LA’s Angels. 2

A/N: This chapter’s for LL.


Wesley glanced at the papers in his hands, reading his own typed-out words over and over. He’d condensed and summarized their latest case on a single sheet of paper for the benefit of Faith, Buffy and Cordelia, who, in his past experience, preferred to avoid long, complicated explanations.

It still baffled him a little – three smart, independent women refusing to take on a little heavy reading.

He’d called them the previous evening, notifying them of an important meeting he was holding today, regarding their latest cases. Their latest, biggest and most unthinkable cases, he should have added, at least for the one.

He scanned the sheets concerning the case in question, shaking his head.

They weren’t going to believe their ears.


Xander Harris stared at his best friend as she sat at the table opposite him, slowly sipping her morning iced-coffee. His eyes were drawn to the pucker of her lips as they held the straw between them, the gentle curve of her cheekbone, the soft tendril of blonde hair that fell into her sparkling green eyes –

Xander swallowed.

Buffy was looking at him, grinning widely. “What?”

He cleared his throat. “What?”

“You were staring at me.”

“You have a coffee moustache.” Xander sighed with relief when Buffy immediately frowned, dabbing at her face with her napkin.



The universe was against him. He just knew it. Eight years he’d felt this way about her, eight years he’d been head over heels in love and she didn’t have a clue…

She never would.

Xander ignored the pang in his heart, instead choosing to do what he always did. Hide it all away and pretend it didn’t exist. “So how’s Cordelia?”

Buffy raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s fine. Why?”

Xander feigned innocence. “No reason.”

“Come on, Xan.” Buffy chuckled, winking teasingly at him. “She’s a little outta your league, dontchya think? The girl’s practically nobility…”

“So she’s classy.” Xander shrugged, his eyes twinkling. “Maybe she’s an uptown girl looking for a back street guy…”

“Nah.” Buffy shook her head. “She only ever dates upmarket guys. It’s not like she looks down on guys who aren’t.” She hurriedly added at his look. “She just has expensive taste. Ya know, designer suits, shoes, car – the works. They gotta be clean but kinda rough around the edges, kinda intense and broody.” She looked him over, smiling. “And you’re not exactly a Donald Trump wannabe.”

Xander pouted. “So that’s a no?”

Buffy laughed, laying her hand over his. “Aw Xander, I still love you.” She glanced at her watch, unaware of the way his heart quickened, the way his hand clenched beneath her palm, the way his face fell and then rebuilt its previous expression by the time she’d looked up. “I guess we’re all searching for love, huh?”

Xander snorted. “Right. Like you actually have to search.”

Buffy pouted slightly, and her eyes appeared strangely sad. “I do.” She stared at him forlornly and Xander felt his throat close up. “I still am. I’m beginning to think I’ll never find it.”

Xander opened his mouth to say something but paused when she glanced at her watch again.

“Shoot, I gotta go, Wesley has some big new project from the Powers under his belt he wants to fill us in on and I can’t be late.”

She got out of her seat and Xander stood too, watching her as she swung her jacket around and slid it over her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek. A quick “bye” was whispered in his ear and then she was gone, her back to him as she jogged out of the café and across the road to her car.

Xander let out a breath and sat down, leaning back in his seat.

Yup, the universe was *definitely* against him.



“Yep, that’s me.” Faith hopped out of her seat in the tiny café, grabbing the bagels and handing over the money to the girl behind the counter. “Thanks.”

She folded the brown paper bag at the top, putting her sunglasses on and stepping out into the brilliant sunshine. A grin broke across her face as warm rays of sunshine kissed her face. She licked her lips and glanced at her watch. Wes needed them at the office soon. She’d have to make a move if she wanted to get there on time, or at least earlier than –


A loud shout interrupted her train of thought and Faith swiftly looked up, her eyes narrowing when she saw a young man, possibly in his mid twenties, viciously trying to yank an older woman’s bag away from her arm. The woman was putting up a fair fight but the guy suddenly shoved her, and she released the bag, nearly falling over backwards. The robber broke into a sprint, rounding the corner.

“No peace for the wicked. “ Faith muttered, breaking into a sprint after him, her feet moving supernaturally fast across the pavement. She expertly dodged passers by, aware that she must have looked like nothing more than blur to them, but her mind was on the task at hand. She was just a few feet away from the thief now. She sped up, the bagels swinging at her side.

The man turned, glancing at her in fear.

BIG mistake.

The action slowed him down and Faith ploughed into him, sending them both tumbling over. He dropped the bag and scrambled for it but Faith was there first. She threw the bag a few feet away, out of reach, and stood staring down at him, her breathing heavy.

When he looked up at her, she grinned. “Hiya.”

The man spat blood out of his mouth, probably from his collision with the pavement. “Bitch!” He lunged at her but Faith stepped neatly out of the way and he stumbled slightly, catching himself before he fell face forward. He spun around and ran at her again, throwing a punch. Faith ducked, elbowing him in the stomach.

The thief coughed and took a step back, grabbing his abdomen. “Who are you?” He bellowed angrily, glaring at her.

Faith only shrugged, hands on her hips. “Just think of me as retribution.”

The man scrunched his face up. “Who?”

Faith rolled her eyes, looking over his shoulder as the sound of sirens rang through the air. She calmly pointed behind him. “Cavalry’s here.”

The robber spun around. One look at the police car and he gasped, making a run for it. Faith caught his shirt, causing his entire body to jerk and swivel. He lashed out at her once again and this time Faith took no chances, swiftly raising her knee and slamming it into his groin. He groaned, a small squeak escaping him as he sank to the floor, both hands clutching his crotch.

“I didn’t wanna have to go and do that.” Faith said, feigning regret. “But you left me little choice.” She walked over and retrieved the bag, turning as the police car stopped, and a familiar face with blonde hair and a suave pantsuit emerged.

“Faith!” The blonde said, smiling warmly.

“Katie!” Faith grinned, her tongue between her teeth. “How you been?”

“Good, not too shabby.” Kate responded, staring at the man curled in a foetal position on the floor. “I see you’re doing my rounds for me.” She looked up, smiling.

“Hey, it’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it.” Faith quipped, shrugging. “Plus, you know me. I can never resist a bad boy.”

“Hmm.” Kate glanced over her shoulder. “Demon where it should have been?”

Faith joined her thumb and index finger in a circle, raising the three remaining fingers in the universal sign of perfect. “Building site. Just like you said.”

Kate nodded, looking once again at the thief as the two policemen who’d arrived at the scene with her took him into custody. She grimaced. “What is it with you and *that* area?”

Faith laughed. “Nobody likes change.”

Kate nodded. “Sure. At least you’re consistent.”

“I try.”

The police car honked once and Kate smiled apologetically. “I should go. It was good seeing you. How are the girls?”

“They’re great.”

Kate nodded, her eyes twinkling. “And Wes?”

Faith smirked. “Oh, he’s just fine.” She licked her lips. “You two should just shag already.”

Kate gave her an odd look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Faith.” The police car honked again and Kate glanced over her shoulder. “Okay, I really have to go. You’ll return the bag?”

“After I’ve ransacked it for spare cash, sure.” Faith smiled at her, waving as Kate got into the car.

“Don’t even joke about that.” Kate warned teasingly. “Oh, and Faith? Thanks.” She rolled up the window and Faith watched as the car gained speed and drove off into the distance.

She turned and headed back around the corner, back to the street where the robbed woman stood, now in the midst of a small, concerned crowd. Her eyes widened as Faith walked over, pulling the bag out from under her arm.

“Oh, you angel!” She exclaimed and Faith had to grin at that as the woman clutched her bag tightly to her. “Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do? I’m so grateful – ”

“Oh no.” Faith shook her head, smiling. “This is pretty standard for me.”

The woman nodded, a smile lighting her face. “Well, God bless people like you.”

Faith chuckled. “Sure, why not? I practically work for the guy.”


Something warm and wet against her hand dragged her out of blissful slumber. Cordy blinked sleepily, shielding her eyes against the sunlight streaming through the balcony doors. She glanced over and grinned at Jack, the love of her life – her beloved Golden Retriever, who was still lapping at her hand.

“Morning gorgeous…” She said between yawning, ruffling the hair on his head. He barked and wagged his tail, resting his front paws on the bed. The phone rang beside her bed, startling both of them. Cordy rolled over, grabbing it and yawning into the receiver.


“Chase?” Riley Finn, her closest friend’s voice filtered through the phone. He sounded confused. “What the hell are you still doing in bed? Catching up on beauty sleep?”

“Hey!” Cordy frowned. “Like I need it.”

“Well, get up.” He ordered. “Don’t make me come over there.”

Cordelia closed her eyes, laying a hand over her forehead. “Ri, it’s too early for me to play along to your ‘I am scary, dammit’ routine.”

“Early?” Riley squeaked, and she could picture his eyebrows shooting up. “Chase, it’s 11 o’clock.”

Cordy jerked up in bed, her eyes widening.


“What, what?”

She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. “Shit!”

Wesley was going to KILL her.


She was over half an hour late.

“So kind of you to join us, Cordelia.” Wes shot her a disapproving glare as she strolled into the room.

“Keep your panties on.” Cordy hung her coat up and walked over to the sofa, taking a seat. She grinned at Faith and Buffy. “Ladies.”

“Who you callin’ a lady?” Faith said, winking. “I chased after a public offender for twenty minutes this morning and I am *still* earlier than you are.”

“I overslept.” Cordy shrugged coolly. “And you being on time, let alone earlier than anyone else is a rare occurrence, so hush.”

“If you’re quite finished arguing about each other’s punctuality…” Wesley shot them a stern look and both girls immediately shut up, though they covered their mouths to keep from laughing. “Right. I require your full attention on this matter – it’s one of our bigger cases, if not our biggest yet.”

He returned to his desk and picked up a remote control, aiming it at the wall opposite him. The girls turned in their seats just as the wall split open and spread apart, revealing the large, rectangular screen. Immediately, a picture of a grand, stylish and unpleasantly familiar building appeared on the screen.

“I got word from the Powers That Be yesterday evening,” Wesley began, “regarding their latest assignment. They wish for us to help – ”

“Is that Wolfram and Hart?” Buffy asked, staring at the image of the structure.

“ – the CEO of Wolfram and Hart.” Wesley finished, an annoyed expression on his face. He appeared quite pleased when three pairs of eyes swivelled around to stare at him.


Wesley ignored them completely. “Of course, I was as surprised as you when I was told. However, the Powers made it perfectly clear that this is what they want.”

“They cannot be serious…” Faith shook her head.

Buffy opened her mouth, then closed it again, then seemed to find her tongue and opened it once more. “But they’re evil! They’re totally malicious and corrupt! We’ve spent half our time fighting their clients and their employees – why would the Powers want us to help them?”

“She’s right.” Cordy added. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

Wesley frowned. “Perhaps you should all take a lesson in allowing one to finish their explanation.”

“Perhaps you should take one in speeding it up…” Cordy muttered.

“I heard that.” Wesley snipped. “The Powers don’t want us to help Wolfram and Hart per sae.” He clicked on the remote control again and the picture on the screen changed. The image of an extremely handsome man with dark hair and deep, dark eyes materialized. “They only want us to help one person in particular.”

For a few seconds there was silence. Then –

“Whoa.” Faith said in awe, glancing at Wesley. “Did you switch to cable or something?”

Wes almost smiled. He pointed to the screen. “This is the CEO of Wolfram and Hart.”

Buffy’s jaw dropped. “HIM???”

Cordy grinned. “You know what they say about evil wearing a pretty face.”

This time, Wesley did smile. “Funny you say that, Cordy.” He picked up a few sheets of paper from his desk and handed each girl a sheet. “His name is Angel, or Angelus, meaning ‘angelic one’ or ‘the one with the angelic face’. The name was delegated to him by his sire.”

“He’s a vampire?” Buffy yelped.

Cordy rolled her eyes. “Told you he was evil…”

“No.” Wesley cleared his throat. “He’s a vampire with a soul.”

Once again, the girls were stunned into silence. And once again, it was Faith who broke it.

“Say what?”

“If you look at the sheets I’ve given you, they provide all the information you’ll need.” Wesley said, adjusting his glasses. “Angel was turned during the 18th Century. He was in his late twenties when it happened.” Wes paced the room, the piece of paper held firmly in his hand. “For over a hundred years he wreaked havoc, took and destroyed lives, left towns burned and broken – he was known as the Scourge of Europe.”

Buffy winced. “And we’re gonna help him why?”

Wesley stopped and watched her very solemnly. “Because around eighty years ago he was cursed with a soul. He killed a gypsy girl and her family placed a curse on him so that he would remember all the pain and death he caused, every victim, every face…” Wes’s expression was stone serious. “Every last detail.”

Faith frowned, her brow creasing. “Okay, not to sound insensitive but – so what? He was ruthless and he killed so many people without blinking an eye. Surely he deserves to suffer.”

“Of course.” Wesley nodded. “But for the past several decades he has dedicated his life to helping the helpless, much like us. Perhaps it is his way of giving back some of the life he took away. The soul allows him to feel regret and compassion, and that is the true source of his desire to assist those in need.”

“But he works for Wolfram and Hart.” Buffy looked incredibly puzzled. “It just doesn’t make sense.”

“He used to be a champion for the Powers.” Wesley said, smiling at the shocked looks he received. “He was on the road to redemption, atoning with a soul for all the sins he committed without one. The Powers were going to make him human someday as a reward for all his hard work and integrity.”

“So what happened?”

“Last year he made a bad decision.” Wes said. “Several bad decisions actually – and they cost him. He lost almost everything and he made a deal with Wolfram and Hart. In exchange for his soul, his son – ”

“He has a son?” Faith’s eyes were wide.

“Yes, a miracle child born of two vampires, human but physically very much like a vampire. It is a rather complicated tale. And perhaps not surprisingly, not a terribly happy one. To make a long story short—”

Cordy shook her head, trying to clear the fuzz induced by the onslaught of information. “Too late.”

“This really isn’t the point, children,” Wesley said impatiently. “Look, the son, Connor I believe it was, went absolutely out of his mind and tried to destroy everything Angel held dear, as well as Angel himself. It ultimately resulted in hostages and an explosive situation—of the literal and figurative kind. So, to save those involved, Angel made this deal.”

“Save them how?” Cordy asked in an almost-whisper, still staring intently at the screen.

“He traded the only thing he had left to give—his soul,” Wesley answered solemnly, then frowned. “As I was saying before I was interrupted, in exchange for Angel’s soul, he was given the Los Angeles branch of Wolfram and Hart and all its resources to run how he saw fit.”

“Of course he chose to further help the helpless and benefit the forces of good. But no longer with the assistance of the Powers That Be. As for his son… there’s no record human or mystical that the child ever existed. It’s only because of the Powers that I don’t feel the fool for even suggesting what should be an impossibility. I can only speculate that Wolfram and Hart altered reality and all memory of the boy was erased.”

“So vamp-child is dead?” Faith wondered aloud.

““Wow.” Buffy said. “My mom always says the hardest thing in the world would be to lose her children before they lose her.”

“Yes, so all loving parents say,” Wesley qualified, before clearing his throat again and continuing. “Which is why I doubt that he sacrificed his soul so his son could die. But for all intents and purposes, the boy is gone and regardless of what happened to Connor, the situation as it stands now has prompted the Powers to intervene. Various and copious past mistakes aside, Angel has a valuable role to play. And not to put a fine point on it, the man—um, vampire’s unhappy and he doesn’t want to be there. Unfortunately this is one bad decision he can’t get himself out of.”

“Damn. I never thought I’d come across a depressed vampire.” Faith said with a hint of a smile.

“Aah, that reminds me.” Wes said, clicking on the remote control once again. The screen switched off and the walls slowly slid back into place. “Angel may have a soul but it was the result of a curse. And curses come with clauses.”

He paused dramatically and Cordy rolled her eyes.

“It’s not an exact science, but the gypsies wanted him to suffer an eternity of guilt and anguish. Therefore, if Angel experiences a single moment of perfect happiness, he will lose his soul and become Angelus again.”

“Bummer.” Faith said and Cordy knew immediately that she was thinking about sex.

“Yes.” Wes agreed, clearly unaware of what he’d just agreed to. “That being said, it doesn’t mean he cannot experience any happiness whatsoever. As long as it’s not too much all at once, and as long as he doesn’t forget all the terrible things he did and why the curse was put on him.” He leaned against his desk. “Though I hardly doubt he’s come across any happiness, what with losing his son and thinking the Powers have abandoned him. Not to mention taking on the responsibility of an evil law firm.”

“What do you want us to do?” Cordy asked, surprised at how sorry she felt for the vampire. Everyone deserved a little happiness in their lives, especially in cases like this.

Though to be honest, she noted with a smile, there were no cases like this.

Wesley glanced at her. “Go to Wolfram and Hart. He’s not aware of your coming or this scenario but the Powers know he wants out so just be honest with him. Through my study of vampires I can certainly tell you this – they don’t like being lied to.” He sighed. “Mention the Powers, talk a little bit about yourselves perhaps, what it is you do and why you want to help him.”

“So we have to act like he’s doing us a favour?” Faith asked indignantly.

“No,” Wes sighed. “It’s just that he might take a while to warm to you. Look, all I’m saying is, the Powers want Angel back in their corner. He’s a champion but he’s lost – we just need to guide him back to the path and get him out of there before he loses it completely.” He grinned. “And hey, with three beautiful women like yourselves strolling into his office and asking to be of service, how’s a man of any age or status to refuse you anything?”

“I don’t think we’d be thinking about the same services, Wes.” Cordy said dryly. “Ya know, gender – wise.”

“So how old is he now?” Buffy asked, cutting off Wesley before he had a chance to defend male integrity.


Faith whistled. “Grandpa.”

“Vegetable.” Cordy agreed.

“None of the above.” Wesley said sternly, shaking his head. “As you know, vampires don’t age, and Angel is rather different to your standard vampire. Obviously, there’s the soul, but he is also faster, stronger and cleverer. Essentially, he’s immortal.”

He turned then, and retrieved a folder from his desk, seemingly done with his explanation. Silence filled the room as the girls considered the vast amount of information they’d been given. Cordy leaned back against the couch. Helping the CEO of Wolfram & Hart seemed an inexcusable act – and yet, something about the idea attracted her. She felt unexpected sympathy for the vampire –

“I bet he’s great in bed.” Faith suddenly wondered aloud and Cordy snickered at Wesley’s dismayed look. “All that stamina… “ She trailed off, tapping her chin. “Too bad about the big happy clause.”

“Do you want us to go tonight?” Buffy asked.

“No, it will have to keep until tomorrow,” Wesley demurred without looking up, apparently drawn deep into thought by something in the now open file balanced in his hand.

Then he just as quickly snapped the folder shut, reached for a thin stack of typed sheets of paper on his desk, and faced them with a familiar sparkle in his eye. That glimmer usually preceded a long, animated lecture on whatever archaic mumbo-jumbo was at the heart of their latest case. More times than not, the lecture itself resembled an awkward tango wherein Wes alternated between bubbling over with excitement and adopting the attitude of a beleaguered Oxford don.

The girls, on the other hand, gave their best imitation of paying attention or, at the very least, not noticeably falling asleep mid-lesson.

When he didn’t immediately elaborate, Cordelia and Buffy exchanged glances.

“So we’re having this urgent meeting because—?” Faith made a ‘hurry up already’ motion with her hand in Wesley’s general direction

Refusing to be rushed, Wesley cleared his throated quietly and handed the papers to Buffy before circling slowly back to his desk. “We have a priority case to deal with first.”

His back was turned when Cordelia made a half-dive for the other brunette’s moving hand before it became a gesture of an entirely different nature.

“Can you be a little less Agatha Christie and move on to the useful details please?” Cordy took a page from the stack Buffy passed her, handing the single remaining sheet to Faith.

“Yeah, this oughta be good” Faith chimed in. “What exactly trumps bringing down the law firm from hell and saving Tall, Dark and Broodelicious?”

“Well I wouldn’t say trumps but – ” If Wesley looked any more pleased with what he was about to say next, the buttons of his shirt would start popping off. “This case involves a serial-killing vampire to be exact. He’s practically royalty—a Count in fact.”

Faith’s face screwed up as she watched him and muttered to the women seated on either side of her. “If the word ‘Dracula’ comes outta his mouth, we’re switching him to decaffeinated tea.”

“I am not discussing a classic novel that has been bastardized and distorted to the point of absurdity for the gratification of the cinematic public!” Wesley glowered from across the desk.

“Hey, some of us are visual learners,” Buffy retorted. “Give me a movie over some stuffy English lit class any day.”

Wesley was beginning to look apoplectic. “Oh, and I suppose equating an actor whose greatest character portrayal includes playing air guitar and travelling through time and space in a phone booth to a *real* vampire hunter seems perfectly acceptable to you?”

Cordelia suddenly stuck out her index finger at him as a warning. “Don’t start with the Keanu comments.”

He shut his eyes and appeared to be silently praying for patience. “Perhaps we should return to the matter at hand before this conversation gets completely out of control.” His eyes were still closed when Faith muttered ‘too late for that’ not-so-under her breath. Blue eyes flashed open at her but Wesley pretended to ignore her. “As I was saying… we have a count to deal with—one who is obsessed on a count of a different kind entirely.”

At their collective blank stares he groaned. “A body count?”




Wesley rolled his eyes, rather put out. “As I was saying, he’s an important noble figure in Los Angeles. No one can touch him.”

Cordy smiled. “Except for us.”

Wesley grinned. “Right you are.”

“Do we get to dress up?”

“Of course.”

“Yay.” Buffy grinned. “I’m in.”

“Might I add?” Wesley asked, glancing at her. “He appears to have a brunette fetish.”

“Oh.” Buffy huffed, looking a little disappointed.

Faith smirked, putting an arm around Cordelia. “Guess that leaves us to the dirty work.”


Posted in TBC

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