Reality Bites 9-10


Cordelia stood outside the doors of the Sunnydale High Library, an internal voice telling her to run before she was noticed. Four days had passed since Ethan Rayne’s night of chaos and the first research meeting since then was underway behind the very doors she was staring at. She knew she couldn’t keep avoiding them, not if she planned on actually going through with her decision to help with the fight and Cordelia Chase was determined to see that particular idea through.

A determined sigh puffed from gloss-shiny lips and with renewed resolve Cordelia grasped the door’s large handle and swung it open. She had spent most her high school career actively trying to avoid the nerds and losers that plagued the halls of Sunnydale High and here she was volunteering to spend time with the worst of the bunch, well perhaps the chess club topped them in lack of style…

Her eyes immediately swept the room and she slowly allowed her tense shoulders to relax when she saw that he was no where in sight. So lost was she in her thorough inspection of the room that she failed to notice the four sets of eyes gawking at her in surprise. She straightened her shoulders and schooled her facial expression into the one that everyone expected, no one could hear her heart pounding or the fear running through her veins, but not many people came close enough to find out.

“Hey Cordelia, I think you made a wrong turn. The football players all hang out a couple of classrooms down.”

Her private perusal of the room interrupted, Cordelia’s attention snapped to the other occupants. She raised and eyebrow at Xander’s pathetic attempt at humour and regarded him disdainfully, “Gee Xander, is that jealousy I hear?”

Honestly Cordelia was relieved that Xander had greeted her unexpected arrival with his usual loudmouth and annoying repartee. A couple of days earlier he had cornered her in the cafeteria, the concern evident in his eyes almost cracking her carefully built walls of denial and causing her to cry on his shoulder. But Cordelia Chase was not one to ever be seen snivelling in public, especially when Xander Harris would be the one handing her the Kleenex. She had managed to hold it together and assure him that she was fine and he had apparently bought it as he had backed off and left her to deal with unfamiliar insecurities on her own.

“Yes well, as enjoyable as it is to listen to you two…er…converse, we do have other matters to consider.” Giles’ well timed interruption prevented Xander from forming a suitable reply and dispelled some of the tension. “Do you need a book for class?” Giles enquired, certain that only last minute attention to an assignment would bring Cordelia to the library on a Friday night.

This was it, the dreaded moment for her to declare her intentions had arrived. Cordelia inhaled a large gulp of air and replied, “No and please unless I was taking Demons 101 you really wouldn’t be able to help.” She found it easier to fall back on her usual responses than actually declaring her true purpose.

“Thank you for you stinging critique of the Library’s resources. If it’s not a book you need then why are you here?” Giles enquired.

Pushing all doubt firmly from her mind Cordelia replied,”I actually came to see if you guys needed any help, you know, with the research and stuff…”Cordelia trailed off as a shocked silence descended, she waited to see what the response would be.

“You want to help us?” A gob smacked Buffy asked, her eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline, “You know we’re not the cool kids; right?” She managed once she had picked her jaw up from the table where it had landed.

“Hadn’t noticed,” came the sarcastic reply, “I just figured that you could always use an extra pair of hands in the fight against evil…if you don’t want my help…” No one seemed quite sure how to respond, surprisingly it was Xander who spoke,

“Sure, why not? We’re always happy to share the work – or offload it in my case. Come – join the roller coaster of research fun.” He gestured to an empty chair and Cordelia gratefully sat down. I knew she wasn’t fine… He looked up to see Buffy and Willow looking at him in surprise, he simply shrugged and grinned.

“Well, now that we’ve got that sorted out perhaps we can get on with researching?” Giles was pleased that Cordelia had decided to join their little group, he had heard the gory details of Halloween night and was glad that he would now be able to keep a closer eye on her. He began his lecture on the current demon that needed slaying.

Wow- being one of the good guys can be really boring thought Cordelia as she listened to Giles.

Across the table Buffy was also contemplating the fact that even though she was a vampire slayer endowed with mystical powers of strength and speed her life, at times, could actually be pretty dull. She was also trying to work out Cordelia’s sudden interest in fighting evil. Buffy was well aware that Halloween had been a shock for Cordelia; it had been for all of them – seeing Angel like that…but Cordelia seemed to be coping. She had brushed off both
Buffy and Willows’ attempts to talk to her about that night and told them that the worst thing was trying to cover up the bite marks. Denial…I get that.

Buffy herself was currently enjoying a vacation by the well known river, unable to really process what had happened that Halloween night. The more she thought about it the less surprising it seemed that Cordelia had turned up to help – she had been put through hell and been helpless to do anything about it. If there was one thing Buffy could understand it was a hatred of feeling powerless. She was startled out of her thoughts by the sight of Giles standing in front of her brandishing a large leather- bound book.

“Glad to see you paying attention,” he commented dryly, “Here perhaps you could get started with this.” Buffy smiled sheepishly up at him and meekly took the proffered book.


Angel stood outside the library mirroring Cordelia’s earlier actions. Her own internal deliberation before had not gone unnoticed as he’d quietly watched from a darkened doorway seeing her finally step over the threshold and into the unknown. And now, ear pressed against the large, wooden door he waited for his internal debate to end.

The heartbeats within were distinct and familiar. Giles pacing, undoubtedly holding forth on the latest threat to the Hellmouth. Willow and Xander both relaxed, happily oblivious to the danger their lives were in as a result of their proximity to the slayer. Buffy, the slayer, bored with a hint of resentment but dedicated to the end to her calling.

Buffy was the only one he had seen since Halloween and their meeting hadn’t been exactly comfortable, in fact by comparison his last visit to church had been more relaxing. They had met by accident, both had been out patrolling and neither one was prepared to face the other. Angel acknowledged now that he could perhaps have done more to begin to repair the damage, sure that general enquiries after her health had not been what been what Buffy was looking for. But he found it impossible to say more, to form the words that would make
everything alright, unsure if such words even existed. They had parted with half-hearted assurances that they would see each other soon, both unsure of what the next meeting would bring.

And now, listening to the nervous thrum of the fifth heartbeat Angel considered returning home so that he could sit peacefully in the dark and categorise his long list of sins, past and present. But instead he drew in an unneeded breath and prepared to enter his own private Hellmouth, knowing that the longer the resentments were left the more implacable they would become. He resolutely gripped the door handle and prepared to make his entrance.

All eyes swung to take in his entrance; research happily abandoned the library clearly a popular venue for the night. So intent was Angel at forcing himself to stand firm under their
scrutiny that he didn’t notice the wide pair of hazel eyes regarding him with an equal mix of fear and anger.

“Angel,” exclaimed Buffy, half rising from her seat, “Hey – what are you doing here?” She looked worried.

“I took a chance that you might need some help with something, that I could you know…help…” He shifted uncomfortably, never happy at being the centre of attention.

“Help…great…we never say not to extra help.” She smiled weakly at him and looked pleadingly at Giles who cleared his throat and stepped forward.

“Of course, the extra help would be appreciated.” Giles greeted Angel with a touch more British reserve than usual. He was very protective of his young charges and had never been entirely comfortable at having the vampire in such close proximity and it seemed that his fears had been well founded. He handed Angel a slim volume to begin reading which the vampire took gratefully, fast retreating to his usual place on the stairs.

“Great…Angel’s here everyone. He should be a big help in tracking down the evil monster, you know see things from the demon’s perspective, get inside it’s head and everything.” Xander found himself unable to hide the hostility he felt towards Angel. The dark haired man on the stairs didn’t even flinch at the boys outburst.

“Xander,” whispered Willow furiously, kicking him at the same time.

“What? And ow, that hurt.”

“Good. Just shut up and read.” Willow knew that Xander was perfectly capable of carrying on until he drove the vampire away, even if it made Buffy mad.

Thankfully silence returned to the library as everyone apparently continued with their reading. Angel however found himself unable to clear his thoughts. The usual feelings of guilt and remorse had kicked in but he was used to them, they were his constant companions, but it was the wave of desire that washed through him that was near impossible to ignore. Angel eventually abandoned all pretence of research and allowed his eyes to wonder to the young brunette.

Cordelia could feel his eyes on her like a weight pressing down. Damn it why’d he have to choose tonight to return to the fold… any self-respecting vampire with a soul should be at home wallowing in guilt. . Her first impulse had been to get up and leave but she had pushed that aside, she had come to help and that was what she was going to do, incredibly sexy vampire or no. However, Angel’s presence proved to be a rather large distraction and Cordelia found herself caught up in memories of Halloween and if she was brutally honest with herself, which she often was, not all of what had happened had been unpleasant. She felt herself begin to blush and quickly glanced up to see if anyone had noticed. She encountered a pair of dark chocolate eyes gazing at her with an intensity that was more than a little unsettling.

Their gazes locked for an endless moment, heat arcing between them, before both realised what was happening and quickly looked back down at their respective books.

I do not want to be attracted to a dead guy…

For the next hour tension hung over the library and all of its’ occupants struggled to pretend that it wasn’t there. Giles retreated to his office in a futile attempt to escape the suffocating atmosphere, Xander made frequent, bad jokes, Buffy and Willow laughed at said jokes and Cordelia and Angel each tried to pretend that the other wasn’t there.

Finally Cordelia couldn’t take it any longer, the hour since Angel’s arrival had proved to be fifty-nine minutes to long. This was her first attempt at joining the fight against evil and she thought she had done pretty well considering the circumstances. Time to go before this turns out to be my last attempt…

“Well,” cordelia announced as she rose to her feet and began to gather her things together, “I’d love to say it’s been fun but honesty it hasn’t. Boring – yes, gross – definitely but very little actual fun. I’m gonna go home, have a hot bath and prepare myself for tomorrows mind-numbingly dull demon hunting session.” With that she marched from the library taking care not to look over towards the stairs where Angel sat.

“Our own little ray of sunshine ladies and gentlemen.” Was Xander’s only response to her exit.

“I guess we’ll be seeing her again tomorrow,” Said Willow who wasn’t sure if she was pleased about it or not.

“Well if it means I have to less reading then I’m all for it,” replied Buffy. “Hey Angel, do you want to go for a quick patrol?” She had decided that the only way they were ever going to move on from Halloween was to start doing normal things together again – well normal for them. “Angel?” She turned to the stairs to find that the vampire was nowhere in sight.


Darkness hung over the Sunnydale High parking lot and cordelia quickened her pace to reach the relative safety of her car. The evening had been exhausting and all she craved now was a long hot bath followed by the oblivion of sleep. She was so caught up in deciding what bath oil to use that she didn’t notice the tall figure of Angel leaning against the hood of her car.

“Cordelia.” She leapt back in shock, her books flying into the air. This was the absolute last thing that she wanted. She felt she had done well this evening, successfully made it through without any problems, well aside from the fact that I read one sentence a hundred times over, and now here was the one person she didn’t want to have a conversation with – ever.

“We need to talk,” the vampire stated simply.

“No we don’t,”Cordelia replied hoping that he would take the hint and leave. Her abrupt answer irritated him.

“No we don’t,”Cordelia replied hoping that he would take the hint and leave. Her abrupt answer irritated him.

“You really think we have nothing to say to each other?” He raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Nope – I think I know everything I need to – you’re a vampire who turned evil, attacked me, bit me and now you seem to be getting you’re kicks from scaring the crap out of me.” If that didn’t do the trick of getting rid of him then nothing would.

Angel knew that the kindest thing he could do was to leave her alone but her casual dismissal of him made him determined to draw her out.

“You have absolutely nothing to say about Halloween? Angel tried again.

“Why? Why would I want to talk about it? It’s not like Halloween was any fun for me, aside from the fact that I was terrorised by a psychotic vampire, I didn’t get any candy.”

Maybe I should have gone with the box of chocolates…,

”And now here I am actually trying to do something constructive, to help stop evil and now you show up all dark and attractive and make me fell uncomfortable. How is that fair?” Cordelia stood panting slightly, feeling strangely lighter now that she had said everything that had been bottled up inside. There…take that…you wanted to talk…

Angel stood there unsure of how to react, although if he could get her to talk about how attractive he was again, not what I’m here for… Cordelia had obviously needed to vent but he had to be careful what he said next, don’t want another speech like that.

“Feel better?” he questioned gently. She looked at him through narrowed eyes.

“No, the only thing that would make me feel better is if you got out of my way and let me go home so that I can have the bath I’ve been craving for the past three hours. Giles has a lot of books but apparently no dust buster.” Angel couldn’t help but smile at that comment; even in the midst of an uncomfortable situation cordelia Chase was still able to think about the small stuff, it was part of her charm

God he’s hot when he smiles…

“You can go whenever you want,” he said quietly, “I just wanted to check that you were ok. I’m not planning on stopping helping Buffy and if you want to help as well then we at least need to be in the same room as one another.”

“That was you doing your statue impression on the stairs earlier, wasn’t it? In case you didn’t notice we managed just fine tonight.” Where’s that brutal honesty now, Cor? Cordelia wished just this once her mind would shut up.

“Sure if you think us both sitting there pretending to read while we’re actually trying to avoid looking at each other is constructive,” replied Angel. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to challenge Cordelia, his original plan had been to apologise, check she was ok and leave, and yet now he found himself deliberately trying to prolong the conversation, hell he was even starting to enjoy it. Even when afraid it seemed that Cordelia could give as good as she got and angel had to admire that. She glared at him; clearly unhappy at the turn the conversation was taking.

“Fine – I’m not going to stop helping and neither are you so we’ll just have to call a truce, although since this situation is all your fault it should really be your truce with me just agreeing to go along with it,” said Cordelia. Her logic was sound, if a little skewed and angel once again had to fight the urge to smile.

“Good I’m glad we’re going to be able to get along.” He stood back and allowed her to get into the car closing the door firmly behind her. He tapped on the window signalling that she should lower it.

“Drive safely and I’ll see you at the next meeting.” Hazel eyes regarded him for one long moment before she seemed to shake herself out of it. She started the car and peeled out of the parking lot at an almost frantic pace.

Angel stood for a moment staring after the departing car. He had found Cordelia appealing before Halloween, during Halloween that impression had been more than affirmed and now he was truly intrigued, now he wanted to know her better, much better.


“So what’s the big emergency, Lilah? I have an important meeting in ten minutes.” Lindsey MacDonald stalked into the office looking less than amused. Lilah Morgan smirked at him from behind her desk.

“A meeting?” Her brow furrowed in mock concentration, “Oh…you mean that thing with Al from maintenance about the broken window in your office? I’m sure you can reschedule.” Satisfied that she had proven she knew exactly what Lindsey got up to she sat back to enjoy his response.

“While I’m sure whatever you have to show me is extremely interesting, I really don’t have time to play ‘who’s got the better informant’ with you.” With that he turned to leave, his fingers grasping the door handle as Lilah released a practiced sigh.

“Maybe you’re right, you aren’t the right man for this project…maybe I should try Simon…” She trailed off, the hook baited, now all she had to do was reel Lindsey in. Lilah Morgan was an expert at manipulating people, she wouldn’t be at Wolfram and Hart if she wasn’t, but playing with Lindsay was just fun. He was a challenge; and there was nothing she loved more, aside from money and power.

Lindsey knew he was being played and couldn’t resist the game. Lilah was never dull and whatever her plan was it was bound to be more than a little entertaining.

“You could try Simon, but I get the impression that you need something from me for whatever it is you have up your sleeve. So spill Lilah or I’m out of here, wouldn’t want to keep Al waiting.” Lindsey stood, arms crossed and a small smile playing on his lips now that he knew he was necessary to whatever Lilah had planned.

Lilah rose gracefully from her seat and moved towards the television in the corner of her office. “Take a look at this, then we’ll talk.” She pressed the play button and stood back to allow Lindsey to view all the action taking place on screen. He stood transfixed, trying to process what he was seeing.

She wouldn’t…would she? Not wanting to admit his interest Lindsey decided to play it cool.
“Well that was fun, a bunch of overdressed teenagers having a bad Halloween; so what’s new? Besides, you know the rules Lilah; we can’t touch the Hellmouth, golden rule number one of the Senior Partners.” He waited to see how she would get around that rather important fact.

“Sure, company policy…blah, blah…slayer’s territory…blah, blah…don’t touch.” She faked a yawn, “But I’m not planning on touching the Hellmouth, just one of its residents.” She smiled happily
Satisfied with her answer Lindsey was ready to play, “So why do you need me? If you have such a great plan why would you want to share the glory?” He had a point, no lawyer at Wolfram and Hart would ever share the spoils of a good plan, it wasn’t in their nature, it was why they’d been hired in the first place.

Lilah regarded him for a moment, clearly debating just how much information she wanted to share. “You happen to have a contact that I need. Sure I could have hacked into your
system and stolen the information; who hasn’t done that before? But it would be quicker and cleaner with your help.” Lilah waited to see if she had managed to convince Lindsey.

“I see, so you want me to put my neck on the line for a plan the Senior Partners may very well…how shall we say…be unsupportive of, and we all know what happens to people they don’t ‘support’, for what? What’s in it for me?” The game had begun in earnest, now he would see just how serious she was.

“When the Senior Partners see that we’ve managed to secure a major player in the apocalypse for them they’ll be falling over themselves to give us the corner offices we both want.”

Lindsey was willing to take risks that would move him up the corporate ladder; he just needed to decide if Lilah’s scheme was worth the risk.

“So you need me to call that soul sucking demon I helped get a casino licence?”

“That would be perfect.”

Lilah and Lindsey were equally ambitious, and it was cutthroat ambition that made them the perfect partners in crime.


“So are we Bronzing it later?”

“As opposed to what, Xand, going to that other hip club in Sunnydale?” Buffy didn’t even pause in her scanning of the graveyard to deliver her comeback.

“Well we could always hang out here with the walking dead – speaking of, will Angel be by later?” Xander couldn’t help but chuckle at his own wit. Instead of the usual reproof there was a brief silence.

“Yeah, he said he’d meet us all later at the crypt in time for the spell thingy.” Seeing that the mention of Angel had clearly upset Buffy Xander decided to try and lighten the mood. . Great, we can’t even say his name without a big cloud of depression descending.

“Ah yes, my night wouldn’t be complete without a good spell. I ask you – why go to the movies when you can have death and mayhem for free?”

“You’re right,” Willow joined in.” Hey, maybe there’s an untapped market here. We could offer tours of the cemeteries. Buffy you could be the protection, Giles could be the guide and Xander could sell the popcorn…”She trailed off, clearly lost in the vivid picture she was painting.

“Step out of the fantasy Will,” Xander broke into her reverie. “And why am I the one selling the popcorn?”

Buffy grinned at them both, grateful to have them with her. Friends made her life as the slayer that little bit easier. Sure she worried about them, feared that they would end up dead because of her, but ultimately life better because of them. They gave her a real reason to fight, plus they brought much needed humour.

The small group continued on in comfortable silence; the dead didn’t seem too active that night so they were able to simply enjoy the walk.

As the three teenagers approached the crypt they could see Giles busily putting things in place for the spell. Willow dashed forward, eager to help.

“Hey G-man, so what mojo have you got planned for tonight?” Giles paused to look at Xander in exasperation.

“I have asked you repeatedly NOT to call me that and if you had listened at yesterdays meeting then you would know exactly why we are here.” His piece said, Giles continued to pace out the area that the spell would be performed in.

“Whoa, someone’s up past their bedtime,” But on receiving an elbow in the ribs from Buffy and a stern glance from Willow, Xander subsided into silence, realising that it was the wisest and safest course of action.

Finally satisfied that the area was ready for the spell Giles looked at the group of teenagers in front of him and realised that they were two short. “Where are Cordelia and Angel? I thought that they were going to be here. We can’t perform the spell correctly without them.” His tone began to rise with stress.

“Chill Giles, they’re on their way. Angel had to pick something up and Cordelia had to stay late for cheerleading practice,” Soothed Buffy.

“Oh, of course, because waving pom poms around and performing high-kicks is clearly vital to the safety of the planet,” Giles was still a touch worked up but upon hearing that the two late-comers would be there he settled for a brief sarcastic comment rather than a full on rant

“Hey,” broke in Xander, bored of his silence, “Those high-kicks may not help save the world but they do A LOT for school morale!” Once again the looks of disapproval thrown his way alerted him to the fact that some thoughts should remain in his head.

Giles looked at his watch, “Well, I suppose all we can do is wait. Buffy why don’t you do a quick sweep of the graveyard while Willow and I finish setting up.”

The blond nodded and turned and disappeared into the darkness, Willow and Giles busied themselves with-various objects and books while Xander stood by in uncharacteristically prudent silence.


As Cordelia trudged through the quiet graveyard she was seriously beginning to question the sanity of her decision to become one of the good guys. This was NOT how she liked to spend her evenings. Cheerleading practice had reminded her just how much she enjoyed the normal things, but normal seemed to be slipping away, swallowed up by meetings about demons and vampires and outings to the cemetery.

Life could take some funny turns sometimes and none more hysterical than the bend Cordelia currently found herself travelling down. ‘Normal’ was all relative – to Buffy demons, monsters and slaying were everyday, whereas Cordelia was used to cheerleading, shopping and ruling the school. Suddenly being thrown into the role of assistant to the world’s saviour took a little getting used to, as did trying to juggle her old life with her new.

So far so successful but the good guy stuff was slowly taking up more and more of her time and her excuses were becoming less and less convincing – the old ‘my Mom wants to spend some quality time’ line was hardly believable in the beginning and was wearing thin. Plus would it really be so bad for her friends to find out how she was spending her free time? Cordelia Chase was Queen of the school and if she wanted to hang out with freaks and losers then she would. She felt like she was actually doing something worthwhile and she wasn’t going to lose that.

She sighed heavily, pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, hardly her most pressing problem. No, that spot was reserved for a tall, dark and annoyingly hot vampire. Their ‘chat’ had done nothing to ease her nerves around him and everything to increase her awareness. Research meetings had become endless hours of feigning indifference to Angel while sneaking glances at him when he wasn’t looking. Outward hostilities between them may have been suspended but Cordelia was still raging inside at his rather high-handed approach in dealing with the situation, Buffy’s claim that Angel didn’t like to talk clearly wrong.

The rational part of her mind acknowledged that the talk had been needed, the irrational part had been perfectly content in its’ denial. Now she was unable to get the image of the dark haired vampire out of her mind, she told herself it was because she was still angry with him but there was a small voice te lling her something different. Stupid voice, clearly the crazy part of my brain in action, so the guy’s good looking, he’s dead and I do not find dead guys attractive.

Cordelia gave a loud humph and firmly dismissed Angel from her mind. She stopped to take in her surroundings, realising that she had lost her bearings.Great, now I’m lost in the cemetery…bad enough that I have to be here at all.. She stood for a moment considering her options; she could call out, the place wasn’t so big that she wouldn’t be heard by Buffy and the others but then she didn’t want to advertise to the regulars that she was currently unprotected. Or she could keep walking and hope that she would eventually find her way back to familiar ground. Pondering her situation Cordelia was oblivious to the dark shadow slowly making its way towards her. br />


Angel strode purposefully through the graveyard, he was running late. Not that he was eager to join up with the others but the sooner he got there the sooner it was over and done with, barring Buffy appropriating him for post-spell patrol duty. He grimaced at the thought, patrolling with Buffy was no longer something he looked forward to. It had simply become a time for them to dance around the fact that their relationship was dying a slow and painful death, with neither of them being willing to deliver the killing blow.

How he had ended up in this situation was a mystery – well, not really – but how to fix it certainly was. He cared for Buffy, she was a special person and she would always hold a special place in his heart; but he no longer craved her company, could no longer see a future for them. No, the image of Buffy was slowly but surely being edged out and being replaced by that of a wilful brunette who seemed to be an expert at avoiding him. Honestly he was beginning to wonder if Cordelia had taken some special course in stealthy exits, if so she had aced it.

Angel needed to talk to her again, he needed to. That thought was abruptly cut off by a shrill scream echoing around the graveyard. He instinctively set off at a run towards the sound, effortlessly navigating his way through the abundant headstones. The sight that confronted him upon arriving at the scene nearly caused his unbeating heart to kick back into action just so that it could stop again.

Cordelia stood frozen to the spot, eyes wide with fear, staring at a fast approaching demon. Angel took in the situation in one glance. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Buffy speeding towards them, eyes locked on the demon. Making his decision Angel surged forward in an impressive display of vampiric speed and tackled Cordelia to the ground, just in time for Buffy to engage the demon.

They both tumbled to the ground in an ungraceful tangle of limbs. The breath was jarred from Cordelia’s body as her world was upended and she suddenly found herself staring up in to a pair of concerned chocolate brown eyes. So breath not returning anytime soon then,she thought as her mind struggled to take in the position she now found herself in.

Angel’s larger body covered hers, his arms braced either side of her head to prevent her from taking his full weight. Her world narrowed until she was solely aware of the man above her and the feelings he was causing. Her mind was cast back to Halloween, the position she had been in then had been almost identical except this isn’t evil Angel, this is good Angel.She stared up at him her mind strangely blank to everything except the feel of Angel on top of her and the intense heat in his gaze. She unconsciously shifted, unsure, did she want him to get off her or not?

Angel felt her move beneath him and bit back a groan, he may have dreamed of being in this very position but in none of his fantasies had they been in a cemetery with Buffy locked in Mortal combat nearby. He knew he should move, he should help Buffy but he was frozen in place.

Sounds of the fight faded away as he became lost in the hazel depths of Cordelia’s eyes, eyes that betrayed the desire she felt, she was as effected by their current position as he was. He leaned down, moving closer, his lips hovered over hers. Cordelia sucked in a breath, sure that Angel was about to kiss her. Her tongue darted out and moistened her lips in preparation. Heat crackled between them, anticipation built…

“No, really guys, I’m fine,” Buffy’s voice penetrated their joint haze. “The demon wasn’t that big and it’s not like this was my favourite jacket or anything.” The slayer stood gingerly fingering a tear in her coat courtesy of the demon’s claws. Two heads snapped in her direction, confusion on both faces. “Uh, Angel I think you can get off Cordelia now, she’s well and truly rescued.” Buffy couldn’t hide the hint of annoyance in her voice, she wasn’t sure she liked seeing Angel draped all over Cordelia.

The two figures turned to look at each other again and reality returned. Cordelia immediately began to try and push Angel off her and the vampire struggled to gain his feet amid the tangle of limbs. Finally standing Angel felt his composure reassert itself and he was stable enough to offer Cordelia his hand. Ignoring it the brunette pushed herself up and glared at Angel, “Do I look dressed for a game of football? Was the tackle really necessary?” She stood furiously brushing at imaginary specks of dirt on her skirt.

“Wow, we just saved your life but really Cordelia you just keep worrying about the important stuff, like your outfit.” Buffy couldn’t help her sharp response; she was still adjusting to the sight of Angel and Cordelia making eyes at one another. Angel however remained silent, he knew that Cordelia’s defence mechanism had kicked in, not only was she good at avoiding she also seemed well schooled in the art of ‘if I ignore it it will go away’.

“Come on,” said Buffy, turning, “Giles is probably tearing his hair out by now. The guy is really hung up on punctuality.” She walked off in the direction of the crypt, closely followed by Cordelia who realised that sticking with Buffy was the lesser of tow evils. Angel trailed behind deep in />


The small group stood in a circle chanting the spell that would prevent the Demon Prince of Eternal Darkness from rising to wreak havoc throughout the streets of Sunnydale. Angel stood directly opposite her which meant that eye contact was extra hard to avoid. Cordelia shifted uncomfortably. The ground was really not that interesting but it was a lot less complicated.

He had saved her life; the guy she’s been giving a hard time to for the last few weeks had saved her life. Plus the whole warm and tingly feeling she’d experienced when pinned underneath him only served to fuel the mental breakdown she was fast heading towards. Confusion thy name is dark, sexy vampire.

There was no denying it; Cordelia was attracted to Angel. As that revelation popped into her head she couldn’t help but risk a glance at the dark man standing opposite. His head was bowed in apparent concentration and this allowed her the chance to indulge in a leisurely perusal of his enticing frame. Long legs drew the eye up to a tapered waist and broad, well-muscled shoulders. The man was beautiful, and Cordelia felt heat rising within her, an involuntary reaction but one that seemed to happen anytime he was near. Their little ‘football tackle’ moment earlier had only served to heighten her awareness of him to almost unbearable levels. Lifesaver or not she couldn’t wait to put some distance between them.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Giles announcing that the spell was finished, “Well, that should ensure that the Demon Prince is bound for the next thousand years,” He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. “Although I do ask that in future you refrain from making up your own chants Xander, the existing text has proved successful for millennia and I see no reason to change it.” The group all glanced to where Xander was standing.

“I wasn’t changing it, it’s just that my ancient Sumerian isn’t exactly fluent. I knew I should have taken the class but it clashed with me having a life so…”his sarcasm was not lost on anyone.

“He’s right Giles,” piped up Buffy, “they weren’t exactly the most flow-y phrases.” Xander smiled at the slayer, grateful for her back up.

“Yes well, perhaps in future we could all arrive on time so that we can have a run through.” Giles looked pointedly at Cordelia and Angel.

“Gee, spell rehearsals – just what my life has been missing.” Cordelia did nothing to hide that fact that she was more than a little irritated. “Are we done? I do have a life to get back to and not a pretend one like Xander’s.” She just wanted to get away, to put some space between her and Angel so that she could think.

Seeing that Xander was preparing to deliver a comeback Giles quickly intervened, “Yes, we’re finished. Thank you for your help. I’ll clear all this up and will see you all at school tomorrow.” He turned and began to gather the props of the spell together, relieved that he may soon get some peace and quiet.

The group stood for a moment, surprised at their early release, usually Giles liked a detailed ‘de-brief’. Suddenly, as if all realising at the same time they began to move off, unwilling to hang around in case he changed his mind.

“So Cordelia, we’re going to hit the Bronze, wanna come?” Asked Buffy. Cordelia was silent for a moment considering her options, weighing up turning up alone versus turning up with Buffy, Willow and Xander. It only took a moment for her to decide.

“Sure. Why not? You never know people may actually mistake you for popular people if you’re seen with me.” Plus it helps with the Angel avoidance.

“Nah,” said Xander, “More likely they’ll think you’re a loser like us.” He grinned at her secretly pleased that she was coming along. He could tell that she still wasn’t quite back to herself, despite all the bravado and this gave him the chance to keep an eye on her. All he got was a glare in response.

“Great,” broke in Buffy, “Angel, you want to come along?” She turned to find an empty space behind her. She blinked, unsure if she was annoyed or relieved. “Guess that’s a no.” She murmured to herself, Willow touched her shoulder reassuringly.

“Come on, I think we’ve all earned the right to a little fun tonight. If I’d known we were going to the Bronze I would have brought some teabags…” The redhead continued to chatter as the little band made their way out of the graveyard and back to />


Angel stood in the shadows and watched the group leave. He’d decided that it would be easier to slip away quietly rather than have to stammer his way through excuses. As soon as he’d heard Cordelia agree to join Buffy and the others he knew that a swift retreat was the best option, no chance of getting her alone meant no reason to go along.

He sighed. Things just kept getting more and more complicated. Every time he thought he was getting a handle on the desire something happened to intensify it. That should have been impossible but there it was…The fact that since their ‘chat’ he hadn’t managed to see Cordelia alone only made it worse. The frustration was mounting with no apparent end in sight and tonight’s little event meant that he needed to head home for a nice, long, COLD shower. He longed for a simple life…br />


“So Mr McDonald, what can I do for you? Not a problem with my licence I hope.” The well-dressed demon sat back in his chair, entirely at ease in the plush surroundings of the Wolfram and Hart conference room.

“No, no problem with the licence. As I said at the time that agreement is water-tight, there should never be a problem with it.” Lindsey was quick to reassure his client. Jenoff was a potentially useful contact and of course vital to his and Lilah’s little plan. “No, I have an entirely unrelated matter to discuss with you, one that could prove to be, how shall I say…profitable.” An evil smile spread across his face.

Jenoff raised his eyebrows in enquiry, then mention of profit a sure hook. “What do you need?”

Pleased that the demon had caught on so quickly Lindsey leaned forward, “We have a job that requires a special touch, one that we feel you are perfect to supply.”

“Really? And what does this job involve?” Ever the cautious businessman, Jenoff was careful not to commit until he had full disclosure.

“A trip to Sunnydale. There’s something we need ‘extracting’, if you know what I mean.” The grin was back. Lindsey loved this part of the job, where he had control over the course of peoples’ lives.

“Indeed, it sounds interesting but…the slayer, I’m not sure I fancy meeting the current one. Word is that she’s very good at her job.” Jenoff hadn’t got where he was today by putting himself in the way of slayers, although he was sure Wolfram and Hart had it all worked out. They were rarely unprepared.

“The slayer won’t be a problem, she’ll be suitably distracted giving you the chance to work your magic. Of course you’ll be fully compensated for your time and effort and the Senior Partners will be more than grateful.” The mention of the Senior partners made Jenoff sit up, now they were people he wouldn’t mind being grateful to him.

“I’m always happy to help the good people of Wolfram and Hart.” He smiled, “Now tell me about who I’ll be paying a visit to.”

“I think you’ll enjoy this, the guy is unique…” As Lindsey continued to describe the job Jenoff couldn’t help but smile. Trust Wolfram and Hart to come up with a truly original idea…

Chapter 11

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