Taken. 3

Part 3

The deathly, helpless silence in the lobby was suffocating. Spike lit a cigarette, wanting to scream or punch something or just walk away from it all. But then Cordelia’s pretty face flashed before his eyes and he knew couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

He glanced out of the glass doors leading to the courtyard. Angel appeared to be hunched over, still recovering from the horror of Darla’s phone call. Spike closed his eyes and tried to drown out the memory of Cordy’s screams but it wouldn’t work. Bile climbed up his throat but he swallowed it down. It wouldn’t do any good to have them all lose their heads. But, GOD…

“I’m gonna go see if he’s ok.” Buffy’s voice distracted him and he glanced up, his gaze following hers. She was also staring at Angel through the glass doors, concern written all over her features. They were thinking the same thing, not just about Cordelia’s welfare but Angel’s too. Spike cursed under his breath and stood.

Buffy tore her eyes away from the courtyard doors and looked at him. Spike gestured towards Angel and she nodded in understanding, stepping away from the group and exiting the lobby.


Angel lifted himself from the floor of the courtyard and struggled into a bench, clutching his stomach, though his heart was in far worse shape. God, Cordelia…

“Angel?” Buffy’s soft voice caught his attention and he jerked his head up. His stomach clenched painfully and then calmed as the nausea slowly began to vanish. She walked over to him, her eyes watery as she took a seat beside him, resting her hand on his trembling arm.

“They’re killing her.” He choked out.

Buffy nodded, biting her lip. “I know. But we’re not gonna let them, Angel. We’re gonna get her back, safe and sound and everything’s going to be fine.”

Angel shook his head, dropping it into his hands. “I can’t lose her, Buffy. I don’t know what I’ll do if – ”

“No.” Buffy said firmly. “You don’t have to think about what you’d do because it’s not going to happen. She’s going to be fine.”

Angel stayed silent, staring straight ahead. Her determination enabled his own rationality to kick in but he was still afraid to hope. He was still so afraid.

Buffy sighed, awkwardly patting his shoulder. “Do you remember when I first found out about you and Cordy?” Angel paused, then nodded slowly. “Do you remember what I said to you the morning before I left?”

Despite the situation, the corners of Angel’s lips twitched at the memory. “You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.”

“Yeah.” Buffy whispered. “I saw how happy she made you Angel. It hurt me at first but I couldn’t deny it.”

After the screaming and the hitting – ”

“Yes, after the screaming and the hitting.” Buffy rolled her eyes at him. “But I saw it. And everyone in there can see it too. And none of them are going to give up until we get her back safely.”

Angel let out a breath, a small sense of reassurance growing in him. Buffy was silent for a few seconds. Then, “And hey, do you remember what I said to Cordy?”

This time, Angel allowed a small smile to grace his lips. “If she ever hurt me, you’d kick her ass.”

“Yep.” Buffy quipped. “And she still remembers that. So believe me when I say, she’ll keep fighting and she *will* make it through this. Ok?”

Angel glanced at her, touched and a little comforted. “Ok.”


Fred sniffled, wiping the tears from her face. “ I just wish we had something to go on. We can’t search the whole city, we’d run out of time.”

Wesley sighed. “We may just have to take that chance, Fred.”

“Maybe we could use a spell?” Fred asked.

Gunn groaned. Xander glanced at Willow, who suddenly looked nervous. “Uh, I don’t think that’s such a good idea…”

“We have to do something.” Fred said desperately. “They’re killing her.”

“But what?” Gunn asked.

Silence followed. Wesley closed his eyes and tried to think. What could they do? Other than searching the city, there were a limited number of options. Angel and Spike could try sniffing out Cordelia but chances were they wouldn’t get too far. Or they could return to the alley and try –

“Hey,” Willow’s voice interrupted his train of thought, “doesn’t that phone have an answering machine?”

Gunn raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, why?”

“Was it on?”

The other eyebrow shot up. “Again, why?”

“Well, if we could play back the phone conversation, there might be distinct sounds in the background or something that could help us find out where she is.” Willow shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”

Gunn nodded. “Yeah ok, I’ll do that.” He walked around the counter, picking up the receiver just as Angel and Buffy re-entered the lobby.

“Angel,” Fred called out, walking over to him. “Are you alright?”

Angel nodded, swallowing. “Wes?”

“Yes, well Gunn’s replaying your phone conversation and checking to see if there’s any evidence in it as to where they’re holding Cordelia.” Wesley removed his glasses, wiping them. “Once that’s done, perhaps we should return to the alley, see if there’s anything you or Spike could sniff out. It might prove to be faster and more useful than searching the entire city.”

Angel nodded, the tremors gone, his resolve back in place. “Let’s do it.”

Spike grabbed Buffy’s arm as she stepped forward, his voice low. “Are you sure you can handle this, luv?” When her eyes flashed, he hastily added, “The last time you were in that alley things turned ugly.”

Buffy sighed, squeezing his hand. “I’ll be fine. I’ve got you with me in any case, haven’t I?” She smiled reassuringly at him. “I have to show you where the alley is anyway.” They headed for the weapons cabinet.

“Any luck?” Willow asked Gunn, coming up behind him.

“Zilch.” Gunn shook his head, looking a little ill. “And to be honest, the less times I listen to that tape, the better.”

Willow nodded in understanding. “Well, not to undermine your abilities but I could have a go.” Gunn shrugged and stepped out of the way.

Angel lifted the weapons he had dropped by the couch earlier, hauling them over his shoulder. “Alright – Fred? Willow? Stay here in case Darla calls again. And see if you can get anything from that tape. The rest of us are going to that alley.”

Fred nodded. “We’ll call you if we find anything.”

“Likewise.” Angel headed towards the door, Wesley, Gunn, Xander, Buffy and Spike following closely behind him.


Her eyes felt as though they had dried out. She couldn’t cry anymore, she was numb from all the pain. She could barely see straight but her body appeared to be bruised and broken, and she was sure she could feel the wet sting of blood on her neck, her arms, her legs.

A while earlier she had remarked to a sneering Darla that she had suffered the pain of Vocah’s visions, that this was nothing in comparison, an amateur attempt at torture.

Darla had retaliated, not by tongue, but by fang, sinking hers deep into Cordelia’s throat until she felt as though she were going to pass out from the blood loss, and then viciously ripping them away, tearing the tender skin.

She could still feel the agony. In her mind, in her body, in her heart. And she didn’t know how much more of it she could take.

God Angel, where are you?


“Can you hear anything?” Fred asked, leaning her elbows on the counter. Willow held up a finger, silencing her. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, the receiver pressed to her ear.

“Hmm…” she said finally, looking up, “there is something – it’s really distant and pretty unclear but it’s there. I just cant work out what it is.”

Fred took the receiver from Willow, holding it to her own ear. “Play it for me.”

Willow pressed rewind and play. “It’s a vibrating sound.” Fred nodded when she could hear it. “Kinda sounds like a drill.” Willow paused for a second. Then her eyes widened. “Or a motor, maybe?”

“Yeah…” Fred agreed, covering her other ear and playing the tape once again. “I’d say that’s definitely some sort of motor.”

“Ok, so we’re looking for a bike? Or a car?”

“Or,” Fred said, her eyes squinting as she listened to the tape once again, “a boat.”

Willow switched the message to speakerphone and closed her eyes, trying to focus. The sound was, without a doubt, a motor. And Fred was right, the sound was far too muffled to be a car or bike.

“Alright, let’s assume it’s a boat. So, we’re looking for either a harbour or a pier of some sort.”

Fred nodded. “I’ll call Wesley.”

Willow turned off the machine, contemplating an idea. “Oh hey, Fred? Did Cordy by any chance leave any of her stuff here? Like, a t – shirt or a hair tie or something?”

“Yeah, I guess, in Angel’s room or her old room maybe.” Fred shrugged. “Why?”

“Well, there are a ton of piers in Los Angeles. If I performed a spell to find an exact location, it could save Angel and others a lot of valuable time.”

Fred grimaced. “Uh…but Xander said – ”

“I know.” Willow said, coming around the counter to face the other girl. “But I can handle myself, I promise. I can do this. I know this spell by heart and it’s really simple, all I need is something of Cordy’s. It can’t go wrong. Honestly!” She added hastily when Fred raised an eyebrow. “Look, every second counts and this would really help them out. I wont screw up, ok?”

Fred sighed, looking doubtful. Finally, she relented. “I’ll go see if I can find something of Cordelia’s.”


The vampire rippled over his feature like a wave breaking against the shore, and Angel sniffed the alleyway, closing his eyes in concentration. He could hear Spike doing the same a few feet away from him but his mind was on Cordelia, on the scent that drove him wild with ardour and crazy with concern all at once.

He caught it a few seconds later, gesturing Spike over with his hand, who nodded and followed. Angel’s eyes flickered over the alley, landing on the wall next to him, where the raw stain of blood could still be seen. A low growl escaped him. Cordy’s scent was strongest there and he could smell it easily now. All he had to do was follow it, see where it lead him. He just didn’t know if it would be strong enough to follow all the way. If he concentrated really hard –

The shrill ring of a mobile phone made him jump and everyone shot Wesley an irritated look as he pulled it out of his jacket pocket, an apologetic smile on his face. “Hello? Ah Fred, yes. A boat? Right, so we’re looking for a pier, you say?” He glanced at Angel, who nodded. “Alright, good work, anything else?” He paused, his eyes widening. “Willow did what?”

Buffy and Xander spun around, staring at him worriedly.

“Uh…yes. I see. Oh right, oh well done.” Wesley was nodding like a mad man, a slightly bewildered expression on his face. “Yes, got it. Will do. We’ll keep you posted.” He snapped the phone shut and looked up at the group.

Xander raised an eyebrow. “Willow did what?” He asked cautiously.

Wesley cleared his throat. “Well, it seems she performed a location spell – ”

“She did WHAT?” Xander and Buffy yelped at the same time. Spike rolled his eyes.

“- In order to discover Cordelia’s whereabouts.” Wesley finished. “Also, they heard the sound of a boat motor in the background during the phone conversation. They think that perhaps she’s being held near a pier – ”

Gunn released a breath. “LA has a dozen piers.”

“If not more.” Buffy added.

“Hold on.” Angel kept his eyes on Wesley, who looked a little annoyed at not being able to finish his sentences. “What was the outcome of the spell?”

“Well, if you’d all let me finish.” A small smile pulled at Wesley’s lips. “The spell provided them with the exact location. We know which pier.”

“Wow.” Xander said, after a moment’s silence. “I never thought I’d say this but thank God for magic!”

“I still ain’t sayin’ it.” Gunn muttered.

“Bollocks!” Spike swore suddenly, impatiently, earning himself several curious glances from the group.

“Well, come on! What the bloody hell are we standing around here for? Let’s move!”

Part 4

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