Fine Tuning. 5

Chapter 5

Angel stalked into the Hyperion Lobby, edgy and restless since Cordy left. He felt something prickling at his skin, needling him slightly. He sighed, looking around the dark empty hall. Nothing here. No demons.

No entities. No Cordy. Why did he feel….itchy?

Cordy. He reached for the phone and called her apartment. One ring, Two. Three. Four. He shuffled impatiently. She should have had time to get home. And they’d made a deal. No more not answering the phone, even during a fight. That way led to…not being rescued in times of danger.

He remembered saying that to her, and those hazel eyes had rolled up so far at that they had disappeared into her head. He was pretty sure she’d answer the phone just to let him know she was alright. Mostly sure. He finally hung up after the 10th ring and looked around, not sure of what to do next.

Just then the front doors flew open and Gunn and Wesley burst inside. Angel looked up at them in the dimness and flinched slightly as Wesley turned on the lobby lights. The two men looked down at Angel, and he felt his body tighten as he noticed Cordelia’s weekend bag slung over Gunn’s shoulder.

“Man, what happened? Where’s Cordy?” Gunn looked around. Angel felt a chill tear through him. Gunn tossed Cordy’s bag aside and stalked to the office. “What went down….because you sounded like someone kicked your puppy and took your skittles away. Her car is still out back. And we found this on the pavement by the car.”

“Cordy.” Angel’s voice was a strangled whisper.

Wes looked at him closely, moving to him. “Angel.” His voice was low and calm. “What happened? Where’s Cordy?”

Angel looked at the bag on the floor and looked at Wes with bleak fear in his eyes. No. No, no, no. He opened his mouth and uttered one word. Wes went pale, and Gunn spun around from the office door, his hands curling into fists.



Cordy woke slowly, groaning as she rolled over onto something hard and unyielding. She opened her eyes. Dim light filtered into the cool damp room…a large grey empty room. Rising to her knees, she swallowed, feeling her raw throat protest with pain.

She had been….outside. In the night. Getting into her car. She looked around the windowless room and stood slowly, her cramped muscles achy as she stretched. What had happened? She was getting into her car…and…..nothing. She couldn’t remember.

She looked wildly around the room. A large, empty dank space. Some kind of basement room, maybe…a cellar. A single dim bulb swung from the ceiling on a frayed cord. A slight pull at her arm had Cordy looking down. A fresh cut lined her forearm, clotted over. She stared down at it and wiped her shirt over it, feeling a small sting.

She looked around again and walked to the door and tugged at it, frowning as it held, apparently locked. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the door. Oh god. What was this? She had a dinner with Angel….. the dinner was fine, great, wonderful….till…..she straightened, remembering what had caused the evening to get shot to hell. She sucked in a breath as footsteps quietly sounded outside the door and she stepped back.

All the pain of the night came back to her as the lock on the door clicked, and the door swung open slowly towards her. She stepped back, shards of chill pouring through her as she stared impassively at the malevolent vessel of hate who had stepped in to ruin her life.


“You slept with Darla?” Wes’ voice was incredulous. Angel ignored him as he yanked the weapon cabinet door open and began tugging out a sword and several stakes. Wes stood stock still and stared at him as Angel began tugging his coat on. “Before you….”

“Came back. Yeah. Long story.”

“And Darla comes here, struts her bitchy self, leaves, and you just let Cordy walk out?” Gunn sounded angry. Wes threw him a look and he glared back. “No. Not being nice anymore. What’s wrong with you?” He looked back at Angel. “How stupid can you be?”

“I don’t have time for this. You can take me on later, but I’ve got to find Cordy.” Angel swept towards the basement door. “Wes. Call Lorne. Tell him to open his ears. See if anyone knows where Darla’s nesting. Gunn. You’re with me. I need you to get Cordy while I take care of Darla.”

He paused, looking at Gunn. “I can’t lose her. I can’t let….” His voice trailed off bleakly. Gunn grabbed an axe and walked to him, clapping him on the shoulder as he reached around him to push the basement door open.

“It won’t happen, man. C’mon. Let’s go get her back.” Wesley watched them go and then grabbed up the phone and punched in Lorne’s number.

“It’s me. We have a problem.”


“Hello, Cordelia. Sleep well?” Darla’s voice was indolently amused as she strolled into the room, approaching Cordy slowly. Cordelia willed her body to calm as Darla stopped, facing her.

“You are so dust.” Cordy’s voice was calm. “You’ll only wish for hell when Angel gets done with you.” Her coolness seemed to surprise Darla a bit; the blonde’s eyes narrowed as she looked Cordy up and down.

“Yes. Well. Now that the empty threat portion of the conversation is over, perhaps you’d like to tell your new best friend why you were all cranky with the bohunk. Of course, there’s his innate stupidity. Angelus is much, much smarter than Angel could ever be.” And she grinned a feline smile.

“And much much more clever. Angelus could scent out deception before the thought leaves your head, but Angel…” she laughed, clearly amused. “I love to pull his strings and watch him dance.”

“What do you want?”

“Oh, what does every girl want, Cordelia? A pair of Jimmy Choo’s Soft, size 6 narrow, a little spree at Tiffany’s, a date with the devil….” She circled Cordelia slowly. “Now there’s a thought. Have you thought about it, Cordy? That you could be courted by the devil?” she leaned in to Cordy’s ear.

“That you could be stroking flesh of hell?” she moved slowly around, circling. Cordelia held perfectly still as small shivers ran up her spine. Darla leaned in closer so that Cordy could almost feel her lips touching her ear. “You could be….”

The air was silent and still for a moment. Darla suddenly shrieked and shoved Cordelia away, stalking to the other side of the room and spinning around. Angry hate shot out of her eyes. Cordelia met her gaze, feeling her heart hammering in her chest.

“Dammit. You dance around all human and noble and how can the stupid bastard resist that? He fucking CLAIMED you? Goddammit.” Cordelia didn’t say a word. Darla stalked to her and stood, face to face, almost nose to nose.

Her voice was a sibilant growl. “What is he going to think when he does find you…not so noble anymore? How much is he going to want the evil bitch who takes your place?”

Cordelia stared back. “Oh Darla. All this sisterhood and you still don’t get it. I’m already a bitch without being fangy. Turn me, and I’ll be your biggest nightmare ever. You’re Pollyanna now compared to what I’ll be. Do it.” Her voice was calm. “You’ll be sorry you ever came back from hell.”

Darla stared back and turned abruptly to the door, pausing just before slamming it shut again. “Maybe I’m playing this game wrong. Maybe he won’t find you undead. Maybe I’ll just stop at dead.” And she walked out, slamming the door behind her, and locking it again.

Cordelia felt her body go boneless with relief. She sank to the floor, clutching her stomach, as it churned at the massive rush of emotion that poured through her body. Oh god, Angel. She closed her eyes and bent over, double. Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.


Angel and Gunn sped through the sewers, pausing every once in a while for Angel to take in the scents. Gunn watched him, silent. They moved further down the tunnels and Angel paused again.

“Freakin’ Darla. You do live on the wild side, man. I mean, how did you ever think that would slip past Cordy? Nostradomus, the Amazing Kreskin, and Cordy. Think about it. She’s got, like, a 6th, 7th, and 8th sense. And I’m not talking about the seer thing.

“I didn’t think.” Angel answered absently, concentrating. “I was stupid. I thought…” he leaned towards the wall and swiped his fingers over a small wet dark streak. Bringing his fingers to his lips he licked and straightened up. “They were here.” He looked around and sniffed.

“This way.” And he took off, Gunn hot on his heels. Gunn felt cold fear grip him as he followed. Oh god. It was Cordy’s blood.

They ran through the sewers quickly, Angel feeling a curious heat surging through his body as he ran….feeling a pull at him….hurry….hurry….hurry….seemed to echo in his head lightly. More a feeling of urgency than actual words. It beat in his head over and over….acrid fear.

They ran past a door, hidden in a recess. Angel stopped and backtracked, Gunn moving out of his way. Angel leaned in to the door and sniffed once before pulling back and kicking the door in easily. They hurried into what appeared to be an old cellar, small and dark.

Gunn pulled out a small penlight and flashed it around in a dim arc. Angel motioned to a set of stairs. “Up here.” And they climbed, kicking open the closed door at the top of the stairs.

They entered a grey hallway, crumbling plaster and moldy exposed sheetrock. Gunn looked around, grimacing, as Angel began to stride down the hallway, his sword ready in his hand.

Hurry….hurry…..hurry…….Angel’s body seemed to throb. Desperate and afraid. Cordy was frightened. He could feel it. He could smell it. It was….closer. It was closer now. He sped around the corner and began to stalk down another hallway. Her scent called to him….begging…..strong…thick…


Cordelia knelt, clutching her stomach tightly, trying to think. Think. Think. Angel. Hurry. Hurry. And then she felt it. It was….frantic. And hot. It was hot, fearful intent. Cordelia. Her name was almost a whisper. Cordelia. Hurry. Hang on. Hurry.

She rose to her knees and looked around. He was here. She couldn’t hear him, or see him, but he was……somewhere near. Oh thank god. Hurry. Hurry.

She scrambled up to her feet as pounding footsteps sounded in the hallway. She took in a deep breath. It was ok. He was here.


She was here. Angel sped by doors, kicking them open.

“Cordelia?” His voice was rough. “Cordy? I’m here. Answer me!” All of a sudden, he was taken with her scent…strong and thick. He looked at the door on his right and kicked it open. Charging into the room with Gunn on his heels, he stopped, confused. The room was empty.

“Hey.” Gun stepped past him and leaned over to pick up a torn piece of clothing. “Isn’t this Cordy’s jacket?”

Both men looked down at the torn garment, drying blood staining one sleeve.

Black jagged anger took Angel’s mind. It was a trick. He had been led here. But not to her.


The door smashed open and Darla strolled in, cool amusement back in her face as she leaned over and grabbed Cordelia’s arm.

“C’mon, girlfriend. Your boyfriend’s here. Let’s go give him something to see.”

Part 6

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