Vamp SmackDown. 6-7

Chapter 6

“Hey, I wonder who that is?” Cordelia peered around Angel trying to see the couple who got out of the white limo. “Hurry up,” she moved past the vampire. “Darn.” She paused and waited for Angel. “Missed them. But, they must have been somebody; they got their picture taken. Come on, maybe we can see some stars inside.”


“It’s a premier, stupid. There’s always stars at premiers.” Cordelia scrunched her face up. She had made Angel wait outside the theatre, hopeful that she would catch a glimpse of one.

But, the star power had been sadly lacking. Sure, plenty of beautiful people dressed up, but nobody she had ever seen in ‘People’. Maybe inside.

Angel growled as looked at the crowd gathered around the theater’s entrance and the large bright Marquis overhead. Never, ever had he thought that he would willingly sit through a showing of Dracula. The only thing that could be possibly worse would if Angel had to see the insufferable vampire rather than just an actor playing him on the big screen.

Cordelia hooked her elbow in Angel’s. “Oh, stop pouting and growling would you. You can sleep through the movie; I guess it’s only fair since I did sleep through the ballet, well during the dancing part. But no drooling on my dress.”

Cordelia paused then added. “At any time. But once the party starts, I expect you to party.”

“I don’t party.” Grumbling. He hadn’t drooled on her dress, it hadn’t been on Cordelia long enough, his lips only touched skin and he hadn’t been drooling just tasting and kissing. Angel growled. Angel had told Cordelia the truth when he said he wanted to forget the possession encounter, but not because as she indignantly accused because he thought it had been gross. It had been definitely not gross.

“Oh, why did you come, if you were just going to be a big fat ‘grr’ stick in the mud?”

“What’s with you always calling me fat, am I fat?”


“You called me a big fat hero when Fred’s parents visited. Fat, why?”

“Angel, please, you’re hot and you know it.” Cordelia shook her head moving forward her arm starting to leave his.

Angel caught her retreating hand. “You think I’m hot? Hotter than Groo? Ruff, worthy?” Remembering the cross between a growl and a bark that the young woman had used to describe Groo’s physical attraction. Angel hadn’t seen it. All he seen was bad hair and big teeth.

Cordelia stopped and turned to stare at the vampire, really stare at him. Was Angel hotter than Groo? Was she supposed to seriously answer that loaded question?

Groo had been hot in larger than life sort of way. Angel was just plain old mouth watering, stomach churning, skin burning sexy, with the most incredible mouth and hands. Cordelia felt her stomach drop. She couldn’t go there. Cordelia had to stop remembering his hands all over her bare skin. They weren’t Angel’s hands.

Okay they were but not operating under Angel’s direction, just like hers hadn’t been. Then why did her skin and hands still tingle at the memory? Cordelia shook her head. Angel had said he wanted to forget, adamantly and she wanted to forget the encounter, also. So why couldn’t she?

“Geez, what’s with you? Is it Dracula that’s making you so dorky? What, did he beat out Angelus in the stalking and killing arena? You couldn’t get compete with his erotic hypnosis. He drive more virgins crazy or something?”

Cordelia stepped back as Angel’s befuddled insecure expression turned into one of cold anger. Cordelia knew then that her babbling had gone to far. What was with her lately? She had Angelus on the brain. Cordelia knew that it made Angel uncomfortable, but she kept doing it.

And now she made him very mad. “Angel, I’m….”

The vampire stalked past her heading into the theater. She ran after him or the best she could in her 3inch sandals. Well, Cordelia was just grateful that he hadn’t left and gone home. She wouldn’t have blamed him. Her statement had been unnecessary, thoughtless and just possibly cruel.

Cordelia knew what the memory of the things Angelus did to the now souled vampire. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?

“Angel.” Cordelia bumped into his back. Angel suddenly had come to a complete stop in the lobby of the theater.

Angel’s hand immediately caught her from falling back and pulled her to his side. Angel ignored Cordelia’s attempts at apologizing for her statement or running into him.

He glanced around at his surroundings. Angel had seen this before. London 1896. The Commodore Theater, right down to the well dressed beautiful people milling around. The renovators had taken more than just the old English theater’s name. The interior was done up exactly like it’s namesake.

Which wouldn’t be disturbing except that particular theater had been frequented by Dracula’s circle of admirers prior to them giving elaborate decadent parties where there was always plenty of entertainment and refreshments in the form of unsuspecting humans. Angelus, Darla, Spike and Drusilla had gone. Darla and Drusilla had been admirers of the Count, Angelus and Spike just went for the food and games.

“Cordy, I’ve seen this before.”

Cordelia stopped her repeated apologizes in mid mumble. Angel’s statement was reminiscent of the one he made at the Ballet, before everything went to hell and a hand basket and she lost her dress for a brief tantalizing time.

“No, Angel. I checked. There was nothing in this place’s history, no supernatural weirdness, no dead tormented lovers, no nothing. It was just an abandoned theater. Boring, even, no scared in love/lust prima donna’s- just bad plays and B- movies before it went bust.”

Angel stared. It could just be a coincidence. The Commodore had been a very stylish theater. Not unusual that someone would want to copy it. Angel nodded. But he didn’t let go of Cordelia’s arm as he led her to the usher at the inner door.


Angel and Cordelia headed up the stairs to the private rooms. The usher had taken one look at their tickets and pointed to the VIP section. The contestant winners were to be entertained with food and drink during the course of the movie.

“Now, maybe we’ll get to see some stars” Cordelia smiled to Angel.

“Yeah.” Angel grumbled. Angel really didn’t want to be there nor did he care if he saw any stars. And he sure in hell didn’t want to go up the stairs. It was getting way too much like the past. Upstairs in the private rooms was where Dracula had held court in the old ‘Commodore’.

“Grouch.” She smiled wider, forcing Angel to return a slight one. Cordelia was relieved. Angel didn’t seem to be mad anymore, just grumpy about being there. That was okay, though. Cordelia would make sure he had fun by the end of the night.

“Tickets.” The man at the top of the stairs said automatically not looking at the couple. Suddenly he looked up and stared at Angel. “Invitation, sir.”

Chapter 7

“Can I help you?” Fred got up to face the blonde man that entered the hotel’s lobby. Wesley was in his office and Gunn was in the basement doing routine weapons maintenance.

“Do you need help? Possibly someone is missing or a demon is terrorizing you? We do that here, help I mean, not terrorizing” Fred stopped her babbling and stared. The man had really blonde hair.

“Damn straight, there’s a pint size lethal blonde bit with a touch of oddness terrorizing me, but no, love, you can’t help with that. Who are you? I thought the cheerleader was playing house with the poof. And not a bad house, either.” Spike took another drag off his cigarette and looked around. “So, where’s Peaches?”

Fred kept staring. Cheerleader? Poof? Peaches? She needed Wesley. The man had an English accent. Not that it was anything like Wesley’s, but Wesley was really good at languages. “Wesley.” She called over her shoulder then turned back to Spike.

“Um, can you please that put out,” Pointing to the burning cigarette. “No smoking, cuz of Connor, well, no one here smokes. It’s bad for you, can kill you. Not that Angel worries but he just doesn’t smoke. Not on the floor.” Fred’s eyes got big as Spike stubbed the butt out with his boot.

“So, I’m in the right place, where’s Peaches?”

Fred pushed at her glasses again. Peaches, again. What? Did they look like a fruit stand? Where was Wesley?

Wesley came out of his office, studying the man that just spoke, scrutinizing the almost white blonde hair, the black leather long duster over a red t-shirt, hearing his accent and last words. “Fred,” Wesley pulled the young woman further back.

“Fred, go get Gunn, please. Have him bring up the biggest axe or stake he can.”

“Do I know you?” Spike said at Wesley’s obvious protective motion. “Wait, the disapproving stiff upper British lip, the clear eyes peering through book worm specs and of course the requisite book clutched to your breast as if it were a tasty bit of skirt. You the Watcher’s by-blow from an indiscretion between the sheets? Didn’t think the wanker had it in him.”

“No, Spike, but Rupert Giles and I were colleagues for a time in Sunnydale.”

“You’ve heard of me, I’m flattered.”

“Don’t be, I believe I was first made aware of your existence when given a list of the top five vampires to kill on sight and described you as a hold out from the punk period.”

“I’ll have you know that I only hung with Sid and Nancy for a bit and got nothing pierced. I like my look, it screams confidence, danger and sex.”

“Or in Cordelia’s words a blind hair stylist.”

“How’d I miss your bright wit in good ole Sunnyhell?”

“You had run away after your failed attempt to aid the Master in bringing forth the anointed one and other various attempts to kill the slayer. I left before your return as the spurned lover bent on revenge.”

“See what you know, the annoying one got there without my help, I just quickened the brat’s journey to dust. I’m a vampire, blondie the slayer, what’d you expect? And Dru wounded me. “ Spike paused, thinking.

“Hey, you’re the wimp watcher that let his slayer go psycho.” Spike said in sudden realization. “How’d you end up with Peaches? Still not sure how the cheerleader did. She was mouthy, but what a body, thought she had better sense…and taste. Then again, seemed to remember her fiddling with moron boy a lot in dark places. What, you taking the Irish demon’s place or something. Heard he got fried.”

“Spike, why are you here?” Wesley ignoring the vampire’s comments and questions.

“Hey, keep your weapons in your holster. If you know who I am, then you know I’m family. I’m here to see Granddad, where is he?”

“If I remember the account accurately, the last time you came to visit Angel you tortured him. And honestly, I’m very tired of Angel’s old family coming to visit; the visits never turn out pleasant. Fred, please go.”

Fred still wasn’t sure what was going on but the blonde just said he was a vampire and part of Angel’s old family. She had read about Spike. And appearances by Angel’s vampire family had never been a sign of good times ahead.

She got that from the files and from her brief association with Darla. Fred hurried to the basement. She looked back once. “Um, Wesley.”


Fred headed back towards the door. Fred considered the situation. Wesley seemed to be wary but not preparing for immediate trouble. Still, she better hurry, she didn’t want to leave Wesley alone with the vampire. Wesley really was just too brave sometimes.

“Dru mentioned that Darla was back from dust, crooning about her baby. Wouldn’t have believed it but it seems that death isn’t as permanent as it was once thought to be. Slayers, vampires no one stays dead anymore. Waste of time killing them. “

“Darla’s dust again. Has Drusilla also joined you in this plea to reconnect with Angel?”

“The dark princess came and went, the love was gone. Just a bit of fun and games, before the torture and threats.”

“But not dust?”

“Hell mate, she’s my dark princess -or was. Just couldn’t have her killing the slayer, now could I?”

“So, it’s true. You’ve been helping Buffy.”

“Not that she would admit it. Selfish tease.”

“Hey man, what’s up? Who’s the vamp? Can we kill him?”” Gunn came up the stairs with a large axe. Fred followed with a bunch of stakes in her hands.

Wesley was saved from trying to interpret Spike’s last comment about Buffy. Which he was grateful for, Wesley felt it better not to travel down that road, god only knew where it led.

“Spike, aka William the Bloody, grandchilde of Angelus, by way of Drusilla. They’re not close. Again, Spike why do you want to see Angel?”

“Can’t a bloke come visit his family?”

“Considering every member of Angel’s so called family has tried to kill him or us at differing points of time. No.” Wesely crossed his arms.

“Hey, when did you get balls? The stories I heard said you would scream like a girl when confronted with a vampire.” Spike showed his game face.

“I’ve also heard about the chip. The communication between Sunnydale and LA has been neglectful on some things, but not on others.”

“Sure, that news gets around. Bloody embarrassing. Look, Buffy’s driving me nuts, it was leave or kill her. I heard about this party in LA, thinking about crashing, thought I’d stop by.”

Fred looked over to Gunn. “How come he can say her name? The dead/alive again girlfriend? Not Darla. I don’t think she can be considered Angel’s girl friend. Nope, just don’t. The other one.”

“Got to agree with that one, love. Darla and Angelus were never boyfriend and girlfriend, not ones for the more delicate emotions. Just lots of sex, blood and death.”

“Angel’s not here, so no reason for you to be.” Wesley paused in the wiping of his glasses. “This party, the party you heard about-What kind of party is it? Is it one that we should be concerned with, the type that humans end up dead at?”

Spike shrugged. “Yeah, sure. I know, boring for me as I can’t hurt humans, but what the hell, they usually have great blood wine and a good bit of entertainment to watch.”

“Where’s this party?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “I ain’t going. Don’t really care for the host.”

“I don’t care.”

“Oh, the humans. Sure, why not? Like I said never got on with the Count. Though, Granddad had even bigger problems with him. That’s another reason I’m here, to tell Peaches that Drac is in his town. See, I’m not such a bad bloke. He’ll appreciate the warning.”

“Count Dracula?”

“That’s what I said. Whoa, back up.” Spike moved as the humans approached.

“This party when and where?” Wesley said urgently.

“Tonight, at an old theater made up like the original in London. Dracula always had his parties there. It’s his birthday; the party is being thrown by his youngest childe to go along with the new movie. It’s sickens me how that charlatan’s ego keeps getting stroked year after year, its not like Drac wasn’t an arrogant bastard before that damn book. Have you read it? Bats, mind and other parlor tricks, disgusting.”

“That’s where Angel and Cordelia are.” Fred said nervously.

“The Poof got an invitation? Son of a Bitch! Dracula couldn’t stand Angelus. How come I didn’t get one, Peaches got a soul that’s worse than the chip. Who wants too party with that?”

“I thought you said you had an invitation?” Wesley asked.

“Not mine. Damn, I was always more fun than Angelus. He always wanted to cause trouble. Me, I was a good party guest.”

“You heard about this party in Sunnydale?”

“Invitation came for the Master. Willy gave it to me, since I was sort of family, in that great, great grand childe way. The Master being Darla’s sire and all.”

“The Master has been dead for years.”

“Yeah, the Count’s crowd doesn’t cross the water much or pay attention to the changing times or gossip not involving their crowd. Sort of inbred. Snooty, high flying. Didn’t really like the Master cuz he wasn’t ‘beautiful’ but he was old, older than Drac, so they gave him respect. That was the problem with Angelus and Drac, Angelus didn’t give a flying frig about Drac’s advanced years. Obviously, Drac didn’t bother to check things out when he came to Sunnydale. I sure didn’t see him, would’ve got my money back if I had. I didn’t know until he left. He came quietly and left just has quietly, but that was probably only cuz he wanted the slayer to think she killed him.”

“Buffy fought Dracula?”

“Yeah, finally after he did his mind mojo on her, the beginning of the end for her and soldier boy. Not that I wasn’t sorry to see him go.”

Wesley wanted to ask how a vampire was able to enthrall a slayer. The Council had always thought it was impossible. Angel may have denied that most vampires could manipulate human’s conscious, but Wesley had read enough to know they could if they developed and desired the talent.

Though, admittedly that talent only seemed to be attributed to vampires of a certain age and power. Wesley shook away his questions, Angel and Cordelia were more important then his quest for more knowledge.

“Angel does not know that Count Dracula is in LA, much less at the theater. He would’ve told us and he would never have taken Cordelia to such a party as you’ve described.”

“Sure he isn’t reverting or just plain trying to be the ‘hero’, the friggin soul seems to do that to him.”

“Angel would never put Cordelia at risk.” Fred and Gunn nodded in confidently in agreement.

“He loves her.” Fred added.

“Fred.” Wesley shook his head.

“He does, it’s Kyerumption, that Groo person only set things back a little, I tell you. And she loves him, she’s just confused and….really blind. Do you think it’s the visions, they caused a lot of neutron damage, all that cold space in her brain before she got better, maybe that’s why she’s so dense. But the damage has been repaired and the visions don’t hurt, so now……”

“Fred, what I meant was be quiet about Cordelia and Angel’s relationship in front of unwanted guests.”

“The Cheerleader has visions? Not good, with her looks and the gift, she’s a goner if Dracula sees her.”

“What do you mean?” The humans turned on Spike. Then again Wesley decided that the answer wasn’t as important as figuring out what to do about it.

“Gunn, try Angel’s cell phone, if they don’t have it on, beep him. We have to let him now what he’s walking into. Fred, please pack….” Wesley turned to Spike. “Do you have any idea how many vampires we can expect?”

“Dracula likes to travel with an entourage when he socializes. Fifteen, Twenty, but the numbers won’t be your problem.”

Wesley just stared.

“He doesn’t keep young ones around him, there won’t be one under two hundred max, and probably not many of them. He likes aristocrats and they aren’t that many left in the world that he feels have class. And while they’re painfully uptight about they’re so called high flying status, they’re powerful worth two or three of your standard vamp in the street, so triple the number.”

“They still explode in dust, don’t they?” Gunn said roughly.

“Of course, but you have to get close to them and that ain’t easy for a human or for other vampires that don’t have their power. As Angelus, the Poof couldn’t beat Dracula. Dracula couldn’t kill him either, but Angelus didn’t win, he ran dragging us all to Romania, and that’s of course the start of our really dysfunctional family saga.”

“So, if Dracula sees Angel, he’ll kill him.” Wesley said.

Spike shrugged. “Probably not, not if Angel doesn’t go all soul boy on him and ruin his party. Hell, Dracula will probably even let him stay and enjoy if Angel remains respectful; problem is Angelus couldn’t do it and somehow I don’t think the Poof will either, especially if Drac get a gander at the Cheerleader. Long dark hair, long legs, a body to bite for and visions. He’ll have her for breakfast, play, lunch, play, dinner, play for a very long time.

It’s his type and he really likes humans. That’s what took Angelus and Drac’s dislike up a notch. It was before my time, but the way I heard it, Drac saw Dru first and wanted her for his new human pet, Angelus interfered. He knew that Dracula wanted her, but Angelus didn’t care in fact the way Darla told it, if Drac hadn’t had a hard on for Dru, Angelus would never have bothered with turning her. Don’t know about that. Dracula felt that Angelus should back down cause the count was the elder and marked her first. Angelus blew him off and proceeded to turn Dru in the most bloody and violent way. A sort of in your face thing.

“Cordy has short hair.” Fred said quickly. “Short and it’s not that dark. Damn, she got rid of the highlights, didn’t she? Well, still it’s short.”

“And the long legs and body….”

“Still there.” Wesley said. “Angel will not be polite. We have to go.”

“I’ll go.”

“What? Why?”

“I told you I came to talk to Peaches, if he gets himself dusted I can’t, can I? Also, can’t help thinking of the slayer’s face when I tell her that I saved the Poof and that he’s all gooey over the cheerleader. And then there is the fact that Drac owes me money. I’ll go up to the party, I’ve the master’s invite and the Baroness always had a soft spot for me, youngest childe to youngest childe thing, so she won’t kick me out. Poof and I will take care of the vamps, but the humans are your deal. We won’t be able to play both rescue hounds and fighters of truth justice and the white hat way.”

“Will humans be in the room or will they come later, sort of like after show treats.” Gunn said paging Angel again. He grabbed the hotel’s landline as soon as it rang.

“What? Is it Connor? Gunn, what is it?” Angel said hurriedly as Gunn picked up.

“No, the theater it’s a front…”

“Know about it. Get the weapons but before you barge in figure out a way to empty the theater of the humans. Oh, and I want you or Wesley up here, we’re in the private rooms upstairs, I want you to get Cordy the hell out of here, I can’t start anything until I know she’s out. Understood? Ow. Stop it.” Gunn didn’t get the impression that the last part had been directed to him.

“If you knew, why didn’t you call and… Ow what? And stop what?” Gunn said then looked at the phone. The sounds of two low voices one in a whine, one in complaint coming through the receiver, the volume increasing and decreasing as if the phone was being jerked around.

Finally, Angel was back. “I’ve been busy, did you see what she’s wearing tonight, no you didn’t, it’s like a red flag for every vamp in the room. Ow, Cordy stop it and give back the phone. Vampire hearing, stop. They’ll hear us, stop talking. Yes, it is, it’s the buttons, and blood red, what were you thinking? Now stop you’re supposed to be my love slave, now start acting like it and give me the phone. Ow. Give me the phone.” Angel’s voice and whine came clearly through the phone.

“Gunn, don’t worry about me, just get your asses here. The movie has started and Dracula said something about mid movie snacks. Bye. ” Cordelia said quickly as she hung up the phone.

Gunn looked from the dial tone to the questioning looks directed to him.

“They know, they seem to have it…Cordy’s supposed to be Angel’s love slave, what’s that about? A something about buttons, red flags and getting our asses there. And Angel was whining ‘ow’ alot.”

Spike broke out laughing at the others perplexed looks. “The Poof figured it out.”


“Love slave. He must have claimed the cheerleader as his property. Angelus wasn’t big on it, but Dracula’s all into tradition and etiquette, he won’t go after the chit at the party, not when another vampire has claimed her, even Angelus. It would be impolite. Dracula must be pissed with Angelus throwing his rules in his highbrow face. So, the cheerleader and Peaches are shagging now are they? That will make my discussion with him a little less violent.”

“They aren’t like that.”

“Really, the chit just let him bite her for the hell of it.”

“Bite her?”

“Sure, how else do you think that a vampire claims human property, chain and collar? Well, actually that is used as an added touch in some circles, but not the Count’s, he finds that to be a vulgar display, he’s actually quite the prude.”

“I’m dusting him.” Gunn said.

“Um, Charles, who?”

“All of them, starting with the blonde freak and ending with soul biting boy.”

“Gunn, calm down. Spike has a reputation as not being entirely truthful or helpful. How can we trust you?” Wesley asked.

Spike shrugged. “The Slayer does, when she’s not threatening to kill me or call me a dead evil monster.”

“I’m reassured.” Wesley rolled his eyes and looked at Gunn. “Anything else.” Gunn was fidgeting, but not making any more threatening statements or movements.

“Angel wants us to figure out a way to empty the theater of humans and one of us to get Cordelia out of there. Then he’ll do his vamp thing which he better not have done on Cordy.”

“Gunn, first things first, please.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Fred, Cordelia was looking up the theater on the computer earlier, can…”

“Here it is,” Fred said. She had already gone to her computer as soon as she realized what Wesley wanted. Fred smiled at Wesley’s thank you. She looked up to Gunn. She looked back to Wesley.

Fred and Gunn had started a tentative relationship ever since the night of the ballet. It was amazing. Gunn made her feel so special, always saying she was cute and pretty. And Gunn was so strong, brave, sweet, fun and so hot. She had learned that word from Cordy and it was appropriate. Fred was happy.

But sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if it had been Wesley that had kissed her at the ballet. She shook her head and smiled again at Gunn.

Wesley never had looked at her like Gunn had, never said that she was pretty, well he had that night, but in the same way he told Cordelia. Fred would catch him looking at her sometimes, but she never understood his look, almost reverent, like she was some rare mystical find, but that didn’t make sense or was it true.

She was just Fred, the babbling refugee from Plyea. Gunn made her laugh. Wesley made her nervous, like he expected her or wanted her to be answer to something.

But she could never figure out the question.

Chapter 8

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