way too much of that lately. She glanced around hopefully, it was a slow night and she had yet to stake a single vamp.

Giving up on finding a demonic force to vent her frustration on, Buffy was about to stretch her cramped legs when a likely candidate appeared. Fighting the immediate rush of anger, Buffy pushed temptation aside; pesky common sense warning her that she’d regret it later.

Even without Cordelia’s warning of Buffy’s fury, the narrowed eyes and pursed lips were a dead giveaway. Offered a choice, explaining a new relationship to his ex-girlfriend would not be on Angel’s to-do list. Accounting for his actions didn’t come easy to a two hundred plus year old vampire, especially when he was accounting to a sixteen-year-old girl. The exception in this situation was that Buffy wasn’t just any girl.

“Angel.” Buffy slid off the tombstone and stood in front of him, crossing her arms defensively. “What are you doing here?” The question was innocent enough, but the fire in her eyes left little doubt that Buffy was not happy to see him.

“We need to talk.”

“Really?” Buffy piped back with a sardonic edge.

She knew what they had to talk about, but had clearly decided to go with the feigned surprise routine. Angel heaved an internal sigh, thoughts drifting once again to the less complicated rats.

There was a moment of silence as neither party made any move towards progressing a conversation that neither really wanted.

“Yeah, we do.” Angel crossed his arms, purposefully mirroring Buffy’s stance. He wanted this finished. “Cordelia told me what happened.” His voice grated a little more than intended, thoughts of his time with Cordelia stirring emotions and disturbing his inner calm. It didn’t matter that no one had been unfaithful. Only hours before he had wanted to make love with Cordelia, and even if unwarranted, guilt had crept in.

“And so naturally she ran to share her pain with you.” Her tone heavy with sarcasm and disgust.

Buffy was reacting with the immaturity of youth, and determined to make his point, Angel ignored the implied accusation. “No one went behind your back, Buffy.”

Looking into dark chocolate eyes Buffy felt her resolve waver at the conviction in his voice. Then images flashed; Angel and Cordelia laughing together at The Bronze, arriving back late from patrol, swiftly pushing those doubts aside. Her eyes hardened and she turned away, not wanting Angel to see her brief indecision. “Honestly? I don’t know what to think. All I know is that you two got friendly pretty quickly after we broke up.”

“Key words Buffy; after we broke up.”

Angel watched Buffy move agitatedly amongst the gravestones, trying to gauge the likely outcome. She needed time for rationality to sink in and he needed to step back and let it happen.

“But you barely said two words to one another before then. Can you blame me for being a little confused by the sudden love-in?”

“Confused I get, but Buffy, I think this goes a little deeper.”

Buffy studied the dark vampire, hating that he knew her so well; when she obviously didn’t know him at all.

Gaining undivided attention, Angel snatched the opportunity to drive his point home. “I would never cheat on you Buffy. Cordelia and I were only friends.” Confident that Buffy’s belief of his faithfulness would be hindered if his feelings for Cordelia were announced too soon, Angel hoped that his choice of past tense had been overlooked.

Realisation began to sink in. “Were?” Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

Damn…Angel winced at her quick uptake. “Cordelia and I…” Angel began slowly, unsure how to describe the almost relationship, “We’re…”

“Oh my God!” Buffy cut in. Her fears were slowly being recognised. “You two are…” She couldn’t get the remaining words out.

“Its not what you think.”

“No? Then tell me Angel; what is it?” Buffy shot back, determined to give the evasive vampire as little manoeuvring space as possible.

Buffy had jumped to conclusions long before he had arrived tonight. She seemed to make her suspicions true, and Angel had no intention of helping her by trying to explain a relationship that he wasn’t sure about himself. Besides, future plans, especially those that included Cordelia, weren’t any of Buffy’s business. “Whatever it is, Buffy; it won’t be discussed here.”

Buffy’s heart was telling her that Angel still loved her, which meant her would never want anyone else; but slayer instinct was reminding her how little she actually knew about the ex-love-of-her-life. Their relationship had played out on the battlefield; all the while denying they were natural enemies. She drew in a deep breath, letting calm wash over her. Slowly anger began to fade to acceptance. She decided to give ‘mature’ another shot.

“You’re right; it’s none of my business.” The admission was painful. “I kinda talked myself into the conspiracy theory thing because it was easier than admitting the truth.” A sly grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. The one that warned wayward demons to beware. “But in my defence, there were cheating signs.”

“I’ll give you that.” Angel responded to Buffy’s challenge, a small smile playing on his lips. It seemed that friends might not be such a stretch after all. “We both thought breaking up was right for us. Nothing happened to change that.”

“I get that.” Buffy finally felt at ease. The last thing she needed was to over analyse part two of their break-up. Besides, a normal conversation with her former boyfriend would be a nice change of pace.

The pair began to stroll through the graveyard, relaxed together for the first time in weeks. They still had a long road to travel before fully-fledged friendship was achieved, but it seemed like they were at least heading in the right direction.

“Don’t expect Xander to be too happy about this.”

“You know what they say – every cloud…”


“Cordelia and Angel are what?”

“Xander, be quiet! We’re on a stealthy mission, remember?” Buffy frowned at her friend as she quietly stole closer to the warehouse. “Now Willy said…”

Glancing behind she saw that Xander hadn’t moved from the spot where he’d uttered his outraged question. Heaving an impatient sigh, Buffy returned to his side.

“They’re dating?” Xander swallowed hard, but the lump in his throat refused to budge making the words come out a hoarse whisper.

“I didn’t say that, and do we have to talk about this now?” She gestured to the dimly lit area they were standing in.

Buffy more than understood Xander’s reaction, but she didn’t want to deal with it when she had a demon to track. I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned it.She kicked herself for thinking it was something that could be slipped into conversation, but Buffy had needed to share the news with her friends. And knowing that Xander would take it the hardest, she had saved him for last; hoping that telling him while they were ‘working’ would temper his reaction.So shoulda known better…

“Buffy, you can’t just drop a bombshell like that and expect me to carry on playing hunt the demon. You just told me that Cordelia and Angel are dating.”

Buffy quickly glanced around, half expecting a mass of vampires to leap out at them after Xander’s not so stealthy outburst. To her relief all remained still and quiet, and she turned back to her now pacing friend.

“Ok – first, I didn’t say they were dating…I just said that something is going on with them. And second – will you shut up! My God, are you trying to get us killed?”

“Sorry, but what did you expect?” He hissed.

Realising that he was failing in his roles of backup, Xander drew in a deep breath that did little to soothe his anxiety. This wasn’t them playing the ‘Angel is a lying, cheating vampire’ game. Buffy needed him calm, but his friend confirming that weeks of denial were true made that almost impossible. “Sorry, but did you expect me to wish them luck?”

“What? No. I don’t know.” Buffy sighed. What did she expect? Xander was as shocked as she was over Angel’s almost revelation. “I just thought you should know. I mean we have to work with them, so its best that’s its all out in the open; right?” The blonde flung her arms wide to encompass the space around them, her faux cheerful tone grating on raw nerves.

“And you don’t have a problem with this? Last I heard Angel was the ex from Hell, and Cordelia should be walking around with a scarlet letter.” Eyebrows practically in his hairline, Xander fixed his friend with a probing look.

Buffy shifted uncomfortably under Xander’s glare, not liking the reminder of her little trip to the land of the paranoid people. But then, Angel was her ex, Buffy rationalised. She had every right to be suspicious. Xander on the other hand hated the vampire and had been happy to go along for the ride.

“Look, I’m not saying its not weird, ‘cos it is. Believe me; the thought of Angel and Cordelia together is so not a picture I want in my head, but if I’m dealing with it then you can too.” Arms crossed Buffy fixed him with a look that promised painful retribution if he didn’t back down. Sometimes being a slayer had its perks.

“Fine. Whatever.” Xander threw up his hands in surrender, contradicting his scowl and gruff tone. “Why Cordelia is dating the bloodsucker who tried to turn her into a Halloween snack will remain a mystery. I always thought she had standards …like breathing, or being on the football team…”

On the surface Xander was accepting, but underneath he was reeling from the news. Once again dead boy gets the girl, he silently groused. What was it about Angel that made all the girls forget he was a walking corpse with an unhealthy appetite? Xander wasn’t blinded by the vampire’s charm and planned to keep a close eye on him, even if that meant spending his Saturday nights whittling stakes.

“Listen, Angel didn’t say that anything official was going on” Buffy emphasised the key word, hoping it would finally sink into her friend’s thick skull. “It was more…subtexty.” Buffy wanted to make sure that she wasn’t accused of jumping to unfounded conclusions again. Been there, had that non-fun conversation.

“Ok, whatever you say. Just don’t ask me to congratulate the guy, or offer any dating tips.”

One blonde eyebrow arched as she shot her friend a teasing grin. “Dating tips, Xander?”

“What? I could have tips. Its not like you’ve ever bothered to ask.” Arms crossed defensively, Xander presented the perfect picture of a wounded friend.

Finally Buffy felt a smidgen of relief. If Xander was wisecracking then he was dealing, even if it required effort.

“So can we get back to what we came here for?” She moved off towards the warehouse again, Xander tailing in her wake.

“Sure. I’m definitely in the mood to find the demon that may want to kill Angel.” His tone was laced with sarcasm, and unable to let it go, Xander continued to mutter under his breath. “I may shake it by the hand and give it dead boy’s address…”

Buffy shook her head, refusing to look back. She’d done her best. Now it was up to Xander.


Footsteps echoed down the long, empty corridor. School was out for the day and the sane among the Sunnydale High student body were long gone; enjoying every bit of freedom they could get.

Angel glanced down at Cordelia walking beside him, lost in thought. Honestly, he’d been expecting a barrage of questions from her about his meeting with Buffy, but she hadn’t once brought the subject up. Entering unfamiliar territory, Angel decided to raise the topic; the rasp of his throat being cleared joined the echo of their footsteps.

“I – uh…I talked to Buffy last night.”

“Uh huh.” Cordelia continued to stare resolutely ahead, hoping that if she failed to properly acknowledge the conversation then it would go away. Her hands worked at endlessly twisting the edge of her sweater.

The tragic love story of Buffy and Angel had become required reading in Sunnydale; and for some reason fate had written her into the latest chapter. Cordelia didn’t like the idea of being the male lead’s temporary distraction, never mentioned again once the page was turned.

The fact that she was acting as paranoid as Buffy didn’t escape Cordelia’s notice either. Alone in her room, while Angel had a heart to heart with his ex, doubt had crept in. And to Cordelia’s dismay, even her inner bitch was scary enough to send it running.

“Do you want to know how it went?” Normally the first to jump on a get out of jail free card, Angel felt strangely compelled to try and draw Cordelia into conversation. The Buffy situation had been resolved, they were free to move forward and Angel was more than eager to do just that. Although Cordelia’s near silence on the subject did little for his confidence.

Despite the nagging doubts, it was time to turn the page. Coming to a halt, Cordelia drew in a deep, calming breath of air. “Sure.” She smiled brightly up at him. “I guess it would be useful to know if I’m about to face a short blonde with an attitude problem, and a punch that could knock me into the middle of next week. “She sighed. “I am so not dressed for violence.”

“There won’t be any violence.” Angel was quick to reassure.

“Great. So, I’m guessing that since you’re standing here sharing, and not a big pile of dust, that your little chat went well?”

Angel was silent for a moment, puzzled by Cordelia’s blasé attitude. She had seemed so worried at his apartment, but now…now it seemed almost unimportant, although the drumming of fingers against her thigh suggested otherwise. What if she regretted their kiss? The tense line of her body gave little away.

“Buffy knows we didn’t cheat.”

When no further information was offered Cordelia felt annoyance begin to set in. Angel had started the conversation; the least he could do was spill all the details.

“Good. That’s good. And?” She prompted, struggling to keep the edge of desperation out of her voice. The topic had been broached, now she needed to know all the gory details. Cordelia clenched her fists to keep them from reaching out and shaking the information from the irritating vampire.

Angel blinked, cursing his lack of conversational skills. “And everything is fine.” He hoped that was the answer she was looking for.

“Wow, you really don’t like to give too much away do ya?” One slender eyebrow was raised in question. “If the cheating was covered then I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the subject of you and me came up.”

“It did.”

“And?” If she could just hear what he’d said to Buffy, then Cordelia would know where she stood for sure.

Angel heard her heart rate increase, the nervous tattoo telling him more about the importance of the question than any words ever could. “And I told Buffy it was none of her business.”

“You did?” That’s good, right? If Angel were hoping to get back with the slayer then denial would have been the track to take.

“Yes…Cordelia, what else was I going to say?” Angel waited for an answer. If oxygen had been an issue he’d be holding his breath.

They had kissed, and it had been…intense. But then Cordelia had left and euphoria had faded to uncertainty. She had come to him angry and upset, what if it had just been her emotions running high and not real feelings? Angel needed to hear from her own lips what was happening between them.

“I don’t know. Nothing…Angel…” Cordelia turned to face him fully, their eyes met and held. “What happened between us was…”

Angel braced himself for rejection.

“…Amazing.” She slowly raised a hand to brush along his tense jaw line. “But I don’t want to get stuck in the middle of any vampire-slayer games.”

“Seems to be a lot of that going around.” A lazy grin swept across his face, tight shoulders relaxed, he knew the kiss had been pretty good. The relief at her words flowed through his body, allowing pent up tensions to be washed away.

“Yeah well, don’t get used to it. Cordelia Chase does not do jealousy.”

“There’s no need. Buffy and I are over. Whereas you and me, we’re…” Angel trailed off, his gaze boring into hers.

“We’re what?” Cordelia whispered, inching her face closer to his.

“We’re just beginning.”

Their lips met in a gentle kiss. Cordelia closed her eyes and revelled in simply being close to Angel, drawing in his uniquely male scent. Never had something felt so very right.

Slowly the pair drew apart, each taking a shaky breath.

“We should get to the library.” Cordelia was reluctant to end the moment, but was intensely aware of their surroundings. Now she knew where their relationship stood, she was content to let it develop at a natural pace.

“Should we?” Angel’s voice was husky with desire.

Placing a hand in the centre of his chest, Cordelia attempted to force Angel to take a step back. It was like pushing against a really hot brick wall. “Yes. Demon in town looking for you, remember? Giles has info to share.”

“I’m sure it’ll still be looking for me tomorrow.” Angel placed a hand on top of hers, trapping it against his chest.

“Oh, and do you want to be the one to explain that we missed the meeting ‘cos we were making out in the hall?” Cordelia’s tone was half serious, half longing. Making out in the hall sounded like a totally great idea right at that moment.

Heaving a reluctant sigh Angel released her hand and stepped away. “You’re right. Let’s get this over with.”

Both slowly turned and headed towards the library. As they walked a large cool hand reached over and took hold of one of Cordelia’s, twining their fingers together.

Angel felt the beginnings of happiness stir within him. The future was looking bright.


Locked in the tight hold of two exceptionally strong vampires, Angels halted his struggle to break free and instead focused on the real threat in the room. “What do you want?”

“Want?” Jenoff slowly circled; his calculated move readily understood, even when the skilled hunter had temporarily become the prey. “Only to free you from your own restraints.”

“And here I was treating you like one of the bad guys.” Angel mocked, anger rising when his adversary responded with a smug grin.

Jenoff looked around at the apartment’s disarray. Broken furniture and glass filled the small area. “I was expecting no less. In fact…I was counting on it.” Stepping closer he reached out his hands, a satisfied chuckle sounding out when Angel instinctively wrenched his head away. “Resisting only makes it hurt more.” Following the vampire’s movements, his palms eventually came to rest on cool cheeks.

Panic rose to an almost uncontrollable height as a familiar burn began to radiate through his body. “You don’t know what you’re doing…the terror you’re about to set loose.”

“Oh but I do…Angelus.”

Even dead blood cells store adrenaline, and pure, undiluted desperation kicked it into action. Strength renewed, Angel threw off the two vampires, assailants to be dealt with later. Escape outweighed revenge, and Angel threw himself through the splintered remains of the door. Time was of the essence and his sole focus was on finding and warning the others.

A dark blur flashed past puzzled pedestrians as Angel raced towards his destination. Unsure if Jenoff had failed in his objective, Angel didn’t want to take any chances, sure that the demon would try again. He had to warn people before it was too late. Then Buffy could lock him away somewhere, far from those Angelus would hurt.

Cordelia…Angelus had unfinished business with the feisty brunette. A haze of muddled emotions descended, blocking coherent thought. Demon and soul shared their memories and fantasies. They dreamed of loving her, ravishing her, and finally, devouring her. Time was now Angel’s biggest threat against saving Cordelia.

The Gym…Their last conversation flashed through his mind. They had arranged to meet for their first official date after cheerleading practice.

Panic surging higher, Angel flung open the doors. The crash of metal against brick rang through the large, open space.

Cordelia jerked around, cursing her bad luck. Ready to leave, she had turned off the lights only seconds before the loud bang. Well-honed survival instincts kicking in, she kept her back pressed against the walls as she waited for her eyes to adjust.

A familiar silhouette moved through the room. “Angel?” She hesitantly risked, then blew a relieved sigh when he stepped into her narrow line of vision.

His form barely visible in the faint light, Angel stood stock-still. His clothes were torn and dishevelled, faded bruises and scrapes shadowing his face, his hands clenched fists at his sides.

“Angel what’s wrong?” This was new. Angel nervous, almost afraid. The desire to try and soothe his fears came to the fore. Cordelia reached out a hand to cup his face, her fingers drawn to the dried blood trailing the outline of his cheek.

Angel jerked away, hating but choosing to ignore the hurt and confusion that flared in normally bright hazel depths. He couldn’t afford distraction, couldn’t risk his emotions failing her.

The burn was escalation, spreading across his chest in to his limbs. “Cordelia, you need to get away from me.”

“What?” The gruff warning unexpected, Cordelia let her hand fall, but refused to back away. “What’s wrong with you?”

Every inch of his flesh felt as though it was engulfed in the very flames of hell. Jenoff hadn’t failed, and time was running out. “Please just go. Go now before it’s too late.” Angel was desperate, he didn’t have to strength to leave, and the sensation was too eerily familiar to be misinterpreted.

What had been a spark of panic was fast being fanned into a forest fire. This time Cordelia heeded the warning and stepped back, but her need to help Angel was stronger than her instinctive urge to flee.

“Damn it Cordelia, run.” Even talk shot needles of pain through his body; the effort to stand too much, Angel gave in and sank to his knees. “Find Buffy…she can…protect you.”

“God Angel, what’s happening?” Cordelia cried, shaking her head in denial and backing further away. Indecision making it impossible for her to move in one direction or the other, Cordelia dug her heels in and clung onto shaky ground. “I won’t leave you. I’ll call Buffy, she can come here.”

Huddled on all fours with his chin sagging against his chest, Angel drew in a long breath then slowly released it in a painful hiss. It was happening and he was helpless to stop it. With his soul’s last breath Angel prayed that Buffy would find the strength to destroy him.

He slowly lifted his head, dark eyes disappearing in a swirl of amber as his mouth stretched into an evil grin.

“I said run, bitch. I like to play with my food a little.”


Come on, come on…Cordelia’s mind raced alongside her frantically beating heart, as she waited for the door to safety to open. Knuckles turned white as they resisted the urge to bang again and demand entrance. Quick glances behind confirmed that no menacing shadow was emerging from the darkness, but Cordelia wasn’t sure how long her luck would hold.

The doorway to sanctuary opened and she pushed her way in; and finally safe, Cordelia slumped against the heavy wood that now separated her from the unthinkable. Panic and adrenaline continued to surge though already overworked veins, causing her breaths to come in short, ragged pants. Realising that her breathing was the only sound in the silence, Cordelia slowly opened eyes that had been closed in an effort to block out the evening’s events, and encountered three startled gazes fixed firmly upon her. Well, she mused absently, guess Buffy wasn’t expecting me.

“Cordelia? Um…not that you’re not welcome, but is there a problem?” Buffy asked while Xander and Willow silently questioned with a high quirk of their brows.

The question was reasonable given her frantic arrival, but her brain struggled to form a coherent answer. Exhaustion was fast threatening to overtake her, as Cordelia pondered the reply to give. Maybe she had reacted too quickly, run without being sure; but remembering that cruel look in Angel’s eyes that final instant sent shivers down her spine. And his last words, “I said run, bitch. I like to play with my food a little,” broke her heart.

“Geez, it’s not like I’d be here on a social call.” Cordelia winced, regretting the snappish comeback before it was even finished. Survival instincts, she rationalised. Never let them see you cry. “Sorry,” she sheepishly mumbled to the girl she’d run to for help.

“Forget it.” Buffy stated with a matter-of-fact air; then shifting from dejected ex to slayer, her tone mellowed, offering a semblance of calm and reassurance. “Just tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s Angel.” His voice flat and emotionless, Xander readily accused, standing firm against the glares aimed at him. It was a statement, not a question. His voice softened at Cordelia’s obvious distress, but his eyes narrowed, daring her to dispute his claim. “I’m right, aren’t I?”


Dread shuddered through the now deadly quiet room, Cordelia’s grim and disheartened expression confirming more bad news would follow.

“What about Angel?” Buffy moved forward, clutching Cordelia’s shoulders. Forcing them face-to-face, green eyes met hazel; both filled with fear for the man they loved.

“Something’s happened to him.” Cordelia admitted, Buffy’s expectant expression making her uncomfortable. “Angel was meeting me for our first…” She trailed off, a sad smile lifting the corners of her mouth as romantic dreams faded into the distance. Then the words fell in a rush. Angel’s desperate warning as he sank to his knees, the cruel twist of his face, his haunting threat as she ran for her life.

The room constricted, breathing suddenly became hard as Buffy listened to Cordelia’s harrowing tale. Halloween night flashing to the forefront of her mind’s eye, fears old and new blended into a mass of uncertainty and fear.


Willow’s gentle voice broke into her thoughts; and turning to face her friend, Buffy drew in a steadying breath. “I’m ok, Will.” She lied for the sake of her companions, or maybe her own sanity. “We go to Giles. Try to piece together what happened.” And taking a mental step back, Buffy took control, praying that she would not fail in her responsibilities. “Did you bring your car?”

“What?” Realizing the question was aimed at her, Cordelia’s head jerked up. “Uh, yeah.”

“Good. Then let’s go, and until we figure out what’s going on, we stick together.” Buffy ordered in a tone that discouraged and thoughts of disagreement.

Although surprised that Buffy’s immediate action had not been to find Angel, arguing with the slayer was the last thing on Cordelia’s mind. Strangely she found comfort in Buffy’s take-charge attitude, and clung to their strained camaraderie.

“Then we’ll do what we should have done last time.” Xander’s criticism may have been justified, but it was far from timely, and it earned him a swift jab to the ribs from Willow. “Ok, ok,” he attempted to amend. “Then you owe me a big fat I told you so.” His attempt at levity falling flat, another sharp poke was directed his way.

Her eyes a mixture of sadness and hope, Cordelia grasped Buffy’s arm as she turned to leave. “We’ll help Angel, right?”

“We will.” Buffy assured, giving Cordelia’s hand a quick squeeze.

A silent understanding passed between the two. Both loved Angel and both would risk their lives to help him. They would fight for him, but if hope turned bleak only one would have to do the unimaginable. Cordelia’s heart clenched and she reached up, brushing her fingers down Buffy’s arm. Her smile weak but determined, Buffy responded with equal gentleness. A promise had been made; to battle for the man they both loved.


Freedom. The soul was gone and he was free. A satisfied smile tugged at the corners of Angelus’ mouth. He stood in the now deserted gym and slowly stretched out each muscle, revelling in their strength once again being at his disposal. He was back in control and life was good. Whatever mojo that demon worked had been the real deal – not a costume or soul in sight.

He glanced round the empty room and grinned. A high school gym. He imagined it brimming with students at a pep rally, what a massacre could be had. Now he was free anything was possible. Pleasant images of bleeding students scattered amidst a sea of pom poms danced through his head.

Those happy thoughts slowly gave way to consideration of his next move, to give chase or hang back? Options of how to play the game were always fun, they added suspense to the proceedings. Angelus was a vampire who liked choice in how to stalk his victims; variety was, after all, the spice of unlife.

Cordelia had sprinted out of the gym as though the devil himself was at her heels. Angelus couldn’t help a wry smile at the near accurate description. And the pain in her eyes before she’d turned away had been a thing of beauty. He’d let her go, let her run to the slayer and her band of merry men, and spread the word of his return. Tough call, he’d smelt the sweat from her work-out clinging to her body, highlighting her natural scent. Soul or no soul, it was intoxicating…alluring.

Angelus was not a vampire who craved instant gratification; those baser impulses were reserved for lesser demons. Angelus was an artist, intricate plots played out amidst a tapestry of pain and fear were his forte. And Cordelia would be his masterpiece. That he would have her wasn’t in question, it was the how and the when. The soul had sent her scampering for cover, and the joy of the hunt lay before him.

Buffy would try and protect Cordelia, but Angelus was counting on that. He would have such fun with The Chosen One. Her worst nightmare come to life and all because she failed to track down the demon responsible. Weeks of pleasurable emotional torment stretched out before him. Such delight he would take in mocking Buffy’s inability to keep safe those she loved. Soul lost, demon unleashed and Hell to pay. All these things he would lay at the feet of the world-weary slayer and would relish watching her bow and snap under the pressure. Failure and guilt, two of the greatest punishments.

But that was business, purely practical. The mental torture would be fun, but it would also weaken Buffy. Doubt killed slayers, and Angelus planned to sow many seeds of insecurity.

Cordelia on the other hand would be wholly for pleasure. Blondes were great to screw with, or just plain screw, but it was the brunettes that really drove him wild. Finally the soul had developed taste and the vampire would take what before he had only dreamed of. He would court her in his own unique way, with threats and roses. Nothing said love like the severed head of a beloved friend.

First though it was time to drop in on Spike and Dru. He looked forward to Spike’s inevitable confusion at his now soulless state, his grandchilde never had been the sharpest knife in the drawer. Maybe he would pretend to be soulboy for a while first, really wind the blonde up…

Angelus grinned in anticipation. Free from all restraint he could be the vampire he was destined to be. So many plans, so little time. Time for the games to begin.


An uneasy silence hung in the air. The coffee table littered with unread books and empty cups. A lone slice of pizza sat forlornly in its box, forgotten by the room’s occupants, who had more pressing matters to take their attention.

Rupert Giles studied his young charges. The shock and disbelief on their so-young faces was easy to read and his heart broke at the thought of the struggle to come.

That it would be a struggle he didn’t doubt. Two girls pulled into a life of grim fairytales and horror stories, made women before their time. Both were victims of their heart’s desire, and one a reluctant assassin. Cursing the fate that bound him to the role of advisor he returned to his reading, finding brief solace in the familiarity of research.

Safely closeted inside Giles’ home, the strength of a slayer within arm’s reach, Cordelia settled herself on the far side of the room. Close proximity to the protection she needed, breathing room she needed more. Pretending to read the heavy text propped on her knees, the words soon faded into an illegible blur.

Living on a hellmouth, Cordelia knew fear; had even survived the threat of death on occasion. But nothing could have prepared her for tonight. Angel…Her stomach wrenched at the memory. Yesterday he was gentle and tender, and loving. And now he could be the cold-blooded killer Giles warned them about; or he could be hurt, confused and alone. She didn’t know, not for sure, because she had run to safety.

Getting the hell out of the gym had been her only option. Cordelia knew that with all the certainty of a Sunnydale native. Generations of natural selection had made sure that residents of the hellmouth knew when flight was better than fight. But that knowledge did little to assuage the guilt thrumming through her veins.

Angel had told her to run, begged her to escape before it was too late. Cordelia shook her head, dispelling the duel voices resonating inside her head; one desperate and caring, the other cold and cruel.

“Uh, Cordelia? You might want to put the book down before you break it.”

Startled by Xander’s whisper cutting into her thoughts, Cordelia glanced down at the book tightly clutched in a white-knuckle death-grip. She sent a small smile of apology to Giles and carefully placed the old tome on the coffee table.

“Thanks.” She softly murmured to Xander, not wanting to shatter the hushed peace.

“No problem. I’d hate to see you on the receiving end of one of Giles’ proper care of musty, old books lectures. Can we say dull?”

Cordelia gave a dutiful chuckle at Xander’s comment, knowing that to him a crisis called for humour. Sadly, all the jokes in the world would do nothing to lift the oppressive atmosphere, this crisis too close to two of the hearts in the room.

Seated silently in the opposite corner Buffy’s gaze was riveted on the stake in her hands, as she slowly worked the tip into a deadly point. Research had never been her thing, and right now she didn’t think her mind could handle any more gruesome details of Angel’s deadly past. Focus on the practical, deal with the emotional later, it was the mantra that would see her though this nightmare. Risking a quick glance up, her eyes were caught in a bright hazel gaze. A sad smile passed between the two girls before both returned to their respective tasks.

The shadow of Angelus loomed over them, and worse, both had faced his soulless alter ego. But in that moment another silent pledge was made. They would exhaust every possibility to save the vampire that had touched their hearts. Angel’s soul had been restored once, and that gave them hope.

Chapter 17

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