My Senior Year. 7

Part 7

Angel noticed four things in quick succession. His pillow had a heart beat. He was surrounded by Cordelia’s scent. He was wonderfully warm and he felt more rested than he had in a very long time.

This was the first time he’d woken up feeling safe. The horrors of hell and his actions as Angelus plagued his sleeping hours even more so than his waking ones. He noticed he wasn’t shaking.

Once fully conscious, he realized he was in his room, in his bed and he was practically lying on top of Cordelia. He was seriously lacking the when, the how and most importantly the why. He should wake her up immediately so he could get some answers.

First he took stock of his exact position. One of his legs was draped over hers, trapping them. One of his hands was tucked beneath him and the other held her hip, preventing her escape. His head was nestled between her breasts or more accurately, his face was buried between them. If he’d needed to breathe, he would have suffocated by now.

It couldn’t be comfortable for her. His body kept her practically immobile. Only her head and her arms could move freely. The unanswered questions came screaming back. When had she come into his room? How did she end up lying beneath him? Why had she come into his room? Why didn’t she wake him up? Why on earth was she sleeping in his bed?

There were so many questions racing through his mind. He needed answers. He needed an explanation. Any second now he was going to move off her and wake her up. Yup any second now. He took as deep a breath as his position permitted and allowed his body to relax.

A few more minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone. Cordelia could probably use the sleep and moving would surely disturb her. There was no hurry. His questions would still be there later.

Cordelia slowly started to wake. Her body felt strangely weighed down. She opened her eyes. She was in Angel’s room and there was a dark-haired person lying on top of her. The events of last night came flooding back. She was surprised she managed to sleep at all.

She hadn’t shared a bed with anyone since her twelfth birthday party when she had a slumber party. Sharing a bed with a man was decidedly different. She would have kicked Harmony out of her bed if she’d tried laying on her.

He obviously had no regard for her personal bubble. Although, despite where his face was, there hadn’t been any bad touching. He just seemed intent on keeping her as close as possible.

She still wasn’t excited about the prospect of explaining their current situation. Was it her fault he whimpered and whined whenever she tried to move? Thanks to his repeated snuggling her pajama top was stretched out and she was practically exposing herself. Shoving a sleeping vampire just didn’t seem like a good idea. She knew she couldn’t put off explanation time forever.

He would eventually wake up on his own. *He’ll probably jump out of bed and start yelling about respecting a person’s privacy* She knew she would have freaked out if she’d woken up in her bed lying on top of Angel. Although she had to admit, the way his body absorbed her body heat was nice.

He kept her warm but not too warm. It was a good thing since he apparently didn’t care for the covers. Actually she was surprised how well rested she felt. Despite his weight pressing down on her, she felt pretty comfortable. She reluctantly admitted it was rather pleasant to share a bed.

She decided against waking him just yet. He could probably use the rest. She wondered if his nightmares were a regular occurrence. He hadn’t slept his first night there. He’d waited until she went to school to go to sleep. Well he was sleeping now.

Angel could tell by her breathing and her heart rate that she was awake. Now he could finally get some answers. He wondered why she didn’t try to wake him yet. She’d been awake for several minutes. He assumed their current position had happened while they were both asleep. She should be angry. Sure she was the one who came to his bed but she couldn’t possibly want a vampire, even one who’s a friend, to be burying his face between her breasts and practically lying on top of her.

Any second now she would start yelling and push him off her. She believed in blunt honesty. Plus she had a boyfriend. Xander would hardly approve, not that he really cared about the boy’s opinion. Buffy would definitely not approve of his current position. She would be furious. He really should get up.

Yawning, Cordelia glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Shit!”

Angel growled as the warmth beneath him shoved him and wriggled out. He had to stop his hands from grabbing her and pulling her back under him. Remembering he still needed answers, he followed the running brunette.

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” She ignored the vampire trailing behind her and headed straight for her closet. “I am so late.”

He finally snapped out of his haze. He was standing in the middle of her bedroom. For the first time, he became aware of his state of undress. He was clad only in his boxers. Normally he slept naked but he had decided some clothing would be necessary should someone or something show up to hurt either of them while he was sleeping.

He shrugged. Modesty was a human trait he outgrew. He stared at the partially closed door. “Late for what?”

“School dumbass. I should have been up an hour ago. At least I took a shower last night so hopefully I don’t smell bad.”

*You smell wonderful.* “Cordelia, I..”

“You’re wondering what I was doing in bed with you.”


“Well you were making the most horrible noise last night. It woke me up. I thought some beastie got into the house. I got scared so I ran into your room. Only you were the one making the noise. You looked like you were having a horrible nightmare.”

Angel heard what sounded like running water coming from her closet. He stepped closer and looked through the gap. Her closet connected to her bathroom. Cordelia was standing in front of her bathroom mirror wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

They were nice shade of dark green. He stood frozen, watching her wash her face and brush her teeth. Only her reflected form appeared in the mirror. He snapped out of his reverie when she began speaking again. He stepped back.

“Anyway, I tried to wake you up. You grabbed me and pulled me down on the bed. You seemed to think I’d make a really nice pillow. Every time I tried to move, you started whimpering. As long as I acted like a good pillow, you were quiet. I figured why wake you. I’d go back to my room and you’d probably end up having another nightmare and start making that horrible sound again. If I just stayed put, we’d both get some sleep.”

She walked out of the closet dressed in a green skirt and matching tank top with an almost sheer top over it. She only wore a hint of makeup. He was struck by her beauty, although in his opinion she looked beautiful when she first woke up too. He watched her hop around as she slipped on her shoes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She stopped and looked into his eyes. “No.”

“Did I…did I scare you?”

“I’ll be honest; there was a tense moment. When you first rolled on top of me, you nuzzled my neck. If there’s one thing life on the hellmouth has taught me, you don’t want a vampire anywhere near your neck. I was seriously considering screaming but then I felt you rub your forehead against my shoulder. No bumpies means no sharp teeth which means no need for panicking.” She could feel herself blush. “Then you found a different place to rest your head.”

“You could have woken me up.”

“Angel, aside from last night, when was the last time you got any rest?”

“I told you I slept for a few hours yesterday while you were at school.”

“I didn’t ask about sleep. I asked about rest. You looked…and sounded so tortured. I couldn’t leave you like that.”

“’s been a while.”

“No wonder you’re not fully recovered yet. I’m glad I could be of service and didn’t that come out horribly wrong.” She glanced at the clock. “Shit! I gotta go.” She grabbed her books and her purse.


“Considering we just slept together…I mean..not slept slept..just slept..” She shook her head. “You know what I mean. I think we’re past the formal stage of our friendship. You can call me Cordy.”

“Oh. OK. I just wanted to say thanks. You know for last night and for being honest with me.”


“For being honest about being scared when I..with..I don’t really like it when people pretend they’re not afraid of me.”

“I didn’t say I was afraid of you. I said you scared me for a second. It’s not the same thing. I’m not afraid of you, Angel. You were asleep and in the middle of a nightmare. My mother told me I hit her once when she tried to wake me up from one. I was ten at the time. I didn’t know if you confused me for whatever was trying to hurt you in your nightmare. As soon as I realized you just wanted comfort, I felt perfectly safe.”

“I’m still glad you were honest about it. I prefer honesty to someone trying to spare my feelings.”

She smiled. “So do I but there are times when discretion is best.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we probably shouldn’t mention last night to anybody. It would only lead to overreacting and hurt feelings. We didn’t do anything wrong so there’s no need to cause any unnecessary problems.” *Like Buffy kicking my ass.*

“I agree. I don’t see any reason to mention it.”

“Well gotta go. I’ll see you after school. Your book is on my nightstand. Later.”

Angel watched Cordelia rush out. He could hear her quick footsteps go down the stairs and out the front door. He glanced around her bedroom. Her curtains were thick or rather there were three layers of material. One was in a pattern that matched her bedspread, one was a solid rich purple and one was a softer shade of purple. Together they kept out the sun’s rays.

Other than the color-coordinated decor, there was nothing especially girlie about her room. Most of the furnishings were a dark cherry wood. There was only one stuffed animal in sight and the bear looked like he’d seen better days. He sat down on the rumpled bed and picked up the book he’d taken from the library.

Her scent surrounded him, teasing his senses. He found it soothing. Waking up with her in his arms had been far from unpleasant. He felt rested. The closest he’d come to rest was while he did Tai Chi.

Her explanation had almost given him panic attack. She had come to him for protection, only to find he was the source of her distress. She had tried to wake him from his nightmare, only to be grabbed and forced into his bed.

He was terrified he’d hurt her or at the very least scared her. She openly admitted to being frightened at first. Her honesty was comforting. Honesty inspired trust. He believed her insistence that her fear had been momentary.

It suddenly occurred to him that she’d been awake when he rested his head on her body. She had allowed him to trap her body beneath him. She’d willingly been his pillow so he could rest.

Angel decided it might be better if he focused on the book. It didn’t do anyone any good to think about the warmth of Cordelia’s body, how soft she felt beneath him in a way only a woman could, the way her scent made him relax or how long they remained in bed together after they’d woken up.

Without thinking, he slipped under her covers and opened his book. He needed to focus.


Cordelia nearly jumped out of her skin when warm arms wrapped around her waist from behind. They felt out of place.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“That’s okay.”

“I didn’t see you before school.”

“I know. I was running late. I walked into American History just as the bell rang.”


She blushed. “Yeah”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you last night. We spotted Faith and followed her around Sunnydale. I think she may have spotted us ‘cuz it felt like a wild goose chase. We eventually ended up at the Mayor’s office. It was pretty late when I finally got home. I didn’t want to wake you.”

“It’s no big. Let’s go to lunch. I’m starving. I had to skip breakfast.”

“Uh you do remember they only serve cafeteria food here, right?”

“What can I say? I like to live dangerously.”

“That’s my girl.” Xander wrapped an arm around her as they walked to the cafeteria.


“Hey guys.”

“Hey Will.” Xander and Cordelia joined Willow, Oz and Buffy.

Cordelia pushed her food around her plate. “I think the new lunch lady is trying to kill us. Xander, you try it first.”

“It’s not as bad as it looks. The meat substance actually tastes like meat today.”

“Thanks Oz. That’s good to know.” She pushed her plate away. “I skipped breakfast so maybe if I skip lunch too, I’ll be even for the cheesecake and ice cream I had with my dinner last night.”

“Way to look at the bright side.” Xander started eating off her plate. There was no reason to waste it.

“So were there any breakthroughs last night after Angel and I left?”

“Nope. We called it a night shortly after you left. Did Angel find anything helpful in the book he took?”

“Not yet. We went to bed as soon as we got home.” She blushed at her words.

Willow and Oz shared a look.

“He was about to start working when I left this morning.” She nursed her soda, hoping no one noticed her flushed skin.

“Is he coming in tonight?”


Buffy couldn’t believe her next question but someone needed to ask. “Does he need anymore blood? I wasn’t sure how long what I brought him would last.”

“Don’t worry about it. He still has some left and we’ll pick up some more tonight.”

“It’s not a bother. I can do it.”

“I know but it makes sense that I know where to buy it just in case.”

“I’m sure Giles will find a cure soon.”

“Yeah but Faith will still be out there.”

“True but once Angel’s been cured, I’m sure we can come up with better arrangements.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? There’s nothing wrong with the current arrangements. Angel hasn’t complained.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Angel never complains. He thinks suffering is his lot in life.”

“Are you saying staying with me is torture?”

“Guys stop. Angel is a I think he can make his own decisions.”

“Staying with Cordy wasn’t a decision. It was a lack of options.”

“Come on Buff. I don’t like Deadboy staying with Cordy either but he’s lucky she’s willing to let him stay at all.”

“You sure weren’t. You practically ran from the room when he told us he got his ‘aspect’. Oh wait. You did run.”

“Guys! Neutral corners. Bickering is pointless. Giles will find a cure. Buffy will stop the Mayor and Faith. Angel will get better. That’s what really matters.”

“Willow’s right. Wherever Angel stays, it’s only temporary. Eventually he’ll be able to return to the mansion and everything will work out.”

Cordelia willed herself to calm down. She shouldn’t get so worked up over where Angel stays. His living arrangements were temporary. Either her parents would return and he would have to leave, or Angel would recover and once Faith was out of the way, he would return to the mansion. It was ridiculous to get worked up over the inevitable.


Cordelia dropped her takeout bag on the kitchen counter. That was one downside with having Angel as her houseguest. No Anita meant no home cooked meals. She looked at her pasta dinner then at her new outfit. She decided to change before eating.

She walked into her room and froze. Angel was curled up in her bed reading. “Comfy?”

Angel looked up with a guilty expression. He’d intended to return to his room before she came home but her bed was so comfortable and the room smelled like her. “Sorry.”

She was surprised how relaxed he looked despite his guilty expression. “That’s okay. I spent the night in your bed. Turnabout is fair play. I came up to change before I eat my dinner. I’m starving. Care to join me?”

It still surprised him that anyone could be so accepting. “Sure.”

She walked into her closet, leaving the door ajar. “Buffy offered to get you more blood but I told her you and I would get some tonight. I wanted to know where to get it. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s not the safest area at night.”

“But I’ll have you with me and in the future, I can go during the day.”

She came out in a pair of form fitting black pants and a low-cut red blouse. He found himself wondering if she was still wearing the green underwear. He shook off the strange thought. He shouldn’t be curious about her underclothes nor should he be admiring the slight glimpse of her perfect breasts the low neckline afforded.

Just because he enjoyed their softness while he slept was no reason to stare, admire or imagine what they looked like without any cotton or satin to cover them.

“Are you okay? You’re doing the spacey thing again?” She glanced down at her outfit. “Is it the red shirt? Am I making you hungry?” She smiled brightly at him. “We better get you fed before you start munching on me.”

He bit back a groan. Her carefree words created a mental image he shouldn’t be enjoying quite so much. He silently followed Cordelia to the kitchen.

Cordelia immediately went to the refrigerator. She pulled out the contained of blood and a soda. She put them on the counter by her dinner and went to get a mug. Carefully pouring the remaining blood, she absently noticed there was some missing. She popped the mug in the microwave and set the timer.

Angel watched her work. He noticed her slight hesitation at the missing blood. He hoped she didn’t think too much about it. After he’d come down in the afternoon and had some, he returned to her bed instead of his.

She handed Angel his dinner. “I did a minute seven since a minute ten was too long. She watched him take a sip.

“It’s perfect. Thanks.”

She grabbed her fork and happily started eating. “Mmmm. Antonio’s has the best pasta.” She swirled her fork and lifted it to Angel’s lips. “Do you want a bite? There’s no garlic in it.”

“That’s a myth. Vampires don’t really care for its strong odor but it won’t repel them.” He automatically accepted her offering. “It’s not bad. So what dessert do I have to try today?”

“None. I can’t have dessert and pasta. I don’t think the girl below me in the pyramid would appreciate it.”

Angel’s eyes roved over her body. It was still perfect. “I can’t imagine anyone finding fault with your body.” He was grateful vampires couldn’t blush. He never meant to say that aloud.

*I could say the same thing about your body*

Cordelia almost choked on her food when she realized Angel was looking at her. She refused to be embarrassed. “So how was your day?”

Part 8

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