Betrayal. Book One. 3-7

Part 3

The vampire opened his eyes and encountered darkness but no water. He took a deep breath, smelling and tasting the atmosphere around him. It was air.

The vampire heard bits and pieces of conversations drifting on the breeze. Words describing a great storm and exclamations about the devastation to the beach floated towards him. He heard grunts and groans as the owners of the voices lugged dead sea life and broken debris from the shore.

Angel slowly moved his crushed hand to the bars of his steel prison pulling at the seaweed and debris that clogged the opening. His hand was immediately jerked back; only to return just as quickly stuffing the seaweed back between the bars as the sunlight burnt his skin. Angel settled back in the metal cage.

He needed to feed and he needed the daylight to disappear. He could wait. He had survived. He would be free soon.


The vampire strained uselessly against the bars. Extreme hunger and slow healing injuries had just as effectively neutralized his strength as the enormous pressure of the depths of the ocean sea had.

Angel stalled his growl of rage and frustration. He heard voices again, different voices than before. Those earlier voices had drifted into silence as the sun dropped and the workers left the beach. Angel stilled, waiting as the voices came closer.

“Robby, we shouldn’t be here. There are signs up all over the place. It’s dangerous.”

“They just put those up. They don’t mean anything. What are you afraid of, Laurie, a sea monster?”

“I don’t like it and I especially don’t like this as an idea of a date.”

“Come on, hon, I just want to look around for a little bit. Chuck and his cousin found a piece of an old ship. They said that they’re getting their name in the paper and like a thousand bucks and that was just down the beach. Who knows, maybe there was a treasure on that ship or something. Gold and gems.”

“Aren’t you just a little old to be searching for pirate treasure? Anyway, how could anyone find anything on this beach? It’s sickening to see what is thrown in the ocean. Look, that’s a car. Why would somebody dump an old car in the ocean?”

“Probably had a dead body in it, that’s why.”

“That’s just sick.”

“Come on, just a little while, then we’ll go to the club.”

“Fine, but if I fall on any of this junk….Gross.”

“Its just seaweed.”

“That’s not just seaweed, it’s your sea- monster, yucky and slimy.”

“Use your flashlight and watch where you step.”

“You’re so in for it when we get home.”

“Hey, over here.”

“What, that’s just a bigger clop of seaweed.”

“No, its a chest, see,” pointing to the glimmer of metal shining through the wet plant life. ” A treasure chest.” He cocked a grin.

“Sure it is,” rolling her eyes in response.

“Laurie, did you hear that.”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

“I did it was…someone crying for help. Shit. There’s a person over there. Come on help me,” rushing to the seaweed and hint of metal.

“What, no way.”


Laurie stopped as she heard a weak voice call out amidst the seaweed.

“Holy shit, there’s a man in here.” The young man turned his attention to the metal box. ” Buddy, don’t worry; we’ll get you out. How in the hell did you get in there? Laurie, get over here and help me.”

“I don’t know, Robby. Somebody must’ve put him in there. We got to call the cops or something.”

“He needs our help now. Go, find something, there that pole, bring it here, I’ll break the lock.”

“Geez, how did a street sign get all the way here.”

“Just bring it. Okay, Buddy, hold on -it only will be a minute.”

Angel settled back as the young man jerked and hit at the bolt.

“Got it. Okay, Buddy.”

“Broken hands” Angel whispered.

“Oh, wow, sure, okay, here let me help you up.”

The young man leaned into the box, only to be grabbed and pulled closer.

Laurie jerked up the flashlight at Robby’s scream. “What…Robby?” Her scream echoed Robby’s fading one as the light flickered on his flailing legs, his upper body having disappeared into the box. She jumped back as Robby’s lifeless body was suddenly thrown aside. “Oh my god,” she stumbled back, tripping on her feet as a dark figure rose out of the chest.

She scrambled back; scooting along the sand trying to get away, small whimpers came from her throat as the dark man kept approaching.

Laurie was able to get to her feet as the man’s step faltered. “What did you do to Robby?” She cried, still moving.

The man straightened. “I’m really grateful for his help, but now I need yours.”

“Oh my god, what are you?” Laurie finally noticed the man’s gold eyes and distorted jagged features.

“Don’t run. I don’t have all my strength yet.” Angel sighed. ” I said don’t run,” bending down to pick up the pole that Robby had used to break the lock. Angel threw the pole at the running girl, knocking her back to the ground. “I’m sorry, but I need more.”

The man didn’t sound sorry he just moved closer. Laurie tried to scream and move away but the pole had knocked the wind out of her.

“Don’t be afraid, it’ll only hurt for a minute,” the vampire said as he reached down and dragged the young woman to his chest. “It’s for a good cause.” Angel plunged his fangs into the squirming girl’s neck, draining her quickly just has he had done to her date.

Angel released the body and staggered back to the rocks near his broken prison. He sat giving himself time for the stolen blood to revitalize his injured body. He would need sleep; real sleep to reach his full strength but that would have to wait.

That time would come but not before did what he needed to do.

Part 4

Cordelia was grateful for the silence. She couldn’t believe it. The Powers were keeping her prisoner and acting completely insane as far as she was concerned.

If she had to listen to that stupid voice repeating over and over again that her feelings for Angel were those of a lower being therefore not worthy of her new status- that he was not worthy or god forbid see one more vision of Angel in past Angelus- mode or his stint as beige- Angel, she would scream, really she would.

She didn’t understand. The Powers were trying to make her doubt Angel. It didn’t make sense.


Cordelia looked around suspiciously as the glowing walls around her disappeared. Cautiously, she stood up in the middle of the white room. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Skip. “This is my destiny? I don’t like it- AT ALL”, she emphasized.

“You’re destiny awaits. You just need to…”

“Say I don’t love Angel. Okay, I don’t love him, so there, now can I go home?”

“Cordelia,” Skip shook his head. “You accepted your calling, you decided. You can become a very powerful tool.”

“A tool. I don’t like the sound of that, I really don’t. And as for accepting.well. the fine print of this deal was written in invisible ink. You didn’t tell me that I had to give up Angel, much less hate him. What’s with the Angelus show and tell? Why? That was a long time ago. He’s a warrior for the Powers now, I’m working for them, why can’t we be together, we’re on the same side.”

“You’re more than a seer, Cordelia, or can be. That’s your destiny. The power you’ve been given carries a price. Angel is nothing but a demon, a vampire- a monster..”

“Hold on right there, buster. You’re a demon, he’s a demon, and I’m part demon. So, what’s with the ‘nothing but a demon’ crap? And he’s not a monster. He’s Angel, a champion, you know, one of the good guys. What’s with you? Skip, this doesn’t make any sense. Why are the Powers trying so hard to convince me – if I didn’t know better I’d think they’re trying to brainwash me into believing that Angel’s a monster- and that’s just stupid, he’s not, something is definitely not right here. I want to go home NOW.”

“That will not be possible,” Skip said, his deep voice changing along with his form.

“Who the hell are you?” Cordelia stared at the small young girl who replaced the familiar form of Skip.

“You’re host for what could be a very long time as it seems that you aren’t reacting as you should to our little program.”

Cordelia started to speak then closed her mouth contemplating the little girl.

“You were going to say..” The girl urged.

Cordelia laughed in disgust. “I fell for it. This is a trap. You’re not a Power.”

“Oh, I’m a Power, just not the one of the ones you expected. It seems that we’ve both been a bit wrong, fortunately I can fix my mistake, you can’t. I work the other side of the street.”

“You won’t make me hate Angel. So whatever you’re plan was it failed and he ‘ll find me- and you’ll get the spanking that you deserve, little evil Pollyanna.”

“Pollyanna, I like that no one’s ever given me a name before.” The little girl giggled clapping her hands; suddenly she stopped her cute face an indiscernible mask. “Angel can’t get in here, not unless I wish it and I don ‘t. That’s even if he can get himself out of the little predicament that he ‘s in.”

Cordelia recoiled at the sight of the innocent girl cold face. “You’re so evil.”

“In the eye of the beholder. I’ve my niche in things.”

“What have you done to Angel?”

“Me, nothing. Didn’t have to, leave it to the son.”

“Connor? What..”

“As amusing as it is to recite the sordid tale of the destruction of your family, we’ve other things to discuss.”

“What..” Cordelia lurched back as she was encased in a swirling band of light. She tried to yell out but her voice was gone.

“As I was saying, I don’t like you, not at all. Angel, I can understand feel a connection to- he has a lust for blood, a need for revenge, things I can respect. A warrior for good- ha, if he makes it out of his prison, it’ ll only be a matter time before he turns away from the fight and we won’t have to do a thing. It’s in his nature.

You, on the other hand, have developed nobility that is as fruitless as it is disgusting. I’ll admit that you snuck up on us; had we known the full effect you would have on the vampire and the power you would wield we would’ve had Vocah kill you instead of just turning you into a psychic vegetable.”

Cordelia struggled harder against the restraints at the girl’s words trying to harness the power that she knew she had.

The little girl laughed. “You do have power, but no idea how to use it. Typical- ‘The Powers’ as you call them, always do that-put their players on an uneven playing field without the requisite knowledge to fight effectively. Some nonsense about the learning curve and freewill.

I can help you, teach you. You are powerful; they gave you it, but didn’t bother to tell you how to use it. Is that who you want to work for? Let me help you. There’ll only be a small price to pay- just your soul. Hey, I’m not even asking for Angel’s just yours. He’ll come to us on his own, we don’t need you for that.”

A burst of rage flowed through Cordelia’s body, light exploded from her body neutralizing the restraints. She slumped on the ground gasping for breath as new restraints appeared, crushing her chest.

“Not bad. But, all you’ve done is tell me no and that in the future that the restraints will have to be stronger and the conditioning harsher. Cordy,” the little girl bent down patting Cordelia’s face.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. We won’t ask you to kill Angel or anything like that. So what’s the harm? I know you’re history, you don’t have to go that far to belong with us. Get rid of the last three- four years; go back to when you knew what was important- fame, fortune, beauty and power. You could have it all, just like you always knew you would. Can your Powers give you that? Will they? You’re a fool if you think they will or that they will help you.

They like to wait and let fate play out. I’m giving you the change to take a hand in shaping fate not just waiting for it to happen indiscriminately. I’m wrong,” the little girl cupped Cordelia’s face gently, “If we had known, we would cultivated you from the start. You could’ve been a Queen by now, instead you’re nothing.”

Silent tears ran down Cordelia’s face as the restraints formed into a box, encasing her back into the bright coffin.

“Think about it and let me know. Really, Cordy, what is it you really want? You jumped at the chance to ascend to a ‘higher’ destiny- believing that you deserved more than that of just being Angel’s seer, but it wasn’t an offer that your Powers were giving you; to them you are just a seer. You want the power and I can give it to you. “

The little girl vanished.

Part 5


“Who are you?” Connor stopped his pacing and looked at Wesley.

“My name is Wesley, don’t you remember? Silly, why would you, you were three months old.”

“You knew me before my father took me to Quor-toth.” The teenager suspiciously asked.

Wesley chuckled sadly. “Changed your diapers even.” Wesley turned to stare the boy. “And I took you from Angel to protect you. My actions almost got me killed, twice. But, my actions did allow Holtz to place himself in the position to act as your father.”

“I don’t know you.”

“I don’t expect that you would. For you it was years ago. Sit, I’ll explain.” Wesley patted to the chairs in the room.

“I don’t trust you, I don’t trust them.” The teenager waved his hands around.

“I don’t really blame you, but please listen.” Wesley patted again.

Connor moved with the guarded grace of a wild animal, tentatively moving towards the beckoning hand.

Wesley waited as Connor perched on the edge of the chair. “I worked with Angel, I was a friend of his.”

“You’re human, he’s a vampire.”

Wesley chuckled again. “Yes, but sometimes lately, I forget what being human means. I worked with Angel because at the time it seemed right. He claimed that he was no longer Angelus; he was a vampire with a soul, fought for good. And Cordelia was with him, you know Cordy, don’t you.” Wesley studied the boy.

“I know her, she’s a demon,” Connor said quickly jerking his head away from Wesley’s gaze.

Wesley nodded. “She wasn’t always though.”

Connor shot his head back. “What?”

“Cordy was as human as you can get. I knew her when she was a teenager, not much older than you and she was definitely human. She didn’t become part demon until,” Wesley shrugged. “Five- six months ago, after you were born, it happened on her birthday.”

“Why? How?”

Wesley shrugged. “Every since she came to work with Angel, her loyalty, her desire was to..please Angel, and she felt becoming part demon would make him happy.”


“You have to understand, she started working at Angel Investigations when she was barely eighteen. She was young, she believed in the vampire with soul and his cause. She believed her transformation would better able her to help him.”

“He’s evil.”

“She believed as I did when I started working with them.”

Connor jerked angrily away and settled his gaze on the floor. “I..He told me that he fought for good, even took me to fight vampire’s, I almost believed him. But he’s evil.”

“He’s persuasive.”

Connor brought his head back up. “I don’t like it here, I’m a prisoner.”

“I know. But, these people are trying to make sure that Angel doesn’t kill you.”

“He can’t,” Connor laughed harshly. “He’s gone.”

“They’re not so sure and I’m not either. I..I know Angel and until you see him dust, then its best to assume that he’s out there working towards whatever goal he has in mind.”

“He couldn’t.”

“Never underestimate your father. Many have and as a result died.”

“He’s not my father.”

“Yes he is- maybe not the one you want or the one that should be, but he is and he is a formidable ally just as he is formidable enemy.”

“I can handle him, I beat him before.”

“You, I imagine got lucky. Don’t ever underestimate Angel. When he sets his mind on something, it usually gets done.”


“Connor, don’t okay. Connor, did you kill Cordelia?”

“Why does everybody keep asking me that?”

“Because if you did, Angel will more dangerous.”

“I don’t care. I don’t care about him or her.” Connor jerked his gaze back to his feet. “I did what I had to do.”

“Very well.” Wesley got up. “If you want to talk to me again, you can call.” Wesley handed the boy a cell phone. “My number is programmed in, just push 1. All I’ve ever wanted since I knew that your birth was possible was the best..I will always protect you.” Wesley sighed.

“I don’t remember you.”

“That’s okay, I remember you.” Wesley walked out.


“You were good today.” Lilah walked into Wesley’s apartment.

“I’m pleased that you think so.”

“Will you ever get over your bitterness? Babe, you got Connor, the one that your family hates you for taking away and he’s going to love you, be as loyal to you as he was to Holtz. Ironic. It’s wonderful.”

“It was one meeting.”

“Yeah, but all the readers watching the tape agreed he was ready to accept you. They all thought you played it just right leaving when you did – not too much pressure but still just enough bringing up ‘I knew you as a baby’ stuff, give it a week. Hey, you never mentioned that Cordelia the ‘wonderful’ seer was ‘Cordelia the demon’.”

Wesley eyes narrowed. “It was none of your business.”

“Wow and here I thought it was the cow girl you had the hots for. The forbidden fruit, was she? Angel’s girl.” Lilah grinned and walked away.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to bed.” Lilah turned taking the last bit of clothing off her body.

” I don’t …”

Lilah strode towards him, her fingers gently against his lips. “Yes you do. Who are denying yourself for.Angel, the vampire that tried to kill you, Cordelia the demon- saint, who only gave her loyalty to Angel- who rejected you completely before she ended up dead, Gunn and Miss Texas, your sweetie, who are doing what we should be doing right about now. Me and Connor that’s who you have now, enjoy it, the other’s – it’s time you let them go.”

“You’re right.” Wesley leaned and captured Lilah’s lips.

Part 6

Angel got up from the rocks going to the body of the young man he drained. He grabbed the keys out of his pocket before he placed the body in the metal box. Laurie’s body followed her boyfriends after her keys were taken. Angel closed the door encasing the couple in their own coffin.

With one last look at the metal chest, Angel turned and quickly traveled the couple’s path reaching the pickup truck on the edge of the outlook. He glanced around taking in the scenery. He wasn’t far from where he fell. It wouldn’t take him long to get where he needed to go. He threw Robby’s keys to the ground as they failed to start the truck. He tested the girls and growled in satisfaction as the engine started.

Angel went for about a mile when he swerved onto another outlook. His car was gone and there was no sign of Cordelia’s jeep. He slammed his fist into the steering wheel; he had no idea how long he had been in his watery tomb. Had Cordy come and gone, angry that he had stood her up or had she showed up in time to see Connor? He didn’t know and he had to.


“Cordelia.” Angel yelled throughout the hotel. “Cordelia.” He repeated louder in a growl. The vampire turned ready to head to his next destination at the responding silence, not caring that he sensed Gunn and Fred in the hotel.

“Angel. Angel, Oh god, don’t go, Angel..” Fred came running down the stairs clutching a large shirt around her body. The owner of the shirt came barreling after the young woman. “Yoa, man, stop.”

“Cordelia?” Angel swung around to face his surprised friends.

“She’s not with you? Please, say she’s with you.” “She was with you, right?” Both Fred and Gunn said at the same time.

Angel stepped back into the hotel. “Where is she?”

“We don’t know- Cordy’s been gone as long as you have- a month. You were supposed to be together, but then poof. Her car was found and then yours. You weren’t together? Please, Angel say you were together wherever you were, where were you by the way and thank god you’re, Angel, Connor’ s gone too. He’s not with you either, uh.” Fred stood wide-eyed in front of the vampire.


“Connor, we don’t…”

“Cordelia- where was her car found.” The vampire said succulently.

“She wasn’t with you, okay. Charles.” Fred looked up at her boyfriend.

“It was found on the freeway miles from the bluff, no one saw anything, it was weird, nobody noticed Cordy leaving her jeep in the middle of the frickin highway. Angel, where were you? And Connor..”

“Cordelia first.” Angel growled.

“Angel, what’s going on? What happened to you?”

“Connor was at the cliff; he attacked me, thought I killed Holtz, trapped me in a steel box and threw me in the ocean, I got out. I have to know if he went after her.” Angel turned to leave the hotel.

Fred and Gunn blinked simultaneously both at each other than at Angel. “Stop.” Gunn yelled at the retreating vampire.

Fred started to speak quickly, her hands wringing together. “Okay, that explains why you haven’t been around for the last month, you’ve been at the bottom of the OCEAN for a MONTH.”

“Girl.” Gunn placed a hand on Fred’s shoulder.

“Did you hear what he said, he said his son dropped him in the bottom of the ocean, no wonder we couldn’t find him. Did you think of looking for Angel at the bottom of the ocean, I didn’t? Did you? No. You didn’t because that’s insane. Really, it’s insane and it begs the question where’s Cordy- the moon. Hadn’t thought to look there. But, I didn’t think to look at the bottom of the ocean for Angel. So,” Fred shrugged widely. ” We all can see, how not good I am at this detective bit.” Fred’s voice rose to a dangerously high level.

“Cordy’s not on the moon.”

Fred shook and waved her hands in the air. “How do you know?” she cried at her boyfriend. “Like you knew that Angel was at the bottom of the ocean. You did, uh.”

“Fred,” Gunn looked helplessly at Angel, but the vampire was giving him no help but heading back for the door.

“Angel, where are you going?

“To find Cordelia, then deal with Connor.”

“How?” Gunn and Fred both said. “We looked everywhere, even asked Lilah.” Gunn added.

Fred nodded. “Threatened her, even, but she swore that Wolfram & Hart didn’t have anything to do with any of your disappearances.”

“You left her alive.”

“Um, well, yeah.”

“Then, you didn’t ask correctly.” Angel vanished into the darkness.

“Oh,” Fred’s eyes got big. “Maybe, we should follow him.”

“To save the bitch? If she does know something, Angel will get it out of her.”

“No, to make sure he doesn’t disappear again.” Fred shook her head pulling at Gunn. Fred stopped suddenly causing Gunn to bump into her. “What d’ya think he meant with ‘then he’ll deal with Connor’?”

“I don’t want to think about it- I’m just hoping that the answers are at Wolfram & Hart, not with Connor when Angel finds him.”

Fred’s eyes widened again. “Connor wouldn’t….right, he sunk Angel to the bottom of the ocean. It’s insane, all of it.” She said again, moving quicker to Gunn’s truck.

Part 7

“Connor, you can trust me.” Wesley sat down in front pacing silent teenager. “Connor, you called me.” He quietly urged.

“The only person I can trust is dead.” Connor jerked to a halt.

“Yes, I understand that you believe Angel killed Holtz.” Wesley nodded his encouragement ignoring for the moment the hostility, but rather focusing on the loneliness and torment the boy’s angry tone masked.

“He did. I saw it.”

Wesley leaned up in an offer of support. “You saw Angel kill Holtz and you failed to stop it? I could see how that would be distressing.”

“I..No, if I was there I would’ve protected him. I would’ve killed Angel then. I saw my father’s body. He was bitten by a vampire.” Connor argued and defended at the same time.

“Bitten?” Wesley raised a brow and sat back in his chair. “Connor, I’m curious, clearly you are aware of a vampire’s inclination to kill their victims by biting thereby satisfying their lust for blood and violence, but have you ever seen a victim of one?”

“I haven’t seen God but I know he exists, my father taught me that just as he taught me about the nature of demons and vampires just as he taught me about Angel. I saw the bloody marks of evil on my father’s neck. Angel killed him.”

Wesley lifted his hand in a conciliatory motion. “I’m not disputing that a vampire killed Holtz or even that Angel may have had a desire to want Holtz dead, but Angel is not the only vampire in LA, not by a long shot. What makes you so sure that it was Angel if you didn’t see the actual killing.”

“That woman, father’s friend Justine, she saw it. She saw how Angel wouldn’ t listen to my father explain that he forgave Angel. He just killed him just like he killed my father’s family years ago.”

Wesley leaned back further in his chair, his demeanor becoming more contemplative as he digested Connor’s words. ” Holtz forgave Angelus for killing his wife and children?”

“You don’t believe me,” Connor jumped up. “My father was honorable. A man of faith and strength with the ability to forgive, unlike a demon.”

“I would agree that forgiveness is not the easiest concept for Angel but it seems that you also have that trait.” Wesley sat up sharply.

“He killed my father. I won’t forgive that ever.”

“And Holtz took Angel’s son, you as a helpless baby, to a hell dimension. In some cultures, not just that of demon, Angel would be just. If in fact he did kill Holtz.”

“Angel has never been just, I’ve heard the stories, I know what he is,” Connor glared. “He killed..”

Wesley held up his hand again. “Connor, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had, but if Angel made that decision, it would surprise me that he would’ve bit Holtz to do it or that he would’ve left a witness alive to tell about it, especially to you.”

“He’s a vampire.”

“Yes that he is- a very dangerous one.”

“You don’t believe me.”

“No. I’m just considering the possibility that Justine lied to you. After all- she slit my throat at Holtz’s bidding and left me to die just so Holtz could take you for himself.”

“He was trying to protect me.”

“By killing me?” Wesley cocked his head at Connor. “No, I was trying to protect you. He was trying to use you for revenge and it seems that he succeeded.”

“You’re trying to make me doubt my father.” Connor moved aggressively towards the seated man.

“No. I’m trying to get you to open your eyes. Angel can be all that you believe him to be, but you have to see that Holtz also suffered from the same demon, he may’ve been human but he acted out of anger and the need for revenge just as Angel has done in the past. He’s no better than Angel. You were a baby, he didn’t know you except as Angel’s son, but he took you. Why?”

“To protect me. He loved me.”

“I do hope he did but Connor the truth is that I watched you being born, I fed you, held you, bathed you and protected you while Holtz sent his men in to try to kidnap you not caring that he could’ve harmed the humans, not demons, but humans that loved and protected you. The truth is- had Holtz not ordered my death and stole you from me, you would be playing with your toys and learning to walk, you’d be safe. Instead, you’ve grown up in a hell-dimension, only to return to be held prisoner by one of the many factions that wanted you dead when you were a baby. That’s the truth.”

Connor looked around the room that he was held. “They want me dead?”

“Not anymore, now they just want to know why you’re alive. Connor, you were borne of two vampires not an every day occurrence- it’s the type of thing that prophecies are made. They just want to know the hows and whys of yours.”

“I don’t know. I don’t care.”

“You don’t have much of a choice. You can’t be let free not until it’s assured that Angel won’t be a danger to you.”

“He’s gone. But, if somehow, he comes back, I’ll just do it again.”

Wesley looked hard at the angry young man. “Did you kill Cordelia? Yes or no.”

Connor narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

“Because whatever I believed and whatever you believe- Angel wouldn’t have killed you and even now after you’ve entombed him he wouldn’t, unless.if you ‘ve killed Cordelia, I can no longer say that the prophecy was false- the father just may kill the son.”


“No, Connor, I imagine you were able to get the best of Angel because he wouldn’t kill you, but the situation has changed. Cordelia’s death by your hands, his continuous isolation in a watery coffin- they change the odds and they just may have changed Angel. You only heard the stories from Holtz, now you could very well meet the horror.”


Wesley waved his hands around. “You, Wolfram & Hart, have no real idea what Angel can be capable of. Holtz knew, but that was a 150-year-old memory of Angelus. I can help you. “

“I don’t need.”

“Yes, you do. I know both the vampire with the soul and the unsouled one. Let me help you like I was supposed to do before.”

“What do you want?”

“Did you kill Cordelia?”

“NO.” Connor shook his head in frustration.

Wesley started at the boy for a moment then looked away, his attention no longer on the boy but directed inward. “Where she is? She wouldn’t be absent this long without some reason,” he murmured almost harshly to himself.

“What’s so important about her?” Connor interrupting, hearing Wesley’s low words.

“Cordy?” Wesley looked up and a slight smile formed over his features, almost sad in its completion. “She’s the heart of ..the heart of the vampire and she’s never willingly that far from him. If she’s gone, Angel, if he returns not ready to kill everyone and everything, will be preoccupied trying to find her. That gives us time.” Wesley said in a stronger tone, the thoughts which had given rise to his dejected demeanor of only a second ago were gone.

“Time for what?”

“To prepare for his coming after you.”

Part 8

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