Who Said You Only Live Once? 26-29

Part 26


The young brunette looked up from the bundle of clothes in her arms. “Hi. You’re back.”

“Where’s everyone?”

“Methos is upstairs reading, Gabby is upstairs pouting thank goodness, not the necessarily the pouting part but she is upstairs, not in the lobby that’s a plus. Duncan, Angel and Cordelia are down in the basement training.”

“Oh, Angel is in a small room with Duncan with sharp weapons?”

“Sure, I imagine they both have their swords, Cordy had hers- they’re training.”

Gunn looked towards the basement door. “Does this make you twitchy? Angel, Duncan, swords, it makes me twitchy.”

Wesley nodded. He started to speak but was distracted by the dresses Fred was lying out on the lobby sofa. “Fred? Are you moving?”

“Of course not.” She smiled. “Cordy said she’d help me pick out what to wear tonight. We’re all going to out tonight, even Gabby.” Fred rolled her eyes for a moment.

“We are?”

Fred nodded. “To celebrate Angel’s homecoming. We’re going to Caritas.”

“Whose idea was this? Yours?”

“Oh, no.” Fred bit her lips. “Honestly, I’m not sure. Duncan, Cordelia, Angel and Gabby were talking about it first.”

“How odd.”

“What that we’re going out?”

“No. That the four of them would all be in the same room together discussing party plans. Why is Gabby pouting?”

“Who cares?” Fred waved the question away. “Did the information I found help?”

“Yeah, ghost gone with a minimum fuss.”

“Great. Where’re you going?”

“I just think I should head to the basement see how the training is going.” Wesley headed to the basement.

“You mean see if Angel has speared Duncan yet,” Gunn mumbled following.

“He wouldn’t.”

“Uh, uh, that’s why we’re both going down to make sure, right? Haven’t gotten the warm and fuzzy vibes from the vamp towards Mac, can’t tell me you have.”

Wesley shrugged going into the basement.


“Cordy?” Wesley stood next to the young woman.

She looked up. “Another wasted attempt at training.” She nodded to the Immortal and vampire engaged in a sword battle. “One minute, Angel’s showing me a move, then Duncan corrected it, then Angel growled, Duncan repeated his instruction, next thing,” she held out her hand to the obvious result.

“How’d the case go, Dennis or Mommy Dearest?”

“Definitely evil and definitely gone.”

“Good.” Cordelia narrowed her eyes back towards the fighters.

“Who’s winning? No low blows or anything, I hope” Gunn nodded in Angel and Duncan’s direction.

“Can’t really tell. One minute Angel’s got the advantage, then Duncan, then back to Angel and so forth. It’s been like this forever.” Cordelia shrugged. “I guess I’m learning something, though I’m not sure what. I think Angel might be holding back though, I’ve seen him move faster.”

“Well, there’s no reason for Angel to exert his full strength, it’s just a practice fight.” Wesley said hopefully.

Duncan pushed in harder using a complicated swing to get under Angel’s blade. The Immortal was disgustedly impressed. He had hoped that the vampire wasn’t so good. He had wanted to convince Cordelia that the vampire wasn’t skilled enough to teach her.

Angel had no illusions that the Immortal would be a challenge; he just had hoped he wouldn’t be as much as one. Angel wanted to show Cordelia that he could beat the Immortal without resorting to his vamp abilities. But, it looked like that wasn’t in the cards. Well, Angel refused to lose. Angel sped up, slamming his sword with full force countering Duncan’s artful swing.

Duncan staggered a bit as Angel’s blow pounded against his weapon causing the blade to vibrate. The Immortal quickly regained his balance and danced his feet into a more secure stance as he fought off Angel’s increase in speed and strength.

“Looks like the vamp is letting loose.” Gunn commented.

Cordelia frowned. “He shouldn’t use the vamp stuff it’s not fair.”

“Fighting for survival is not a fair game, Cordelia.”

“Who’s fighting for survival, this is just practice, just like you said.”

“I’d say Mac is beginning to fight for his.” Gunn shook his head. “English, are you getting worried.”

“A little. Angel.” Wesley called trying to stop the fight.

Cordelia glanced from Gunn and Wesley. “Worried? You don’t think Angel would actually hurt Duncan do you.”

“Angel,” Wesley called louder. Damn the vampire was ignoring him.

Duncan was starting to get concerned. He was managing to counter all of the vampire’s moves but he didn’t know for how long. The vampire wasn’t weakening or slowing down; in fact, he was just getting more aggressive. Duncan again tried to combat Angel’s strengths with his more masterful techniques.

Not working. Duncan twirled placing a high kick into the vampire’s chest, knocking Angel back, attempting to gain a moment to regroup and rethink his strategy.

Angel was back in the fight in an instant. He arches getting wider and stronger. Angel pushed down Duncan’s leg as it came up for another kick. Duncan dodged and struck out with his fist.

Angel fell a little with the punch, only to steady his stance for an even more aggressive attack.

Duncan barely saw the blade searching for his neck, the steel a blur in its swiftness. He thrust up his arm, not having time to meet the steel with his sword. The Immortal winced and staggered back as Angel’s blade made a deep gouge in his flesh almost severing the his arm.

“ANGEL,” Cordelia ran to the fight her sword immediately in the air, blocking Angel’s next swing towards Duncan.

Cordelia was knocked to the floor her blade crashing to the ground.

“Angel. Angel.” Gunn and Wesley yelled running up.

“What the hell are you doing?” Cordelia dragged her shaky body up between Angel and Duncan.

“Cordy?” Angel suddenly dropped his sword. “Are you okay?” He reached for her arm to help steady her.

Cordelia angrily knocked away his hand. “I asked you a question…OH, nevermind. Stupid.” She turned quickly to Duncan helping him up. “Mac?” She rushed to examine his wound.

“He’ll heal.” Angel studying the ground as his sword knocked at the cement.

“It still hurts, you dumb ass.” She yelled over her shoulder. “Wes, towel.”

She caught the material, wiping at the blood. “Duncan, are you all right?” She studied the injury. It was starting to close but the injury had been deep. Cordelia swore she saw the whiteness of bone.

Duncan winced again and slowly nodded, bringing the towel tightly around his arm. “I’ll be fine.”

“I know but…”

“Cordy, I’m okay.” He said lowly.

Cordelia swirled around to face Angel. “You could’ve killed him. What were you thinking?”

“He still has his head.” Angel grumbled again.

Cordelia glared too mad to respond. She ignored the vampire and put her arm around the Highlander. “Come on, Duncan, you should lie down, you’ve lost a lot blood. You should rest.”


“Mac, rest won’t hurt. It will speed things up. Come on.” She said gently leading him up the stairs.

“Just what were you thinking?” Wesley asked the vampire.

“I…he’ll be fine.” Angel yanked a rag over his sword, wiping off the Immortal’s blood.

“That last blow was to his neck, Angel.”

“It wasn’t even close.”

“If he hadn’t blocked it with his arm, his head would be on the ground.”

“He just got sloppy, I wasn’t trying to kill him.” Angel refused to meet Wesley’s eyes.

“You better hope Barbie saw it the same way or your butt will be sitting in the sun going up like a torch.” Gunn shook his head.

“I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

“Gunn’s right, I do hope Cordelia sees it that way. I’m not sure though that Duncan will.”

“Afraid he’s going to kill me too?” This time Angel did look at his friend.

“Don’t underestimate him, Angel. I’ve fought at his side for over three months now. He’s very good.”

“I beat him.”

“Yes, well, I don’t imagine he thought you would actually try to kill him, especially in front of Cordelia.” Wesley shook his head and left the basement.

“Man, that wasn’t smart. Even if Cordy does believe that you didn’t mean it, she’s pissed. Great job of impressing the little woman with a big ass sword and the know how to use it.” Gunn followed Wesley out.

Angel growled, his arm gathering all the materials on the workbench, smashing them to the floor. He sat on the low bench near by, his head falling in his hands. He really fucked that up.

Part 27

Methos stood in the hallway watching as Cordelia and Duncan approached. The pretty young immortal switching from sweet concern for Duncan and the violent flaming of Angel’s character and vampires in general, completely ignoring Methos‘ presence.

Methos shook his head; he could have easily lived another 1000 years without seeing Duncan cuddled in Cordelia’s arms, his arm wrapped in a blood soaked towel, and the pathetic helpless pained look on his handsome face. From the amount of blood, it had to have hurt like hell, but Methos knew for a fact that Duncan had suffered worse and despite his injured expression, Duncan’s pain was less if not gone by now. Hell, all he needed was an aspirin and ten minutes, if that.

But it seemed that Cordelia had forgotten and Duncan had just decided not to remember that he was perfectly fine, willing to let Cordelia baby him.

Methos was having a hard time believing Duncan MacLeod, a man who could pretty much gain the undivided attention of any woman he wanted during any age, was resorting to such obvious tactics.

“I’m assuming that Angel’s not dust.” Methos commented dryly.

Cordelia flashed around. “Give me a minute. That damn bully stupid bossy idiot.”

“Cordy,” Duncan said weakly.

Oh. That was beautiful. Methos rolled his eyes. “Cordelia, you do realize that Mac’s fine, little bloody but fine.”

Duncan glared at his friend.

“Sure, he’s pretty much healed. But it hurt and he lost a lot of blood. And it shouldn’t have happened, stupid vampire. I’m going to kill him. Come on, Duncan you need to lie down.”

“Thank you, Cordy, but I’m okay and I‘m sure that Angel didn‘t mean anything. He just got a little carried away.” Duncan said nobly.

Cordelia laid a gentle hand on Duncan’s face. “That’s sweet of you, but he could’ve killed you with his…what was he thinking, damn him.”

Methos decided that he wasn’t going there. Angel and Cordy’s relationship wasn’t his business, though he did have opinions on the subject, but stating them would mean he was getting involved in the melodrama that descended the Hotel since the vampire returned and he really didn’t want to do that. But, he couldn’t help but shake his head at Duncan’s performance. “Cordy, I seemed to remember you purposely getting yourself injured just to beat Angel.”

“That was different.” She glared.

“I can see that, this time it didn’t seem to work.”

“This wasn’t Duncan’s fault.” Cordelia defended righteously. “It’s all the fault of that damn, stupid bully.”

“Right.” Methos smiled with a sardonic snort. “Cordy, how about I take it from here. I’ll make sure that the helpless, sweet, healed, Immortal gets all better.” Methos deadpanned.

“Hmmph. Weren’t on your way somewhere? Come on, Duncan.” Cordelia led Duncan past Methos towards his room.

Methos shook his head. Just wonderful. When things were just starting to look really bad they just got worse. He should’ve stayed in London.

Part 28

“Fred, I don’t think we’ll be going to Caritas tonight.” Wesley said apologetically.

Fred was still in a little bit of shock. She wasn’t sure if it was from the sight of Duncan’s arm all bloody, the fact that Angel caused the bloodiness, or the mean words Cordy used threatening the life, limb, and testicles of the vampire. Fred blinked. If she had to choose, she’d have to go with Cordy’s language and threats. She never heard Cordelia so mad and loud…and descriptive.

“I can’t believe that Angel actually did it on purpose. I’m sure Cordy’s wrong.” Fred bit her lip. “She wouldn’t really do that, you know that thing she said, to his you know, you know.” She glanced nervously back and forth between Gunn and Wesley.

Both men gave an involuntary winced look at their crotches and shivered.

“I’m SO glad I’m not the vamp right now.” Gunn shook away the vicarious image of irreparable damage afflicted on his scrotum.

“Where’s Cordelia?” Angel came up from the basement.

“Tending to your wounded.” Wesley’s cough signaled displeasure and warning.

“He doesn’t need tending, he’s an Immortal.”

“Angel, I would suggest trying a different line of reasoning when Cordy deems to speak to you again.” Wesley instructed.

“I wasn’t trying to kill him.” Angel shuffled his feet.

“It ain’t us you needed to be worryin’ about. Worry about your family jewels.” Gunn shivered again.

“She’s really mad, isn’t she?” Angel shifted from foot to foot.

“That would be a very fair assessment of the situation.” Wesley agreed.

“Maybe you could apologize.” Fred said hopefully.

“I…” Angel took a breath and sighed. “I‘ll apologize to her.”

“Angel, I should think an apology to Duncan would be more appreciated.”

Angel glared up. He didn’t want to apologize to the Immortal. He wanted him…. Christ, it was his desire for MacLeod’s head to be rolling around on the ground that got him in this mess in the first place.

Fuck. Angel really did love Cordelia but he wouldn’t be able to tell her and have her actually listen, if he didn’t come to some sort of détente with MacLeod. Angel reluctantly nodded, wondering if there was anything he wouldn’t do for that woman.

Part 29

Methos’ eyes followed the vampire as he stalked past him. Methos shrugged; it didn’t look like he was carrying any weapons, but then again there was that ripping off of the heads thing vampires could do. Methos shrugged again. He had confidence that Cordelia could prevent any further demonstration of male testosterone.

Angel spared a long hard glance at Methos. The Immortal held the vampire’s gaze and gave an innocuous smile in return.

The Immortal was Death, Death as in one of the riders of the Four Horsemen. He had been a ravager of villages and families, one who kept slaves for his own amusement. Methos had been evil by choice and now they were supposed to believe he wasn’t. It’s not like Methos suddenly got a soul and a mission. There was no great burden of guilt in his eyes.

Angel wanted him gone. Angel didn’t want Methos near Cordy or his family. He could still be evil. It’s not like evil disappeared overnight. Angel frowned and looked back at the Immortal still standing on the bottom step. Except it wasn’t overnight, it was 5000 years. Still, what did the old Immortal do with all the guilt? Angel shook his head. First things first. Angel’s priority was making up with Cordelia and dealing with MacLeod.

Methos sighed and moved into the center of the lobby once Angel disappeared up the staircase. “What did I do to him? I’m not the one Cordelia is doing her Florence Nightingale routine on.”

Wesley looked up at Methos. “Excuse me? Angel didn’t say anything to you.”

“Ever hear the saying ‘actions speak louder than words’, well a murderous glare from a vampire practically shouts at you- Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.”

“I wouldn’t have taken you for a “Lost in Space’ fan.” Gunn chuckled.

“While most of the flower power generation spent their time on love ins and drugs, I became a slave to the TV. Did that, done the other in the 1800’s with Byron.”

“Lord Byron?”

“Yeah, he was creative genius, but Duncan had to kill him a few years ago.”

“Byron was an Immortal?” Wesley asked.

“And here I thought you had been studying the chronicles that Joe sent.”

“There are thousands and the living Immortals are my immediate concern, they are the ones that can pose a threat to Cordelia.”

“You did read the Councils’ motto didn’t you, ‘No Interference’.”

“Knowledge isn’t interference, it’s necessary for Cordelia’s safety.” Wesley said firmly.

Methos inwardly groaned. Duncan needed to realize that if he wanted to be Cordelia’s protector he had others in line in front of him, none of which showed any signs of budging.

“Don’t know about wanting to kill you,” Gunn interrupted bringing the subject back, “but if I was you I wouldn’t be raising swords with Angel.” Gunn flopped on the couch, scooting quickly at Fred’s squeak of alarm and wild gestures to her few dresses.

“Sorry, girl.” Gunn patted at the soft material. “No harm.”

Fred bent down to straighten out the wrinkles. Cordy had picked those out for her and said that they looked pretty. She wanted Cordy to choose the best for tonight. Fred sighed as she looked longingly at the clothes. She guessed it wouldn’t be tonight though. She had been actually getting excited rather than scared at the idea of a night out. Oh well.

“I wasn’t planning on it. I avoid injury and death when at all possible. Duncan can stick to the heroics and saving of the not to be saved damsels. I’m just company. Which doesn’t explain why the vamp wants my head.”

“Methos, you’re over-acting, Angel doesn’t want…”

“Sorry, when self-preservation is at issue, I tend to think over-acting is preferable than death.”

“Angel isn’t…”

Methos halted Wesley’s statement. “I think today may have shown the vampire that killing Duncan wouldn’t be in his best interest. Unless, he’s as stupid as Cordelia has been grumbling and yelling.”

“Angel isn’t stupid.” Fred shot up from the floral material she had been fondling.

“That’s what I’m counting on.” Methos glanced at the book in his hand. He was already disinterested in the conversation. He studied the book turning it over in his hands. If he made his request there could be hell to pay, hell from Duncan and from the vampire.

There was a reason Methos never wanted to get involved. Yet, if the kernel of suspicion that he had been forming was in the least bit true then the possible danger reached beyond these strangers, which made it his concern.

“Wesley, have you translated this.” Methos held up the book. Regardless of his instinct to avoid conflict, his instincts also begged for confirmation or the negation to his burgeoning worry.

Wesley cocked his head at the Immortal, holding his glasses in front of him. “I glanced at it, but haven’t had the opportunity to fully explore the text.” Wesley held off mentioning that even if he had the opportunity in between legitimate work and reading the massive material regarding Immortals he had received once he became Cordelia’s watcher it would’ve been impossible, as Methos had confiscated the book for his own personal perusal.

What was it with these Immortal’s they move right in and take over. Wesley bit back the thought. He was beginning to sound like Angel. The Immortals had been nothing but helpful even Methos with his reluctant attitude jumped in when an extra sword was needed to fight the visions.

Yet, Wesley couldn’t help but empathize with Angel’s anger. While, Angel had been gone it was easy to accept their presence and be grateful, but now, Angel was back and, no matter how helpful they had been they were no longer needed and were disruptive.

“Wesley.” Methos repeated.

“Excuse me, I’m sorry.” Wesley pushed his glasses up.

“I asked if you could translate this spell for me.”

Wesley blinked. “I thought you would’ve translated all of it by now.” Did he sound testy? Wesley didn’t want to sound testy, that would be akin to adopting Angel’s defensive and jealous attitude towards the Immortals. Wesley appreciated their contributions. He, just also, empathized with Angel.

“I know the language. I know a lot of languages, but spells I’ve avoided. Magic is not really my thing. I may have missed something. Been literal when I shouldn’t have and vice versa.”

Wesley took the book, glancing at the spell. “And it is important because.”

“Please, just do it. We’ll compare notes when you’re done.” Methos didn’t want to take the chance of influencing Wesley’s interpretation of the spell by telling him his own concerns. Methos respected Wesley’s intelligence and talents and wanted to hear his thoughts untainted by outside theories.

Wesley took a longer look at the spell. The cadence of the old language was an unfamiliar pattern to most known spells. Wesley’s interest was piqued, especially in light of Methos’ interest. The arguably oldest Immortal in existence was immensely knowledgeable as well as intelligent.

If Methos had been studying it for the last few months and was unsure of the spell’s meaning and concerned maybe Wesley should also be concerned.

“Yes, well it does seem that tonight’s plans have fallen to the wayside.” He nodded.

Fred sighed at the additional confirmation that the party was cancelled.

Part 30

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