Reality Bites 11-12


Cordelia paced up and down the library, grateful for the solitude afforded by the deserted space. Thinking was easier when alone, if only the same could be said for solutions. Two nights ago Angel had saved her life and now she was spiralling even further down the road of extreme confusion. Add to that the quandary of Angel’s irresistible hotness and Cordelia found herself stuck firmly between a rock and a hard place. She sighed out loud, pausing to glare up at the ceiling, “You’re just not going to make this easy for me, are you?”

Angel was a good guy and Cordelia knew it. He’d helped Buffy time and again without any expectation of thanks but simply because it was the right thing to do. So he’d tried to kill her, he’d also saved her; maybe the slate had been wiped clean. They lived on the Hellmouth, turning into a homicidal maniac was almost a right of passage. Maybe it was time to move on, to thank Angel for saving her and forgive him for something that had been beyond his control.

Why was attraction to Angel a problem now? Before their freaky Halloween she’s been more than ready and willing to do all she could to make him notice her. Another sigh escaped, giving Cordelia her answer; Angel was a vampire. She just wasn’t sure she could reconcile herself to the thought that she was lusting after someone who needed an extended course of electrotherapy to get his heart beating.

Next on her seemingly endless list of disasters waiting to happen was Buffy and Angel still officially being a couple. Buffy was not a girl you wanted to piss off; mock her fashion sense – yes, steal her boyfriend – no. It didn’t matter that Buffy and Angel seemed less than close these days, Cordelia Chase was not a cheater. Maybe if I picture Angel wearing socks and sandals…

Angel watched as Cordelia paced up and down, hesitant to interrupt an apparently fascinating internal conversation. Five minutes later he was still standing there, reluctant to give up this opportunity to talk without an audience. A decision was made.

The dry, gruff sound of Angel clearing his throat resonated through the room. “Cordelia…”She spun round, hazel eyes wide with shock.

“Angel…hey…are you…is it…what are you doing here?” Finally gathering her wits Cordelia was able to form a coherent question.

“I thought there was a meeting tonight. Something about the end of the world again.” He answered, slowly advancing into the room.

Cordelia stepped back, regaining the space between them. “It got cancelled.”

“The end of the world?”

“No, the meeting. Buffy has a biology test tomorrow so Giles rescheduled.” She answered his questions automatically while her mind frantically scrambled to figure out what to say next.

“So why are you here?” Angel asked, slipping his hands into his pockets and coming to a halt on the opposite side of the table, content to let the illusion of a barrier stand while firmly blocking the exit.

“I…well I…I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Cordelia suddenly burst out, “If I want to pace in the school library then I will.” She crossed her arms and fixed him with a narrow-eyed glare.

Angel quickly held up his hands in mock surrender, “You’re right, it has nothing to do with me. I was just curious. An uncomfortable silence fell; neither of them was willing to move from their respective positions or to offer any further conversation.

Cordelia concentrated on steeling her resolve, determined that now was the time for the ‘thank you’. The sooner it was delivered the sooner it would be over, and the lack of an audience was a big plus.

Angel stood silently watching the array of emotions playing across the young woman’s face, skilfully concealing his scrutiny. Lost in deep thought Cordelia was clearly in the middle of another internal debate. Leaving was not an option so he frantically cast about his mind for something to say, commenting on the weather passed as quickly as it arrived, it would only serve to highlight his lack of conversational skills, plus it wasn’t the most scintillating of topics. He was saved by Cordelia.

“Listen Angel, I just wanted to say thank you…for the other night.” She continued as dark brows shot up in surprise. “You know for tackling me, saving me from a rampaging demon and ruining my Riberio skirt.” Cordelia surveyed the library, intent on looking anywhere that wasn’t Angel.

Angel struggled to respond to the unexpected gratitude, “You welcome,” forced it’s way out amidst much throat clearing. “Uh…and sorry about your skirt. Vampire strength,” he offered without thinking, giving himself a mental kick before the words had even left his mouth.

“Well, the death of my Riberio aside, I’m grateful. I guess you having vamp strength is a big plus for me.” She gave him an uncertain smile and walked round the table extending her hand.

Angel slowly manoeuvred around the large block of wood separating them, determined to respect Cordelia’s silent request for formality as he reached out to grasp her hand.

The instant their skin touched the air heated, making it near impossible for Cordelia to catch her breath, she found herself mesmerised by his dark, chocolate gaze, looking away was impossible.

Angel could hear her heart racing. Her heated blood sang a siren song, calling to him, battering against his ever-waning resistance. Passions rose and currents of desire swirled through the room. The edged closer, lips parting, teetering on the brink of a kiss…

The library doors swung open and Giles entered carrying a large stack of books that were swaying precariously. Placing the books on the counter he turned and made his way to the card catalogue, oblivious of the other two occupants of the room as they sprang apart, struggling to regain their composure.

“Good Lord,” exclaimed Giles, clutching his chest. “What on earth are you two doing here? Didn’t you get the message that the meeting has been postponed until tomorrow?” He asked, unsure of what he had just interrupted but quite sure that he didn’t like it.

“I came in for a book for class and ran into Angel,” Cordelia managed with barely a stutter. “I was just filling him in on the whole end of the world slash biology test thing,” she rapidly improvised.

“Uh yeah…I haven’t talked to Buffy today so I didn’t know about the change.” Angel was quick to join Cordelia in explaining to the watcher how they came to be alone in the library. Why do I feel like I’m explaining myself to her father?

“I see,” said Giles slowly, giving the pair a considering look. “Cordelia, it’s getting late; shall I walk you to your car?” He wasn’t going to give them the opportunity for more alone time. Buffy’s confusion over Angel was bad enough; he refused to allow another of his young charges to become entangled with the vampire.

“Thanks…that would be great,” Cordelia agreed, glancing at Angel as she followed in Giles’ wake. It would be easier to decide if the watcher’s arrival was a good thing or not without the distraction of a certain tall, dark bloodsucker.

Angel watched them leave, he now knew what he wanted; he just had to figure out how to get it. He stood for a moment staring at the empty space in front of him, a distant voice echoing inside his head…I know how to get what I want.


Shifting from foot to foot Angel shoved his hands in his pockets and began to seriously question the sanity of his plan. The impulsive decision was beginning to feel like a stupid idea. . I seem to get a lot of those, he mused, the donning of a certain costume springing to mind closely followed by memories of his last visit…

“Sorry about that, my Mom was just checking that I wasn’t throwing any wild parties while she’s out of town.” Buffy considered that thought for a moment and the conclusion she reached was more than a little upsetting, “…like I have time to actually plan anything like that.”

Silence. Angel shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and continued to shift his weight while Buffy examined familiar knickknacks with the intensity of someone seeing them for the first time. Witty repartee had never been a big part of their relationship and until recently that hadn’t been a problem – post patrol make-out sessions more than compensating.

“Well, this feels awfully familiar,” her quiet reflection breaking the peace, at his look of confusion she continued, “You know…you used to show up all cryptic guy with the news of the next big catastrophe then disappear into the night.”

“Oh yeah, right.” Angel obviously wasn’t going to offer anymore than that so Buffy decided to take the bull by the horns, or rather the vampire by the fangs,

“So what did you want to talk about?” Angel wasn’t one for spontaneous social calls, she knew it must be something important and wasn’t sure that she really wanted to hear what he had to say.

Giving his boots a thorough inspection and finding no answers Angel cleared his throat, the rough sound grating through the room. Buffy deserved an honest answer; their relationship may be ending but there was the possibility for real friendship to begin. When he was human most of his relationships had lasted only the span of a night and when he was Angelus he’d usually just kill the girl in question. This was his first break up, and both he and Buffy deserved honesty.

“This isn’t working anymore…us…we’re not working, are we?” He had said it, and now all Angel could do was wait for the reaction.

Buffy seemed to be having trouble lifting her eyes past his Adam’s apple as she gave her answer. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Her calm response caused Angel no little surprise, Buffy was an emotional person and he couldn’t help but wonder if this was simply the calm before the storm.

Angel felt the need to try and explain, to show that this hadn’t been an easy decision. “Buffy, you’re a special person…special to me and I want you to know that. I’d like to keep helping you fight, if you want me to.” He meant it; their romantic relationship may be over but Buffy’s responsibilities as the slayer was never ending and he wouldn’t abandon her.

“I’d like that too.” It was official, her first semi-grown up relationship was ending and for the first time in days Buffy felt like she could look forward to spending time with Angel. “Wow, did we grow up and no one told us?

“Looks that way.” He smiled, relieved that things seemed to be going well.

“You know…” Buffy grinned, relaxing now that the heavy stuff was almost over, “For a minute there I thought you were going to propose.”

“What? Propose? God, no!

“What!” Came Buffy’s outraged cry. She may agree it was time to go their separate ways but that didn’t mean admitting Angel wasn’t ‘the one’ didn’t hurt.

“No, Buffy I…” Angel choked as he tried to find the words to rescue the situation. “I would…if things were different…maybe.” Good was quickly turning to bad. I really shouldn’t be surprised by that.

“It’s alright Angel. I was just kidding…” Kind of…“But that deer trapped in headlights look really works for you.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. So do you want company on patrol?” The thought no longer terrified him plus he doubted that Cordelia would be as agreeable tonight; and spending friendship time with Buffy would be good for both of them.

Buffy thought for a moment; was she ready to take that leap from girlfriend to just friend? “No, I think I’ll pass. I may be the new ‘mature’ Buffy but some alone time right now sounds good.” The sadness in her eyes was reflected in her own. “Plus I need to talk to Giles,” she offered as an easier explanation.

“Will you tell him…about us?” Angel asked, unsure of how he felt about that. Giles was the closest thing to a father figure in Buffy’s life and anyone who hurt the slayer then had to face the watcher.

“It’s not exactly something I can hide. I’ll tell him it’s an early birthday present, one less to buy.” She smiled, lightening the mood again.

“Make sure you put my name on the card.”

“No problem, it can be from both of us.” Angel smiled in and Buffy’s heart clinched in response, he didn’t smile often but when he did, boy was it worth waiting for. “Well, I should be heading out…” They both moved towards the door in an almost mournful silence, as if out of respect for the relationship that had just passed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Buffy.” Angel walked away feeling lighter, like a weight had been lifted. The right decision had been made. Now they could both move on and Angel knew exactly where he wanted his path to take him.


Heavy tension had once again returned to the library; eerie silence and vengeful looks the order of the day. It had only been a day since the break up; but news, good or bad, had a way of travelling fast.

Keeping to himself as much as the overcrowded table would allow, Angel was beginning to seriously question his offer to continue to help Buffy and her merry band. Had research not suddenly become Cordelia’s favourite pastime he’d probably consider staying away until things settled down.

Xander seemed to be the one intent on drawing blood, and killing the Harris boy was fast becoming inevitable. It was one death both demon and soul agreed on.

“So Angel, does this mean you’re on the look out for a date?” Xander smirked watching the vampire wince, knuckles fading whiter as he gripped the table’s edge. “‘Cos I hear the Sunnydale retirement home is having a bingo night this Friday and you never know one of the ladies there might be looking for an older man.” He sat back and grinned, thoroughly enjoying the vampire’s discomfort. Life was good, even if his shins were going to be black and blue from the kicks he kept receiving from Willow and Buffy.

“Wow Xander, aren’t you just the funny guy tonight? You know if your ‘jokes’ were so predictable …well they’d still be stupid but at least they’d be original.” Cordelia spoke up for the first time. She had planned to put off deciding how she felt about the cancellation of ‘The Buffy and Angel Show’ until she was alone but Xander’s constant hounding of the poor vampire was making the situation impossible to ignore. Gees, Buffy might not want to be with Angel anymore, but she could at least stick up for him…and when did he become ‘the poor vampire?

“What’s that Cordelia? Harmony’s available? You’re a lucky guy Angel, word is she’s a catch.” He was relentless and the room at large realised that there was little that could be done to stop Xander when he was on a mission.

Tired of the endless jabs Angel rose from the table and made his way to the other side of the room, ostensibly to examine a stack of books but in reality everyone knew it was to avoid committing murder.

Deciding that distraction was the only way to go Willow turned to Giles, “So there’s really nothing that needs killing tonight…that’s not in the library I mean.” She asked, the surprise evident in her tone.

Giles turned to the usually timid redhead, a smile on his face, “Well, no more than usual, I’m afraid. It should be rather quiet until the apocalypse next week.”

“So I can have the night off?” Buffy was quick to ask, hopeful that she could enjoy just being a teenager.

“Yes, although I suppose it would be rather pointless of me to suggest that you use this free time wisely; perhaps advancing your studies or heaven forbid…have an early night?”

“Totally pointless,” Was the response that was thrown over Buffy’s shoulder as she turned to the others to discuss plans for the evening.

“I may as well be talking to an empty room.” Muttered Giles as retreated into his office.

“So everyone up for a night at the Bronze?”

“Why not,” Willow happily agreed. “If we’re facing the end of the world next week I say we live a little this week.”

“Great a night of normal is just what I need.” Buffy was literally bouncing at the prospect of a night free from death and carnage; also not having to think about serious stuff was a big plus.

Cordelia sat for a moment debating whether or not to put herself through another night out with the geek squad. Reluctant though she was to admit it she had actually enjoyed the last few times they had all been out together, they may not be her usual crowd but they were good people who were happy to include her. Add to that the fact that going to the Bronze would allow her to put off any thoughts about Angel.

It shouldn’t be this uncomfortable for them, they had managed to reach an understanding, even shook on it…possibly almost kissed. Her thoughts jumbled, Cordelia wasn’t sure if the almost kiss had even been real. Maybe she was making this all harder than it needed to be.

“I’ll come but only if Xander promises not to dance anywhere near me. I do have a reputation to think about.” She glared at Xander to stress her point.

Xander threw up his hands. “Whatever you say, wouldn’t want to put you reputation as queen of cool in danger.” He was smiling as he said it. She reduced the glare to a stern look.

Bored with the snippy banter, Buffy focused her attention on the more important matters…a night of fun. Since she and Angel were taking the mature approach to their split then asking him to join them was the mature thing to do. Besides, she reasoned, watching Xander annoy the hell out of Angel was fun. Maybe not the most grownup of reactions, but no one could expect her to be that mature.

Angel tensed as Buffy approached. He had listened to the plans being made and breathed a sigh of relief when he hadn’t been included. However, Cordelia going along meant that he’d have to adjust his plans. Instead of brooding in the peace and quiet of home, he was now going to spend the night skulking in a dark-shadowed corner or the noisy club.

“Uh, Angel?” She waited for the vampire to turn and face her. “I don’t know if you heard but we’re all heading to the Bronze and I was…uh…wondering if you wanted to come too?” Buffy stood looking uncertain, whether her hesitation was caused by his silence or second thoughts about inviting him Angel couldn’t say.

He weighed up options in his head – say no and be free of Xander, say yes and get to openly hang out with Cordelia. He sighed internally, the things I do…

“That sounds nice,” he said in his most convincingly enthusiastic voice, it actually wasn’t that hard to fake having just glimpsed the look of shock on Xander’s face.

“Great.” Buffy’s enthusiastic voice was even less convincing than Angel’s. “So we’re all going to the Bronze…that’ll be fun.” She offered with an audible crack, her face paling at the death of her night of fun.

To break the tension that had descended everyone began to gather their things and speak in very load voices about how much they were looking forward to the night ahead. Almost everyone.

“Hey, you don’t mind me coming do you?” Angel asked from his place by the doors.

Cordelia’s head jerked up, caught unaware, surprised eyes blinked at Angel leaning next to the doors. “What? No, of course not. We’re good – the handshake – remember?” She gave him a brilliant smile as she walked towards him.

Angel’s eyes darkened as he recalled their last conversation. The handshake wasn’t important, it was the kiss that had almost followed that occupied his thoughts; and judging by the flush creeping across Cordelia’s cheeks she remembered it too.

Ever the gentleman Angel stepped back and held the door open for Cordelia, inhaling her fragrance as she walked past. It’s going to be a long night he thought, unsure if that was a plus or a minus. He turned to follow Cordelia but was brought to an abrupt halt when the brunette spun to face him, eyes betraying that she had something important to say to him.

“Angel…I think…” Cordelia was cut off by Xander Harris calling out to them from the other end of the hallway.

“Hey you two, stop exchanging hair care tips. You’re holding up our night of non-killing fun and let’s face it Angel, your hair will never be as shiny as Cordelia’s no matter what products you try.” He stood clearly waiting for them to catch up. Cordelia and Angel exchanged a look of frustration and helplessness. As they turned to walk down the corridor Angel began to seriously contemplate the merits of snapping the annoying boy’s neck…


“Welcome to Sunnydale” the sign proclaimed. Jenoff doubted he was meant to be included in that statement, but was pleased to accept the invitation either way. The demon was looking forward to spending some quality time on the Hellmouth and, of course, fulfilling his contract with Wolfram and Hart.


The Bronze was full. Teenagers filled every space; drinking, dancing, talking and making out. The air was heavy with, hormones and in the middle of it all stood Angel, once the Scourge of Europe, now reduced to holding the coats as the group hit the dance floor. This is not how I pictured this going.

His eyes strayed to the writhing mass of teenage bodies gyrating to the beat of the music. It was easy to pick Cordelia out of the crowd, aside from her eye catching red top, she moved differently from the others. Her movements were full of grace and assurance, confident that she looked good. His eyes lingered on her gently swaying hips. Angel stood fighting the urge to storm onto the dance floor and drag her off to one of the many dark corners of the club and finally take the kiss that was so long overdue. Why fight it a dark voice whispered from deep inside his mind.

So distracted was the vampire that he didn’t notice Buffy’s appearance in front of him, the noise and heat of the club masking his usually acute vampire senses. Buffy stood for a moment waiting for Angel to acknowledge her, waiting to try out her new found ‘maturity’. However, no greeting appeared, he seemed too busy staring at the dance floor, or rather at someone on the dance floor. Buffy followed Angel’s dark gaze and her eyes came to rest on the lithe form of Cordelia Chase. Turning back to Angel, mind racing, she waved a hand in front of the vampire’s face, determined to get his attention.

“Hello, Earth to Angel…anyone in there?”

Buffy’s voice broke into Angel’s increasingly erotic thoughts, pulling him back to reality. His gaze snapped to the blonde in front of him and he struggled to respond.

“Buffy…hey, not dancing?” Good move, state the obvious.

“No, too hot,” She said, fanning her face. “I thought I’d grab a drink. You ok here?” All the time she was talking Buffy could see Angel continuing to dart looks at the dance floor. Her mind shifted into overdrive, since when did Angel pay any attention to Cordelia? Sure, at Halloween, but he was evil then. As far as she knew Angel had never been interested in the brunette; had he?

“I’m fine, just people watching.” Uncomfortable at being caught off guard, he considered saying more; almost grateful for the approach of Xander and Willow, both panting from their exertions on the dance floor.

“So Angel, seen any date possibilities? I’d be happy to introduce you…” The boy grinned and was promptly dragged away by a frowning Willow in the direction of the bar.

“Sorry about that,” Was Buffy’s awkward, “I should…” She gestured in the direction her friends had taken and walked away, a backwards glance confirmed Angel was once again staring at Cordelia.

He continued to stand there, statue-like, people flowed around him, he ignored them, his focus on one person and one person only. When that person left the dance floor and made her way towards him Angel stood a little straighter, anticipation rising.

“Hey, when did they decide to put a coat-rack in? Oh wait, it’s just you.” Cordelia gave him a puzzled look, “You’ve been standing there for like, half an hour.”

She had noticed him, was Angel’s first thought. Even on the dance floor Cordelia had been aware of him. That thought gave him hope; he was pretty sure she was attracted to him and her awareness of him seemed to confirm that.

“I’m not good in social situations.” Was Angel’s gruff reply. “It seemed safest to keep out of everyone’s way.”

Cordelia regarded the vampire in silence for a moment. Left on his own for most of the evening, Angel didn’t seem too upset by that fact, but Cordelia still felt bad for him. Great Buffy, invite the guy and then abandon him.

“Really? You hide it so well.” She grinned at him to soften the sarcasm. “You sure you’re not just trying to avoid Xander?”

“You caught me, I’m hiding from Harris. I swear if he offers to set me up one more time…” He motioned slitting his throat, enjoying the light-hearted conversation.

“No-one would blame you. Believe me, Xander seems to bring that feeling out in a lot of people. It’s a wonder the boy is still alive” She smiled and turned to cast a critical eye over the other occupants of the club, trying to hide the fact that she was actually having fun.

Across the room Buffy watched the seemingly easy banter. For the first time that evening Angel seemed to have relaxed and was actually talking to someone, the someone being Cordelia Chase hadn’t escaped her notice.

“What do you think they’ve got to talk about?” Xander’s voice came from behind.

“Whatever it is it sure seems to be funny,” Buffy commented as the couple across the room burst into laughter. A feeling was growing inside her and she wasn’t sure what it was. They were officially no longer an item so it couldn’t be jealousy she was feeling; could it? What happened to her reclusive Angel?

“I think it’s good that Angel’s talking and you know, interacting with someone.” Willow said enthusiastically, as though trying to convince the others.

“Sure, it’s just great to see the bloodsucker enjoying himself, really that’s my major concern. Why’d you invite him again, Buff?” Xander ignored the hackers comment and turned to the other girl, whose narrowed gaze was still on Angel and Cordelia.

“You know, I’m not sure anymore.” The ‘mature’ idea was quickly losing its appeal in the face of Angel showing interest in another girl so soon after their split. Had he been telling the truth about why they should break up or was he just clearing the way? Thoughts crowded her head and suddenly a night at the Bronze didn’t seem quite so appealing. “I think I’m gonna head home.”

“We’ll come with you.” Willow was quick to volunteer. “I’ll go let Angel and Cordelia know.” She was stopped by Buffy’s hand on her am.

“I think they’re fine as they are. Come on.” With that she turned and pushed her way through the crowd.

Willow hesitated, “Don’t you think we should tell them we’re leaving?”

Xander thought for a moment, torn between breaking the happy couple up and storming off with Buffy, he chose the latter. “Nah, leave them too it, they probably won’t even notice we’re gone.” Every time Xander thought he was getting a handle on his hatred for the vampire the guy went and did something else to rile it all up again. As he turned to leave the club he made a promise to that if Buffy or Cordelia were hurt by anything Angel may do in the future he would happily introduce him to the pointy end of a stake.

Willow paused casting one more worried glance at the couple left behind. She sighed knowing that stormy weather was rolling in and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


“They’re not here?”


“You’re sure?”

“Yes, I’ve checked three times.” Angel’s voice betrayed his growing irritation.

“Really?” Cordelia seemed unconvinced.

“Yes.” Exasperation evident.


“That’s all you’ve got to say?” Angel was beginning to get more than a little annoyed with the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

“Well what do you expect me to say, Mr I’ve checked the room three times? They’ve clearly left without us.” Exasperation mirroring his own, hiding the hurt Cordelia felt at being left behind.

“So does this mean we can leave too?” Angel asked hopefully. He had been enjoying spending time with Cordelia, but there were simply too many people around, bumping into them, interrupting. He craved some alone time with her and was starting to miss the days when he’d happily massacre a room full of people to get what he wanted.

“Well, I don’t know about you but I’m gonna head home.” She yawned. “All these late nights fighting the good fight are starting to cut into my beauty sleep.”

“I’ll see you home.” He offered quickly, thinking he wouldn’t be able to cope if sleep made Cordelia any more beautiful.

“You don’t have to, I have my car.” Alone with Angel would not be a good thing. Their pact to forgive and forget would work best without any of the pesky temptations that being alone would raise.

“Well…you know…there are some demons out there who like to chase moving vehicles, they think they’re…shiny.” Angel was madly improvising, no way was he letting the longed for alone time slip away.

“Really?” A look of scepticism passed across Cordelia’s face. He nodded. “Wow, they have a demon for everything. Ok let’s go big guy, with you around I’m sure no demon would dare to even look at my car.”

Angel trailed I her wake, a contented smile on his face. He had got exactly what he wanted, no argument necessary. He doubted the rest of the night would go so smoothly, the brunette had a tendency to complicate things.

As Cordelia manoeuvred her car through the quiet streets of Sunnydale she marvelled at how comfortable she felt with Angel. Had someone told her a few days ago about this she would have laughed them out the room.

As long as I don’t think about kissing him everything will be fine. She drew in a deep breath and focused on the road, an image of kissing Angel now firmly lodged in her brain.

Angel noticed the girl beside him stiffen slightly and wondered what she was thinking. Deciding to take the plunge and actually make conversation he broke the silence, “You’re not upset that the others left without us are you?”

“What? No!” Cordelia was snapped out of her unsettling daydream. “What was the question?”

“Are you annoyed that about Buffy and the others bailing without saying anything?” Angel tried again, noticing the flush stealing across her cheeks.

“Why should I be? If they want to pass up the chance for some of my incredible popularity to rub off on them then it’s their loss.”

Angel was just beginning to understand the inner workings of Cordelia’s thought process, the stinging sarcasm a cover for the hurt she was actually feeling. He felt a sudden resentment towards Buffy and company for their desertion. Sure it got him some alone time, but with an annoyed Cordelia, which was nowhere near as fun as a relaxed Cordelia.

“I bet this is because of you and Buffy.” Suddenly flew out of her mouth.

“What?” Angel asked, hearing the one name he didn’t want brought up.

“You know, you guys split so Buffy can’t handle being around you. It’s a classic post break-up reaction.” The brunette replied knowingly. Why am I bringing up ‘she who leaves without saying goodbye’? And why am I defending her? I must be more tired than I thought.

“Really?” He didn’t sound convinced. “She said she was happy for me to keep helping out.”

“Sure, in a work context, a social setting is a totally different thing.” She waved a hand to emphasise her point causing Angel to glace fearfully at the road.

“Buffy asked me to come tonight.” The conversation was rapidly becoming confusing for Angel. He had not expected to end up discussing his now defunct relationship with Cordelia. We’re focusing on the wrong relationship here.

“Of course she did. She was being ‘mature’.” Cordelia emphasised with air quotes, her hands casually abandoning the wheel. “You were supposed to say no.” Cordelia risked a quick glance at the vampire who was looking adorably confused. Don’t think about kissing him…

“My life was a lot more simple when I lived in the sewers, there were no people down there to confuse things.” Biggest worry was where the next rat would come from…now rats I understand.

Unsure what to make of that comment Cordelia decided that no answer was needed; a comfortable silence returned to the car.

“Well, here we are.” Cordelia sighed with relief as they pulled into the driveway. “Job well done, not a car chasing demon in sight.”

“They’re probably all getting ready for the apocalypse next week.” Angel replied amid much throat clearing.

“So I guess I’ll see you at the next meeting?” Her hand hovered over the doorknob, inexplicably her heart started to race.

Angel moved closer, her could hear the rapid thrum of her heartbeat, feel the heat between them rising. Their bodies a hairsbreadth apart, drawing nearer. His hand reached out and lightly traced the soft curve of her cheek, he grinned when Cordelia tilted her head back, licking her lips in anticipation.

“Cordelia, is that you?” The sound of the door opening forced the couple apart and Angel begrudgingly took a step back as Cordelia busied her hands with her hair.

The housekeeper stood surveying the pair in front of her, well aware of what she had just interrupted. “Come, it’s late and you have school tomorrow.” She suggested in a tone that brooked no argument and stepped aside for Cordelia to pass.

“Night Angel, thanks for seeing me home.” She forced normality into her voice, unbelieving that they had once again been interrupted. I just need to kiss him and get it out of my system, is that too much to ask?

“No problem.” He began the lonely walk home. I miss the rats…


The three friends walked in unusual silence, each lost in their own thoughts. No demons had crashed their party, the end of the world not scheduled until next Tuesday, and yet their night of fun had fallen flat just the same, and no one was willing to admit why.

“Do you guys think that Cordelia and Angel were a little too friendly tonight?” Buffy’s sudden question broke the dead air, snapping the others from their thoughts.

“They certainly seemed cosy.” Xander commented dryly, almost pulling off his attempt to feign disinterest in the friendly pair.

Willow scrutinised her friends, surprised by the sudden wave of tension, unsure of where it was coming from. So Cordelia and Angel had been friendly, she mused. Weren’t they all friends?

“Exactly!” Buffy leapt on the opening. “When has Angel ever been cosy with anyone? Even when we were dating he wasn’t exactly Mr Talkative. What; we break up and all of a sudden he realises he has something to say?”

The blonde was on a roll and Willow decided to throw in her two cents worth before Buffy jumped to conclusions that only existed in her head. “So they were talking; we talk. It’s what people do.”

“Yeah, but there’s talking and then there’s talking.”

Willow scowled at Xander’s less than helpful contribution, his dislike of the vampire almost palpable.

“That’s what I mean. Angel was laughing. Angel doesn’t laugh…ever. And why was he laughing with Cordelia?”

“Buffy,” Willow interrupted again, “Think about it, his options are rather limited. Angel only knows us and he wasn’t going to have a deep and meaningful with Xander, ‘cos hello – Xander! And you guys just broke up so I doubt he was looking to go over that again. That really only leaves Cordelia.” The redhead finished her speech triumphantly, sure that her friends would be swayed by her logic.

Silence reined for a moment as both Buffy and Xander considered Willow’s point, neither looking convinced.

“Seriously Will, something weird is going on. A few days ago they were barely speaking. And did you hear the part about Angel laughing? With Cordelia?” Confident her point had been made, Buffy waited for a nod of agreement.

“Buffy I…” Willow began, her tactful reply swiftly dissolving when challenged by Buffy’s steadfast resolve.

“Buffy’s right. Angel and Cordelia getting along is just freaky, even in our freaky world – unless…” Xander peered over both his shoulders and then back at his friends, “…we fell into an alternate dimension and nobody told me.”

Willow shook her head. What could she say? Even if they were in a wacky alternate dimension Xander wouldn’t be the one to figure it out.

“I mean what is it about the guy that makes you girls crazy? He’s dead, plus that hair – don’t tell me that’s attractive…” Xander protested, his hands waving emphatically around his head.

“Well, he’s got that whole aura of mystery thing going on.” Replied Willow thoughtfully.

“And no one can wear black quite like Angel.” Chipped in Buffy, enjoying Xander’s look of disgust, momentarily forgetting her annoyance with her ex.

“Oh, plus he does the brooding hero really well, all tormented and in pain.” A dreamy look washed over both girls’ faces.

“And the guy can fight…” As Buffy continued to expound on the attractiveness of Angel her mind was slowly forming an idea, a little exercise to help her figure out what was going on once and for all.

The storm had arrived and looked to be settling in for a while.

Chapter 13

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